Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Tonight I'm starting my medication. It'll be interesting to see how my body reacts to it. Tomorrow I'm getting my eyebrows waxed which is needed ASAP!!!

What's everyone else doing this weekend?
How's everyone's weekend going? Mine was good. I'm not having a lot of side effects from the medication but I am sleeping better and not waking up as much. I am feeling more tired after taking it before going to bed which is one of the side effects.
Radiance- sounds like a good plan to take several different classes to see what you like best. Good luck!!

Krissie and Symphony- congratulations on your graduations!!

Krissie- I think that the older they get the more fun they become. It is amazing watching them learn and grow and get to be a part of it. Once he starts cruising he won't slow down! Charles runs now and climbs everywhere and wants to examine everything up close. You all have a fun few months ahead of you as Christian discovers this whole new way to see the world!

Keely - the wedding is so close!! I wish you all the very very best with it and hope it is everything you want it to be. Have you and your DH talked more about TTC ?

Mrs Eddie- 3rd Tri!! Congratulations! I hope you are feeling and doing well :flower:

Tara- I'm glad you were able to start the meds. Hopefully it keeps it from happening again. How ate you feeling so far? Roxy's due date is coming uo so soon!

Rachel89- congratulations!! I saw your ticker and have updates the front page! How are you feeling so far?

AFM, all is going really well! My birthday was this past Friday and my DH took the day off work. We went to the spa and got massages (we usually go for our anniversary in Dec but had to cancel last year). Charles and I are heading back to my hometown for a week either tomorrow or Tuesday, which will be a ton of fun. Its been SO rainy the last 3 weeks so hopefully they will have sunnier days and we can get out more.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and to those in the States I hope you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow.
Thanks kksy, feeling pretty good for the most part, though still suffering with some sciatic pain off and on.

Happy Belated Birthday, glad that you and your DH were able to get away together. I did a spa weekend with my girls a few weeks ago and it was amazing, so relaxing!

Krissie, I bet he is at a fun age. They are so cute and do the funniest things as toddlers. Isla says and does things that crack us up on a daily basis. It is really neat to watch them become their own little people.

Tara, that's awesome that you're doing Relay for Life. I worked at the Canadian Cancer Society as a summer student, they really do great work!

This weekend we had two birthday parties to go to (for two of Isla's little friends, hard to believe that they're all turning 2 :cry:). Other than that we did stuff around the house and cleaned out the closet in what will be Ethan's nursery, so nothing too exciting.

Hope all you US Ladies are enjoying your long weekend as well!
Happy belated birthday. A spa day sounds amazing!

Christian is just doing so much. It has been a challenging week with him fully mastering crawling and getting into everything. We have had to baby proof everything.t he loves his new mobility and his ability to go after the cat and climb on and over everything. He is also getting another tooth and it has been a tough one for him.

Afm, I have been trying to get some yard work done. We have been getting soaked for at least 2 weeks now. We got about 6 inches of rain in about 30 mins yesterday. And found out when one of our window wells to the basement fills up with a foot of water it leaked and soaked the floor. So that was frustrating.
Ugh that is frustrating Krissie, I hope your basement wasn't badly damaged.

Have fun childproofing; they really do find a way to get into EVERYTHING once they become mobile :haha:
Radiance- sounds like a good plan to take several different classes to see what you like best. Good luck!!

Krissie and Symphony- congratulations on your graduations!!

Krissie- I think that the older they get the more fun they become. It is amazing watching them learn and grow and get to be a part of it. Once he starts cruising he won't slow down! Charles runs now and climbs everywhere and wants to examine everything up close. You all have a fun few months ahead of you as Christian discovers this whole new way to see the world!

Keely - the wedding is so close!! I wish you all the very very best with it and hope it is everything you want it to be. Have you and your DH talked more about TTC ?

Mrs Eddie- 3rd Tri!! Congratulations! I hope you are feeling and doing well :flower:

Tara- I'm glad you were able to start the meds. Hopefully it keeps it from happening again. How ate you feeling so far? Roxy's due date is coming uo so soon!

Rachel89- congratulations!! I saw your ticker and have updates the front page! How are you feeling so far?

AFM, all is going really well! My birthday was this past Friday and my DH took the day off work. We went to the spa and got massages (we usually go for our anniversary in Dec but had to cancel last year). Charles and I are heading back to my hometown for a week either tomorrow or Tuesday, which will be a ton of fun. Its been SO rainy the last 3 weeks so hopefully they will have sunnier days and we can get out more.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and to those in the States I hope you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow.

I'm feeling a bit more tired than usual thanks for asking. These meds are helping me sleep better ever since I started them I don't wake up at night as much as I used to.

Yesterday Lindzy went back into the hospital. :nope: My mom went to go see her today after work and said she's in pain. Tomorrow afternoon her and I are going to visit her. I have no clue how long she'll be there for this time. :shrug: Hopefully not too long. On the bright side today I finally got the vib package in the mail from Shoppers Drug Mart. It had two newborn Huggies little snugglers diapers, Huggies wipes, coupons, a bib that says "vib it's all about me, Johnson's baby wash and other cream. Maybe I'll bring it tomorrow to show Lindzy.

Mrs. Eddie I'm soooooo looking forward to doing Relay for Life next weekend!!!!!! :happydance:

Speaking of baby proofing, we'll probably have to do it here. Do you baby proof before the baby is born or after they start moving around?
Radiance- sounds like a good plan to take several different classes to see what you like best. Good luck!!

Krissie and Symphony- congratulations on your graduations!!

Krissie- I think that the older they get the more fun they become. It is amazing watching them learn and grow and get to be a part of it. Once he starts cruising he won't slow down! Charles runs now and climbs everywhere and wants to examine everything up close. You all have a fun few months ahead of you as Christian discovers this whole new way to see the world!

Keely - the wedding is so close!! I wish you all the very very best with it and hope it is everything you want it to be. Have you and your DH talked more about TTC ?

Mrs Eddie- 3rd Tri!! Congratulations! I hope you are feeling and doing well :flower:

Tara- I'm glad you were able to start the meds. Hopefully it keeps it from happening again. How ate you feeling so far? Roxy's due date is coming uo so soon!

Rachel89- congratulations!! I saw your ticker and have updates the front page! How are you feeling so far?

AFM, all is going really well! My birthday was this past Friday and my DH took the day off work. We went to the spa and got massages (we usually go for our anniversary in Dec but had to cancel last year). Charles and I are heading back to my hometown for a week either tomorrow or Tuesday, which will be a ton of fun. Its been SO rainy the last 3 weeks so hopefully they will have sunnier days and we can get out more.

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend and to those in the States I hope you have a wonderful holiday tomorrow.

I'm feeling a bit more tired than usual thanks for asking. These meds are helping me sleep better ever since I started them I don't wake up at night as much as I used to.

Yesterday Lindzy went back into the hospital. :nope: My mom went to go see her today after work and said she's in pain. Tomorrow afternoon her and I are going to visit her. I have no clue how long she'll be there for this time. :shrug: Hopefully not too long. On the bright side today I finally got the vib package in the mail from Shoppers Drug Mart. It had two newborn Huggies little snugglers diapers, Huggies wipes, coupons, a bib that says "vib it's all about me, Johnson's baby wash and other cream. Maybe I'll bring it tomorrow to show Lindzy.

Mrs. Eddie I'm soooooo looking forward to doing Relay for Life next weekend!!!!!! :happydance:

Speaking of baby proofing, we'll probably have to do it here. Do you baby proof before the baby is born or after they start moving around?

We joined the Shoppers VIB baby program last time too and got lot's of great deals; the coupons are awesome as well.

I wouldn't bother baby proofing until baby becomes mobile. Until they are crawling around it's not really necessary. I don't think we started baby proofing our house until Isla was 6-7 months old and didn't get gates or anything until she fully started walking around 10 months.
I cannot believe that this time next year DH and I will be getting ready to ttc. Or we might even be trying as I decided anything after the middle of May is fair game.

So I figured for at least the next couple of days using pillows is a great barrier to keeping Christian contained. :haha: He eventually gets over them but it gets me a warning as he is makes a lot of excited noise as he is doing it. He has a nice little naughty laugh in him. He is such a curious boy. I just love how much he is interested and wants to explore.

Oh and Tara I would defiantly baby proof before they are moving. I wouldn't say you have to before she is born but probably before 4/5 months as they can start going anytime after that. Trying to do it as he is into everything has been tough, but has shown us what we need to do.
Hey ladies. :wave:

Congrats on graduating Symphony. :D

Sorry about the rain and your basement Krissie! I hope it wasn't too damaged. :hugs:

Happy belated birthday, Kaity. :cake:
I know, I can't believe how close the wedding is. My ring and band have been resized and welded together. We have nearly all of the planning done, now we're just waiting for it to happen. We have talked about TTC a lot lately and we have decided that the soonest we will start trying is next cycle, but that will all depend on how our finances are looking. DF said something about wanting to see a paycheck with his raise and our new insurance for Liam when we get it before we start trying so that we will know that our finances are where we want them to be for another baby. I told DF that I really want to start trying by Liam's birthday and he said that we should be able to. My best guess for TTC is my cycle in August but I'll let you know when I know for sure. I'm expecting it to take at least three months to actually get pregnant since we're swaying :pink: so I'm estimating that we'll be due a year from when we start trying (which is why I want to start trying by Liam's birthday, I really want to avoid another fall baby if I can since our birthdays are in all 3 fall months). I also can't believe that my baby will be 2 in less than 4 more months. Where on earth does the time go?
Lindzy was moved to a hospital in London Ontario which is about an hour in a half-2 hours away. My mom and I might go visit her tomorrow depending on if she gets a room or not. I texted her not too long ago asking but hasn't messaged me back yet. I have no clue how long she'll be there, hopefully not too long.
Very exciting Keely, August really is not very far away at all; you'll be TTC before you know it. Also, good luck with all of the last minute wedding plans; very exciting but crazy busy time I'm sure.

Tara, I hope Lindzy is doing OK and doesn't have to be in the hospital for too long...
Krissie- it is crazy to think about TTC in less than a year! It will be nice because by the time the new baby comes, Christian will be 3 and a bit more independent and able to understand what is going on. Will you go back on clomid or try a few cycles naturally?

Keely- I'll leave you where you are and just move once you know...exciting though that there is only four months (or less!) until you start trying!! And I can't wait to hear about the wedding! Are you guys taking a honeymoon anywhere or staying home?

Tara- I hope Lindzy is alright and can be released from the hospital soon. Is it the same issues from before or something new?
I am not sure yet. I am still not ovulating on my own. I am hoping I do as I lose more weight. Ideally I want to lose 40 lbs before ttc. But even when I was that weight we didn't get pregnant either. So if I can confirm ovulation I will try probably 3 months naturally. If not I will probably go back to clomid right away.

I totally agree it is weird to think about ttc in a year. I'm very excited but definitely find Christian's current stage so fun but draining. So I am trying to enjoy him and t he house for now. Speaking of the house it appears the floor has dried fine and I am hoping no rain this weekend and I can seal the window. Forcast shows sunny With highs in the mid 80s. So fx.
Thanks ladies!

Kaity we're taking our honeymoon in St. Charles for a couple of days while Liam stays with my dad in Illinois. Then we're going to visit my father for a couple more days when we go to pick Liam up. I'm so excited, I felt like none of this stuff was going to happen and now it's almost here! It's frusfrating only having a rough time frame to start TTC though. I wish I knew exactly when it was going to happen. That's DF for you :roll:
Krissie- it is crazy to think about TTC in less than a year! It will be nice because by the time the new baby comes, Christian will be 3 and a bit more independent and able to understand what is going on. Will you go back on clomid or try a few cycles naturally?

Keely- I'll leave you where you are and just move once you know...exciting though that there is only four months (or less!) until you start trying!! And I can't wait to hear about the wedding! Are you guys taking a honeymoon anywhere or staying home?

Tara- I hope Lindzy is alright and can be released from the hospital soon. Is it the same issues from before or something new?

It was the same thing as before with her stones. Yesterday she had an operation where a little hole was opened up so the stones will pass through her urine. She went home today from the hospital when my brother picked her up otherwise she wouldn't have a ride home. The hospital would of released her but have to find her own way home. She's doing much better now but still needs to get her gall bladder out after having Roxy. In two weeks she'll be able to deliver Roxy after her lungs fully develop. I'm still getting used to the fact that I'm going to have a niece in just over a month!!!! :happydance:
Glad there was no permanent damage from the flooding Krissie!

Keely, your honeymoon sounds awesome; you guys will have a blast (and maybe conceive a holiday baby :winkwink:)

Tara, exciting that your niece will be here so soon!
It is! She'll be here before we know it. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Plus I can't believe June 1st is on Monday. Where has this year gone????
I'm pretty excited, St. Charles has lots of cute shops. :D
We won't be trying for a honeymoon baby either way though. If we did start trying in June, I won't be ovulating until after our honeymoon is over because it would be sometime late June. I'm due to O this week with this cycle (but my cycles have been wacky since I had Liam) so the week of the wedding/honeymoon will be the week before my period. It's kind of perfect though, to get married and enjoy our honeymoon and then wait for my next cycle to follow straight after to try and expand our little family. That is IF DF gives the okay.

Tara how exciting that your niece is almost here! :happydance:

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