Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

I feel like crying we have been trying for the last 3 months and bam my periods are all out of whack... like as soon as we decided to try for our 3rd baby.. i just wish all the pain and period problems would go away!

I am sorry hun, I hope they sort themselves out soon for you. :hugs:
Krissie, I do work full time. It will definitely be tough juggling work and two kids. We've found a routine that works with Isla, we'll just have to hope it works for Ethan too. I get a year off with him so hopefully by the time he starts day care full time we'll have him and Isla on similar schedules. Isla is going to keep going to day care part time while I'm off so hopefully it will be easy for her to transition back to full time...

It's awesome your DH already wants to try. My DH wanted to wait until Isla was almost 2 initially, which is why I thought I'd be having a 2016 baby...

Kksy, congrats on your weight loss, that's an amazing achievement :thumbup:
I feel like crying we have been trying for the last 3 months and bam my periods are all out of whack... like as soon as we decided to try for our 3rd baby.. i just wish all the pain and period problems would go away!

:hugs: I hope your cycles regulate soon!
Today I received my invite in the mail for my cousin's baby shower at the end of next month. It says to bring a book instead of a card which is a really cool idea and she's registered at Babies R Us. I just need to find a ride there and back. I asked another cousin of mine if she's going but she's not sure yet.If she is I'll ask if she minds giving me a ride and give her $ for gas too. I have to rsvp by July 19th if I'm going or not.

Earlier today on tv I saw this soother that lets you know why your baby is crying. I have no clue if it's available now or in the future. I'm guessing it would be more expensive than a regular one. I still can't believe my niece is going to be here in just over a month!!!!! :happydance::thumbup: I can't wait to become an aunt!!!! Maybe I'll ask Lindzy if she wants to go to my cousin's baby shower or if I can bring Roxy. She'll be just a few weeks old by then.

That's cute Krissie how Christian's first word was kitty. :haha:

Congrats on the weight loss kk. :thumbup:
I got books instead of cards at my shower for Isla too; it's a really great idea and now Isla has a ton of nice books with lovely messages from her family and friends.

Hope that you're able to go, sounds like fun!
That is such a fun idea. I wish I would have thought of that for ds. I love reading and he really gets into it now.
I got books instead of cards at my shower for Isla too; it's a really great idea and now Isla has a ton of nice books with lovely messages from her family and friends.

Hope that you're able to go, sounds like fun!

I just have to find a ride there and back since I don't drive.

Can't believe tomorrow is already Friday!!! :happydance: Only two days until I do Relay for Life!!!!! :happydance::thumbup:
That is definitely a good idea to do books instead of cards. The ladies of my Bible Study threw me a "book shower" where all gifts were their favorite books. We wound up with 3 copies of Brown Bear but it was a laugh and Charles got a great addition to his library. My mom works at a preschool full time and a library part time and gets us a bag of books everyt ime we see her. I'm pretty sure he has more books than me and I've been collecting for over 20 years lol

Have a wonderful time at Relay for Life Tara! Do you participate for anyone you know or as a way to simply give back to the community? You're almost under a month until Roxy's due date! I bet you are SO excited for her to come! And really, here in just a couple weeks Linzy will be full term and she could come anytime. Hopefully she doesn't make everyone wait extra time for her big entrance :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend! My oldest brother and nephew are coming out tomorrow to pick up my niece, who has been here all week. It will be nice to see them and spend some one on one time with them. I have to say, after 2 weeks of help and company all day (we were back at my parents all last week and my niece with us this week), it is going to be a bit lonely during the days next week

Charles started swim lessons back up yesterday and he was SO happy to be back in the water. Summer (well, the end of spring still) is so far been a lot of fun!
I'm doing Relay to give back to the community and a few family members have passed away from cancer. I've always wanted to do it but it was held too far away from my house.

Yeah it'll be a month on Sunday for Roxy's due date!!!! :happydance: Hopefully she won't wait past it too long. Today I used one of the Huggies baby wipes I got in the mail for free on my shoes to clean them and it worked really good. So much better than using my mom's dish liquid. :haha:

This morning when I was looking at my phone it felt like was going to have another seizure but the feeling went away which was good. It feels like sometimes if I scroll through the screen it bothers me a bit.
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good. I had an amazing time at Relay yesterday!!! I'm sooooo glad I went. :happydance: I slept very good last night after getting home and tonight I'll probably sleep good too considering today I felt pretty tired.

Only one more month until Roxy is here!!!!!!!!!! :happydance: Oh and Lindzy turned 24 today!!!
Congrats on participating in Relay Tara, glad that you had a great time. Also, glad to hear that you didn't have another seizure, is your doctor keeping track of when you have them or feel like you're going to have them?

KKsy, that's awesome that Charles is loving his swimming lessons. Isla loves the water as well.

We had a busy weekend with lots of visitors and different activities. We went to the Zoo on Saturday for about three hours and then I did a 5km charity walk with friends and family on Sunday so got lots of activity in this weekend. We also went and got the last of the decorations we need for Isla's 2nd birthday party (which we're having mid July; I want to make sure she has an awesome party before I'm too pregnant and also wouldn't want her party to be cancelled if I went into labor or anything).

Now that this weekend is over, both DH and I want to get the new nursery finished in the next couple of weeks. We also need to set up Isla's new furniture and find her a new bed set. I feel like I can't really get things properly organized until his room is ready. I also want to go through my old birth plan again just in case I have to go to the hospital. I also have to go through all of our baby "stuff" and work on getting everything ready and figuring out what else we need to get. Plus, I need to make sure that everything we've loaned to friends/family comes back before he makes his arrival. So yeah, just a few things to do in the next 10 weeks (which are crazy busy with other plans too). :wacko:
Tara- Glad Relay went well for you. Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

Mrs. Eddie- Sounds like a busy weekend. And lots of third tri stuff going on for you. It is definitely a busy time!!

kk- I really like your new avatar pic. I am hoping to do baby water time with Christian this summer. He loves the water too.

Afm, I had a great weekend. I left Christian with a friend and we went on a date to the Shakespeare Festival and saw the Tempest. It was a lot of fun. We had a two hours drive both ways so we were able to talk more about ttc and what not. We agreed we can start NTNP and reevaluate at the end of the year if we want to consult with the doctor or wait until spring. So we shall see. I am pretty nervous but I am past that stage of being terrified of getting pregnant again and rather like the idea.

I actually found out that the Christian school close to my job has a 2 year old program. I thought it would be a great opportunity for Christian if I do get pregnant. He is a social little bug and I think he would like the interactions and learning.
Krissie, that's awesome that you guys are going to start NTNP! Sounds like you're both ready for whatever happens, good luck!

The school program sounds perfect for Christian. We're keeping Isla in day care twice a week when I am on leave. She loves going and we would feel bad taking her away from her friends and routine there. Plus, it will be easier to transition her back to full time when I have to go back to work...
Krissie, that's awesome that you guys are going to start NTNP! Sounds like you're both ready for whatever happens, good luck!

The school program sounds perfect for Christian. We're keeping Isla in day care twice a week when I am on leave. She loves going and we would feel bad taking her away from her friends and routine there. Plus, it will be easier to transition her back to full time when I have to go back to work...

Thanks! I think it is great you can keep her going part time. I plan to keep Christian going to my mom's and his other caregiver through the summer. Once a week for mom and once every other week for my friend. I think it will be good for both of us. I really look forward to starting him in a preschool style program. I do think he will do well. I am hoping he will be able to learn good social skills. I struggle socially and find making friends and reading social cues really difficult. Even if I was able to be a sahm one thing I was adamant on was preschool by 3.

Speaking of him. He has started pulling away from furniture while standing. He isn't making any steps yet but he sure is thinking about it. He can stand unaided about 15 seconds then goes back to hanging on. He is loving standing and all the naughtiness he can now reach. :haha: We need to get all our cords hidden from him. It is just to tempting to pull and chew on them.
yay krissie for deciding to NTNP!! I've updated the front. Hopefully you will not need to consult with a doctor later on. It sounds like a great plan for Christian and congrats to him on standing solo! He will be up and walking before you know it!

mrs eddie- it sounds like a busy few months for you! but also a lot of fun getting everything ready for baby Ethan's big arrival!

Tara- I'm glad you had a nice time at relay for life!

AFM, we are back on our own today. We spent a week at my parents and last week my 14 y/o niece was with us. It's kind of lonely but also nice to be back in our routine :) Our AC went out last week so that needs to be replaced, along with the gutters...it's going to be an expensive month! Charles is cutting all 4 canines right now (one through, 2 are bulging and coming any day and one is just starting to see coming down from the jaw). I am throwing a party once this kid finally has all his teeth and will probably cry when they start falling out lol.
Congrats on participating in Relay Tara, glad that you had a great time. Also, glad to hear that you didn't have another seizure, is your doctor keeping track of when you have them or feel like you're going to have them?

KKsy, that's awesome that Charles is loving his swimming lessons. Isla loves the water as well.

We had a busy weekend with lots of visitors and different activities. We went to the Zoo on Saturday for about three hours and then I did a 5km charity walk with friends and family on Sunday so got lots of activity in this weekend. We also went and got the last of the decorations we need for Isla's 2nd birthday party (which we're having mid July; I want to make sure she has an awesome party before I'm too pregnant and also wouldn't want her party to be cancelled if I went into labor or anything).

Now that this weekend is over, both DH and I want to get the new nursery finished in the next couple of weeks. We also need to set up Isla's new furniture and find her a new bed set. I feel like I can't really get things properly organized until his room is ready. I also want to go through my old birth plan again just in case I have to go to the hospital. I also have to go through all of our baby "stuff" and work on getting everything ready and figuring out what else we need to get. Plus, I need to make sure that everything we've loaned to friends/family comes back before he makes his arrival. So yeah, just a few things to do in the next 10 weeks (which are crazy busy with other plans too). :wacko:

It's the neurologist that kept track of the seizures I've had. My family doctor knows of everything that's happened and I'm sure she knows that I'm on medication now.

Can't believe it'll be less than a month until Roxy is born!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
Curtis and Lindzy were over yesterday because my mom bought her maternity clothes at Walmart for her birthday. She was saying how much her hips are hurting otherwise she's feeling fine. :thumbup:
Krissie, definitely good for you to get a bit of a break from time to time. I totally agree with you re the socialization, very important for little kids. We always did a lot of Mom and Baby groups when I was off with Isla as my area is very family friendly and offer a lot of different programs. It was a wonderful way for us both to meet friends (Isla's BFF from her baby group is in the same day care class as her). Christian will love the program I'm sure!

Kksy, when it rains it pours doesn't it, re your house. I hope you are able to get everything fixed at a reasonable cost.

Tara, glad that someone is monitoring them for you. Hope you are able to figure out what might be causing them.

Not much new here. Starting to get a bit sick of work and looking very forward to mat leave. Will be nice to have some time off by myself while Isla is still in day care full time. Right now my plan is to be done work by July 31 but I may get signed off the week before :blush:
Hi everyone

Can I join?

We're currently WWT till November. I have a few underlying health issues and have been told I need to get a few in order before ideally TTC. Two biggest ones are coming off morphine and losing some weight. Im currently 2.5stone down so far this year and hoping to get another two off by November. I have also taken the first steps with the pain clinic to reduce my morphine. Obviously I am on a very high does of pain killers (I have a prolapsed spinal disc which has damaged my cord as well as denigrative disc disease) I didnt have a very good pregnancy last time and a horrible birth and its taken me a very long time to get into the mindset of trying again. TBH I still dont want to do another pregnancy, but ive checked and I cant pick on up on Amazon so its the only way.

We fell really quickly last time and I have come off my pill but we're using condoms :/ atm. I have Pcos but im hopeful due to falling so quickly last time.

So that is pretty much me.

Hi everyone

Can I join?

We're currently WWT till November. I have a few underlying health issues and have been told I need to get a few in order before ideally TTC. Two biggest ones are coming off morphine and losing some weight. Im currently 2.5stone down so far this year and hoping to get another two off by November. I have also taken the first steps with the pain clinic to reduce my morphine. Obviously I am on a very high does of pain killers (I have a prolapsed spinal disc which has damaged my cord as well as denigrative disc disease) I didnt have a very good pregnancy last time and a horrible birth and its taken me a very long time to get into the mindset of trying again. TBH I still dont want to do another pregnancy, but ive checked and I cant pick on up on Amazon so its the only way.

We fell really quickly last time and I have come off my pill but we're using condoms :/ atm. I have Pcos but im hopeful due to falling so quickly last time.

So that is pretty much me.


Hello! :wave: I have added you to our list (second post). Please let me know if your dates change and I will update! I'm sorry to hear about your spinal disc. I hope this time around is a little easier for you with the pregnancy :flower:
I feel like crying we have been trying for the last 3 months and bam my periods are all out of whack... like as soon as we decided to try for our 3rd baby.. i just wish all the pain and period problems would go away!

:hugs::hugs: I hope your cycles regulate soon for you. I am sure it is frustrating. have you called your doctor to see if they have any suggestions?

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