Waiting and waiting...2016 mommies-to-be!

Hey Ladies!

Haven't been on here much lately as things have been crazy! Wrapping things up at work, (last day is on Wednesday :happydance:) and have been very busy on the weekends. Will hopefully get a chance to catch up after I'm off.

Hope that you're all doing well!
Hey ladies- I've been reading but not posting much. I have been really struggling with anxiety which I think is being caused by my meds. So I have an appt next week to discuss it with my gp.

Mrs. Eddie it is crazy you are almost full term!
What do you take medication for Krissie?

My blood sugar is still slightly high ever since I had ds. I am trying to get it to acceptable pregnancy levels so that it's not a concern going into a pregnancy.
Baby number 2 is due March 20 but I'm not feeling really positive, no symptoms. Very nervous.
Hi all! Sorry I've been gone for a few days. Got home from visiting my parents late Sunday night. Yesterday, Charles woke up for the 5th day with a fever so took him to the doctor. Turns out he has hand foot and mouth (sans the hand and foot). He was pretty miserable but unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done besides ride it out. His doctor opted not to do the blood and urine tests and I'm really thankful! He woke up today fever free and stayed that way all day. He is still cranky (also has 3 molars and a canine cutting through the gums ATM) but otherwise doing well. Going to go catch up now...

Buttons_01: Hello! :hi: Welcome to our little group! How exciting that you will be trying for #2 soon. Are you going to be gender swaying at all? How many would you like in total? I've added you to our list (second post). Please let me know if your dates change and I will update!

Tara- I'm glad you had fun at your cousin's bridal shower. I bet you can't wait to get to hold Roxy again! How did your first day cooking in your apprenticeship go?

Emmy- yay!! Congratulations on getting to move up a little early! I've moved you to the TTC/NTNP list and hope it is a very short stay! Keep us updated :)

Mrs Eddie- OMG, you are SO close! I feel like your pregnancy has FLOWN by. Enjoy your last day of work hun and these last few weeks before precious baby Ethan joins your family :flower:

Krissie- :hugs: :hugs: I'm sorry that things are so stressful for you right now. I hope that getting to talk with your doctor will give you some options to help your anxiety

Jessica- CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting!!! I wish you a very happy and healthy 9 months :cloud9: I know that it can be nerve-wracking not having any symptoms. I think it's crazy how much you hope to be sick during those first few weeks of pregnancy, or have other typically uncomfortable things happen. BUT...today you are pregnant, and it is absolutely worth celebrating. Could you request a beta count be done from your doctor to help ease your mind that your numbers are doubling? I wish you all the very very best hun and that this little bean is just taking their sweet time getting comfy before hitting you with all the symptoms.
Financially it would be better if we had a boy because then we wouldn't have to move and we could re use pretty much all of my sons stuff. But I would LOVE to have a little girl next. Either way I will be happy though, as long as its healthy that's all that matters😊.. I would love 3 children in total but you never know.. Haha
Just wanted to say congratulations to one of our members, greats, who had her little girl, Livia Avery, a few days ago! Not sure if she still follows or not but wish her all the very best regardless!
I did have fun at my cousin's baby shower on Sunday.My apprenticeship is going good and today I cut my finger so I had to put a band aid on it.It hurt and stung at first but feels better now.

I'm glad tomorrow is Friday!!!! :happydance: This weekend my uncle might have a meet and greet where my cousin will meet my niece.Also it's my mom's aunts birthday tomorrow.Plus Monday is a holiday!!!! :happydance:

How is everyone else doing?
Congrats Jessica! H&H 9 months to you, I hope that your bean is nice and sticky in there. :happydance:
My due date is the day before yours. If you'd like to join us in the March Monkeys 2016 group you can click on the banner in my signature which will link you to the group. :D

Kaity I'm sorry that Charles has been sick, poor baby! I hope that he feels better soon. :hugs:

Tara I'm glad that your apprenticeship is going well. Sorry about your finger though, ouch! :thumbup:

Buttons welcome to the group! We're a lovely bunch of ladies here and it's nice that so many of us stick around to support each other even after we start TTC/NTNP/get pregnant. :wave: :flower:

Congrats to greats on her new baby girl! I wish her the best of luck and all of the happiness in the world. :happydance:

Mrs.Eddie I'm so excited for Ethan to be born! You're getting so close and I just can't wait to see newborn pictures. I hope that you're doing well. Are you off work now? :cloud9:
Kalonkiki, I just recently joined! Wishing you a healthy n happy nine months as well.
Hey ladies! Haven't posted in a while though I always check in to see how everyone's doing. I've been on vacation this last week visiting my mom in Cista Rica and then two weeks before that I was at the beach. It's been so nice, gotta say this summers off thing is the best! Heading home tomorrow and then it'll be time to get ready for school, I'm super nervous. Should be good though, at least I have all my classroom stuff purchased. Now I need to work on lesson plans for the first quarter. I had a heck of a time trying to get my work account fixed with IT from overseas.

But I wanted to post today because it's officially one year until my TTC date! I started waiting on this site in 2013, so I had a 3+ year wait. I can't believe in one day I'll be in the months and weeks timeframe rather than years. For me this is a big thing, I've never TTC, had an oopsie, anything. So it'll be a huge step for me this day next year. I've talked a lot be out it with my mom while I've been down here, I can't wait to take this next step in my life.
Congrats on reaching the one year mark Symphony! The time will fly for you, I know for sure it did for me. :thumbup:
I did some baby shopping online today to celebrate. I bought Winnie the Pooh and Bambi on DVD. My favorite and my husband's favorite movies from when we were kids. I told him for my birthday last month I wanted him to get something for the baby because I wanted him to start getting into the reality of it. He got me the baby's first stuffed animal, a Snoopy doll. He has always had beagles growing up and Snoopy is a big thing in his family. I actually cried when he gave it to me, it felt so much more real. For a long time I've felt like I'm the one planning and thinking of it and him not as much because it's so far out for him. That was really special, I can't wait to give it to our child.

Just been really sentimental and broody lately. I know a lot of people don't buy things before they are pregnant but ice been quietly collecting little bits here and there over the last two or so years. Just special little pieces that mean a lot. Does anyone else do this? My biggest thing is accumulating books and movies. I want an entire Disney collection for my children like I had. I watched them over and over again. And reading is so important to me that I've started getting books that I see and really like.
Keely I can't believe Liam will be a year old next month! Lindzy's nephew's name is Liam too.

Also I can't believe it's already August!! Where did this year go????

I wish this cough I have would go away.I've had it for about a week and it's over stayed it's welcome. :haha: Sometimes I have these coughing fits where I can't help but cough.It's not something that I can control but it does feel like this cough is breaking up. :thumbup:

Today I refilled my prescription and I thought it would be covered but it wasn't.I had to pay the full amount for it and I need this medication otherwise I would get dizzy.I'm thinking if I want to call my doctor and see if there's another medication that I can take that would be cheaper.
Actually Tara Liam will be 2 years old next month, I can't believe it either! My baby boy is getting way too big way too fast. Also I hope that you feel better soon. :hugs:

Symphony that was so sweet of your DH. Sometimes it really can feel like you're the only one hoping and dreaming about it and it's nice to know that your love really feels the same way. <3
I actually don't tend to buy things until after a find out the gender. There isn't a whole lot available that's gender neutral here, so I'm extra impatient to find out what I'm having. This baby will need new clothes either way, we can't reuse DS's since he was born in the complete opposite season so none of them will be weather appropriate for the sizes. I don't think there's anything wrong with buying things for your baby before you get pregnant though as long as they aren't big ticket items (like a crib or car seat).
Thanks Keely.I'm already starting to feel better and I'm going to take more cough medicine soon.It feels weird not being able to use my finger since I cut myself on Thursday.It's healing but slowly and I know it's going to scar.

How's everyone's weekend going? Mine's been good and tomorrow it's a holiday!!! :happydance:
How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good didn't do much though. :thumbup:
My finger is healing good and I know it's going to scar.In addition,sore throat is finally breaking up!! :happydance:

I texted Lindzy to see how she is but hasn't responded yet. :shrug: They're probably busy with Roxy and everything. I do miss seeing my niece and hope to see her again soon. :cloud9:

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