SLG - Like the others have said, recovery with a D&C is very quick. I had my D&C for the twins on a Monday and was whisked away by hubby to Venice on the Wednesday and walked more than I've ever walked! Also got back to baby dancing over there too, so you can imagine I felt ok to do all that. The natural m/c took a little longer to get over but I think that was more psychologically I was shocked, whereas with the D&C I was more prepared in my head.
I've also heard a hot bath can help, so maybe give that a go?

Blue - Don't feel down, you're certainly not out yet. Your temps do suggest you ovulated, FF doesn't easily give solid crosshairs. Mine were dotted for a long time when I was temping and I fell pregnant that month

. Try and think of it positively, I'm sure you ovulated but IF you didn't at least they'll know now and can do something to help. I still think this could be your cycle, it's always the cycle no-one expects!
Lindsay - So glad you only have the nice symptoms, I hope it is how they say it is for you, in terms of the honeymoon period of pregnancy. Isn't the second trimester meant to be the best??

It's exciting to hear you may be feeling movements, you must post a pic of your next scan so we can see how much little bean has grown!
Teacup - So EXCITING to see your positive OPK

! I've honestly never been as happy as the time I got my very first positive OPK, I still get comments to the post I posted then (back in July) as people think my reaction was so funny but so true. And my god, that is a positive OPK you've got there, no doubting that. Now get to baby dancing duties!
Literati - You must be close to ovulation now too? Are you on baby dancing duties as well??
Nina & Crysshae - Hope you're well?? xx
AFM - So in a bit of a weird place, my husband did say he wouldn't be able to attend all my scans (if we make it that far) as he's busy with work. Which I get and respect, they plan to scan me every week from next week, so I appreciate his work are less accomodating than mine, so I can go on my own.
BUT he told me last night he doesn't want to go to ANY scans until 3 months as he's so scared of what's happened before. He loves me to pieces and he's obviously more cut up about things than I'd realised and I'm strong enough to go on my own and take whatever news they give me each week but am I being too soft?! I think I'll be fine if everything's ok but I don't want to resent him if it's not and I'm on my own?? xx