Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Yay, Aleeah! Awesome symptom!

That's a difficult thing. It's wonderful that there is nothing wrong, but at the same time, we want something that can be fixed, darn it!

Did they say anything about it? Why they think you would miscarry so many times if there was nothing wrong and the babies were chromosomally normal?

Are there other tests? I've heard of women talking about immune disorders and such? Did they bring that up?

But then I think there is that lady who talked to you on your journal. She miscarried multiple times and then had her take home baby without any help. So it's all just in God's hands, and he knows what he's doing. And I'm praying that this is your take home baby!
Beautiful photos. I didn't know about wave of light day either, but will make sure I remember it for next year. Blue, that's a beautiful sunset photo too! Thanks for sharing :)

Aleeah, I'm sorry they didn't find something they could easily fix. In the long run though, it's probably good that your results are all clear... I really hope this one will be your take home baby :) A lovely surprise take home baby :hugs:

I read somewhere that statistically, pregnancies where the woman has morning sickness, are less likely to miscarry - so sickness is a great sign! :happydance: I hope it hangs around for another 6 weeks or so ;)

How is everyone else doing?
Yay, Aleeah! Awesome symptom!

That's a difficult thing. It's wonderful that there is nothing wrong, but at the same time, we want something that can be fixed, darn it!

Did they say anything about it? Why they think you would miscarry so many times if there was nothing wrong and the babies were chromosomally normal?

Are there other tests? I've heard of women talking about immune disorders and such? Did they bring that up?

But then I think there is that lady who talked to you on your journal. She miscarried multiple times and then had her take home baby without any help. So it's all just in God's hands, and he knows what he's doing. And I'm praying that this is your take home baby!

Apparently it's all luck now. If I hadn't have been pregnant then they would have done some 3D scans of my uterus to see if there were any abnormalities, that would have been the next stage, that and thyroid tests. But there's not much they can do now, apart from scans to reassure me and hopefully not miss a mmc if that's what happens.

Yes it's lovely hearing from ladies that had happy endings after so many failed attempts, I'm still hopeful that will be me one day. I guess there is some hope, I also found out one of my miscarriages from a few years ago was more promising than I'd thought. They baby measured at 10 weeks and then stopped for some reason, so I have managed to get the placenta to take over, they were concerned that's where the problem was but as it's not, I can see why they're hoping I've just had horrid luck and I might turn a corner this time.

I'm praying so hard to god, I just hope he hears just one of my prayers and thank you all for your prayers too xx
Hey everyone, im new to this so bear with me. Well i m/c end of sep have been bleeding for about 25 days and today it has actually stopped!! Dont know what to do now. Dont know when I will O? Want to start trying again asap (like yesterday) any ideas on how I can work this out lol. :shrug:
Hi Mindymoo! I'm sorry about your mc but glad to hear that your body is getting back to normal. I would suggest doing a pregnancy test to make sure it is negative. If you still have any hch in your body then you won't ovulate. If it's positive you just have to wait a while and test again until you get a negative. Once you have a negative hpt I would get some OPK strips (ovulation predictor) and start testing once a day. Once the test starts getting darker you can do two a day at least 8 hours apart. These strips should tell you when you ovulate. I hope it's very soon! Good luck!
Aleeah - Congratulations on the nausea/vomiting! That really made me excited when I read that. Such a good sign that you've never been so nauseous so early on before. And yes I've also heard what Lindsay has heard that women with morning sickness are less likely to miscarry. So that's great! I am remaining hopeful for you.
That is good nothing is wrong with you but also frustrating that there is no simple solution to fix things.

I do hope that they will still check your thyroid now that you're pregnant? That should always be checked with pre-natal blood work and a TSH above 2.5 is associated with higher rates of miscarriage even if your levels are still in the 'normal' range for a non-pregnant person. If they haven't checked it yet, I would ask.

Mindy - welcome here and so sorry about your loss. 25 days is a lot of bleeding! You must be relieved it has stopped finally. I hope you ov soon!
AFM - I am CD 10 already, shockingly. I had watery CM yesterday and EWCM this morning so we will be BDing tonight. No positive OPK yet.

Nina - missing you. How is your cycle coming along?
Yeah ALOT of bleeding lol so happy its stopped! Well did a test this morning and got a BFN!! :happydance: So relieved.. we wait so long for BFP never thought id be so happy to see a negative result.

Will take your advice and invest in some Ovulation sticks and hopefully it will happen soon. I have no idea where I am in my cycle right now or when I actually did m/c as didnt have a big clot or any thing so everything is so up in the air at the mo.

Been hard as me and the hubby are newly weds and actually started bleeding on my honeymoon (that put a dampner on things) so now we can finally start to enjoy married life :blush: as its been a hard month tbh.

Fingers crossed for all of you amazing ladies and lots of baby dust to you all, heres hoping for lots of sticky babies this time x x x x
Hey ladies do you mind if i join in? I mc on oct 4 had an us yesterday that confied that i am done. now waiting for af so we can ttc again! I normally have a 21 - 23 day cycle so we will see how long before i get af... can you ovulate while still spotting from mc?

Heres hoping that my cycle returns fairly quickly. i had a chemical the cycle before this mc and i ovulated 7 days after i passed the baby...

Fingers crossed for many rainbow babies :)

I'm so sorry for your losses Mindy and KLS. That must've been a very difficult honeymoon, Mindy. Fingers crossed both of you get the BFP for your take home baby soon.
Aleeah - Congratulations on your sick! I would take the nausea as a good sign...And I know what you mean, it sometimes feels better to have something to fix, because the uncertainty causes so much anxiety. But - you've got loads of good signs now .... good luck! x
Mindymoo - I'm so sorry you find yourself here and hoping a new cycle with mean a new very sticky BFP.

I agree with SLG's advice there, you should start using OPK's and possibly temping, initially I found temping frustrating, as I didn't ovulate for ages following my natural miscarriage but more than frustrating it was really really helpful in pinpointing my ovulation. Also cervical mucas is a great sign, I'm hoping I'm confident enough to just go with that in the future as for me, it's always very accurate. Let us know if you have any questions about ovulation tests or temping, as most of us on here have done either or both at some point. Good luck and it really does sound like you had your fair share of bleeding, I'm so sorry you've gone through this.

Oh and Congratulations on getting married! I'm very envious, I miss my wedding day as it's a distant memory now :winkwink: xx

klsltsp - Sorry you find yourself here also. I hope AF returns for you quickly if you're waiting before trying again. For me it took over 6 weeks to ovulate following my natural miscarriage but I think I'm fairly in the minority with that, as most women tend to ovulate sooner, especially if your cycles are the length of yours.

I'm not sure about your question with ovulation whilst spotting, maybe one of the others on here might be able to help? I ovulated very quickly following my recent D&C but I wasn't spotting at the time. Same as I said to Mindy, let us know any questions you have, I'm sure at least one of will know the answer to most :hugs: xx

Literati - I can't wait to hear your OPK update, as you must be ovulating now! Your cm sounds like such a good sign, I'd go with that and keep baby dancing. I know OPK's can be a bit difficult to catch if you don't test multiple times a day sometimes, as you might miss the surge so go with the cm. Good luck trooper, go get those little swimmers!! xx

How are all the other ladies doing? Blue, Crysshae, Nina and Lindsay - gone a bit quiet?

AFM - Same old, still ok, felt a bit sick this morning and had some brown spotting this morning too but it's stopped now and I'm not fretting. What will be, will be, regardless of if I worry or not, so PMA!:thumbup: xxx
Aleeah - Congratulations on your sick! I would take the nausea as a good sign...And I know what you mean, it sometimes feels better to have something to fix, because the uncertainty causes so much anxiety. But - you've got loads of good signs now .... good luck! x

Thank you Linny, it's strange to be so pleased about it but I am too!:haha: Still just plodding along with it but I've only known a week, so a lot to take in, it's not real yet which is good, as anything could still happen.

How are you getting on? xx
Nothing new on my end. Waiting out the tww... Nothing's different don't think it's my month tested yesterday -ve.

Aleeah - Yep, I can see how having it a little unreal would be calming at this stage...just till you feel really confident. Anyway, I hope you can start to enjoy it soon! x

At the mo i'm 4dpo, I ovulated earlier than usual at CD12. Feeling ok, deep down I reckon it might be better to have a bit more time before a BFP to be honest, but we gave it a shot this month anyway ;)

Blue - hey love, that would be early to get a +ve anyway though wouldn't it? I'm same really, don't reckon it's going to happen (and ok with that actually) but we just never know! My +ve really took me by surprise.
KLS- so sorry about your loss. Welcome here though.

Mindy- that sounds like the worst honeymoon to me! I can't imagine having my honeymoon filled with tragedy. Also, since you were so early on, it could be normal that you didn't pass any big clots. But they are doing a follow up u/s, right? Also, congrats on your wedding! What was your wedding day? Tell us a bit about it!

Aleeah - thanks for being so interested in my OPKs! Haha. I actually have not had a positive yet and I tested three times yesterday and also with FMU today. It can be common for me to get up to 5 days of fertile CM before I ov so I am not surprised by lack of a + yet and assume I might get a + tomorrow or Sat at the latest!

Sorry about your spotting but glad you are just staying calm about this all. I do hope it all works out. :hugs:

Linny - well I do hope it's your month but it definitely doesn't hurt to have another month of emotional healing.

Blue - it is still SUPER Early to test! I would not fret about the BFN... But I do understand feeling down about it. :hugs: good luck!
Nope no follow op u/s for me - Apparently it was 'JUST' a m/c and these things take their time!!!! some people dont know how much their words can hurt.

Wedding day was amazing! Everything i had ever dreamed of! It was August 24th and was perfect. We had so much fun! Had a fun vintage theme to it and also had a video booth in the evening which I highly recommend as is hilarious.

In all honesty i tried not to let it spoil my honeymoon, I tried to think positive and that so many women do bleed in the first trimester (as I said, no clots). So just tried to relax and enjoy as much as possible, as there was nothing i could have done. By the time I got home i knew though.

Think im going to just enjoy ttc this month and let my body do its thing. If AF comes then at least i know where i am then and will start charting etc...

Thank you ladies you are a massive help and so nice to chat to people who are going through the same thing x x :hugs:
Blue - Look at your temps!!! They look A-Mazing!!:thumbup: You're not out yet young lady, not by a long shot!! AND you are testing way early, and it depends on the tests, I was getting silly strong lines on the FRER's and the internet cheapies were still negative... figure that one out!:wacko: And that was WITH the twin pregnancy. Have you had results from your bloods yet? Also I didn't test positive until something like 11dpo, so you're too early I think. Just a few more days and you'll know and I'm sure it's your month, I'm praying for you [-o< xxx

Literati - Thank you for the update, I love seeing positive OPK's but I've read it's a really good thing you get a build up of cm before you ovulate O:). Are you baby dancing now? We tried the SMEP when we fell pregnant with the twin pregnancy (poor hubby, that meant every other day for 6 weeks!! No wonder he didn't want to come near me after that!!):haha:.

Linny - I know what you mean about wanting to wait a bit longer, but hey you don't know what plans the man upstairs has for you!! You might have a lovely little surprise next week, I sure hope you do.:hugs:

Mindy - Your experience with medical staff dealing with you doesn't sound very nice at all. We had terrible experience with the first few but we've moved a lot and this years are at a different hospital, I can fault the care from the nurses and doctor's. They've gone above and beyond and it makes such a difference to how long it's taken me mentally to get over things.

They should really have offered you a follow up scan, I've never had one as it's either been obvious what's passed or I've had a D&C but I've been offered a follow up scan with both scenario's just for reassurance if nothing else. If I were you I'd push for it.:flower:

Your wedding day sounds like so much fun!xxx
Mindymoo, welcome! Sorry to hear of your loss, especially on your honeymoon, what bad timing :hugs: I'm glad you tried not to let it get you down too much. What did you do for your honeymoon? Your wedding sounds lovely!

I agree with the others, opk's and temping really help in figuring out where your at in your cycle.

klstlp - welcome! sorry to hear of your loss as well :hugs: I hope you get your sticky bfp really soon!

slg - how are you doing hun? Any progress yet?

Aleeah, glad you're staying calm about the brown spotting... it can be very normal, in fact my OB said she wouldn't worry unless it was bright red and/or accompanied by bad cramping. I had brown spotting for over 2 weeks following my bleeding episode and still so far so good.

Blue, don't worry about the -ve, it's very early for testing. I've got my fingers crossed that this is your cycle ;) Your chart is looking really good!

Linny, never hurts to give it a shot ;) As Aleeah said, you never know what's in store for you!

LL, here's to hoping for a positive opk soon!

Not much new with me. I got a good report from the internal med doctor yesterday :) She said I'm "boring" so don't need to come back for a month which is great, lol (she's got quite a sense of humour). I'm off to see the OB this afternoon and a little more nervous for that one, especially as hubby is not able to come with me this time. Hopefully everything checks out okay - I'm hopeful because I can tell my uterus is growing... it's getting a little harder to hide.
Hi Lindsay, thank you! We went to Turkey for 8 days it was lovely! Was glad to get home though tbh I missed my boys and was itching to get to the docs lol.

Will maybe try temping will look into it later as dont really have a clue what im doing lol.
Mindy - that is awful about the insensitivity you faced. People get so hardened and don't realize that you are a person who is grieving. :hugs: I agree if you are at all concerned, do insist on a follow-up ultrasound!

Your wedding sounds just lovely! The video both sounds fun. I am glad you stayed positive for your honeymoon.

Aleeah - you bet we are BDing! :haha: we BDed cd 8 and cd 10 and will continue every other day until +OPK so basically SMEP plan but we don't keep going beyond 1 DPO. Doing SMEP for 6 weeks does sound exhausting! Wow! I do think it's good to get several days of CM and the month I got pregnant I did have 5 days of it!

Lindsay - that is good news that your internal med specialist thinks you're too boring to see for a while! Good luck at your ob appt! I understand your nervousness but I am sure everything is more than fine! :hugs:

AFM - I actually got really strong ovulation cramps last night that actually spread down my leg like blue described this cycle. It was pretty extreme! I was surprised that wasn't accompanied by a +OPK but I checked precious charts, and I have had ovulation cramps for 4 days before O before! I have slight cramps today as well so guess my body is just gearing up.

Nina - we miss you.

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