Hey Ladies,
SLG - I'm glad it's all over now. I can only imagine you'd have been through so much with the cancer and then having your daughter in terms of pain but I can understand the pain with the ipas

. You're such a strong and brave lady, an inspiration to us all

!! I never mention the ipas as a means of miscarriage management that I've chosen in the past (due to blood pressure issues at the time), because to be honest it was my worst experience in terms of pain (I was definitely a wimp!

) but certainly the best in terms of recovery. And it's the sort of memory I haven't been able to shake off. BUT like my D&C, the ipas certainly brought back ovulation the quickest, so hoping you'll drift into a new cycle within weeks.
I'm just glad it's over for you now and you can look forward to a beautiful new strong sticky BFP

Lindsay - It's so lovely you got to hear baby's heartbeat, I bet you can't wait until you can feel it kicking away in there too!

And I'm glad hubby will be allowed in for the whole appointment and it's not to far away now either. How are things with work going? Have you told them now? Do you tell your patients or do you wait until they guess? xx
Blue - Your temps are looking beautiful, like Mount Everest!! Climbing, climbing, climbing!

I love it!! Your chart's looking really fab now, are you still getting positive OPK's?xx
Crysshae - Your progressing through your AF now, it'll be baby dancing time again in no time at all! Are you planning to temp, or use OPK's or preseed this month? Or just go with the flow? I love your Fertility Friend footer, reminds me Halloween's just round the corner too!xx
MindyMoo - Temping's really easy. You just need a thermometer that shows temps to 2 decimal places and you're away! You need to take it first thing in the morning, literally as you stir from your sleep, before you talk, go for a pee, sit up or anything. I've got a thermometer that saves the temp, as 9 times out of 10 I end of drifting back to sleep anyway!

Just record it, you can use Fertility Friend for that for free, and they have an app so handy and easy and then you should see a pattern. Blue's chart's a good one to look at. You can see when you've ovulated as your temps will stay elevated (and at that point you'll get crosshairs like Blue has) and can normally judge if AF is coming as they take a dip the morning of AF or a day before. I think that covers everything, let us know if you have any questions? xx
Literati - Good to hear you're having ovulation cramping, such a good sign!

I was bent over in pain the month I had the twin pregnancy during ovulation and then again during what I now know was implantation. This time I had no feelings at all but me and hubby laugh it's been going on for so long now I'm immune to most elements of pain in that area now!!
Sounds like you might be releasing Mammoth eggs!! Fingers and toes crossed for a nice sticky BFP

AFM - No weekly appointment's start from next week, so next scan is on Monday when theoretically I should be close to 7 weeks pregnant, that still seems like a strange thing to be saying

. I've been texting my doctor (the ways of modern technology hey!) almost daily and to be honest she doesn't sound too optimistic about this pregnancy either. Not sure what she's basing it on, I suppose on blood results and my history but the way I look at it is, her being optimistic or pessamistic won't change the outcome, and for now it's all ok, so I'll stick with that. I haven't had anymore bleeding and the nausea is all day now (but I still manage to eat 3 times a day!!)

, so that's good signs for me.