Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aleeah - Have you had your weekly scan yet? It's been a week, hasn't it?

Blue - Way too early to say that negative means your out!

Lindsay - Have fun listening to your little one's heartbeat today!

LL - Good luck!

Fingers crossed for you, Linny!

Nina - Hope you are doing okay.
No results back yet. Wish they would come back telling me my hcg levels are counting up haha doubt it. I know this time she's tested for all hormones that can be tested which was nice. She laughed and said I'm testing ALL of your hormones and we are going to see why this isn't happening.

It's soo annoying I think I have cramps and tender boobs but I know it's in my head ! I just knew I was pregnant the last time I could feel it but I don't feel that at all. I just keep thinking because I'm expecting a positive by trying that it will happen... But I think I feel the same every month and I didn't even ovulate last month ! Xxxx
LL, sounds like you've got a good BD plan! Fingers crossed for this month!!

Aleeah, I am also wondering about your scan... Did you have it yet?

Blue, maybe it's not in your head ;)

As for me, baby seems to be doing just fine :). Got to hear the heartbeat which was amazing! My next ultrasound is also booked now... For nov 18. It's at the hospital this time and I've got an appointment with maternal fetal medicine right after so no waiting around for results which I am really happy about! It also means there should be no problem with hubby being there the whole time :)
Blue- good that they are checking all hormones this time.

I do hope your symptoms are not just in your head!

Lindsay - so glad to hear that baby is doing well and you got to hear the heartbeat! Wonderful that your hubby will likely be able to stay for both of your appointments next time! :)
Hi all,
Just giving an update. I had my ipas procedure done today (kind of like a DC). It was painful but only for a couple minutes. This afternoon the cramps haven't been any worse than what I've had for two weeks now. Felt sad to see an empty uterus on the screen afterward but feel relieved that my body can get back to normal now. My doctor was out of town but the Dr. who did it was great. She said that my corpus luteum, which provides the progesterone to support the pregnancy, was still totally intact and that is probably why my body wasn't passing the pregnancy on its own. Hoping for quickly falling HCGs now!
SLG - Good to hear that everything is finally cleared out and your body can finally move on. :hugs: I know it must be hard knowing it really is over now, but at least now you can move forward towards your next BFP!
Hi all,
Just giving an update. I had my ipas procedure done today (kind of like a DC). It was painful but only for a couple minutes. This afternoon the cramps haven't been any worse than what I've had for two weeks now. Felt sad to see an empty uterus on the screen afterward but feel relieved that my body can get back to normal now. My doctor was out of town but the Dr. who did it was great. She said that my corpus luteum, which provides the progesterone to support the pregnancy, was still totally intact and that is probably why my body wasn't passing the pregnancy on its own. Hoping for quickly falling HCGs now!

It must be so nice to have that over with eh? :hugs: Hopefully your body gets back to normal quickly and you can move on to your sticky bfp :)
Hi all,
Just giving an update. I had my ipas procedure done today (kind of like a DC). It was painful but only for a couple minutes. This afternoon the cramps haven't been any worse than what I've had for two weeks now. Felt sad to see an empty uterus on the screen afterward but feel relieved that my body can get back to normal now. My doctor was out of town but the Dr. who did it was great. She said that my corpus luteum, which provides the progesterone to support the pregnancy, was still totally intact and that is probably why my body wasn't passing the pregnancy on its own. Hoping for quickly falling HCGs now!

Aww it is sad, I'm sure your next BFP will be just around the corner. :hugs: Hope your hCG begins to drop now. xxxx
Linds that's exciting! That won't be long at all ! Glad you can get it all in the one day to save the worrying!

Lit -I hope so too. Where are you in your cycle?

Slg- big hugs to you mrs! Hope your doing ok! Fingers crossed your boys gets back into a routine soon but more importantly that your head is doing good too!hope HGCs drop soon ! Xxxx
Hey Ladies,

SLG - I'm glad it's all over now. I can only imagine you'd have been through so much with the cancer and then having your daughter in terms of pain but I can understand the pain with the ipas :hugs:. You're such a strong and brave lady, an inspiration to us all :flower:!! I never mention the ipas as a means of miscarriage management that I've chosen in the past (due to blood pressure issues at the time), because to be honest it was my worst experience in terms of pain (I was definitely a wimp! :blush:) but certainly the best in terms of recovery. And it's the sort of memory I haven't been able to shake off. BUT like my D&C, the ipas certainly brought back ovulation the quickest, so hoping you'll drift into a new cycle within weeks.

I'm just glad it's over for you now and you can look forward to a beautiful new strong sticky BFP :hugs: xxx

Lindsay - It's so lovely you got to hear baby's heartbeat, I bet you can't wait until you can feel it kicking away in there too!:thumbup: And I'm glad hubby will be allowed in for the whole appointment and it's not to far away now either. How are things with work going? Have you told them now? Do you tell your patients or do you wait until they guess? xx

Blue - Your temps are looking beautiful, like Mount Everest!! Climbing, climbing, climbing!:happydance: I love it!! Your chart's looking really fab now, are you still getting positive OPK's?xx

Crysshae - Your progressing through your AF now, it'll be baby dancing time again in no time at all! Are you planning to temp, or use OPK's or preseed this month? Or just go with the flow? I love your Fertility Friend footer, reminds me Halloween's just round the corner too!xx

MindyMoo - Temping's really easy. You just need a thermometer that shows temps to 2 decimal places and you're away! You need to take it first thing in the morning, literally as you stir from your sleep, before you talk, go for a pee, sit up or anything. I've got a thermometer that saves the temp, as 9 times out of 10 I end of drifting back to sleep anyway!:haha: Just record it, you can use Fertility Friend for that for free, and they have an app so handy and easy and then you should see a pattern. Blue's chart's a good one to look at. You can see when you've ovulated as your temps will stay elevated (and at that point you'll get crosshairs like Blue has) and can normally judge if AF is coming as they take a dip the morning of AF or a day before. I think that covers everything, let us know if you have any questions? xx

Literati - Good to hear you're having ovulation cramping, such a good sign!:thumbup: I was bent over in pain the month I had the twin pregnancy during ovulation and then again during what I now know was implantation. This time I had no feelings at all but me and hubby laugh it's been going on for so long now I'm immune to most elements of pain in that area now!!:wacko:

Sounds like you might be releasing Mammoth eggs!! Fingers and toes crossed for a nice sticky BFP :hugs: xxx

AFM - No weekly appointment's start from next week, so next scan is on Monday when theoretically I should be close to 7 weeks pregnant, that still seems like a strange thing to be saying :wacko:. I've been texting my doctor (the ways of modern technology hey!) almost daily and to be honest she doesn't sound too optimistic about this pregnancy either. Not sure what she's basing it on, I suppose on blood results and my history but the way I look at it is, her being optimistic or pessamistic won't change the outcome, and for now it's all ok, so I'll stick with that. I haven't had anymore bleeding and the nausea is all day now (but I still manage to eat 3 times a day!!):haha:, so that's good signs for me.

Hey ladies

thank you for such a warm welcome! There seems to be a lot of support and knowledge here which is awesome.

Aleeah you are so diligent talking to everyone and following up :) i wouldn't put too much. thought to the doc I find that they often think its best to prepare is for the worst... to not tey and get our hopes up. My best friend is a family doc and I can always tell when she thinks its not good... she doesnt say anything :) she knows that i. will trust what she says .. and the nauseau is definately a good sign!!

Literati wow ovulation cramps... awesome!! I have never had them but would lovw a sign like that. good luck.

afm think i. may get a hpt to see if its negative. i assume that i wont ovulate until after that... i did one last weekend and it was still positive. i had one test left but i cant find where i put it...lol

well i hope that everyone as a great day!!!

Thanks Aleeah. Charts can be deceiving I have had a few charts that have looks good but I haven't actually even O'd. 9dpo today and not feeling anything significant or anything. Not anymore tired. Not really got breast tenderness or anything. Haven't tested again today. Might go pee on a ovulation stick see what it says. Lol (for fun)

Still no bloods back. Hopefully here by the end of the day or tomorrow.

Slg- I agree with Aleeah your such a strong woman for everything you have been through and still keep your head high ! Strong strong woman <3 very inspirational!

Mindy- temping is easy and becomes habit really easy. Takes a couple of months for you to fully understand your body and what's happening. But I find it interesting! Xxxx

Aleeah don't let the doctor dishearten you! This isn't the same pregnancy as the last ones! Xxxx
Aleeah/blue yeah will be quiet interesting - I have done some reading and they suggest starting on CD1, do I need to wait till AF? or should I just start now? and blue remember positive thinking!! i really hope this is your month, every pregnancy is different just dont give up yet its still really early xxx

Aleeah - Yey for nausea! but also great that your managing to eat too! All great signs I am sure mondays scan will go fine try not to work yourself up have a nice chilled out weekend. Will be thinking of you this weekend and sending lots of sticky baby dust to you x x

slg76 - very sad to see an empty uterus :( and know how you feel fingers crossed for BFN soon so you can ttc again soon (when your ready obvs ;) fingers crossed for you hun xx

klsltsp: I did test on sunday and was pos but by thursday it was neg! can all change quiet soon. hoping for BFN so you can try get back on track

afm - am activly ttc again wooo hooo! So going to go and enjoy my weekend maybe have a glass of wine or 2 as now the test shows neg I feel I can. I will also try temping as of tomorrow so wish me luck ladies, I hope you all have a great weekend xxxx
Blue - your chart truly does look amazing. I have high hopes for you. And I know this is very conspiracy theory of me, but I don't actually believe that you didn't ovulate last month! :haha: I am skeptical of the medical profession at times haha and they didn't even do an ultrasound, so.... :p
When do you get your blood results back from this week? I am excited to hear the great news that you did indeed ovulate!
I am CD12 today and just gearing up to ov.

Aleeah - thanks! I was definitely thinking I might be releasing a mammoth egg as well. ;) more ovulation cramps yesterday and today. I think I got a +OPK this morning but I can't quite tell for sure. Regardless, I am sure if it gets any darker it will be a true positive tomorrow and we are going to BD tonight and tomorrow anyway! So that's exciting but I am worried I will ovulate as early as tonight and we won't get to BD in time since apparently it takes 10 hours for sperm to "capacitate" and I don't know of our Wednesday BD session will be enough. Oh well... We'll see I guess!

Oh, and your all-day nausea sounds like a great sign! I agree that your doctor's optimism or pessimism will have no effect on your actual outcome and I do hope you make your doctor regret feeling pessimistic!

KLS- oh, yes, my ovulation cramps are very obvious each month. I can't even imagine not getting them! It definitely helps in knowing when I am fertile. I hope you get your negative HPT soon.

Nina - my temps were the exact same today as yesterday ( I haven't updated my chart yet) and I immediately thought of you and how you looked 'dead' the one month! Are you nearing O yet? Getting lots of BDing done?

Mindy- yay for actively TTC again! Good luck!
SLG - I know it must've been sad to see an empty uterus on the scan, but it truly is wonderful that your corpus luteum was still working so well. That means your body will take care of your healthy little one.

Aleeah - Your doctor is probably just trying to be nonchalant. I pray your scan is absolutely perfect with a wonderful quickly fluttering heartbeat.

Blue - That chart is looking awesome!

Good luck, everyone!
hi ladies. I'm feeling much better today. I was very achy yesterday from the ipas procedure but today I hardly feel anything and apart from a little spotting right after I haven't been bleeding at all. Thanks so much for your nice words. I have certainly had a rough couple of years with the cancer/new baby/fertility issues. Also just as my cancer treatment was finishing my MIL was diagnosed with cancer and she passed away a year later. Sometimes life just doesn't give you a break. But, I think we are all stronger than we know. you do what you have to when the time comes.

I wish I had better luck with temping. I'm not a great sleeper so my temps end up all over the place from tossing and turning, moving rooms to sleep in, and getting up at all different times.

Good to see all these updates! We have some exciting things going on! SOme of us getting back to Oing and some of us getting pregnancy scans. I love it!
Blue, your chart is looking really good! I'm with LL on the conspiracy theory, lol. I kinda think your blood test may have been wrong last month. Hopefully you get good news on your recent blood test in the next day or so!!

Aleeah, I'm glad you're not too worried about your doctors outlook. It has been my experience that doctors are not overly optimistic at the best of times, I think they get caught up in the stats and numbers. We can be optimistic here instead :) I think you've got a healthy, tough little bean in there! You weren't even trying and here it is :) I hope there's excellent news on Monday!

Actually I'm not convinced that I'm not feeling baby already... I've been continuing to get a weird little muscle twitch/tickly sensation on and off (once or twice a day usually) and always in the same spot a few cm above my pubic bone and a little to the left. I didn't mention it to the doctor because I don't want her to think I'm crazy, lol. Anyway, I know it's really early to be feeling movement, but regardless of what it might be, it makes me feel better to think it might be movement. I haven't told work yet, but I need to very soon. They asked me yesterday if I would be willing to take over some of the mentor-ship duties (supporting other therapists who work there) as the therapist doing it right now is going on mat leave next month. I'm quite happy to do it, but would feel awkward telling them I will, without alerting them to the fact that I am also on a limited timeline. I haven't told my clients yet either, well, except for 1 (a 7 year old girl with CP and blindness) who was grilling me with questions about if I had a son or a daughter, she then went on to tell me I "sounded like a mom" and did I have "a baby in my tummy", lol.

Kls, hopefully you get a negative hpt and will ovulate soon! I forgot, are you planning on trying right away?

Mindy, yay for actively ttc again!! Hopefully you can catch the egg quickly :) I don't think you have to wait until CD1 to start temping. Depending on where you're at in your cycle now, you may or may not see the ovulation pattern, but it'll get you in the routine. I hope you enjoy your glass or 2 of wine this weekend and I hope it's the last one you get to enjoy for about 9 months ;)

LL, that's good news about the positive OPK!! I hope this is your month!!

Slg, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better today :hugs: It really does sound like you've had a rough couple years, I am sorry to hear about your mother in law. It's true, things do seem to come all at once, good for you for making it through with such a positive attitude. Hopefully you've got a bunch of good things waiting for you right around the corner :)
I like the idea of you being skeptical lol. Your at the 'fun' part of your cycle haha! I didn't feel any o pain last month really so is think it was maybe right. Hopefully not the same as this month !

Slg it's a great wee forum this one mixed chats and such lovely ladies!! Glad your feeling ok too! Xxx
Linds your feeling the baby move! That's what it feels lIke it's like tiny flutters! I felt my baby move just after 15 weeks (one had already passed by this time) and think because it was so squished in the same sac I felt it faster. But they kept getting stronger and stronger I told the midwife what I felt and she said it's moving. Then I felt it more when I lay flat on my back!!!! Exciting! Xxx
Hey ladies - just popping in to see how everyone is! And wanted to say - Blue! is that not a classic triphasic pattern on your chart lady?! Good luck with your testing if you're doing more soon. It looks great though, a classic chart. hehe.

Afm, FF has moved my ov date from 12th to the 14th now, i think i'm covered with bd'ing, still....it was a bit annoying to wake up and see a shift of 2 days! Gonna pop in tomorrow and have a proper look through everyone's updates. Hope you all have good weekends x

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