Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

klsltsp - You're sweet, I seem to spend a lot of time on this website and love chatting to all the ladies on this forum, always brightens up my day!:hugs:

Hoping your hpt tests turn negative real soon and then you could ovulate again straight away, it's possible, as that's what must've happened with me. We keep finding pregnancy tests in all sorts of places!! I love a bulk buy and hide them from hubby as he gets annoyed... and now they're in the guest bedroom, kitchen, lounge! I must've run out of places to hide them a long time ago!!:blush: xx

Blue - Hope you've had your blood test results back and they show you ovulated. And don't be disheartened, you'd think with my history I'd KNOW I was pregnant and I didn't :wacko:! Proof you literally can have NO symptoms at all. My boobs were the smallest they'd ever been. (that has since changed though, much to the hubby's delight!):haha:

Mindymoo - Exciting to hear you're actively trying and will be temping!:thumbup: Looking forward to seeing your chart take shape in the coming days and weeks. You don't need to wait till AF, I picked it up mid-way through and it still clearly showed my ovulation and bfp, so I'd suggest starting now. Even if it isn't clear this month, it'll still help show a base number.

Literati - Don't worry about if the sperm will get there or not, sounds like you've got baby dancing covered in my opinion. Just relax and enjoy the dancing! Fingers and toes crossed this is your month and you post up a beautiful bfp in no time :hugs:

Crysshae - How are you doing? AF must be close to clearing up now! :happydance: xx

SLG - Glad to hear you're recovering well, I remember recovering unbelievably quickly with it, I guess it's similar to a D&C without the horrible anaesthetic side effects. Also, I'd still try temping, even if you're a light sleeper. Honestly, I just did my temps whenever I woke or stirred, regardless of what time it was (as long as I'd been asleep for a minimum of 3 hours), so I didn't stick to the same time everyday and my chart still worked, so might be one still to try.:hugs:

Lindsay - Really sounds like baby to me too!!:happydance: That's put a huge grin on my face!! So lovely to hear your little bean is using his or her arms and legs! I'm impressed you haven't told anyone at work yet, you must be really good at hiding bump or it really must be tiny. So cute the little 7 year old girl guessed :baby:, I love hearing things like that!xx

AFM - Same old, feeling sick all day now but still happy, getting a bit nervous about Monday but it'll be here soon enough xxx
He girlies. Still no blood tests results yet. Be Monday now. And no symptoms really. I feel like every other month. Took a test this am and still neg so not going to test until AF is late.
I'm just really windy to my OHs misfortune hehe... :blush:

Soil leaving the island for a month tomorrow so if it's not my month then It won't be my year at all. No Xmas announcement for me.

Aleeah I'm eager for your appointment so you can be settled and your mind more at rest.

Linds I'm super excited too you should say at your next appointment. How's your bump ? Are you showing yet? Xxx

Aleeah I was trying to spy your temping charts but I can't see them ! Xx
Aleeah - Thanks...I hope so. I feel like my "relaxed" attitude toward BDing this month may end up biting me in the butt. Oh well. At least we weren't straining ourselves and making ourselves miserable like we did last month. What's done is done.

Yay for feeling sick all day! :happydance: I hope this means good news.

Blue - Sometimes no symptoms is the best sign. Good luck! So if you don't get pregnant this month, when will you be able to try again? December?

How is everyone else today?? Lindsay? Nina? Linny? Slg? Kls? Mindy? Crys? etc

AFM - I am once again confused by my cycle. Not sure why my last few cycles have confused me so much.

So, I had a +OPK yesterday at 7:30 am (and what looked like pretty darn close to a +OPK on Thurs at 10:30 pm but not quite positive still). Then by 5 pm when I tested, the line had faded quite a bit. However, I guzzle water all day so I think it might have been too diluted to show. Then this morning the line had faded even further so clearly negative.

I had just mild, barely-there ovulation cramps last night, and then today at 4:30 am I woke up with intense ovulation cramps on my left side, so I assumed that's when I probably ovulated (don't even get me started about how disappointed I am that it was my left side again. :growlmad:). But then I woke up an hour earlier than I usually temp and my temps were up from 36.51 to only 36.54. I would have expected a dip today if I ovulated, and since it was an hour earlier than usual I would have thought my temps would be lower anyway. But the fact that they were a tad higher an hour early might mean that today was my first "rise." And I honestly do think I ovulated today and not yesterday, so who knows.

We BDed last night and then again this morning. We were only able to get about a 12-hour gap in between :blush: so I assume dh's sperm count was pretty low this morning but I just didn't really see the point of waiting when we were in the mood and BDing should be enjoyable - not torture!!

So with the combined fact that I ovulated from my stupid left ovary again, our timing wasn't perfect and I can't even really tell when I ovulated, I really don't think we have a chance this month. :cry: I sort of want to cry.

I had a big meltdown last night and just felt really sad that I don't have a beautiful baby bump and it feels like I never will.
Hey mrs I'm like that every month. I have no idea what my body does most of the time ! I think I ovulate and my bloods come back saying I don't! Don't egg too upset about it because sperm lasts for days in their so you won't have missed it! That's why sometimes temping isn't a good thing because you get too caught up and annoyed.

I won't be able to try again until December so therefore I won't have a positive before Xmas so this year is out for me. Pretty bumbled out about it.

I'm defo not pregnant this month because got a neg the last couple of days and AF is due wed. I don't feel pregnant at all! Temps are just mucking me around as per. Doubt I even o'd lol.

How's everyone! Did you guys have nice weekend?

Thanks, blue. :hugs:

That is too bad that you won't get a BFP by Christmas if this month isn't your month. :( That is very disappointing and not at all what you planned/hoped for.

I really would not count yourself out yet though. You are still testing really early.
A girl I know on another thread got a BFN at 10 DPO and thought she was out but then at 12 DPO she got get BFP! So you never know! She also has zero symptoms!
Hello ladies. Would it be okay if I join your group?

I am 25 years old and my husband is 27. We just started fertility treatments in September and luckily got pregnant on our first month with femara. Unfortunately at 5 weeks I started cramping and then soon after started bleeding. Things were super up and down from the day we found out we were pregnant. When I went in for my first beta draw, my HCG was only at 17. I was super worried, but my doctor said not to worry just wait 48 hours and hopefully the numbers double. So I went in 48 hours later and my numbers jumped to 56 (they tripled)! We felt a sigh of relief for a couple days, until the bleeding started. On October 14th, I found out my levels went down to 29 and I was miscarrying. It was our first pregnancy and we were and are so sad! My Dr. wants us to wait 2 cycles before trying again, which puts us somewhere in December. I started bleeding on Thursday morning and am still bleeding but the bleeding has turned brown so I think that means it is getting ready to be done.

I am so glad there is a group out there like this. I really don't know anyone that I could talk to about all these personal things to do with a miscarriage.
Thanks lit for being positive but I just know it's not mine. I'm not as gutted this month as last just a bit annoyed that it's taking so long.

Life I'm sorry for your loss. This is definitely a group who understands what your going through and a great bunch of ladies to have any sorts of chats with! Hope you get your rainbow baby soon!

Life...welcome! Sorry that you find yourself here but I'm glad that you have found some company. This is a great group of women and we all understand your disappointment and sadness. Why is your doctor having you wait a few cycles? I have heard that some doctors recommend this. I just miscarried at 9 weeks and had everything cleaned out a couple days ago. My doctor says that she will put me back on my fertility meds as soon as I have a period start. I also used Femara for three cycles but I didn't have any luck with it. When I get my next period we are going to use injectables (gonal-f).
Life - Welcome here and I'm very sorry it has to be under such sad circumstances. :hugs: Age-wise, your situation is similar to mine as I am 25 as well and my dh is 27! My loss was my first pregnancy as well so we are still trying for our first take-home baby.

That is interesting your dr recommended waiting a whole 2 cycles to try. Do you know why? It doesn't sound like you were very far along. My doctor only told me to wait til my first AF. But regardless, I do hope you can just try to relax during this waiting period so that you are emotionally ready to try in December. And here's hoping it will happen on the first try again for you!

It really is so nice to have people to talk to who understand. People in real life are typically not too great to talk to. :S

Blue - I understand when you just "know" it isn't it and everyone keeps being positive. I am glad you're not too devastated but I can totally sympathize with your annoyance over this taking so long. Hopefully your blood work results tomorrow will shed some light on what's going on with your body. You really should not have to wait this long for your baby. :hugs:
Hi ladies, I'm very sorry for all ur losses. I had a DnC on friday and I'm still battling with it. I know it was not my fault but miscarriages are not pleasent to go through it, u cant even wish it to ur worste enemy. I also want to try again as soon as possible but I read that u need to wait for 2 cycles atleast. How true is it? I miss my angels every day
So sorry for your loss maph! It's not a nice thing at ally the worst I have ever been through. Some ladies wait some don't. It's how you feel in yourself!

Hi ladies!
Sorry been quiet,we took a little holiday and it was hubbys birthday.Really needed the break!
Hope you are all doing well?Any updates?
Afm- af arrived today! Never been so pleased for af to show!im exactly 5 weeks post op today.Feeling good,its a new cycle new start.
hope everyone is doing well x x
Ljs good luck this month!

AFM I got bloods back today.... I did O! So I just never caught it! Bummer... Now I will be left to do it without any assistance... Xxx
Life and Mapha - I'm so sorry for your losses. This is a great group of ladies, full of support.

Good luck, Ljs!

Blue - Woohoo for O! I know you've given up, but MY GOSH, Your chart looks absolutely perfect! Those steady temps are a really good sign, even more than the triphasic pattern, to me. And lots of people don't get extra early BFPs. I'm watching you closely.

Aleeah - Have you had your scan yet?
Mapha - welcome here and sorry for your loss. I don't think there's any medical reason to wait 2 cycles. I have heard wait until first AF but that's mostly for dating purposes. Most important is making sure you're emotionally ready. I did wait until my first AF and I am glad I did.

Blue- congratulations on Oing! I knew you must have! When is AF due due for you?

Ljs - welcome back! I am glad you are finding AF a relief.

Lindsay - how are you? How was your weekend?

Aleeah- can't wait to hear about your scan. :hugs:
LL - I'm so sorry you had a meltdown, I've no doubt it WILL happen for you, it might already have happened for you this cycle, just try and stay positive :hugs:. TTC is so much harder after a miscarriage, but the percentage of women that go on to have beautiful bouncing babies is so high. It'll happen, just hang in there. Also don't worry about the 12 hour gap, could be a good thing I've heard, if you've got swimmers sat there from the first time, they can get pushed up with the second lot, so doesn't have to be a bad thing at all :thumbup:. Fingers and toes and everything crossed for you this cycle! xx

Blue - It's SUCH good news you ovulated!:happydance: I know you might not see it like that but sometimes getting help means you get delayed trying while waiting for results etc and there's no guarantee it would work with help either. Try and focus on the positives, your body is ready for a baby again now. Things will happen soon, it just feels like it's taken longer. Hey even if you had conceived before Christmas, due date would still be 2014 and it can still be 2014 :thumbup:. AND anyway your chart is looking crazy high, I know you don't want to hear it but it does look like a positive chart and unless AF shows don't admit defeat! I've never seen a better chart!! :yipee:xxxx

Life is Beauty - I'm so sorry for your loss. Miscarriages are so hard to go through, I've lost count of the number of times I turned to my husband and said how can I hope again after this? But you will and you should, I know it's hard but you'll have good days and bad days and the good days will eventually start to out number the bad days. I was told by all the doctors and specialist to try again, if your body is ready for a pregnancy you'll get pregnant. Although I can understand your apprehension, I had 2 back to back miscarriages earlier this year with no AF inbetween and looking back I wish I'd waited one cycle so I could guarantee that's not why it happened :hugs: xxx

mapha2 - Like I said to Life is Beauty, I was advised to start trying as soon as I was ready, even if that was straight away. And trying straight away certainly helped me to move on, I like being in control and waiting for AF felt really out of my control but trying didn't. Like I said earlier, I did miscarry and was told not to try again until I had more tests done but somehow still managed to get pregnant again :wacko:. Miscarriages are hard, I've had 4 now and being pregnant again scares the life out of me most days (I'm still very early stages) but what's the alternative? Never have a take home baby? It's not an option, so you find yourself able to pick yourself up and try again. It'll happen for all of us, I really do believe that :hugs: xxx

Ljsmummy - Good to have you back! And congratulations on AF!!:wohoo: I took a break with hubby after the last loss and it helped a lot, gave us a chance to gather ourselves, still had good days and bad days but it certainly brought us closer together too. I've got everything crossed this is your cycle [-o< xxx

Crysshae - How are you getting on lovely lady? Will you be temping this month?? xx

AFM - And in answer to your question, scan went well thank you. Everything is as it should be and I finally got to see a heartbeat, I was hoping I'd be more relieved and happy, which I am but not as much I hoped I would be. I guess my past has taken the shine off things for now but I'm hoping I'll relax more as each week goes by. Currently measuring 6w+5d, we're celebrating with a curry tonight (I love spicy food when I'm pregnant!):haha: xxx
Woohoo! That's wonderful, Aleeah! Congratulations!

I'm doing okay. I'm planning on trying to remember to temp so I can get my days right for the blood work my doc wants me to have. We've been very busy lately, and I haven't thought about it too much and keep forgetting to put my thermometer back on my nightstand.
Woohoo! That's wonderful, Aleeah! Congratulations!

I'm doing okay. I'm planning on trying to remember to temp so I can get my days right for the blood work my doc wants me to have. We've been very busy lately, and I haven't thought about it too much and keep forgetting to put my thermometer back on my nightstand.

Thanks Crysshae, very happy!

I know it's hard to get back into temping, I struggled this last time so just gave up, I kept forgetting and then felt guilty all day but as we weren't trying I didn't see the point in doing it until a month we were trying.

Blue - I removed my chart a while back as I'd stopped temping but I've shoved it back into my signature for you to see if you still wanted to? You'll have to go back 1 or 2 as I only seemed to have temped for 1 cycle :blush:! although in my defense it was a LONG cycle! xx
Thank you so much for all your kind words ladies. It realy means so much to me, I'm glad I found you ladies.

Aleeah: congratulations gal, we will pray with you
Stay Blessed, I'm going back to work tomorrow I'm tired of sleeping and feeling sorry for myself,

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