Mindymoo - So glad you had a good break. This might shock you but you easily could be ovulating again

. I ovulated exactly 3 weeks after my D&C and I'm now pregnant, so very possible. My HCG was at 45 on 09/09/2013 and according to the pregnancy I must've ovulated a week later

!! So I'm guessing from it going to zero and me ovulating would have been a matter of days

. I didn't think it possible but it happened.
Mapha - It's normal not to heavily bleed following a D&C, I spotted for 2 days following mine and that was it. I'm not sure what the light burning sensation is, I certainly had light cramping 2 days following my D&C which I put down to my uterus going back to size.
Linnypops - Your chart's looking really good, wow what high numbers!!

This very well could be your month if I'm not mistaken!! Fingers and toes crossed for you!!
Lindsay - Good luck with telling people from work, I've no doubt they'll be supportive and it'll make it all very real for you

. I'm going to plan to try and hold out before telling work until as late as possible but I guess even with that sometimes you have to concede, if you start showing for example!

And wow your maternity pay seems really good, this is going to sound terrible but I haven't even looked at what I would get! I guess I should look into it at some point!!
Crysshae - Your employer sounds amazing, any jobs for me??

I'm willing to relocate!
Literati - Yay for crosshairs!!

I miss the TWW, I know it's full of hope and guessing but it's really nice to not have the pressure of baby dancing, if you do, you're just enjoying yourself and it's carefree. We haven't baby danced since that first scan, I do grudgingly suggest it but hubby always says he's too tired, fine by me!! I'm quite happy falling asleep on the sofa with the cat! She's got her stalker tendancies back now I'm pregnant again, so strange, literally clings to me and whines when I leave the house or even close a door (e.g toilet door!

). She patiently sits by me when I'm being sick too. Funny how animals react to things, I'm sure she's only near me because I'm hot all the time and she likes the heat!!
Blue - How are you doing??

AFM - Same old, sickness kicking in all day. I'm sure it's the prenatals that make me sick but I can't exactly not take them either. Will speak to the doctor when I see her next week. Next scan is booked for next Wednesday xxx