Literati - I've been taking the prenatals at dinner time, with food. And I kept putting off taking them yesterday as I felt sick all day and then forgot to take them all together, I do feel bad but I'm hoping 1 day won't make a difference. And I was still sick, so think I just have the normal ms people talk about but it's all day sickness

! I don't mind it that much, just relieved it's different to before. And I'm so hungry I'm still managing to eat 3 meals, even if I bring 1 back up I manage to eat again!! I'm such a greedy little thing at the moment!!!
Your chart is looking beautiful, I love a rising chart, I know these apps give you crosshairs but mine were taken back a few times and it was disappointing, so when temps keep rising you know at least it's accurate. And it's all looking good

Teacup - Thank you, I barely saw the baby to be honest. By the time the technician turned the monitor to show me I was in floods of tears, so all I got was a pic for hubby but it looks like a fat blob!! I'm happy with my fat blob!

Just relieved it's all ok for now. Just a wait and see if the placenta takes over when it's supposed to, as that's where the doctors think I might hit a hurdle. But if that is an issue I really have no idea how they'd ever fix it?! How are you? Will you be testing soon? Exciting!!

Linnypops - I haven't tried ginger sweets but you can bet I'll be going out in a minute to buy some!!

Your temp is probably risen anyway during the night, I certainly found I was hotter after ovulation and that's continued into pregnancy too xx
Mapha - I hope going back to work wasn't too hard? I worked from home for a week following my miscarriages, it was hard going back as no-one knew why I'd been off but I guess it also made it easier as I didn't have anyone ask me any upsetting questions. They tell you not to baby dance incase you get an infection. We did but I made sure ahem nothing else went up there, so no foreplay

! Plus I wasn't bleeding, so thought it should be ok.
SLG - Your ex employer sounds awful, I'm glad you left. And hoping your beta's do come down to zero real soon. My advice is to definitely take all the blood tests offered to you. They were going to follow my beta down to zero too but I just got lazy and didn't attend book the tests after 2 and I regretted it, as don't know when I ovulated or when I hit zero etc. Your husband sounds lovely! Can I have a clone of him please??!

I imagine being a SAHM is a life full of glamour and amazing lunches, don't tell me the truth, just let me keep that dream!

Blue - I'm so sorry you're having a temp drop and you feel AF is coming. I really believed this would be your month, thinking of you and praying for you tonnes. And you're not a failure silly girl!! So many things have to align to get pregnant and remember you ovulated!! Your body is working fine, it WILL happen. I want it for you so bad, I promise it will happen. I always say our TTC journey's have been like that Cold Play song: "Nobody said it was easy but nobody ever said it would this hard". Just try and do as Mindy has said, take it as a fresh start.
LifeisBeauty - Do what you feel is right, you might get to the point of baby dancing and think I don't want to use protection, or you might freak out. I freaked out and made hubby use protection but still fell pregnant, so if it's meant to be it will.
I just wanted to say too, I LOVE your profile pic, it's gorgeous!! And I WANT your dress!!!!

Mindymoo - Yay for ovulation!! I've got high hopes for you missy!! A doctor during one of my miscarriages at the hospital told me I wouldn't be able to conceive straight after a miscarriage, as women don't ovulate...

!! I want to go find her with my scan pic and say "Well?!". I'm glad you're having fun with the baby dancing and making up for the lost baby dancing now!
LJSMummy - I've got your chart saved in my favourites now. You don't need to ask me twice to stalk!!

I'm looking forward to seeing it taking shape. And I'm glad you had a lovely break, it makes such a difference. We had a break after the last miscarriage and it certainly brought us closer together xxx
Lindsay - How are you? Have you told work yet? xx
AFM - Like I said feeling pretty sick but still happy about it, wishing the time away so I can get to next weeks scan and then the one after that and then the one after that! Just want Christmas already!
