Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aleeah - Have you tried (are you allowed) ginger sweets? For car sickness etc they're great. Not sure about morning sickness. Really great that you've got another scan soon too! And re: the chart, yes i have been crazily hot in the nights. Because i never charted before i can't know if this is normal or not for me, but fingers crossed! x

LL - Yes, it's very difficult when an employer puts you in a position where you have to stand your own ground....esp if you prefer to avoid conflict, If you have a good (female?) HR person at your work it might be better to go via them, or else to get some advice on how to handle it from an advocacy group for pregnant women in the workplace.
No official HR person at my workplace unfortunately, and I have to go through my supervisor who is also the boss and she has already not been understanding. :( It's a little stressful but I'll figure it out.
Hello ladies, hope you are all well. After a week of rest, today I finally found courage of going back to work. I was tired of sleeping and feeling sorry for myself. All thanx to you

Lindsay- I took a hpt and and still showing a strong +ve, so I doubt I'm ovulating. But today I feel ok, the burning sensation is gone but I will see my gynea if it comes back.

Mindy - surely you had a very good weeked hey, lot of bding huh. Crossing fingers and toes for you. As for me, no bding as yet, still spotting and not sure for how long.

My gynea told me not to bd for 2 weeks
Literati, what kind of work do you do? Most employers know that they could be on the hook legally for not complying with a Dr. note. I hope you stick up for yourself if need be. I actually filed a legal complaint against my employer when I got my cancer diagnosis since they were not accepting my Dr. notes and basically giving me a big run around. I got a settlement from them and left that job.

You can end up getting some partially paid leave here in the states for pregnancy but you have to pay extra monthly for that to be part of your employment package.

I actually don't work now. My husband is so nice to support us so I can stay home with my 3year old.

My HCG level yesterday was just over 1000 and that was 5 days after my aspiration procedure. Hoping that it is still falling fast. My Dr. will do a beta every week until it is back to less than 5.
mapha - Good to hear you were feeling up to going back to work. In a way it is good to get in the routine again, although I found it difficult to start "faking it" all the time. I took almost 2 weeks off for mine, but a good portion of that was holiday time that I would have taken anyway. My m/c happened on the very first day of my only week of holidays for the entire summer. It was awful.

slg - I just sit at a desk all day, but unfortunately there is a lab attached to our office where they use a lot of chemicals and solvents. Normally it doesn't affect me but there is a particular substance they use occasionally that spreads extremely strong fumes throughout the entire office. It is a small office so it spreads quickly. :( My doctor had told me to leave the office immediately (if pregnant) if they use anything like this in the future, but she never wrote me a note at the time since I was in the process of miscarrying. I will definitely get a note the second I get my BFP this time.
I am so glad you took action against your employer and were able to get a settlement. That is despicable that they would not honour your doctor's notes, and especially over such a serious condition. That is wonderful that you are now able to stay at home thanks to your husband! Being a SAHM would be a dream come true for me. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't make very much money. :( *sigh* Maybe someday....
Hey.. not able to catch up properly. AF due tomorrow i feel it coming. Temp drop this am which reassures it.

Aleeah glad your scan went well! Crys hope bloods come.back with the results you want.

Hope the rest of you girls are doing well. Will catchup properly soon xxx
Blue - very sorry about your temp drop. :hugs: At least you know you ovulated. Since they did all the hormonal tests on you, are they going to check your husband's sperm as well? Although I suppose that might wreck him considering that drug store test he took!
So sorry this is taking so long for you. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. :hugs:
literati, I am a microbiologist and have worked in labs for 20 years. Being careful with chemicals is just part of what I do. Luckily the lab I worked in while pregnant was pretty benign....it was also pretty boring ;)
My husband also does not make great money but we kind-of sort-of scrape by. I quit my job with the whole cancer disaster and just never found a new one. We hate the idea of putting Emily in day care for so many hours a week and it's so expensive.
Thank you ladies for all the kind words and warm welcome!

SLG: My doctor said she wanted my lining to have time to rebuild. It’s hard for me because my cycles are really messed up on their own. When I was off birth control I would have cycles anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 month apart. I am so sorry about your m/c but I am so glad you get to start fertility medication so quickly!

Literati: It is so nice to meet other people who are in similar circumstances as I am. Did you conceive naturally or through fertility treatments? It was really hard having a miscarriage for my first pregnancy (as it would be with any pregnancy), but it makes me worry if maybe my body just can’t handle it. I’m sure that’s not true, but it is a thought that has been running through my mind.

Aleeah: My doctor never said not to BD, so I have been thinking about not doing anything to prevent a pregnancy (although we needed fertility treatments to get pregnant this time) but I have also been thinking maybe we shouldn’t try just in case is causes a miscarriage.
lifeisbeauty...just a thought for you...
I did 3 rounds of Femara with no luck but the following month I conceived naturally! :dance: My Dr. says that is not uncommon. They don't know why exactly but the meds sometimes reset something in our bodies. So if you were to BD.....? :winkwink: :shhh:
Nothing said about checking sperm count yet. I dont think they will do anything now until its been over a year now... Which isnt long but long enough. 3 more months of trying and it will be a year! Thats with skipping this month. Who knew it would be like this ! Makes me feel like a failure.

Slg - Hoping your levels drop nice and quick so you can get back to a bit of normality. Nothing worse than HPTing every day to see +ive :(

mapha - hoping the spotting stops soon, how long have you been bleeding for? - when i came to the end of it it was actually strange not to see any blood when i went to the loo (TMI sorry lol)! Yeah BDing was fun think we r catching up on what we missed out on our HMoon hahahaha. Fingers crossed you stop soon so you can start BDing. We ALL deserve our lovely sticky babies now! x x x x

blue - boooo for AF but as everyone has said at least you know you have ovulated. Get this out the way then a nice fresh cycle for you! You are not a failure hun please dont think that - good things come to those who wait - some of us have to wait a little bit longer is all. Please please dont give up hope! big hugs xx x x x x x

Life - Please dont be disheartened too much. Plenty of women who miscarry first time go on to carry perfectly healthy babies. Big Positive thoughts im sure it will happen for you very soon get BDing lol ;) xxx

AFM - Well you clever lot were right lol!! Had massive ovulation pains last night all on the left side! Cant believe I have Ovulated so soon?! Was a good feeling to know my body has fully returned to normal. So now the TWW. Try to tell myself im not expecting anything and dont want to get my hopes up but deep down i have everything crossed that it could happen!
Hi Mindy, I never bleed after my dnc but spot instead. Its been 5 days now. Hope it stops soon.
Hi everyone
thank you all for responses,feeling good that af is here and its a new start.af is strange,heavy one minute and virtually gone the next. Not painful though.I guess it will take a while for my body to get back to normal.
we are planning to ntnp for now,I just dont want to get stressed about it,its supposed to be fun right!this is my first attempt at charting,more so I can see if im doing it right than anything else!I know you ladies have lots of experience in this area so feel free so stalk.
Blue - so sorry af arrived for you.dont feel like a failure,it will happen for you. Sending you lots of luck and positive thoughts.
aleeah- great news about your scan!I would feel exactly the same,its natural to feel anxious as it means you care so much.sorry youre feeling so sick,I found sickness bands and lollipops helped for me.
lindsay- we went to Scarborough for our holiday!
It was a great break away,really relaxing and lots of fresh sea air. We really needed it. im hoping the doctor will sign me back on to work early so I can start back next week. Im ready to get back to normality.
hope you are all having a great day x
AF hasnt showed yet its due today though.never temped again but with the huge dip af wont be far away.

Nina how are you ? We miss you ! Xxx
Literati - I've been taking the prenatals at dinner time, with food. And I kept putting off taking them yesterday as I felt sick all day and then forgot to take them all together, I do feel bad but I'm hoping 1 day won't make a difference. And I was still sick, so think I just have the normal ms people talk about but it's all day sickness :sick:! I don't mind it that much, just relieved it's different to before. And I'm so hungry I'm still managing to eat 3 meals, even if I bring 1 back up I manage to eat again!! I'm such a greedy little thing at the moment!!!:haha:

Your chart is looking beautiful, I love a rising chart, I know these apps give you crosshairs but mine were taken back a few times and it was disappointing, so when temps keep rising you know at least it's accurate. And it's all looking good :happydance: xx

Teacup - Thank you, I barely saw the baby to be honest. By the time the technician turned the monitor to show me I was in floods of tears, so all I got was a pic for hubby but it looks like a fat blob!! I'm happy with my fat blob!:blush: Just relieved it's all ok for now. Just a wait and see if the placenta takes over when it's supposed to, as that's where the doctors think I might hit a hurdle. But if that is an issue I really have no idea how they'd ever fix it?! How are you? Will you be testing soon? Exciting!!:thumbup: xx

Linnypops - I haven't tried ginger sweets but you can bet I'll be going out in a minute to buy some!!:haha: Your temp is probably risen anyway during the night, I certainly found I was hotter after ovulation and that's continued into pregnancy too xx

Mapha - I hope going back to work wasn't too hard? I worked from home for a week following my miscarriages, it was hard going back as no-one knew why I'd been off but I guess it also made it easier as I didn't have anyone ask me any upsetting questions. They tell you not to baby dance incase you get an infection. We did but I made sure ahem nothing else went up there, so no foreplay :blush:! Plus I wasn't bleeding, so thought it should be ok.

SLG - Your ex employer sounds awful, I'm glad you left. And hoping your beta's do come down to zero real soon. My advice is to definitely take all the blood tests offered to you. They were going to follow my beta down to zero too but I just got lazy and didn't attend book the tests after 2 and I regretted it, as don't know when I ovulated or when I hit zero etc. Your husband sounds lovely! Can I have a clone of him please??!:haha: I imagine being a SAHM is a life full of glamour and amazing lunches, don't tell me the truth, just let me keep that dream!:shhh: xx

Blue - I'm so sorry you're having a temp drop and you feel AF is coming. I really believed this would be your month, thinking of you and praying for you tonnes. And you're not a failure silly girl!! So many things have to align to get pregnant and remember you ovulated!! Your body is working fine, it WILL happen. I want it for you so bad, I promise it will happen. I always say our TTC journey's have been like that Cold Play song: "Nobody said it was easy but nobody ever said it would this hard". Just try and do as Mindy has said, take it as a fresh start. :hugs2:

LifeisBeauty - Do what you feel is right, you might get to the point of baby dancing and think I don't want to use protection, or you might freak out. I freaked out and made hubby use protection but still fell pregnant, so if it's meant to be it will.:hugs:

I just wanted to say too, I LOVE your profile pic, it's gorgeous!! And I WANT your dress!!!!:flower: xx

Mindymoo - Yay for ovulation!! I've got high hopes for you missy!! A doctor during one of my miscarriages at the hospital told me I wouldn't be able to conceive straight after a miscarriage, as women don't ovulate...:wacko:!! I want to go find her with my scan pic and say "Well?!". I'm glad you're having fun with the baby dancing and making up for the lost baby dancing now!:happydance:

LJSMummy - I've got your chart saved in my favourites now. You don't need to ask me twice to stalk!!:haha: I'm looking forward to seeing it taking shape. And I'm glad you had a lovely break, it makes such a difference. We had a break after the last miscarriage and it certainly brought us closer together xxx

Lindsay - How are you? Have you told work yet? xx

AFM - Like I said feeling pretty sick but still happy about it, wishing the time away so I can get to next weeks scan and then the one after that and then the one after that! Just want Christmas already!:xmas3: xx
Aleeah - I think any pregnant woman with ms will tell you that "morning sickness" is a misnomer and most definitely occurs all day! So you are not alone in that. I am not surprised that not taking your vitamins didn't help your nausea, but I definitely wouldn't worry one speck about missing one dose! I should talk though because I ran out of folic acid yesterday so wasn't able to take my 5 mg dose and I definitely worried about it!

Life - We conceived naturally which I am very thankful for. You never know if you might get a "surprise" not using your fertility meds!

Blue - sorry AF is on her way. That is crazy that it is so close to a year of TTC. I do hope it happens before you have to resort to more tests.

Mindy - congrats on Oing! I am convinced my left ovary releases eggs that can't get pregnant and so I feel I am out this month as I ovulated from my left as well. Here's hoping your left is a keeper!

Lj- welcome back

Hello to everyone else. Don't have time to reply right now!
Wow, it's been busy in there, I'm having a hard time keeping up!

Aleeah, sorry you're feeling sick, but at least it's a great sign!! I had all day sickness too and it was at it's worst around 8 - 10 weeks. If you're comfortable with it you could ask for some anti nausea meds. I was given diclectin and just took it at night which was enough to give me a bit of relief for the morning, which meant I could eat a good breakfast, which made the rest of the day go better. Mints were also helpful for the nausea, I had them stashed everywhere!!

LL, your chart is looking good hun :) Yep, we own our apartment which is why we're on the hook for the cost of the building maintenance, and unfortunately there was no way we could have known this was coming when we bought the place, it's just bad luck. Totally puts me off buying another condo though... we've had a few other friends this has happened to as well.

Linny, your chart is looking good too!! I think it's going to be an exciting next week or 2 with a bunch of people in the TWW :)

Slg, that's lovely that you can be a stay at home mom :) I too, sometimes wish that I could be, but at least at this point in my life, it's not in the cards. Very cool that you're a microbiologist. I did my undergrad degree in microbiology... never worked in the area though, just went on to do a masters in occupational therapy (bit of a change in field, lol, but I like it). That's good that your doctor will be following your hcg levels, hopefully they drop quickly!

Blue, sorry about AF on her way :( That sucks! I was really hoping this would be your month. At least you know you did ovulate though, that is positive. Where are you off to next month?

Life, after the mc my doctor told me that it's more common to have a m/c in your first pregnancy, and that very often they see someone who has had a m/c and then a few months later, pregnant again with a healthy pregnancy, so try not to worry too much (easier said than done I know!!)

Mindy, yay for ovulation!! Glad to hear your body seems to have normalized quickly :)

Mapha, I hope your spotting stops soon!

ljs, I think you'll like charting, it really helps with figuring out what's going on :) Sounds like a lovely vacation!

Nina, where are you?

Crys, how are things going for you?

As for me, I ended up not telling work yesterday because I had a meeting that went long, and then didn't have enough time afterwards. Hubby thinks I'm just procrastinating, but really it was a crazy day! Anyway, I'll be at the office again next week so will talk to them then. Other than that things seem to be going well. I am pretty sure now that it's movement that I'm feeling... I especially notice it when I'm driving, or when I'm lying down in bed :) It's always around the same spot and unlike any other sensation I've had in that area before.
Hang in there blue! I'm sorry you are feeling down. I hope you know, at least in your head, that this is not a failure on your part. We certainly cannot control what our bodies are doing. And, in the small ways that you can help you are...temping, prenatals and such. I do understand your feeling though. I sometimes feel bad that my cancer causes my husband not to have more children. My head knows that is ridiculous but sometimes my heart still feels it.

Lindsay-it took me a long time to be convinced that what I was feeling was my baby. I loved feeling her move and it just gets better as you go. Well until the end when they start kicking you in the ribs :)

Being a SAHM is party nice lunches with friends and time to go shopping. The catch is that I always, and I mean always, have a 3 year old with me. Sometimes that just adds to the fun but sometimes it tries my patience a lot. Overall I'm so grateful that I can stay home. I am lucky to have such a supportive husband! He also helps with Emily a lot when he's home which is awesome.

I got my mammogram done today. It's a stressful thing to do with my history of breast cancer. I had a few minutes of panic when they had to re-do more pictures than usual. All the sudden I really realized that if they found anything abnormal I really couldn't have more kids. Thankfully it was all clear!!! You never realize just how much you want a child until it is almost taken away!
Im on the mainland for a month visiting family friends and awaiting the arrival of the brother or sister. Im kind of hoping that the little tike comes earlier and i might take a cheeky flight home on my fertile week but because i want it to come earlier it will probably wait till the 5th. And that week is my sexy week so would be highly unfortunate. And they say new borns are their own contraception arent they supposed to be your own ? Haha

Thank you girls for your lovely words. Its only short messages.i.can manage as im at a holiday camp witg me four nieces and nephews at the moment and only have a silly little phone that doesnt work properly.

Aleeah soo happy for your little fat blob! It will be the bestest fat blob you will ever see. I cried like a baby when.i seen heartbeats too! First scan there was one second there was too... You could imagine the.histerics haha.

Linds the baby moving is the best feeling ever. I used to lie down all the time just to feel it hehe.

Slg that must be very scary. But i am so so pleased that it is all clear ! I was told a couple of years back that i had pcos and i would find it very difficult to have children naturally. It broke me. But i fell naturally and now they dont even know if i do have pcos or not. Which i hope i dont. So tests where to see if i was ovulating and my own doctor read the results of my last ovary scan and it said that there has never been signs of cysts... Lol so they Dont know why or whats happening.

Lit your chart looks good ! How many days post o are you ?

How are the rest of you ladies?


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