Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Lindsay -
Glad you had a fun weekend away! Did you buy anything for your hubby?
I so hope you get the results of your genetic testing on Wednesday!

Slg- haha! Sounds like laziness is a common preggo symptom. That is kind of haunting that your hubby could tell something was 'wrong' by your return in energy.

Aleeah - well, those mood swings sound like a good sign!!! :) your hubby will manage, I'm sure!

Thanks for being so hopeful for me but unfortunately this morning I got a very disappointingly low temp ... And I can't even say it was inaccurate because I actually slept through the night for once. :( I know now I'm out for this month, and it's all because of that STUPID left ovary! 4 months in a row of that side? Seriously! Give the poor right ovary a chance! :( and I'm really, really scared to get pregnant next cycle because I would be around 6 or 7 weeks at Christmas time and I can't think of a worse time to have a miscarriage. :( I would just die. And having to attend family gatherings? That would be unbearable. I'd almost rather wait to get my BFP at the end of December, but I also just want my baby already and don't want to wait. :(
Hey Everyone Just been reading everyone's updates - lots going on this week!

Literati - You are lucky to have a positive inkling im convinced im gunna be faced with a BFN this month. Vivid dreams are a good sign though i had those a lot with my last pregnancy. It was one of the first things that made me think I could be pregnant. Cant remember if I had them with my boys though. Eeeek very exciting cant wait till Friday im so sure it will be good news for you.

Aleeah - Good luck for your scan tomorrow im sure all will be great!

Blue - shame you wont make it home :( booooo that makes me sad x x x

AFM - Im no 7DPO and not planning on testing until 18dpo if its gunna be positive i wanna make sure its not a feint line I want it to be a BFP! if AF comes before then then so be it i don't know when to expect her anyways so may as just wait. But im not feeling too positive to be honest just dont feel the same as I did last time. My breasts are still VERY painful but im not looking too much into it! Such an awkward time. My DH is being very positive and is truly my pillar of strength. Keeping everything crossed for all of you ladies x x x
Mindy - are you sure you have a bad feeling? Your temps are skyrocketing! I think you have a good chance! The sore boobs are also a good sign!
good morning everyone!
I love all this baby and scan talk. Very exciting things going on.

Blue-I hope that baby is ready to come out and meet everybody so you can make it home for O day. So this is your half-sibling? How much younger? I have a half brother that is 18 years younger than I am. My sister is due with her third on Thursday. She's pretty irritated that she's still pregnant and wants the baby to come NOW!

Kim-I got my beta result. 144. Good news as it is down from over a thousand last week. Hoping that I clear the rest of the HCG by next week. I wonder if you could have a small cut from when they were poking around up in there? I'm glad you will get some answers soon.

I am off to the gym this morning. I have completely gotten out of my exercise routine for many months now and my jeans are too small to show for it. I've gained 10 pounds and it's time for it to go! Feeling chubby doesn't help with bd!
Lindsay - Definitely give the ring test a go, I've heard it's actually very accurate, don't ask me why but that's what I've heard! Interesting you're guessing the same as me, I just want it to be the 18th already!:dance:

I understand your paranoia, it's hard to relax. I've decided I don't want to tell anyone with any of my pregnancies until 4-5 months, no family, or friends. Hubby finds this ridiculous and will no doubt start blurting it out but I want to be cautious, I want it to be our little secret until as late as possible.

And as for mood swings, hubby has the patience of a saint, I'm embarrassed to tell you what the arguement was about :blush:. Started off him showing me a photo of some cupcakes his sister-in-law made for his brother... I replied in a screaming voice (that didn't even sound like me!:oops:) that he was ungrateful, I make him cakes, cookies, puddings all the time and dinner (3 course meals mid-week sometimes!) EVERYDAY and he never sends photo's to his brother :growlmad:. If he wanted a wife like that, he should move in with them, in fact he should move in with them anyway. By the end of the speech I was in tears apologising for losing my mind!! The look on his face suggested he thought I was a psychopath and I'm sure he was evaluating the quickest exits out of the house and away from me!!:haha: So mega unexpected, uncharacteristic meltdown number 1, done!:thumbup:

Blue - I'm sending your step mother birthing vibes as we speak! We need you to make it home, I'm considering a Mission Impossible type scenario, of getting you back home for some baby dancing :happydance:. Maybe we could come and kidnap you in the night time and whisk you back home to hubby?! Or we could kidnap your hubby and drop him off at yours?! You pick!!:haha:

P.S: I love your typing mistakes! Makes it quite funny reading your messages at the moment!!:flower:

Kim - I'm so sorry your bleeding is so relentless but I'm glad the doctor's are speaking to you about it. Definitely try and get some blood tests, to see what rate your HCG is dropping at and try and be foreceful with getting a response. It can't be good for your body at all, I know I used to get anaemic and faint every month during my period and that only lasted 5 days, so god knows how much weaker bleeding for 25 days will be making you. Good luck missy, keep us posted :hugs: xxx

Literati - Your temps are still above the coverline and so there's still hope! Have you had any tests done on your left ovary? I've always had pain on my right side and it's continued through pregnancies, it's only recently I realised this was because of the fibroids getting aggravated during AF and pregnancy etc. They're subserosal, so on the 'outside' of my uterus but they can definitely still get irritated. Only blessing with them is, they shouldn't affect my chances of conceiving or cause any risks during pregnancy.

I understand you being scared over Christmas, it's almost the time it's ok not to be pregnant but think if you were, you'd be equally pleased. It might also help to pass the time a lot quicker and you could be in the second trimester before you know it. I'm still hoping with all my heart this is your month [-o< xx

Mindy - Your temps are looking A-Mazing!!! This could SO be your month!!!! I've had different symptoms EVERYTIME I've fallen pregnant and like I've said before, didn't have any this time apart from the dreams. Your DH sounds lovely, I really hope this is it for you :hugs: xxx

SLG - You know what will happen, you'll be in the shape of your life and you'll get a BFP! It happened to me, I was feeling physically the best I have in years and brought a whole new wardrobe the weekend before my appointment... when I found out I was pregnant I literally returned ALL of it the weekend after!! 144 for a beta result is good. Mine was at 106 a week before I must have ovulated and fallen pregnant with this one, so you're nearly there xxx
Aleeah are you saying that my posts arent usually funny. :haha:
I choose for you to steal him and bring him to me. I have done enough travelling haha. If nothing else iv lost a couple of pounds lol. Both from my wallet and waist haha! :blush:

it will be a 24 year gap! Haha and I have a sister who is two years older than me. But step mother is only 34 (so I was told today... I thought she was 35... woops). It will be their first together. Dads third. Im no longer his baby. But im sure I will cope.... just. Haha

thanks for all positive thought ect. But send her some labour vibes haha we need her to go quick haha.

Blue - I do hope it goes quickly! I agree with Aleeah that we need to come up with a Mission Impossible type plan to get your home!

Slg - I hear you on the gaining weight! It seems a few of us have gained a bit of weight since our miscarriages. Good for you for hitting the gym! I am way too lazy.

Aleeah - thanks for all your optimism! :hugs: I've never had any testing on my ovaries. There is no way my doctor would ever take me seriously if I told her I don't think my left ovary works properly. I don't have any distinct pain with it (except when I ovulate) so I would hope fibroids or w/e aren't a concern. When they did my u/s during the m/c the tech took TONS of pics from every angle so I do hope if something was wrong there it would have shown up. I won't get referred for any further testing unless I have another m/c or take another 9 months to conceive. Anyway, my only basis for thinking my left ovary is bad is that while trying, the ONLY time I ovulated from the right I got pregnant, and the other 5 months I ovulated from my left I never have. :( so as irrational as it might be, no one is going to convince me otherwise until I get pregnant from that side! We did try some acupressure techniques this month to try to improve blood flow. Hoping maybe that will make a difference? We will try that again next month if BFN.

Your epic meltdown with your husband is hilarious! You sound exactly like me but I get that insane just from PMS! I think that kind of craziness is a very good sign. ;) and at least you apologized!
I'm home from the gym and proud of myself! Did 3.5 miles on the treadmill and actually jogged 2 of those miles. I feel SO much better when I'm exercising regularly. You would think that would be motivation enough to keep doing it but I always end up getting lazy again. With my cancer history it is especially important that I keep up a routine. In a perfect world I will lose this 10 pounds, get pregnant, and then keep active and be careful not to gain too much weight during the pregnancy. You know...in a perfect world :haha:

Aleeah-your argument is funny! I have meltdowns like that occasionally and I don't even have to be pregnant. My hubby just knows to leave me alone for a while until I come to my senses. Good thing I married such a patient man. Your beta levels are encouraging for me!! Happy news that I could ovulate in a week or two.

I'm so glad I found you ladies! How wonderful it is to have people to support me who understand what I'm going through :hug:
Blue- I have 5 siblings. I have a sister 4 years older than me. So she is 40 and my youngest brother is 18. So a 22 year age difference. The kicker....we all have the same mom!! Little brother was VERY intentional and tried very hard for. That brother is the only child that my mom and her current husband have together. I'm more like an aunt to that brother but I love having him around. He just started college this fall. My husband is the 10th of 12 children in his family!! I guess we are swinging the other way with our little family of one or hopefully two children :)
Blue, I'm sending all sorts of labour vibes to your mother in law too! If all else fails, I like Aleeah's suggestion of a mission impossible style kidnapping, lol... either for you or your OH ;)

Kls, I'm glad your doctor is going to check things out! Let us know how it goes.

LL, no, I didn't get anything for hubby. I was looking for a raincoat for him but didn't see any great deals. I wouldn't worry too much about one temp, it could even be that because you slept so well it is lower than normal.... and it's not even that low. I'm still hopeful for you this month!

Mindy, your chart is looking great! I'm hopeful for you too!

Slg, that's great news on the hcg results! Sounds like it's dropping quickly :) Hopefully you'll be back to trying again soon. Good for you getting back to the gym! I know what you mean, I am the same way. I feel great when I'm doing a regular exercise routine, but I find it's so easy to get out of the routine. Fortunately we have a dog so at least I'm out for a walk every day, even when I do get lazy, lol.

Aleeah, your story made me laugh, lol. I've had my share of meltdowns like that recently too, just silly little things that mean nothing, but in the moment.... hubby has to watch out, lol.

As for me, I just came back from my pilates class and I think baby was doing pilates too... I could feel all sorts of little flip flops :)
slg 144 is great!! and good for you for getting to the gym... I miss my gym time too.. I too am up about 10 lbs and I've just started a healthy eating regime yesterday to try and get this extra weight off... I'm not a small pregnant person so the smaller I start the better!! with my first DS I gained over 100 lbs!!!! then I lost 120 lbs before having my second DS... I was really careful what I ate and still gained 65 lbs... my doctor said that's just how my body works... so now my youngest is 16 months old and I'm about 10 lbs over where I'd like to be...

I'm just back from the doctor, and she was shocked not so worried about the bleeding, but when I told her I did a hpt on friday that was positive she was a little concerned.. so she sent me for stat bloodwork and I have another ultrasound tomorrow morning to confirm that there are no retained products (I had an ultrasound Oct 16 that said I was good but she wants to reasses just in case). She said if my bloodwork is positive, she's going to refer me to a gyno and that i may need a d&c... so here's hoping that my betas are 0!!!! sigh... I should get those results tomorrow afternoon.
I know I dont sound it but I am looking forward to it. I love my siblings. I have a little brother who is 15 and he is spoiled by my sister and I (we three have the same mom). So I know this little one will be. Imbjust a bit anxious on the name they will choose... hehe. Ans it is hard. I feelblike the closer it comes the more I hate my step mother. Its not her fault i just know that shesngoing to be experiencing everything I shouldbl have had. And shes taken all my baby knitted stuff my gran knitted for the twins and has yet to mention them since I gave birth...

but my little brother or sister will be greatly love andnspoiled.

Lit-whens af due?
Slg-wish I had your motivation. I dont even run for a bus haha. Xxx
Blue - AF is due Saturday!

KLS - it is so true that some people just naturally gain a lot of weight in pregnancy, to no fault of their own! Good for you for losing all that weight after your DS! Hey, Jenny Mcarthy gained around 100 lbs when she was pregnant too! :)
Kim--sounds like your body really just did what it wanted when you were pregnant. Losing all that weight must have been a lot of work. Good for you! I gained about 45 with dd. It took forever to lose it but much of that was because I was so sick and couldn't be very active. To lose weight I really have to exercise a lot because I'm helpless against my sugar cravings :haha:
Aleeah: Your argument is hilarious! Sounds like something I would do when I am PMSing.

Sig: It always feels so good to get back in the gym. I find my overall mood so much better when I work out.

Lit: It would be very hard to have a miscarriage around Christmas time, but it would also be so amazing to be pregnant over Christmas!!! I really hope this is the month for you!

As for me, I am doing well. It probably sounds crazy, but I feel like I have been having some of the same symptoms as I was when I was pregnant. I peed 7 (yes, 7) times while at work today and I have stared to have vivid dreams again. It seems pretty impossible to me, beings I just quit bleeding a little over a week ago on Sunday and the first day we BD was on Tuesday. Man, I think I could be going crazy. My mind has got to be playing games on me (and my bladder!)
Life - you're not crazy.... Or if you are, I am too. :) although sometimes I did I pee a lot more when my body is getting rid of water retention after AF. But all those vivid dreams sound like a good sign! Have you ovulated yet? It's so hard to keep track!
Lit: I really don't know if I have ovulated yet or not. I really haven't been keeping track of that in any way since my m/c. I just stopped bleeding last Sunday/Monday and my hubby and I have been NPNT since, while we were waiting for AF to show up so we could start treatments again. We will just have to see. It would be pretty crazy if we ended up getting pregnant on an unmedicated cycle.
LL and Life...my BFP was non-medicated! :shrug: You can do it too :loopy:
Life thats would be amazing for you to get a unmedicated bfp! Thats definately a xmas surprise lol.

How is everyone today?

has anyone heard from nina?

crys how are you?

Aleeah hope scan goes well this afternoon!

Slg where are you in your cycle? (I always loose track)

afm I was going to start temping this morning but couldn't be bothered dropping my arm over the bed to bother haha ! Im not really fussed this month as I dont think we will manage. Kind of hoping for a cd17 ovulation again and I might manage home but flights have to be booked in advance and I dont have any opks with me. Apart from that I have been travelling like a little gypsy haha different bed nearly every night !
Life thats would be amazing for you to get a unmedicated bfp! Thats definately a xmas surprise lol.

How is everyone today?

has anyone heard from nina?

crys how are you?

Aleeah hope scan goes well this afternoon!

Slg where are you in your cycle? (I always loose track)

afm I was going to start temping this morning but couldn't be bothered dropping my arm over the bed to bother haha ! Im not really fussed this month as I dont think we will manage. Kind of hoping for a cd17 ovulation again and I might manage home but flights have to be booked in advance and I dont have any opks with me. Apart from that I have been travelling like a little gypsy haha different bed nearly every night !

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