Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Kls- I am so sorry you are going through your worst fear of a molar pregnancy. :( :hugs: you must be really scared and frustrated. I truly believe that the meds will work and that you do NOT have cancer! Try not to let your mind go there yet! I will be praying for you and thinking of you LOTS today. It's going to be okay. :hugs: keep us updated.

Aleeah- your scan sounds wonderful. So great that your little blobby baby is nice and plump this time! :hugs:

I'm afraid your excitement may have to be quieted a bit too soon because....

AFM - As hopeful as I was for this cycle, my temps have pretty much told me I have a BFN without having to waste an HPT. My temps dropped a lot this morning. And, yes, you may say that it's still above coverline and there's still hope, but this is the exact temp that I ALWAYS get right before and during AF. After AF it gets lower for my fertile period. Normally it only drops the day before or the day of AF, so I'm not sure if I'm going to have a shorter luteal phase (ick!) or if my progesterone is just so low this month it is showing me early.

I will not even bother testing tomorrow unless by some miracle my temps skyrocket. :( sorry to disappoint. Beginning to think maybe we are now infertile.
Kim, thinking of you! I hope you're doing okay :hugs:

Blue, any news on your mother in laws baby? Still sending out lots of labour vibes!

Aleeah, so glad that everything is going well so far :) My scans looked blobby at 8 and 9 weeks, and then at 10 weeks we saw arms and legs and baby moving :) You haven't got much longer to wait to see that too! I have high hopes for you! I think you've got a tough little bean in there!

LL, well, I'm going to hope the temp drop is just a fluke and it goes right back up tomorrow. Hang in there hun! It will happen, and hopefully sooner rather than later :hugs:
Lindsay - Congratulations on the good screen results! I figured the worrying might not end! It's such a shame we can't get to relax...but thank goodness when the baby comes out we can drop our guards....oh wait, that's not right either is it? :dohh:

Aleeah - Excellent news about your scan! congratulations love! It sounds incredibly promising. So happy for you.:happydance: And thanks! Due date is july 18th. Symptoms are mainly very vivid dreams, very sore boobs, heart burn and quesiness and a bit of natural pma. I'll take whatever it's got to offer at this point :) x

Life - All kinds of stuff can go on while still spotting. I got AF 3 weeks after mc, think it was anovulatory but can't know for sure. Seems like the body goes back to normal quicker the earlier you were, but not always the case. :hugs:

SLG - the headaches don't sound good love - nothing's working?? You can aso try peppermint oil on the back of the neck it increases capillaries or some such and allows more blood flow to head.

kls - Really sorry to hear this! I hope everythign works out and it's not the worst case scenario. :hugs: my cousin had a molar pregnancy and did recover with her uterus intact (and went on to have a baby)...it is possible. Keeping everything crossed for you x
Step moms going for sweep tomorrow... pleasant... but hopefully that will get her started off.

Still didnt temp. And still in two minds to fly home... aarrgh. Expensive bding session! Haha :huff:

Aleeah great new s on scan!

linny woow for symptoms! Hehe

lit- sorry for temp drop. Know how crap that makes you feel. Your still not that long in trying. Dont give up yet ! Lol im on the 9th month now!rather depressing to think about it... but hey ho! Xxxx
Thnks ladies you are awesome!!

Aleeha soo happy for your awesome scan.

ans another bfp woohoo this thread is sooo lucky.

afm... well the problem with me is they dont know exactly what it is either a molar or an ectopic they said they wont ever know since they wont be able to sample the tissue. tje problem is the location the tissue is through the uterine wall so they are afraid to biopsy it since it could cause bleeding and a rupture. i have an ultrasound tomorrow to see how its doing. hopefully it has not grown. i could be in hospital for a week or more. i am a little sad... missing halloween with my boys...
Hi all. I'm still fighting off this headache. Head massage from OH really helps and he is so patient with it. I also find lying down with an ice pack on my neck helps.

Kim--I'm so sorry you are dealing with a molar pregnancy!! I always knew they were a possibility but never knew anyone that had one. I am really hoping that the meds work for you and that you come out of this with sanity and fertility intact. I'm sure you will on your own but make sure you fight to keep your uterus if at all possible!! Please keep us updated. Sending huge hugs and all my support your way. Get better! :hugs:
Blue - thanks. I know you have been trying for so long and it must be so discouraging. :hugs:

Kls- that is so sad and scary that they can't tell what's going on and that you could be in the hospital for so long. That would not be fun at all. So sad to miss out on Halloween with your kids. I do hope that it is "just" an ectopic and the meds take care of it ASAP! Let us know how the u/a goes. Are they still monitoring hCG? I googled molar pregnancy earlier and it sounds pretty crazy. But you will get through this! :hugs:

AFM - this is sort of weird, but I am experiencing a sensation that I only ever experienced while I was in the process of miscarrying before. It feels like my reproductive organs are "falling out" of my body... especially when I go to the washroom (sorry, tmi). I distinctly remember feeling this exact same thing as I was miscarrying. I remember thinking my cramps weren't even as bad as some AFs, but this sensation was different from what I'd ever felt before. I wonder why I am feeling that now? AF hasn't even started so it's not like I'm passing clots or anything. It isn't particularly painful or anything I'm too concerned about - I'm just confused by it! Has anyone experienced this?
Update: so, I just went to the washroom and passed something that looked like some light red tissue or something. It was not a clot and was too thick to just be blood. It was not bright red... Moreso pinkish. I checked my CM after and a bit if brown blood was mixed in so I'm guessing AF is showing up. But I am disturbed by whatever I passed! I don't think there could be any retained tissue, as my dr followed my betas down to 0 and I also had a follow-up ultrasound showing that everything was perfectly clear and I haven't had any weird symptoms til now. What is going on???
Lit- im not sure whats going on... when is af due ? It could just be an extra thick piece of clot or something have you taken a ptest see if theres any level there xxx
I have been drinking water like crazy all day so now I am going to try to hold my pee in for a few hours and test this evening and then again tomorrow morning. Would there even be any tissue to pass if it were a chemical pregnancy? I googled images of tissue from miscarriage and it resembled a pic of some light pink stretchy stuff that someone posted from their m/c at 6 weeks.

AF is not due til Saturday based on my usual LP, but I have a feeling it could start tomorrow. My CP is high and very soft. So confused!
Linny, yep, I'm pretty sure the worry isn't going anywhere for a long while, lol.

Blue, maybe a month off from temping would be good for you :) Everyone needs a break once in a while! I hope your mother in law's sweep gets things going!

Slg, I hope the headache resolves soon!

Kim, I hope the ultrasound tomorrow shows that the tissue has shrunk. That's too bad that you have to miss halloween with your boys :( Maybe they can stop by the hospital so you can see the costumes?

LL, that's very strange, I have no idea what that could be either :shrug: Good idea to do a test and see if there is any hcg in your system.
Well, test was negative and I'm now having some spotting. I am realizing now it was probably just a clot but pinkish instead of red because mixed with CM. I guess I am relieved since I didn't want to worry about a chemical but this is stupid and means AF is going to show up tomorrow - a day early - making my luteal phase only 12 days this cycle! That is not good! I am SO grouchy! And AF was SUPPOSED to wait til the weekend because I am always SOOOOOO miserable on the first day of AF and I really didn't want to have to go to work all day for it! :(

ARGH! Sorry guys. I'm just SO sick of this!!! I really thought this might be my month. :(
LL-I can't think of what that could be. I don't think there would be anything to pass from a chemical. A sac doesn't develop until 4-5 weeks so you would have to be at least a week late for your period. I don't know if your beta could go all the way down or not if you had any tissue left. Could it be your tissue?

I was just debating posting my own similar issue when I saw your post! Not sure if this will upset anyone so please don't read if you think it might....

I haven't been spotting for a couple days and I never passed any tissue after my IPAS procedure. Tonight I noticed something in my panties. It is a grayish piece of tissue a little smaller than a pea. It is oval shaped and bumpy and it has what looks like a noticeable cord on it. It keeps it's shape when moved around. Am I going crazy??! Could this really be the sac coming out? How in the world would it still be there after my aspiration procedure? What do you guys think? What else could it be? by the way, baby stopped developing at 6 weeks.
Ahh LL i am sorry.... that sucks! Do you normally pass stuff luke that before your af?

Slg hmmm i didnt see the baby that i passed so i dont have any personbal experience. but from what i have read it sounds like it could have been the baby. it is weird since you had the aspiration but stranger things have happened. how is your headache? Have you tried eliminating certain dietary things? I get migrains and they are often triggered by food, citrus and chocolate are the big ones for me. i also used to get them from birth control pills so i assume hormone influenced in particular eatrogene so maybe your hormones are out od whack still... hopefully it passes soon.

Blue i hope that your step mom has that baby soon!!!

Lindsay and others thanks for your kind words. My beta was down yesterday which is awesome so hopefully that translates into a shrinking mass today... fingers crossed. i.
good to hear from you Kim. I'm so glad to hear that beta is down. Moving in the right direction :)

I still have my headache but it's much more tolerable now. I felt well enough to go out trick or treating last night. My friends suggested Excedrin Migraine which seems to help. I woke up with a bit of a headache today but am not supposed to take more medicine until this afternoon. Maybe some ibuprofen will tide me over.
Slg - thanks. I am thinking now it must just have been some clotty blood mixed with some creamy CM since the HPT was negative and AF arrived full blown this morning. It was disturbing though. Could have been anything, I guess... But I doubt with a clear scan and hCG at 0 for 3.5 months that it could be retained tissue. Of course I am so paranoid though now.

That is SO weird about the tissue you passed and it honestly does sound like it was from the m/c. I would call your dr about it. Is your hCG down to 0 yet? That is so bizarre. Freaky that we both went through similar experiences last night.

KLS - no, I've never had anything like this before AF (or any other time) before....but I also don't normally stare at the toilet before I flush! Haha.

That is great that your beta is down!!!!!! I sure hope you are on the mend.

AFM - as I already said, AF arrived today. So, goodbye to a possible July baby. I am getting very fed up waiting. :( I was pretty much despondent last night. DH thoughtfully grocery shopped for us so we wouldn't have to this weekend, and made a fun supper of appetizers to have in front of the TV, but I couldn't even concentrate on any TV or enjoy anything.

How is everyone else today?
Hey ladies
How is everyone doing?

Sorry for the lack of posting,ive been really grumpy and negative this week, so didnt want to drag you all down with me!although I've been thread stalking every day,so im up to speed with everyone.

I started back at work on Wednesday,and found it a lot more difficult than I thought.Everyone seemed to think I would be ok with talking about my ectopic,me included,but it seems im not.And to top it off a work colleague announced shes pregnant,about a week behind what I would have been now.I dont particularly like her anyway,she sailed through her first 2 textbook pregnancies,and all of them including this one were 'accidents'. Put me in a Bad mood and I didnt speak to anyone all day. Im not usually such a bitch! And then I came home and had a big argument with DH and went to bed in a sulk.
Does everyone else feel ok talking about their experiences in public?It was like they expected me to tell them everything like they had a right to know.
Its my first proper attempt at temping and im sure im doing it wrong,mine doesn't look neat like all of yours.So that made me cranky too.
Sorry for the rant!I think im done now...
Hope everyone is doing great and hello to new ladies!x x
Slg- do you normally get headaches? Im not sure what that piece of tissue would be. But surely they would have evacuated the baby during your procedure!

Lit- sorry af got you. And so sorry your feeling so off! I know how you feel honey. I have been recommended by a friend on here to try soft cups... I dont see what the harm of trying is so thats my next trying method. Along with preseed ...

You will all be sick of hearing this but still no baby and still no decision on whether to fly home or not ! Im so grumpy and horrible today. I think i need to go home otherwise i might just get worse and say something i regretxxxx
Ljs- I couldnt talk about it at the begining. I would just breakdown. Now though I want my family to talk about the boys and not act like they never existed ! I just feel like I want whatever is not happening because I still dont want to talk about the day I found out and the days after. But I want to talk about the babies and the pregnancy.

Its really natural how you are feeling. And id say be grumpy and things! Why not? I feel like a want to be horrible to everyone and feel like im pushing myself to be excited about this baby. Which im not. Because I know I will hold and look at the baby knowing what the step mother has I should have as well!

Your not alone in hating work colleagues! Just take it easy where you can and tell people you dont want to talk about it. Its cheeky for them to ask. Its like they have the right to know details! They dont at all!

(Guys im getting worse with this phone I do apologise again !)


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