Thanks Blue.
I just felt so angry and I dont even know why.I had a few of the 'it wasn't meant to be' comments and 'youve still got time to have another one' which I think sent me over the edge. I know ive still got time etc etc but I wanted the baby that we lost,and nothing can replace it . People can be so insensitive. I had to just ignore everyone all day or I would have cried/shouted/gone home.
I completely understand about wanting people not to act like they didnt exist.You seem to get one type of person or the other,the ones who tread on eggshells and act like nothing has happened,or the ones who need to know everything and feel like its their right and offer poorly thought out condolences.
Its rough that you are having to wait around for the baby to show.You are a better person than me for even being willing to be there. I too would have to push myself to be excited about it.
so angry at the world today!!xx
I just felt so angry and I dont even know why.I had a few of the 'it wasn't meant to be' comments and 'youve still got time to have another one' which I think sent me over the edge. I know ive still got time etc etc but I wanted the baby that we lost,and nothing can replace it . People can be so insensitive. I had to just ignore everyone all day or I would have cried/shouted/gone home.
I completely understand about wanting people not to act like they didnt exist.You seem to get one type of person or the other,the ones who tread on eggshells and act like nothing has happened,or the ones who need to know everything and feel like its their right and offer poorly thought out condolences.
Its rough that you are having to wait around for the baby to show.You are a better person than me for even being willing to be there. I too would have to push myself to be excited about it.
so angry at the world today!!xx