Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hey ladies

how are you?

Blue my goodness i hope that baby comes soon... but yipee to grandma!!!

slg nice that your tests are so light good news for sure.

LL glad that AF seems to be better countdown to ov!!

Afm well my hcg dropped yesterday to. 705 from 917 the day before then today...797... sigh and there was no change on my ultrasound. i am still in hospital hopinh to go home tomorrow. they said 6-11 weeks (they think) for hcg and mass to be zero... and i cant ttc until 6 months after and have to have my uterus checked first to be sure it has repaired since the mass has gone through the uterus wall.

and you ladies will not believe this, I am on the baby ward... they have me in the room furthest away... well yesterday a lactation consultant came in and asked me if was waiting for a lactation consultant. I looked around... therr is no baby... and i told. here that i miscarries a month ago... she looked at me and said they told me room 24... i told her this is room 23... and she said oh ok and left.... no apology no nothing... how rude!!!!!

Well i.hope that none of you are still around the ttc board when i am back in.about 8 months!!!!

Kim stay about please. She was very heartless !I cant believe your in a ward full of babies and pregnant people ! Thats like a slap in the face!!! Really hope they manage to sort this all out for you and you can get out of there and home again!

big hugs to you mrs !!!xxxx
KLS - that is just awful what you're going through. I am so sorry! And just awful about how rude that lactation consultant was! :hugs: we still want to hear from you even though you can't try for a long time. Things will get better - you'll see!
It's good to hear from you Kim. I'm so very sorry about what you are dealing with. It sounds like not great news in that you can't try for a while but not terrible news in that you don't need a hysterectomy. Why are they keeping you in the hospital? Do they expect that your uterus will repair itself? It does seem insensitive to put you on the delivery floor! Sending you huge hugs. If you are up for it I hope that you stick around a bit.
Teacup- all of my AFs after the m/c have been extremely heavy (I've had 4 now). I think this 4th one now is finally a bit less clotty at least, but I am only on cd 2 so who knows. Cycle buddies for this month? We're not too far off, anyway. When do your normally ov?

AFM - cd2. AF is heavy but not as brutal as last month so far. I was very miserable last night. Had a glass of wine and 2 donuts and then didn't even feel like watching TV again. Just sat on the couch and did nothing, then went to bed at 9:30. Slept in today til 10:30 Haha. I was tired! DH and I plan on just having a lazy day watching TV/movies and staying in our PJs!

What are all of your weekend plans?

Yeah I'm up for cycle buddies! :happydance: I normally ovulate around cd 18. So about November 16th. How about you? xx

Went out for a Halloween party last night, got very drunk and almost missed our train home! Was tempted to stay over but I knew I'd regret it in the morning. :haha: What have you been up to? :flower:
Kim - You're joking! Blimey, it's very insensitive to put you there. Although waiting 6 months seems lengthy, thank god there's no more talk of hysterectomy. That must be a relief... Hugs to you. x
Teacup - I usually ov between CD12-CD14. So I will probably ovulate between Nov. 12-14th. HAha, So even though I am "behind" you I will probably ovulate a bit before you. ;) It'll be great to have a TWW buddy this time around! How many cycles have you been trying since the m/c?

Sounds like you had a little too much fun this weekend! :haha: Dh and I spent the day in yesterday...we marathoned some Netflix and then watched two movies (The Internship and Epic). :) It was really nice to stay in, as I get SUPER unsociable around this time.

AFM - Had another huuuuge meltdown last night. This time of the month is horrible for me. :cry: Thankfully, dh was very comforting and I did eventually calm down (after 2 hours...shhh). It's not even just about the m/c anymore, but about how long it's taking to get pregnant, and how we just aren't happy anymore and we're so obsessed with TTC that it seems like we're not even experiencing life. Not to mention my best friend still isn't speaking to me so it feels like I have no one. :(

On a positive note, AF really has been lighter than the last few times, so I am hopeful that this means things are back to "normal" and maybe my lining is going to be JUST RIGHT for getting pregnant this month.:thumbup: I can dream, right?

How is everyone else who hasn't been around this weekend? It always gets so quiet here over the weekend!
Teacup - I usually ov between CD12-CD14. So I will probably ovulate between Nov. 12-14th. HAha, So even though I am "behind" you I will probably ovulate a bit before you. ;) It'll be great to have a TWW buddy this time around! How many cycles have you been trying since the m/c?

Sounds like you had a little too much fun this weekend! :haha: Dh and I spent the day in yesterday...we marathoned some Netflix and then watched two movies (The Internship and Epic). :) It was really nice to stay in, as I get SUPER unsociable around this time.

AFM - Had another huuuuge meltdown last night. This time of the month is horrible for me. :cry: Thankfully, dh was very comforting and I did eventually calm down (after 2 hours...shhh). It's not even just about the m/c anymore, but about how long it's taking to get pregnant, and how we just aren't happy anymore and we're so obsessed with TTC that it seems like we're not even experiencing life. Not to mention my best friend still isn't speaking to me so it feels like I have no one. :(

On a positive note, AF really has been lighter than the last few times, so I am hopeful that this means things are back to "normal" and maybe my lining is going to be JUST RIGHT for getting pregnant this month.:thumbup: I can dream, right?

How is everyone else who hasn't been around this weekend? It always gets so quiet here over the weekend!

Aww sorry ttc is getting to you. :hugs: I'm sure this will be your month! This is my first AF since the miscarriage, so we have only TTC'd one cycle since. It took us 3 cycles to conceive the first time around. As soon as we started using opk's we conceived that month! So I'm hoping using opks again will help us in the next couple of cycles. :thumbup:

How long have you been ttc? How funny that you will overtake me in my cycle! :haha: My test date will be Saturday 30th November (if I can wait that long!). What will yours be? xx
My tentative testing date will be Wednesday, November 27th depending when I end up oving. I'll probably test at 13 DPO. :) So we'll be finding out close to the same time. Hopefully we have a nice surprise that week!

This is now our 4th cycle trying since the m/c. We didn't try til the first AF after. We conceived on our 2nd cycle the first time, so I guess that makes me a bit more confused why it's taking longer this time. But I know we have no control over these things and just have to be patient.
I hope everyone has had a good weekend :)

LL, I'm sorry to hear AF got you again :( Glad to hear she's not being as rough on you though, that's good at least. Hopefully November is going to be your month :)

Ljs, sorry you had a rough time going back to work. People can be so nosy sometimes! I didn't have many people asking as very few knew I was pregnant... I took 3 days off and just said I was sick. It can be hard when a colleague is also pregnant about where you should have been. About a week after my d&c a colleague of mine announced she was pregnant... and her due date was the same as mine would have been... Dec 10. I've been avoiding her as much as I can since... she is very nice, and I'm really happy for her, and I'm dealing better with it now that I was before... but I still find it makes me sad. Anyway, I hope the weekend has lifted your spirits a little bit, and that next week goes better :hugs:

Blue, I'm so glad you get to go home for a few days!! Hooray for your gran :) Now my question is, does she know why you want to go home?

Teacup, happy birthday!! I hope you had a good one, despite the bfn :hugs: My first AF after m/c was VERY heavy too... actually there was one day where I was actually getting worried about the amount of bleeding I was having (AF is usually pretty light for me). I mentioned it to the doctor and she said it was normal, as the lining is a little thicker after m/c.

Slg, glad to hear your headache is resolving! Hopefully your beta level will be 0 (or very close to it) tomorrow :)

Pips, thanks for updating us on Nat! Please send my congrats too!! That's wonderful news :)

Kim, I hope you can get home soon! That's really too bad they had to put you on the baby ward, and about the lactation consultant.... rather insensitive to say the least! When I had my d&c I was on the baby ward for the night too. They also put me as far away as they could, and in a room to myself, but it was really not a happy place for me to be at that time. Hang in there hun! :hugs: I hope you will pop in every now and again and keep us updated on how you're doing!

As for me, not too much going on. I had a bit of a hormonal meltdown on friday night... poor hubby, I'm glad he puts up with me! Yesterday and today have been much better though. Just having a much needed quiet weekend at home after the busy weekend last week. Been having lots of (what I think is) ligament pain the last few days, and had a client's mother guess I was pregnant on friday. She was quite cute, she said "don't be offended, but are you pregnant?", lol. I almost wanted to say "no, I'm just gaining weight", lol, but I didn't.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their sunday :)
Lindsay - Sorry to hear you had a meltdown. It's no wonder with all those hormones raging inside of you. You were probably due for one. ;) I am glad your husband was so supportive and made you feel better. It's nice you were able to have a quiet weekend to relax finally. I felt the same way; the last few weekends were so busy so I really needed to just do nothing this weekend.

I would bet that a lot more people are going to start guessing you're pregnant. You can't hide it forever! :) You're going to start showing a lot more in the next couple weeks. Btw, what is your exact due date? I would like to keep everyone's due dates on my calendar. :)
LL, I'm glad you had a relaxing weekend too, definitely needed sometimes eh? At next weekend is a long one too :)

Yep, can't hide it for much longer... and I thought I was wearing suitably loose clothing on friday, lol. It's bittersweet, it was really nice having it as our little secret, but it is feeling much more real now that other people are talking about it, and getting excited for us. My due date is April 6/14
Hello ladies! I hope everyone is doing well. I was at work today and was delightfully surprised by AF. I will call my doctor tomorrow to start our first round of Femara since our m/c. I am actually really excited to be starting to try again. We got pregnant on our first round last time, so we will see what this next round brings! Hopefully an amazing bundle of joy!!!!
LL - I didn't realise you and your best pal weren't speaking any more. That must be hard....but good freindships always come back together, whatever the fight's about ... About TTC becoming all consuming. Can the two of you organise a holiday soon? Maybe a short weekend break where you both agree not to talk about it and just have a really romantic time? Maybe that would give you just enough of a breather to keep going. X
PipsBabyBean - So pleased for Nat!!:wohoo: Can you tell her congratulations from me too, wish she would/could come back. Can't she come back under a different name?!:shrug:xx

Blue - So pleased you're coming home soon!! I really hope this is your month and the little egg stays in it's home for a little longer, so you can catch it! :dance:

Lindsay - I'm so pleased people are noticing your bump, it would have been SO funny if you'd replied with, actually I'm just fat!!!:haha: It must be noticeable as I'd never ask someone if there was any doubt, can you imagine the embarrassment!!:blush:

Literati - I'm sorry you had another meltdown but it really is best to get it all out. The TTC journey is so hard, I think it's harder because it's not obvious to the world, like if you were on medication for an illness or something, people would see you were ill and fighting that battle. But the TTC journey is a lonely battle, with no real support I've found (apart from here). Many people I told about the miscarriages just wanted to tell me their experiences, or a friends experience etc, without listening to me. You're so lucky to have a lovely hubby and you still can get that BFP by Crimbo!!! Just hang in there, it'll be your turn before you know it (and I for one am excited for you!!) :thumbup::flower:xxxx

klsltsp - Still thinking of you, hope things are starting to settle down now and you're at home?:hugs: xx

Teacup - I'm sorry AF showed but glad you took full advantage with a knees up! Hopefully you'll have a cute little baby to take to the halloween party next year!!:yipee: xx

SLG - I'm so pleased your headache is subsiding. It's horrible having a headache for days on end, you always go to bed hopefull it'll be gone by the morning and then it's so depressing if it isn't. Also can't wait to hear your new beta results, they should have come down hopefully to let you ovulate by now :hugs: xx

Life - I'm sorry AF got you but I love how you're always positive!! At least your body will have a good old clear out with this AF and hopefully leave you with a nice cosy little home for baby! :thumbup:

LJsMummy - Don't fret over your temps, mine were a bit crazy looking to start with too.:wacko: Stick at them and you'll still see when you ovulate, you'll be amazed, I was! I'm sorry you're having a hard time with work etc, I can't imagine what it's like with people asking you questions but I do know I wouldn't take it very well. I think sometimes people think you should be ok, but you've gone through something very traumatic and if others don't understand, they shouldn't say anything. Wish I could give you a hug!!:hugs: Just tell them you don't want to talk about it and move on, people that care will understand and those that don't can go take a running jump anyway :hugs2:xxx

Linny - How are you? Anymore symptoms to give us?? Are you doing anything different this time around? And do you have any scans etc booked?? Sorry tonnes of questions!:flower: xxx

AFM - My symptoms keep coming and going but aren't as strong as they have been. Had a busy weekend and now am exhausted, more than I would be normally, can't wait to climb into my bed tonight (especially as I changed the bedding, love lovely crisp sheets!):happydance:.

Step moms in hospital being induced so hopefully baby here today or tomorrow !

Not caught up rather busy. Sorry girlies xxx
Step moms in hospital being induced so hopefully baby here today or tomorrow !

Not caught up rather busy. Sorry girlies xxx
Blue- yay, that's so exciting! Maybe you can meet the baby and still get home to BD!

Aleeah - thanks. It really is a lonely battle, and now I keep hearing about people being pregnant after only trying since August. Thanks for your support and for being excited for "my turn."

Your symptoms just being on and off now sounds promising, as you would have probably hit your peak for hCG levels. When is your next scan?

Linny - yes. She hasn't spoken to me in a week and a half now. I am shocked but I hope you are right that it will all get patched up.
A short weekend getaway sounds nice but not sure how feasible it is as winter has kicked in full gear and so roads are very bad now. Sort of makes you want to bundle up and hibernate. But I will be pondering that as a weekend not to think about TTC would be wonderful!

Lindsay- April 6th! How exciting! :) I can't wait.

Life- good luck with you treatment. I hope you get pregnant on your first try again. Wouldn't that be nice.
Now not going home... long story but bding off this month... break month. 5hink im going to o to early anyway xxx

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