Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - Wow, it's odd to think a day here or there on a supplement could result in 2 rather than one baby! Yep I can see why you might feel more nervous of twins after your previous experience, but hopefully whatever happens as you say - it'll be a blessing! As long as it goes well it doesn't matter if it's one or more X

Kim - Glad to hear the numbers are coming down love! x
I know. I'll just be glad to have my little Button weither it be one or two! Then I can come join you guys on the other end ! Xxx
blue, maybe I should look into soy for some "twin power"! I sometimes wish for twins since this will very likely be my last pregnancy. Other days I think of how tired I am looking after one baby and then think I'm nuts to want two at once!! I'm quite sure I would become a master sleepwalker. For me it's all up to nature and the fertility meds....I can't have soy even in my diet.

Kim, great news about your falling HCG!! Using a condom must feel a lot like hoping for a negative HPT. It's just all backwards :wacko: Have fun with "hubby bonding time"! Let's face it, sex is just better when you aren't trying to make a baby :shrug:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Aleeah, can't wait for your scan update today!!!

LL, I'm soooo excited for you :happydance: I would ask the doctor about an early scan, it really does help settle the nerves a bit! Well, actually it made me really anxious first, but then it settled my nerves, lol. It's totally normal not to have much in the way of symptoms that early... I don't think I had nausea and sore boobs until about 5.5 - 6 weeks. BTW, I love your ticker :)

Slg, I, too, had a separate pillow :rofl: All this pillow talk is hilarious!

Teacup, I hope you're enjoying your holiday! Sounds lovely! I'll keep my fingers crossed that no symptoms is a good symptom for you!

Mindy, I think more congrats are in order :happydance: A line is a line!! Looking forward to seeing the pics :)

Blue, I hope the soy works it's magic for you!! That's crazy that a day difference can increase likelihood of twins. I totally follow your logic though, I would say taking it at night time is closer to CD 3 than CD 2 hehe

Kim, so glad to hear things are progressing well on your end! Feb/march will be here before you know it :)
Scan update, all's looking good. Baby was facing down again, I guess at the moment it has the same number of brain cells as it's father, poor thing! Got bumped up by another day, so now 12 weeks 5 days, so that's good. Due date is 7th June.

So as you ladies think I'm so funny and I'm in a giving sharing sort of mood, here's the story of my D&C, it should be a sad story but given it's me, it's oddly not. So here goes with all the Too Much Information stuff etc... you have been warned....

As some of you know, I knew the twins didn't have heartbeats for a while but was asked to come back in 2 weeks to double check. So we did but that scan was brief and again there were no heartbeats, so I was scheduled in to have a D&C a few days later. On the day of the D&C, they asked to do another ultrasound to check on the size and location of the twin sac. The ultrasound tech put a condom on the probe thing and announced this was going to be a very in depth internal scan so I'd have to bear with her if I was in any pain etc as she needed the measurements. Fine I thought, in depth? Didn't get that, but figured I'd know what that was soon enough.

I was wearing a hospital gown at this point and had it pulled over my knees to protect my modesty, first error there. So she lowers the probe without looking and tries to push it into my bum hole :help:!!! Yes the wrong hole!!:huh: But did I say anything? No! I assumd this was the indepth scan, go up my bum and find my babies?!:blush: I was alarmed but let her continue trying to shove this thing up so hard the bed moved...!! To which point she said "Is that your bum I'm trying to get it into?". "Well yes" was my response. My husband burst into tears of laughter :rofl: and she apoloised and quickly changed the condom and got the correct hole that time.

Apparently when I awoke from my D&C, I kept asking my husband if my bum was sore?!:blush: The embarrassment was horrible, worst thing is does that tech think I liked it trying to go up my bum?!?! Moral of the story is, they should NEVER need to go up your bum for any sort of pregnancy scan and also, if they try, say something! I can see this story resurfacing as soon as we announce our pregnancy, after a few drinks at Christmas no doubt my husband will be telling everyone! So you see ladies, I don't think I'm funny in real life, sadly I think funny things happen to me.:flower:

Lit - I'm still so excited for you :happydance:, I was screaming your good news to my husband yesterday who nodded along and actually knew I was talking about you! Just shows how much this forum means to us all. I feel stronger having you ladies to turn to and I hope you all feel the same. Definitely ask for the early scan, it helped me so much, and the regular scans have been amazing.:hugs:

Blue - I can't believe so many of us have pillows for this task... or as my husband crudly puts it "your cum pillow" !!!:blush: (btw I do wash it too!):laugh2:

Glad the witch has vacated the property!:thumbup: Hey you'll be onto the sexy time of your cycle before you know it, how awesome would it be to have a lovely BFP wrapped up for hubby to open on Christmas Day?? I'm rooting for you here, you're number 1 fan! :hugs:xx

Crysshae - So good to see you! Looking forward to getting a full update from you when you have a chance, what have you been up to?:hugs: xx

Teacup - Paris must be so amazing this time of year, I'm so jealous! I'd love to go to Paris!! And remember I didn't get any symptoms at all this time around and this one is the one that seems to be sticky! Good luck missy, really hope we can have another BFP here soon xxx

Mindy - Looking forward to seeing pics of your test, a lines a line, sounds like you are well and truly up the duff!!:happydance:

Kim - So glad your beta's are looking like they're dropping significantly and big yay for back to baby dancing!! Feb will be here before you know it, everyone always loses January in the post Christmas blur and so Feb will be here in a flash, you watch! We'll all have our 2014 babies I'm sure, like I've said before, some of us might have them kicking away at us in our tummy's and some may have them in our arms but we'll all have them I'm sure :thumbup:xx

Linny - Love seeing your ticker baby grow and grow! How are your symptoms now? xx

SLG - I'm excited for you to be getting a BFP soon too, what's your current plan of action? Have you been using OPK's at all? Happy Thanksgiving to you too xx

Aleeah xxx
Omg my gosh Aleeah OH and I are doubled over howling at your scan story! I would have done the exact same though! How embarrassing!! Haha ! You are cracking!

I am soo pleased that your scan went well! Your baby is doing fantastic! Bumped up a day! Go baby bump! Hehe one day less to wait is always a bonus haha!

and yes I also waah my 'Cum pillow' its all nice and clean ready for our marathon. So are my bed sheets. Lol OH always says 'yass I love when you wash the sheet because I know im going to get lucky'.... I actually wash them one a week .... how lucky can this man think he is ? Haha!

lit I love your ticker its soo cute!

(I have now forgotten what the rest of you girls have said so I will have to come back to another comment later.... please forgive mu shite memory!) Xxx
Aleeah--hahahahaha :rofl: How do you say anything in that situation?? And, how does the nurse not understand which hole is for what?? I have a strict nothing goes up the bum policy. Not even the nurse gets an exception!

I love, love, love the feeling of fresh sheets. I never want to mess them up with sex after I wash them :nope:

As far as I can tell I should be 4 dpo now. Just waiting :paper: :coffee: tick tock tick tock

We are headed to my sister in laws for Thanksgiving today. They are are only family within driving distance and I don't have to cook.
Aww I forget HAPPY THANKSGIVING guys ! We don't do that here. Wish we did though what a wonderful celebration. Hope you guys have a wonderful evening.

I wash sheet like a crazy lady at BDing time haha. I love clean sheets. Lol
And yes I'm the same. My bum was made for exiting only!!!!! Haha.
Blue - I like your logic on it being almost cd3 when you took it. I can see why you wouldn't want twins again but I'm sure the likelihood of getting them again would be fairly low. Good luck on your BDing marathon!

Kim - Thanks! Great to hear about your levels still declining. Condoms are awful so I'm sure you can't wait until it's safe to TTC again! I do hope you still end up with a 2014 baby!!!

Slg - Wow, only 4 DPO still? Your TWW is dragging for me. :haha: Wouldn't it just be awesome if you got twins for this last pregnancy? Do your injectables increase the chance of twins at all? I am sooo hoping that for you now.

Lindsay - Thanks!!! And that is great to know that you didn't have nausea/sore boobs until farther along. It's so hard not over-analyzing everything but you are having such a healthy pregnancy so if I know that you took longer to have symptoms I can feel so much better!

I definitely hope my dr will agree to an early scan. I am sure she will be understanding of why I want one.

Aleeah - YAY for a healthy baby! And you are due just one day off from my friend who's pregnant right now. :)

Your story was HILARIOUS!!!!!:haha: I told it to my dh too and he laughed as well. Thank you for sharing that! ahahha. Makes me feel a lot better because I always manage to embarrass myself in front of medical professionals.

That is so cool that your hubby knows who I am and everything. I talk to dh about all you girls as well. :)

AFM - I was quite pleased when I woke up extremely nauseous this morning. Of course, it went away once I sat up in bed for a few minutes, but I feel that is a good sign. I had the same literal "MORNING" sickness last time but it disappeared after about a week sadly...so hopefully this time it will just get worse and worse. ;) I also had heartburn for most of the morning. I'm ridiculously bloated, rather irritable still, and SOOOOOO tired! I definitely wasn't this tired last time. Hopefully that's a good sign as well. So far this pregnancy is crawling by at a snail's pace. I've only known I'm pregnant for less than 36 hours, but it feels like at least a week already. It's agonizing! I'll just keep taking in one day at a time, I guess. Oh - more symptoms: I've been gagging at all sorts of smells today. This isn't unusual for me since I have a ridiculously good sense of smell all the time (people at work actually call me various nicknames because of my sense of smell like "hound nose" etc :haha:). But, regardless, I am happy about it. :)

Hope you all are doing well! :hugs:
Aleeah - I was crying with laughter last night in the Tesco bread aisle reading your bum story :haha: I just love the polite silence you kept up. Very dignified in the face of very testing circumstances :rofl:

Really glad to hear your scan went good too!!!! i'm doing good thanks. Got quite a lot of acid reflux and nausea. So i'm living on toast and gaviscon :haha: I bought a doppler but i'm not sure when to try it...don't want to try too early and be disappointed. Glad to hear you finally found your little 'uns hb though! x
Hey Ladies

Right here goes - Please be honest, am I seeing things? Also its really faint is this a really bad sign??! I'm really worried and confused!:shrug:IMG_0775.jpg

I see a faint line in the first one honey. Fingers crossed when was that one taken ? Xxx
Lit thats amazing sign hehe that how I thought I might have been pregnant the first time was the smells and I went off my Diet coke that im addicted too ahha. Soo happy for you!

Aleeah im still laughing at the bum. What an awkward situation! haha. Too funny !xxxx
Mindy - I see it in the first one...how many dpo where you with these love? x
blue - It was taken this morning 12dpo but I dont usually get a + until day AF is due
Aleeah, your story is hilarious :rofl: I can't believe you didn't say anything, lol. I would definitely have said something.... although I'm not sure what, lol. It's good to be able to find humour in situations like that :)

I'm so glad to hear your scan went well and the little one is doing well!!

Blue, you must do a lot of sheet washing around BD time, lol.

Slg, happy thanksgiving!! I hope you had a nice visit with your sister in law and family :)

LL, sounds like you're getting some good pregnancy symptoms!! Also, for the record, my sore boobs came and went (and have continued to do so... the last few days they're the most sore they have been so far), so don't worry if that happens to you too, it can be normal :)

Linny, glad to hear you're doing well too :) I think I lived on carbs and fruit in first tri - thank goodness my appetite came back and my taste buds have kind of returned to normal. Good luck with the doppler! I often thought that if I had bought one (hubby said no, lol, he thought I'd over-analyze too much and I'm sure he was right) I would have tried for the first time right after an appointment or scan where I had heard the heartbeat so that I knew baby was okay.

Mindy, I can see the line in the first one. Levels can be very low in the early days depending on when the egg implanted... perhaps check again in another day or two, you should see it darkening :) When is AF due?

AFM, not much going on, just busy busy busy with work and very glad it's friday! The little one seems to be doing well too, the last few days I've been feeling kicks on my sides, and up just above my belly button :) At first I didn't recognize it as movement as he hasn't kicked there before. My placenta is anterior so I guess he's now able to kick beside and above it.
good morning.
Mindy--I also see a line in that first test. I bet you have a nice strong bfp in a couple more days.

Linsday--glad you are feeling the baby. Feeling the kicks was one of my favorite things about being pregnant.

Blue--My sense of smell goes in hyperdrive when I'm pregnant. It's actually pretty annoying. Other than that I didn't have any symptoms besides being tired until about 6 weeks.

Thanksgiving dinner was nice except that a good friend who is also married into the same family I am was there and in the middle of her 3rd mc. My heart is breaking for her.
Lindsay - Hooray for kicking feelings! Wow, that must be wonderful :)
That is a REALLY good idea about the doppler! Unfortunately though, no scans coming up till 11 weeks...hence why i'd got the doppler. I convinced DF about the doppler in lieu of another early scan. He was like your hubs and thought it'd make me more mental to get a doppler....

He was already worried after emptying the bathroom bin of 10+ pregnancy tests (little did he know I have the best of the tests in my bedroom drawer) :haha:

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