Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Mindy- I can see a very faint line on the first one as well. If you don't normally get a positive til AF is due, a faint line at 12 DPO could be fine. :)

Lindsay- that is very good to know about the sore boobs thing coming and going. Mine still aren't sore yet but hopefully soon.

Linny- I hope you can get the Doppler to work this early on! That will be some nice reassurance when it does work.

Slg - so sorry about your friend. :( That is devastating. :(

Blue - thanks! Hehe. Any fertile signs yet for you?
I am doing well. We love the new house and neighborhood!

Blue - Soy raises the chance of fraternal twins - as in releasing more than one egg, so if that were the case, there would not be as many risk factors. I completely understand you being nervous about it. I hope you catch that egg this cycle.

LL - As the others have said, it's completely normal to have no symptoms right now.

Lindsay - It's so wonderful to feel those kicks. Enjoy them! Soon he'll be punching your bladder. :haha:

Mindy - I see a faint line too. Fingers crossed it turns into a blaring positive for you.

Linny - I hope the Doppler works well for you. Don't get upset if you can't find the heartbeat this early. That's completely normal. Sometimes the doctor can't even find it at 12 weeks.

Aleeah - Lol! You always do have funny stories to tell. I'm so glad you and your little one are doing well. Did your DH go this most recent scan?

Slg - I hope there is a BFP in your very near future. Seems like November has been a very lucky month for this thread, so you should definitely be next. You O'd in November. :flower:

Teacup - Have you tested?

Ljs - Hope you are feeling well.
Hi ladies,just a quick update I dont think everything is going well. I keep feeling twinges/short sharp pains in my right side (the side with a tube). Im terrified. I sometimes wonder if im feeling it in both sides but just noticing the right more as im looking out for it. I called the epu and have a scan scheduled for Wednesday. I just feel like it will be bad news. I dont really have any symptoms at all. Feeling slightly sick but I think thats due to worrying so much. Wednesday seems like such a long time away right now.
Sorry its just a quick one,its all I have time for before work,will post to everyone properly later.
hope everyone is good x x
Slj -I had bad twinges in my right side. I was worried about it and went to the hospital for a scan and everything was fine. The midwives said its normal because its the uterus preparing itself for the change to come. Im glad you have a scan on Wed that will help reassure you that everything is ok!

Crys- I have just read that there. Hehe silly me. Still the rise in the hormones and the sickness was pretty awful. But I did say that it will be worth it as long as baby is ok. Have you and hubbie decided if you guys are going to keep trying ? Im so glad you guys are settling into the house well and the neighbourhood is good ! Hehe :flower:

Lit- No fertile signs for me yet. OH has a urine infection though!!! Been googling to see if this will effect our chances this month. Hopefully not... :(. Im sure if heroin addicts can get pregnant then we can be out out can we??

Mindy have you tested again?

Lindsay - Hooray for kicking feelings! Wow, that must be wonderful :)
That is a REALLY good idea about the doppler! Unfortunately though, no scans coming up till 11 weeks...hence why i'd got the doppler. I convinced DF about the doppler in lieu of another early scan. He was like your hubs and thought it'd make me more mental to get a doppler....

He was already worried after emptying the bathroom bin of 10+ pregnancy tests (little did he know I have the best of the tests in my bedroom drawer) :haha:

haha I just seen this comment ! That is hillarious!! Xxx
LJS- I am very sorry you're feeling worried. That must be terrifying to think about having another ectopic. I've never had an ectopic so I can't speak from experience and I don't know if the pains you're having now are similar to what I have had, but I thought I'd mention this:

Both this pregnancy and last, I have had several stabbing pains on alternating sides. Last time I think I remember more stabbing pains on my left specifically and this time I think I have had them on both sides equally. Last time I was very worried about an ectopic, but sure enough the baby was in the right place (but dead :cry:). So, not that that was a very cheery story, but what I meant was that some mild stabbing pains CAN be normal and not indicate an ectopic. I think all the organs down there are affected by the uterus expanding which can cause a lot of unfamiliar sensations. :) I truly hope your scan on Wednesday goes well and shows that the baby is in the right place. I'll be praying for you!

Blue - Ooh, I hope that wouldn't affect anything...but you're right. People who do terrible things to their bodies still get pregnant so I'm sure you still have a good chance. Is he on antibiotics yet? I do hope your fertile signs show up soon. I am rooting for you so much this month! You really deserve an amazing Christmas present this year! :happydance:

Crys - Are you planning on trying again soon? You are so selfless and never talk about yourself...but we would all love to hear the details of what's going on with you. <3

Lindsay - How are you and that cute little baby bump doing?

Aleeah - How are you?

Teacup? Slg? Linny? How are you all?

AFM - I had a bit of a crazy dream the other night. It was both ridiculous and terrifying.

I dreamt I was on a girls' trip with my mom and we were staying in a hotel room. I was sitting in front of the mirror trying all their little mini products hotels provide (shampoo, lotion, soaps, etc). I found this special face mask and applied it all over my face, thinking it felt so lovely. I went over to my mom to apply some on her face as well, but when I held up the package, to my horror it read, "THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS RH+ BLOOD. PEOPLE WITH RH- BLOOD CANNOT USE THIS PRODUCT."

I freaked out (in case you didn't know, I am Rh-) and made my mom take me to the hospital. I was freaking out on the way and saying, "I need to get the WinRho shot." Then my mom said, "Well, you're not going to be able to get it because the blood bank only provides the shot for more important reasons. They will never give it to you for this reason." So I knew right then that I would not get the shot and that my body would reject all future babies and they would all die. :cry:

Then I woke up. It was an awful dream. As ridiculous as it was, it was quite traumatizing. I guess my subconscious really must be worrying a lot while I sleep.

I know I shouldn't be complaining, but I am really not enjoying how irritable I am this pregnancy. I remember being emotional last time, but not irritable. This pregnancy feels like PMS on overdrive (and I am already a psycho b*** in PMS). Everything is SOOOO annoying and I just feel like screaming all the time. The emotional part kicked in last night as well when I took a few bites of my soggy salad and then burst out crying, "I'm SICK OF THIS SALAD!!!!" I forced myself to eat it because it was for the baby, but I cried the whole time. Then later I was trying to cuddle on the couch with dh but it was very uncomfortable, so dh asked if I wanted to move/readjust to make it comfier and I BURST OUT CRYING again and got all mad at him and moved to our loveseat and just cried by myself for a while. I didn't even know why! Ugh. So I napped on the couch until 10 while dh played video games and then finally mustered up the energy to go downstairs to my bed and slept another 11 hours. Yikers!

My boobs are still not sore but if I really bother them my nipples are a bit sensitive. :haha: I did wake up slightly queasy this morning as well, but it went away right away.

I am going to brave the hideously busy malls today to get some Christmas shopping one with a friend...so hopefully I can paste on a smile and avoid snapping anyone's head off! What are everyone else's weekend plans?
Oh - as if my last post wasn't long enough, I just remembered another dream I had.

I dreamt that Aleeah got a warning from the BnB admin for writing such long posts (which we all LOVE). So we were all SOO sad because she had to shorten her replies to us or else she would be banned. :haha:
Hehe lit that made my sat night. I have such vivid dreams all the time OH always calls me a wierdo because I remember them all!! Haha! Its always good to wake up from those sort of dreams and know they arent true haha!

And I was a mad woman when I was pregnant last time. Lol I hated Dons. Like properly hated him for no reason. I was set for leaving him (not that he knee that) but it wasnt till all the hormones where gone that that all left. Haha. Woops... joys of the pregnant life. It will al be worth it though xxx

And not on antibiotics yet because its the weekend. He will have to wait till monday... will antibiotics affect his aperm cou t do any of you guys know? Xxx
Blue - from what I've read, antibiotics do affect sperm count...but if it makes you feel any better his sperm is really from 2.5 months ago, so it wouldn't affect his sperm for a couple more months? And I'm sure you could still get pregnant even if it does affect it.

Good to know I'm not the only crazy pregnant woman. ;) I wasn't expecting all this rage! My friend and I had an AWFUL time shopping because I couldn't stand being around all the people, and I think she was in PMS, so we just went around the mall intermittently saying to each other, "This is awful."
LL, sorry your shopping was no fun. In general I've been in a good mood but I temporarily lost my sanity in Walmart today for a few minutes. My husband just walked away until I calmed down. All is better now. Maybe my unexplainable anger if my first pregnancy sign? :haha:
I hope so slg! How many dpo are you? Xxx

Lit I hate clothes shopping at any time. I know im a crap woman haha.
Is it two month old sperm? I didnt know it could livw that long! Xxx
I was mostly kidding about my crankiness being pregnancy. I'm only 5 DPO! I've had some cramps, white CM, and moody. Could very well just be hormones fluctuating :shrug:
Blue- yeah, the sperm her produced 2ish months ago is what is released today. I don't know exactly how it works but that's what I've read! Yeah, I don't really like shopping either. At times I am fooled into liking it when I'm really in the mood for it and have lots of money to spend on myself ;) but shopping for a ton of people on a budget while being swarmed by gazillions of people and braving long line-ups is just awful! :p

Slg - ooh you never know! It could indirectly be a pregnant symptom if hormones are extra high because there's a baby in there! Hehe. I've definitely been known to be in PMS at 5 DPO already though. :p
Slg do you temp? (I'm supposed to be but I keep forgetting haha) cd 9 for me.

Lit I like shopping for other people.... Hate it for me... I don't suit any sort of fashion so end up really basic haha! Living as a farmers wife lets me off with that now haha! Every now and them I whip out a fancy outfit and people are so impressed lol.

Everyone have a nice weekend?

Haha don't worry, blue! I definitely don't follow too many trends. I just dress in the basics as well. Comfort is my main concern. ;)

My weekend has been ok so far but I am feeling sad that it's Sunday already. Blah.
I know. The weekends go so quick! Haha. Just back from a wee five mile walk along the beach. Up to the in laws for Sunday Tea. Glad I left my car here so I dont need to walk back hehe. Lovely little December day here (For scotland anyway).

Thought id share a part of my walk :flower:


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Hello everybody. I'm having a relaxing day at home today. Emily is playing dress up and hubby is getting ready for work.

I do not temp. I'm a terrible sleeper and I think it interferes.
I'm feeling very PMSy including a high sex drive which I usually only have for a day or two before AF. Who knows? Just have to wait it out.

I'm not big on fashion either. I love it but it just doesn't fit in to my lifestyle or my budget. Its jeans and Tshirts for me.
Yeah jeans and tshirt you can never go wrong! Sounds like a lovely peaceful day you have had in. I keep meaning to temp but Ive forgotten hopefully I will remember tomorrow when I wake up haha xxx
Blue - wow, I am so jealous that you live near the beach!!!! That would be amazing. That's also so nice that it's warm enough to walk outside!!!! Enjoy tea with your in-laws! We might decorate the Christmas tree today.

Slg - that extreme PMS sounds like a good sign! I hope it is. Glad you're having a relaxing Sunday!
I hope everyone had a good weekend!

Linny, you made me laugh about the pregnancy tests, lol. DH doesn't even know I tested way more than twice (the two that were in the box he saw), haha, How are you feeling?

Crys, it's so nice to hear from you and I'm glad to hear you're doing well :) Have you decided what you want to do regarding trying again?

Ljs, I can totally understand why you're so worried about the one sided twinges/pains. I hope your scan on Wednesday is reassuring! If it helps, I have also had one sided twinges with both my bfp's and neither were ectopic - the doctor said it was probably just the corpus luteum, or things moving around getting ready for the uterus to grow. Hang in there hun! :hugs:

Blue, any signs of ovulation yet? How's OH doing? Hopefully he'll be feeling better soon! Beautiful photo of the beach :) We were down at the beach for a walk this weekend too, unfortunately I didn't take any photos.

LL, sounds like you're having crazy pregnancy dreams, lol. I've been remembering my dreams most nights (and often more than one dream) which is quite unusual for me. Last night I had a dream about zombies (we watched the walking dead before bed, lol, probably not a good idea, lol). I know what you mean about irritability! I have certainly been more irritable than normal with this pregnancy... hubby sees the worst of it, lol, I hold things together at work. Has been much better since second tri though, so hopefully it will be the same for you :) You're pretty brave going shopping this weekend. I didn't realize we'd have so many black friday sales up here, and tried to do some x-mas shopping on the weekend... I saw the mall parking lot and turned around, lol. I am also not a very good shopper!

Slg, how are you feeling? Any more symptom spotting?

As for me, I had a pretty quiet weekend. Didn't sleep well friday or saturday night as my low back was quite sore... last night I created a fortress of pillows and slept much better (I'm not sure about hubby though, lol). We did finish the Christmas decorating though so the house feels quite festive now :) Oh, and we bought a stroller too... a little early, but there was a really good deal online so we decided to take advantage of it.

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