Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Thank you everyone! xxx

Blue - I'm 18 dpo today, I had hoped that the line would be super dark by now. :shrug: I'm looking forward to testing again Sunday morning, really hoping my hCG should have increased quite a bit by then. xxx
Lit - I think we're due just two days apart! :happydance: xx
Awww, LL and Teacup you get to be bump buddies for sure!!

ljs, good news that you had some pain on the other side. In general if something is happening on both sides of your body it's probably fine. I hope you get some peace of mind after your scan.

Blue, are you feeling the pressure like I am?? These ladies are getting pregnant left and right. Are you guys making this up :rofl: I'm going to spend all day today envisioning my bfp. It will happen, it will happen, it will happen..... :laugh2:

So I was thinking that it's starting to feel weird that I don't know any of your names! In case anyone is curious my name is Sara. Now I'm wishing I would have just used it in my screen name :shrug:
I missed your announcement teacup! Hurrah!!! Awesome news, and nice to just find out on the later side of AF - less time for all the endless waiting! :) hehe. X

Blue - Good to hear you guys are having a bit of bd fun! ...I was going to try softcups at some point. In my head using them would involve comedy vaginal farting/suction noises. Hopefully not though! :) The height of sexy time! lol x

Aleeah - Normal pregnancy care! Brilliant. Sorry to hear about the dizzy spells, hope your blood pressure is a bit easier on you. Work sounds a bit manic too love! Blimey oh riley, do they know you're preggers/tired etc? I know the xmas rush is a pain in the bum...same here, but all weekend too sounds a bit chronic. x
Linny- isn't you scan today? Or did I miss the news already? I hope everything is okay!

Teacup - CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is very exciting! So cool that our due dates are only 2 days apart! We really do get to be bump buddies! So happy for you!!!!!

Sara - such a pretty name! With this BFP I was definitely doing a lot of positive envisioning... Not that I think that caused my BFP but perhaps your desire to envision it is a good sign. ;) I know how you girls feel with everyone getting pregnant all of a suddenly while you're left behind. It is very tough but hang in there because your BFPs will come very soon!

Blue - that's great if you are spontaneously BDing this time. Makes it a lot more enjoyable. Glad the soft ups are easy to use. I am so excited for you to get a BFP!

Ljs - wow! I'm so jealous that your nausea has kicked in. Just curious- exactly how far along we're you when it hit you? Amazing that you are 6 weeks already. I hope you can distract yourself until your scan. :hugs:

Aleeah - that really is reassuring to know that your boobs took quite a while to get sore this time. I know you were throwing up in the night for a while. When did your nausea hit? Sorry you're spotting again. At least you know the baby is ok. Do you listen to te Doppler each night? So good that your DH is more on board now!!!

Hope I didn't forget anyone else!!!
Haha there was no Vaginal farting with softcups! Although I have been rather windy recently haha! (Not in that area) Feeling rather hormonal today...

Sara :howdy: yes im feeling the pressure !!! Haha (My name is Emma.).

LL, try not to worry too much about symptoms yet (easier said than done I know!!)... it's still early days, they will come and then you'll be wishing they would go, lol. Good news your boobs are starting to get sore though, and bloating is a good symptom too!

Linny, how did your scan go today? Or did I miss a post somewhere? Hopefully it's just a case of "normal" spotting. I had a bleed and spotting in this pregnancy and was told it's not "normal" per se but very common in first tri.

Crys, it's so nice to have an update from you :) I can imagine it's a very tough decision for you and DH to have to make. Hopefully the CD21 blood test will provide some clarity, and perhaps, as Blue said, not trying/not preventing may be a way to go forward?

Teacup, congrats on your BFP!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Lots of excitement going on in here these days, I love it :)

Blue, good for you trying the softcups... hopefully they'll work some magic for you this month!! I thought about that a few times when we were ttc, but was always worried they'd be hard to get out, lol. Yep, the little guy is definitely partying in there... I think he's getting stronger too. Feeling a lot more movement the last few days (and I could even see my belly moving when I was in the bath a couple nights ago, lol)

Aleeah, that's great news that you're now under "normal pregnancy care"!! Hopefully DH can come to your 20 week scan... I know my DH really enjoyed it, it made things more real for him. Yes, I suppose it's not too early... we're planning on doing more of the shopping after Christmas when there should be some good sales around. Sorry to hear you're so swamped with work! I hope it gets better soon! I'm feeling about the same these days... I unknowingly agreed to more than I knew when I said I'd take over some of the tasks a colleague was doing prior to her mat leave so will very likely be working this weekend.

Ljs, good luck with the scan tomorrow! The twinges on the opposite side, sickness and no bleeding sound like very good signs to me! :hugs:

Sara, your turn is coming soon, I'm sure of it! Maybe even this month? I've got my fingers crossed! My name is Lindsay... pretty obvious from my screen name though, lol, I'm totally unoriginal. I used to have a bird and it was named "chirp" because I couldn't think of a better name, lol. It's a good thing hubby will be helping me to name this baby, haha!
Hey ladies!!!

teacup congrats on your bfp!!! this has been such a lucky thread, I can't wait until I get the green light to ttc!!!

LJS will be thinking of you tomorrow for your scan!! good luck!! I'm sure everything will be fantastic and be the reassurance that you need.

Sara I know what you mean about names, it's why I always sign with my real name, Kim :) sorry I put an h on your name once LOL

Aleeha congrats on normal care, the wait until your 20 week scan will fly by!! I'm sure!! especially with christmas in there.

Emma I'll be ttc again soon :) hopefully you're not still ttc :) and you too sara :)... not sure what a soft cup is, but it sounds interesting. My OH doesn't like to do anything to "try" so I'd never get away with that.

LL for my 2 pregnancies, the morning sickness really kicked in at about 6 weeks, I would feel the odd sickness here and there starting at about 4.5 weeks, but nothing consistent until 6 weeks. And also I did not have sore boobs with either of my pregnancies.

Linny hope all is good with your scan today.

AFM well I saw my ob today, had my bloodwork done, don't have the numbers back but I loove my ob, it was my first visit back with him sine I was admitted to the hospital. He's not worried at all about the strength of my uterus!!yipee!! he said once my numbers are at 0 he wants to do a few tests to be sure that it indeed wasn't a molar, and an ultrasound to check out how my uterus is looking then I'm in the clear!!! I do need to get my folic acid levels up though so as soon as I'm 0 I will be starting a heavy dose of folic acid, since the methotrexate which they gave me to shrink the mass in my uterus completely depletes your folic acid stores, and I can't take any until my levels are 0 since the folic acid interferes with the meds. I should have my bloodwork back tomorrow am, I'm soo excited that I could be ttc in a few months!! he even said after 1 period!! but I think we'll wait 3 - 6 since Oct 30 so 1 month down.
Lindsay: lol about your naming things. I tend to go for ironic/sarcastic so I had a fish named Fluffy. I had one named Boo because he hid in the sand and a clown fish named Monkey for no particular reason. I'm sure your husband will stop you from naming your child Baby or Pooping-Machine. :haha: We had a hard time agreeing on a name but the one we both loved was Emily and I used her grandmother's middle name as her middle name too-Arlene.

Emma (blue): I used soft cups for the first time this month. Kim, Softcups are plastic rings with a "cup" attached made out of what feels like saran wrap. They are made to catch blood during your period but if you use them after sex they keep the semen up near your cervix. Think of it as a cheap IUI. I was a little freaked out the first time I put one in. They look big and there is no string to pull them back out. Luckily they slide right into place and there was no fishing expedition to fetch it, although you do have to hook your finger around it and pull hard.

LL: I had a pit in my tummy while pregnant (about 6 weeks?) but was never actually nauseous and didn't puke even once :thumbup: I had lots of aversions to food and smells. My chest was sore and I had awful heartburn after about 10 weeks. You just never know what you are going to get.

Hope everybody is getting good news from their scans this week.

I told my husband that you girls must be passing good pregnancy vibes through the internet. I would say "it's in the air" but we are entirely too far apart for that to work. I hope that it's contagious and I get it soon!
I have an internet friend from a breast cancer site that just got her BFP last week after doing her first round of IVF. So much good news lately! I love it! I'm sure my time is coming. If not this month then some month soon. Maybe Kim and I will end up bump buddies :friends:
Emma (Blue) - hahahah! :) Where are you at in your cycle now do you think? X

Lindsay - That is great to hear that you can feel/see baby moving about! :) I was imagining that idea last night and wondering if it feels unusual or completely natural?

Kay - Great news! It's good to have a medical person you really like/believe in, i think it makes all the difference. It's great it's just folic acid - easy one to sort! :) x

Sara (slg) - I was reading a story in the doctors waiting room the other day about a lady who discovered she had cancer, was treated and just a few months after treatment finished discovered she was pregnant - she assumed it was just the drugs/treatment which had kept her period away to begin with! I thought of you as i read it. The human body is amazingly strong & resilient x

Aleeah - It was really really helpful to know you had spotting and are obviously fine. I guess the trouble is as soon as you do a search for spotting it's half and half with bad stories and good. I should really have kept to my threads and the medical studies i'd read but i did end up stumbling across some bad stories....I think that was the main reason i freaked out the second time. x

Afm - Scan went great, we saw him/her wriggling about which made it far more real - previously bean hasn't had any distinguishing features, nor have i seen them moving about. I feel a heck of a lot calmer now and much more looking forward to the 12 week scan instead of dreading it. Phew! also, my name is lindsey :)
LJsMummy - Thinking of you and your scan this morning, good luck, rooting for you and bubba :hugs: xxx

Teacup - So cute you and Lit are so close! It's lovely to have someone to share it all with that totally gets what you're going through as they are going through it at the same time :thumbup: xx

SLG - I totally love your name! Is it pronounced Sara or Sarah? You shouldn't feel the pressure, more that you've got all these cheerleaders cheering you along in your corner, that's got to be enough for the Stork to notice and come your way in no time at all! :happydance:

My online name is boringly my actual name. I wish I'd thought of something impressive now but I'm not very good with names. When I got my iphone I had to register a name for online games and my name was already taken, so in a split second I decided to put my name as Donkey, which I must've thought was funny at the time. But now whenever I log into online stuff on it, it always comes up with a message: "Welcome back Donkey"! Why did I think that was a good name to pick?!?! Why not Tiger, or Panda, something cool or cute, instead of Donkey?!?!:blush: The online world is weird and unfortunately in most cases not one you can easily change your name in!!:haha:

Linny - So glad your scan went well, isn't it a lovely feeling see the little baby moving and seeing it's heartbeat? 12 week scan will be fantastic, you'll be amazed at how much the baby has grown by then.

Yes work is hectic and I do feel tired but I think I'm now used to working through the tiredness. Doesn't help I still haven't told my work about the pregnancy, and so don't have any help at the moment but am grateful for the distraction for now, time is certainly flying by!:thumbup:

Lit - I think the nausea hit from 6 weeks for about 10 days and then it was gone and hasn't come back. I've had a stronger sense of smell but no aversions to food or cravings, definitely noticed a lack of appetite but that's about it.

I've only listened to the baby's heartbeat once more since I found it, I'm surprised how reserved I've been with it but it's not very easy to find as the placenta gets in the way and have been so busy just haven't had time. I always thought I'd want to listen to it everyday but I think the scans have reassured me so much, I'm comfortable not listening to it that often.

Have you decided when to tell friends and family?? xx

Blue (Emma) - Loved your comment about the farting, these days I fart so loud sometimes I feel the ground might move!! Like I said you shouldn't feel the pressure about getting pregnant, I'll go up into the sky and push that Stork in your direction if I have to!! You WILL be pregnant soon, I just know it! :hugs: xx

Lindsay - I love hearing about your little man's movements, it always puts a smile on my face, he sounds like he's a footballer in training there!:thumbup: Good idea about doing the shopping after Christmas in the sales, I'm excited to hear about all your purchases.

I'm sorry lots is going on at work for you too, you should definitely say something if it all gets too much. My little baby is still tiny so doesn't need so much from me but your little man is well, a much bigger man, so will be taking much more from you :hugs: xx

Kim - So exciting you'll be on the trying to conceive journey again so soon. It makes such a difference having a medical team you like and trust. And folic acid really is one of the easier deficiences to fix, fingers and toes crossed you'll be pregnant before you know it xx

Aleeah - Donkey :haha: That is brilliant. Lol. I guess a donkey might not be a cool spirit animal but they have a sense of humour :)
Hey ladies!!

I'm on cd 12 (I think). I did a cheaply opk today it's getting darker and I peed on the clearblue and it have me a flashy smiley!! And so it begins ! Hehe.

Linny- so glad your scan went well! I loved seeing my buttons move for the first time. I cried like a bit baby!

Aleeah- that's hilarious. Might start calling you Donkey now haha! Kidding. That's sweet about the Doppler! I was always told that you wouldn't be able to hear the heartbeat on those till 15 weeks so I never bothered to try lol. Might do the. Next time

Kim- I can't wait till your back here trying again! So excited to see your beta levels hopefully they are at 0!

Linds - soo cute haring of movements !

All this talk about feeling babies move brings back good memories for me. I loved feeling Emily inside me and strangely enough it felt very natural. Jeff loved to feel her too. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so sometimes when I was sleeping he would poke at her through my belly and she would kick back. Daddy daughter play time I guess :laugh2:

Aleeah, I think your name is beautiful! I have thought that all along so I'm glad it really is your name! Much better than Donkey! I worry that if I have another girl I will name her something too close to Emily (my dd). Something like Alana, Alaina, or Aleeah!! I love Emily's name so much that the ones that sound similar also sound nice to me.

My screen name isn't all that inventive either it's just my initials :shrug: Hmmm, I've never heard anyone pronounce Sara or Sarah any differently. Sarah is the more common spelling but they are pronounced the same.

I don't really feel any pressure from you ladies to get pregnant! I know you are all cheering me on and will do that until I get pregnant. You guys are great :friends: I'm actually feeling pretty good right now with ttc. I'm doing all that I can so I just have to wait until it's my month. I do think that we will do fertility medications again on my next cycle since it could be ages until I get pregnant naturally again. Maybe I'll get my twins after all??!
Cryss - So you were considering possibly not trying again? Or waiting?

Yes. I think I've just be really torn about it. Like maybe I'm asking too much, but oh my goodness how I still feel that ache at times. I've been blessed with a beautiful family, but losing 2 pregnancies within a few months of each other just really made it hard for me to know if we should continue trying. If this sounds confusing, it's because I am confused. :shrug:

What wonderful news about your little wiggly one, Linny. Gonna keep calling you that since Lindsay and Lindsey might get confusing. Congratulations! I hope you can feel more at ease now.

SlG (and crys if you decide your deffo trying) its up to us to get our bfp this cycle! Xxx

If we do keep trying, it would have to be in January. I would need to get that blood work done during this cycle that is about to start. Good thing is I've already made it to my usual cycle length, so hopefully that means it was just the stress of moving that made my cycle short last time.

Congratulations Teacup!!!

Good luck Emma and Sara! I hope you both get your BFPs this month!

This thread is absolutely wonderful and lucky!

Everyone else - Enjoy every bit of those pregnancy symptoms, and bumps, and wiggles you can feel and see. They are all such blessings!
Just a quick update,sorry its taken me so long,just after my appointment we had the sad news that DHs grandmother had been taken ill,and just as we got back to the hospital she had passed away.So the good news we had in the morning was kind of bittersweet.
But..yes it was good news!We saw the sac and yolk in the right place in my uterus this time,and a tiny flickering heartbeat!I got to bring a picture home with me too :)
We are over the moon but it feels a little wrong to celebrate today. Funny how life works out.Thanks for all your positive thoughts and reassurance,it helped me more than you know x x
I'm so sorry for the loss of your DH's grandmother, but so happy for you about that tiny flicker. It is how the world turns. And don't feel bad about being joyful. It is definitely a time for that. :flower: As sad as it is to lose someone, our grandparents live their lives, and their grandchildren and great grandchildren and so on live on because of them. :hugs:
Kim - so great to hear from you! And great to hear about your symptoms. It is so reassuring to find out all the different variations of symptoms in healthy pregnancies. Maybe I am just one of those people who doesn't get very sore boobs. I -have- been gagging at certain smells and finding my nose extra sensitive lately buy it just isn't making me nauseous. I did feel slightly queasy for an hour after supper yesterday but not sure if that was related to pregnancy.
So lovely that your levels are going down and things are looking up for TTC again soon! I am glad you are feeling hopeful and that you're getting the best care.

Sara- also good to hear about your symptoms (or lack thereof) from your pregnancy! I am glad you are feeling good about TTC and aren't too discouraged. It would definitely make sense to try the fertility meds next month.

Ljs- that is wonderful to hear that your baby is in the right place! I've been thinking of you all morning. Very sorry about your dh's grandmother.

Lindsay - now that you have the stroller, what will you shop for next?

Linny- how funny we have a Lindsay and a Lindsey! I am so glad your scan went well. I hope you find your anxiety levels reducing now.

Blue- so glad you're getting to that fertile time of the month! Yay!

Aleeah - still haven't decided when we will tell family and friends. Friends will definitely be 13 weeks + ( besides my BFF who already knows). I will probably tell my mom in the next couple weeks as she's a nurse and helped a lot with advice the last time. Then I think my plan is if I get to have an early scan and all goes well, I might tell MY immediate family at Christmas but we would not tell dh's siblings til 13 weeks as I am not close to them.

AFM - really hoping to hear from my dr today. I still haven't had dr confirmation of my pregnancy and I want to discuss an early scan.
Kim, that's great news from the ob, I hope your numbers come back at 0!

Sara, I had a good laugh about your choice of fish names too, lol. Your daughter has a beautiful name though. Hubby and I are having a bit of a hard time with boy names... but we've got a few more months to think about it :) Yes, I'm sure your time is coming soon! We can just keep the bfp ball rolling in here :)

Linny (Lindsey - nice name btw! hehe), I am sooo glad to hear your scan went well and that you're feeling more relaxed now :) Did you get any scan pics you can share with us (as long as no one else minds...)? As for the movement, it feels kind of odd, but I love it! It's changed from a tickly/tapping/popcorn sensation to what feels more like a kick or a punch now.. not sure exactly how to describe it. You'll be able to feel it first hand soon enough!

Aleeah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's unoriginal with names, lol. I'm looking forward to hearing about your baby purchases as well! Have you bought anything for baby yet? My work should calm down after this month... so I just have to get through the next few weeks. Fortunately hubby has been very busy too, so I've been able to catch up on paper work/reports in the evening without feeling totally anti-social.

Emma, hooray for a flashing smiley face!!! I've got everything crossed that you catch your egg this month :thumbup:

Ljs, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your DH's grandmother :hugs: At the same time, I am really glad to hear the scan went well and that your little one is in the right place with his/her heart beating away :)

Crys, glad to hear your cycle is back to it's normal length :)
Aleeah - Your name is beautiful! It's going straight on my baby names list. I have kept a list since before we even started TTC! Thought it was better to write down nice names when I hear them rather than racking my brains trying to remember the nice ones when the time came. :flower: xx

Ljs - I'm so pleased everything is okay with baby! It's very sad to hear about your DH's Grandmother, :hugs: I hope you are both okay. xx

Blue - Goodluck! I hope you catch that eggy! :happydance: xx

Lit - How are things going bump buddy? xx

SLG - Awww that's such a sweet story about your Husband and Daughter. :cloud9: xx

AFM - Symptoms wise, my boobs are tender down the sides near my armpits, I get mild cramps when I stand quickly, and I have been weeing lots. I've also had a couple of nose bleeds when I blow my nose. I'm a bit worried though that my BFP was quite light, so I'm looking forward to testing on Sunday to see if it's darker. Do you think that will be long enough for the hormones to increase? In other news, I found out today that my Mum told my sister and brother about my miscarriage (even though I repeatedly told her not to tell anyone). I wanted to tell them myself when I told them that I was pregnant again. I don't know why my mum is so hopeless at keeping secrets. :dohh:

Hope everyone else is doing okay! xx

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