Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Ljs- I'm so sorry that your DH's Grandmother has passed away. But please don't feel bad about being joyful because you know that she will be up their being joyful for you!

I'm so terrible with catching up with posts! I read it all and come to the bottom to reply and I've forgotten who said what and what people said... I need to take some cod liver oil!

Crys- I hope you manage to figure out what you and DH wish to do. But please keep coming to the thread and catching up we love hearing from you !! Glad that your cycle is settling down and hope all the blood work goes well!

Tea- my mum was terrible at keeping secrets too. We told her not to tell anyone that I was pregnant and she told everyone and told them not to tell me they know! My whole family are like that ! I can remember when I became a lady and the which showed herself for the first time, I literally just came out the bathroom and got a phone call from my granda to congratulate me on becoming a woman !! I was mortified! Haha never again!

You should see a difference within two days of testing. Try again tomorrow Nd then again on Sunday and you should see a progression. :flower:

Linds -Lol healthy boy he is kicking away in there hehe.

Lit- any word from doctor?

Sara- how are you doing with symptom spotting! Your positivity is keeping me going hehe! Your a star! Love the names you have. We like the name Ayla Jessica for a girl. Lol. That's all we have :) but we where having to boys!

AFM - nothing much going on hoping that ovulation is on it's way! Lol hoping I release a huge egg and hope the Dons does his job ! Another soft cup to go tonight hehe! This TTC stuff is messy! I totally have a way to reveal my new pregnancy and I can't wait to do it. Both OH and family! Xxx
Blue - ugh, no, I still haven't heard from my dr. I missed her call twice on Monday because she called my home phone while I was at work. So Tuesday MORNING I left a message for her to call me back on my CELL phone... Well, she never called all day. So today I called again and asked what was going on and they said she hadn't checked Her messages yet but she would probably call this afternoon because she didn't have any patients. So ALL day again I carried my cell phone everywhere, including the bathroom, in case she called, but she never did! I am getting REALLY frustrated.

I like your girl name that you have picked out. Funny that you didn't have any boy names picked out even though you were having two boys!

Teacup- sounds like you have lots of promising symptoms. I have lots of the little insignificant ones like peeing constantly, tired, bloated, strong sense of smell, irritable, etc. But my boobs are still just barely sore. I hope you get a much darker line this weekend or whenever you test again!

It's too bad your mom told your secret. I thought my mom was good at keeping secrets, but then I found out she told my HAIRDRESSER about my miscarriage. I found out -after- I went to see her and then felt so embarrassed that she knew the whole time. :(
My mom is also crap about keeping secrets. She tells me everybody else's secrets so I assume she tells them mine also. I know my little sister had a mc several years back but only because mom told me; she has never mentioned it. In our family we all know each others' business but nobody admits it. Whatever. I'm not that close to my family :shrug:

We never did agree on a boy name but we knew we were having a girl since 13 weeks or something crazy early like that. We paid for a private 3D scan.

I think I'm 9 dpo today. I tested. Got what might have been a super faint line but didn't appear right away so could easily be an evap. I'm sure you all want to know this... :haha: I had a really high sex drive last week which is unusual for me. The last couple days I had a subtle tingling sensation in the girly region. I remember having that tingle last time I was pregnant but can't recall if I've had it any other time. ug, waiting is hard.

Alright...I'm headed outside to shovel the driveway, or at least part of it, since hubby is working the next several days and we got lots of snow.
Omg slg thats super exciting and oh so promising!!

Lit woow for symptoms! Hehe mums are just crap eh ? Couldnt hold there water if they had a bucket!

Well its horrendously windy here tonight its soo bad. Me and Dons are snuggled up in bed trying to not blow away! So far its hittin 80mph ! God help us. We will be in america anymore of this! Whos closest cause we might be joining to for tea tomorrow!!! Haha! Off to sleep now with softcup institu! Night ladies!!!

Slg - You're not the only one shoveling snow today! I'm also having to do all the shoveling because dh is injured. I absolutely hate it. I am one of those girly girls who abhors any sort of manual labour. I shoveled ALL last winter because my dh was injured (and our wintner lasted from November until April and was one of our heaviest snowfall years in history). I SO looked forward to this year not having to shovel anymore, but then *wham* dh got injured again at the beginning of November. Anyway, I know you weren't complaining like I am, but I apparently needed to rant. :haha:

Blue - Wow, that really is a harsh wind! I hope you and dh stay safely tucked in your bed! Have a lovely night and I hope the softcups work their magic!
Well I'm pretty much in the middle of the states but you are welcome to visit anytime! Tea and cookies for sure. Sweet dreams although hopefully not about the soft cup :haha:
LL-my good intentions of shoveling failed! It started snowing again and then got dark. Oh well, it will still be there waiting for me tomorrow! DH usually does it but he won't be home until Friday.
Slg - I would definitely give up shoveling if it was snowing again. That is just way too fruitless an endeavour! It's nice you only have to shovel for the week while he's away.
Well we lasted through the night. Lost my satalite dish and a few tiles... maybe a bin or two but apart from that no real harm done.

Put the soft cup in last night and it popped out everywhere!!! Haha was super embarrassing! So not sure how much of last nights session was very useful!

And no I wouldnt be going out shovelling if it was snowing again. We are rather lucky we dont get snow here. Just wind and rain. I miss the look of snow but not the feeling of someone wacking you in the ear with a snowball! Where is it you guys are slg and lit ? Xxx
Emma - The winds were crazy last night eh? This morning driving to work was like the apocalypse had happened. Except, I still had to go to work :(

Sara - Oooooo! That sounds really promising! when will you test again? x

LL - Is there a professional shoveller round your area? Someone who clears driveways etc? Or a nice neighbour who could help?
Emma and Lindsey, glad you are safe and your homes didn't blow away. I'm in Denver, Colorado. I actually love the weather here. Some snow, crazy thunderstorms, but a lot of sunshine.
Sara - If it appeared within the time limit, that's a BFP! Can't wait to hear about the next one. Fingers crossed!

Emma - Glad you didn't blow away. Hope the winds have died down today? Most of the sperm are probably moving out of the semen before you even get the cup in there. :thumbup: You definitely still have a chance.

LL - You don't need to be shoveling. Ask a friend for help. How did your
DH injure himself, and both times in November? What is he doing at that time of the year that causes it?
Good luck on the shovelling ladies :) I'm in Canada, so lots of snow here!! my OH has a new snowblower though so not much shoveling for me hahahaha

That sounds like some crazy winds ladies!!!

Emma you're so funny with the soft cups.. I'll have to google it to see what they look like but you're definately still in!!

Sara any news today???? :)

AFM got my bloodwork back yesterday, down to 33 from 45 last week... I would have liked a larger jump but there's no rush anyways since I can't TTC for another 2 months minimum due to the methotrexate... but I am feeling like a pin cushion!!

On the upside so much bd'ing here these days :) so fun when there's no stress or expectations hahaha

Hope everyone is feeling good and has a good afternoon!! (It's almost 12 noon here :))

It seems I'm not the only one with a gossiping mother then! :haha:

Emma and Linny - Hope you don't get blown away! The weather in Scotland sounds crazy. I'm in Dorset and it's just very cold. Am under a blanket on the sofa feeling quite sleepy at the mo! xx xx

Sara - I'm so excited! Really hope this is your BFP! Can't wait to hear about your next test. :happydance: xx

Lit - Don't shovel! You need to take it easy! (and probably you shouldn't be shoveling either Sara!) Have you told any family the happy news yet? xx

klsltsp - Glad to hear your levels are dropping and you're having some BD fun in the meantime! :winkwink: xx

I hope everyone else is good! xxx

AFM - I told my Mum and Sister yesterday that I was pregnant, I would tell them both anyway if I miscarried so thought I may as well deliver happy news first! (Last time I told no one until I miscarried). We think we'll tell OH's family on the 15th when it's our fake Christmas with them. Although I'll only be 6 weeks then so I'm in two minds because I started spotting at 6 weeks last time - I would rather wait until 7 weeks really - we'll see.
My husband is terrible at keeping secrets and he wanted to tell people right away with my last pregnancy. I told him he could tell who he wants but that if I had a mc he had to go back and tell all those people. He did that. He has 11 grown siblings with families of their own so it's SO many people.

I tested this morning :blush: I figured if I didn't I would think about it all day. It was bfn. But, I'm only 9 dpo so it's certainly not a definitive answer.
LL, I hope you hear back from your doctor today, I'm sure it will be nice reassuring news. I know what you mean about waiting for calls from doctors though, they always seem to call at just the wrong time! A couple years ago BC got this online system where people can register and then view their own blood test results, I love it! No more waiting for the doctor to call... or at least you know what they're going to say when they call, lol

How "convenient" that your DH got injured in November 2 years in a row, haha. I hope he's feeling better soon! You should get someone to help you with shoveling... maybe a friend, or hire a kid who lives in the neighbourhood? I feel very lucky we don't get snow here very often.

Teacup, those symptoms sound positive! Your line will definitely be darker by sunday :) In the past I've tested every 2 days initially and notice a difference even with that interval. My mom isn't a gossip either and reading all these stories I'm quite grateful she isn't!

Emma, what's your idea for revealing your next pregnancy? Can you tell us, or do we have to wait in suspense too ;) ? I'm glad you didn't get blown away last night!

Sara, that's exciting about the possible faint line!! I'm looking forward to when you test again!! :)

Lindsey, I'm glad you didn't blow away either!!

Kim, glad to hear that things are still going according to plan :) You're right, bd'ing is much more fun when there's no stress or expectations!

As for me, I've got a busy day planned - work and then work Christmas party this evening. I hope everyone is doing well :)
Linds - it bought no one was going to ask!!

Well for family I was thinking every new year we give each other a gift (everyone in the family usually gets the same gift from that couple) so I was thinking I was going to make up an album full of photos of things that have happened over the last year for everyone and stick a breaker page saying 'what to look forward to in 2014' put in different photos and then on the month we are due put a scan photo in. This gift will be given later prob in feb because we won't see everyone till then so it would give me time to do it! I'd get an early scan so I could use that. That's if I conceive this month! If not then I'll need to think of something else...

For Dons I was going to pee on a stick and then wrap it up and give it to him as an early present.

Weathers still awful here. Slates have fallen off the roof and my satellite has broke. I never slept well and my temps seem just to be rising already so I'm not really sure what's happening but I did get another pos on the opk! Hopefully I will get a better night sleep tonight!

Slg - I hope it's not too bad where you are! I am praying you get you bfp this month soo bad!


P.s thanks for all the reassurance that I'm not out!! Fingers crossed! Xxx
Blue - You definitely have plenty of a chance even if the soft cup fell out. People have been getting pregnant long before soft cups. :haha: And I live in Canada. :) Sorry your house had a bit of damage from the storm. Sounds brutal!

Neat that we joined BnB one the same month. ;) I always assumed you joined much sooner.

I love your idea for telling people if you get preg this month...which I truly hope you do!!!

Linny - I wish my neighbours were nice but I may resort to hiring someone if his injury lasts long.

Crys - DH injured himself at work both times, and the fact that they were both in November is a total coincidence (although people do get injured more in the winter due to icy conditions, etc). Last year he severely hurt his shoulder and was off work for 4+ months and had to undergo intense physio after that. This time he fractured his left foot and hurt his right ankle (actually, on two different occasions this month) which were also unhappy coincidences. It sucks, but this time the healing process should be a lot faster.

Kim - Yay for hCG going down. It sucks it's going so slowly, but as you said you have lots of time. I am glad you're enjoying BDing a lot more now that you're not TTC.

Teacup - I haven't told any family yet but I might tell my mom this weekend or next. Regardless, I'd like to tell her before Christmas so she knows not to serve me anything that I can't have...but I'll be keeping it from my dad for a bit longer so he doesn't have to get his hopes up.

How did your mom and sister react to your great news? That's great you told them. I would definitely tell my fam if I miscarried again too, so there's no real point in waiting to tell except if you feel more comfortable with that (which I do, at the moment).

Sara - Ooh! Too bad it's a BFN but as you know I had a BFN at 9DPO this time so you definitely still have a chance!!!

Lindsay - Haha, I know, it's very annoying about him getting injured right at the start of winter both times. :p I think he's a little sick of being reminded. :winkwink: It definitely isn't any fun for him either.

Enjoy your Christmas party tonight! I hope you have a lovely time.

AFM - My doctor -still- hasn't called even though she got my message. Feeling very frustrated right now. I know she figures it's not high priority, but if she doesn't call me I have no way to asking for an early scan since I don't see her til Dec. 30th :(.

I am jealous of your online results system, Lindsay. That sounds very convenient.

Also - I love how supportive everyone is of me -not- shoveling. :haha: :)
Teacup - I haven't told any family yet but I might tell my mom this weekend or next. Regardless, I'd like to tell her before Christmas so she knows not to serve me anything that I can't have...but I'll be keeping it from my dad for a bit longer so he doesn't have to get his hopes up.

How did your mom and sister react to your great news? That's great you told them. I would definitely tell my fam if I miscarried again too, so there's no real point in waiting to tell except if you feel more comfortable with that (which I do, at the moment).

Lit - My sister was excited, but my Mum said congratulations and was happy for a moment but seemed a little exasperated. We had the news that my Sister-in-law had a mc that day, so I think my Mum was just overwhelmed by everything. I asked her if she had told my brother about our mc and she said yes (which didn't bother me too much, I thought it might help him to know we went through the same thing) but then she also blurted out that she had told my older sister too (who I don't get on with that well). :dohh: I just felt like everyone had been gossiping behind my back. It was OUR news to tell. I wanted the same as my other siblings, to announce pregnancy when we were sure it was happening so everyone could be excited for us, not tell everyone we had been pregnant but it didn't work out. I knew they would just be expecting the news of a new pregnancy after that - so it wouldn't be a surprise.

Today my boobs are hardly sore, so I'm really worried everything is going the same way as last time. :cry: I'm going to do my test tomorrow to see if it's any darker.

Sorry to hear your doctor is being rubbish! I haven't even contacted mine, I thought I would just book a midwife appointment around 7 weeks.

Hope everything is going okay for you! :flower: xx

Sara - Sorry to here you got a BFN. You're not out until the red lady sings! :thumbup: I test from 11dpo normally, and the line is quite faint so I would def get a BFN at 9dpo. xx

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