Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aww puppy is soo cute!!your christmas sounds fun!we have around 15-16 people for xmas dinner (if dons and I get on the boat tomorrow!weathers hellish!). Really hope we do! One more nightshift to get through and then thats us ! Xxx
Lindsay - your family Christmas does sound very fun! We are sleeping over at my parents' as well. :) I feel like our families have similar traditions, since we also have Sunday night dinners. ;).

I love the picture of your dog! That is so cute!

Blue - I hope you have people over! That sounds like a nice time! Good luck getting through your last night shift!
Im feel soo dead! Im knackered. Nightshifts and I do not bode well!

Has anyone heard from Aleeah? I hope shes ok?

Wish my AF would start properly. This stupid spotting is dragging out !!long it goes on the higher the chances my bad day of my cycle will be christmas !!! :( xxx
Hello ladies!

Like you I'm wishing aleeah would get in touch! I wish one of us had an email addy. I know Xmas is a busy time so hopefully it's just that.

Sara - that sounds like difficult news, but I think you're right! your fsh is unlikely to have gone from perfect to high in months surely...which suggests your body can still get pregnant. Have you heard of the book 'inconceivable'? It's about a woman who was told her fsh was so high shed never get pregnant, anyway- she did ! with her own research/remedies. As she said, you don't need hundreds of eggs, you just need one x

Lindsay- aw your dog looks so cute in their jacket! Your Christmas sounds like ours.., my mum is cooking for about 15 too. It'll be fun starting your own Christmas tradition!

LL - hehe, apparently the first big boob growth ends at week 10 so they're likely to get bigger still! I still haven't got round to getting a new bra fitted.

Blue - cant believe I'm saying this but I hope AF starts properly ASAP! Christmas day AF is not merry!

Afm - well I had the tiniest spot of red after about a week without spotting. It was miniscule and nothing since. I've started to consider not checking. The fact is it just made me expect several days of spotting but there's been nothing. Baby's still fine on the Doppler. So, checking the tp is just a source of pointless stress. my proper 1st tri scan is tomorrow so I'm looking forward to seeing bean again. Meanwhile just wrapping presents and trying to convince DF to go out for breakfast this morning! X
Linny - ugh, I wish your body weren't so blood- happy! That is seriously distressing! What a relief it is that you have a Doppler and can listen any time you want. It is so nice you've been able to have a few scans throughout the first trimester. It must be so reassuring. I am sure this scan will also go amazingly well and you will know this baby is in it for the long haul!

Blue - Night shifts are awful. I've never done one, but my parents did shift work my whole life and they were always such zombies from it. :( So glad they're both working days now. I do hope your AF starts properly so you don't have to be bothered with a heavy flow on Christmas Day! Blech!!!

I am definitely hoping we hear from Aleeah soon as well. It's funny how we all get paranoid when we don't hear for a while. But I do remember her saying her work was insanely busy before Christmas and work is usually when she gets online, so that is probably all!

I am off to the farm for our first Christmas celebration today! So I won't be able to get online. Have a wonderful day, everyone! Catch up on sleep, Blue!

Lj- hope you're doing okay!

Sara- :hugs:
thanks for the recommendation. I just ordered two books by that author about fertility and high FSH. If my levels aren't down next month I will start acupuncture. I've had good luck with that in the past.
LL - I am incredibly grateful for the reassurance scans I was given, I'm not sure how my mental health would have been without the EPAU . They even called me to offer me another a week ago!!! I said no because I had the Doppler and 12 week coming up and I'd used their service so much already.. But they really are good. How are you doing ATM? Any plans to schedule an earlier US after Christmas? In any case, have a great time over Christmas, hope you manage to conceal the lack of drinking! (unless your family knows already :) )

Sara - oh great, I'd love to know what you make of them!

Blue - i feel your pain. I used to work a night shift in my 20s. Looking after the elderly. It was harsh! So do you always do nights or does it change about?
Too bad all your pregnant ladies aren't going to the same christmas parties I am; I would be happy to drink your drinks for you to help hide your secret :haha:
Linny - Well...how did your ultrasound go today???:happydance:

My only plan is to ask my doctor on the 30th how soon I can get in for an ultrasound. Hopefully it is on the earlier side. I can't do much before then so trying not to obsess over it. I am still feeling not great about lack of symptoms but just trying not to worry too much. I am trying to reason with myself logically a lot. Like, if I was having BLEEDING, I would still have a 50/50 chance of my baby still being okay, so the fact that I'm not having bleeding but just don't have major symptoms surely gives me a much greater chance? Maybe at least 70%?

Sara - :haha: I wish you could have been there last night to hide my lack of drinking! I can't even count the number of times my in-laws offered me alcoholic beverages that I turned down! I'm sure they're all suspicious, but no one said anything, so that's good. If I were still TTC and just in the TWW, I would have turned down the drinks as well, so they really shouldn't assume anything.

I hope those books offer you some good ideas and encouragement. Acupuncture definitely sounds like a good idea. I've heard very good things!
Blue, I hope you made it through your last night shift and the weather cooperated for the ferry :)

LL, yes, we do seem to have similar family traditions :) I was thinking that when I was writing my last post. I hope your first Christmas celebration went well! How are you feeling these days?

Linny, I would say stop checking the tp - not worth the stress, and you know the little one is still doing well :) I hope your scan today goes well! Do we get to see a photo?

Slg, I hope you're doing okay :hugs: It sounds like you've got a good plan. I'm quite a believer in acupuncture and have had good success with it for other things.

I also hope Aleeah will check in soon.

As for me, just going to wrap up some work today and then finish wrapping the presents. I may even try and get some Christmas baking done if I have the energy :) I was going to do the baking yesterday but hubby and I got in a big argument over nothing at all and it completely wore me out... these hormones really get the better of me sometimes!
Lindsay - Sorry to hear about your fight with your dh. :( I absolutely hate when that happens. Hormones really do get the better of us sometimes! I really wish that husbands would realize we are SOOOO hormonally charged and maybe just cut us a break next time and not bother arguing back when we're already revved up!

I hope you get around to some baking! I actually totally forgot that I planned to do some day. I might make something really easy just to say that I did -something-.

I am not feeling very nauseous lately - just a bit prone to gagging or feeling 'off' if I don't eat enough - and am in a medium zone between worrying and staying calm/optimistic. Is your insomnia still bothering you?
LL, yep, I hate it when that happens too. Him not arguing back would have been nice yesterday, lol. He's usually pretty good (he's been warned by some friends that I may be a little crazy while pregnant, lol) but I think yesterday we were both just feeling a little burnt out. Oh well, it's all better now at least.

I'm glad you're only in the "medium" worry zone... I hope it stays that way, or gets better :) At least there should be lots in the next couple weeks to keep you busy - time will fly! And then before you know it you'll get to see baby :)

The insomnia hasn't bothered me the last few nights... I think not having to wake up at a specific time helps because then I don't worry about not sleeping if that makes sense. I am still waking up a few times during the night, but going back to sleep a little more quickly.

I hope you get to some baking! I think I'm going to make ginger molasses cookies :)
Lindsay - Yeah, my hope would be to make ginger molasses cookies as well (my recipe calls them 'ginger sparklers')! But if I get lazy I will just make scotcheroons which don't actually require any oven time.

Ljs - I saw you reading this thread and got my hopes up that you would reply! Please update us on how you are doing! Hope everything is okay!
Hey ladies!

Lindsay- glad to hear the insomnia has eased up. I think the continual waking mixed with heavy workloads makes relaxation difficult. I know what you mean about having to get up makes you less likely to drop back off. Kinda difficult to do that as your brain is screaming "I have to get up in 2 hours!!!! Relax now!!!!" hehe. Sorry to hear about argument with hubs. It's tough isn't it. I think there are so many instinctual things going on... They don't stand up to logic but... We're just sophisticated animals after all :)

LL - I'm glad to hear the nausea isn't as bad. Mines fine again now too. And the worry at medium - well done! You're right, nothing to go just now so might as well trust all is well. X

the scan was great, baby is a week ahead! So, past 12 weeks..Shall post pic when on my pc!..but this meant that when I mentioned my Friday night spotting I was given a dressing down ! "why didn't you call your midwife immediately if you know you're rhesus negative" I was very upset. I didn't of course realise I was past 12 weeks based on my lmp (the NHS give anti-d after 12 weeks). Anyway I was in and out of the place with needles. Here's what I didn't realise- with the anti -d you get your blood taken then the serum is made based on that. You can't use older bloods, or just replicate what was made before. And you have to get it every time you spot! Blimey! I had no idea!
Hi ladies!
Just a quick check in, caught me stalking :)
Everything seems fine here, no spotting since Thursday last week. I have managed to get an appointment for a scan at epu tomorrow, so I guess I will know more then. Still super sick and a little tired of it now, so if everything goes well tomorrow then I will be asking for some anti-sickness meds, for sure.
I hope everyone is well! I check in on you all and read up every day, im just so tired and drained, and have really been trying to put everything pregnancy related to the back of my mind until the scan tomorrow. So please dont be offended! I will be sure to come and update you tomorrow afternoon (my appt is at 12pm).
We have a 6 week old black labrador puppy coming to stay tomorrow evening :-D DHs mother has got it for his little sister for Christmas, so its staying at our house for the night to keep it a surprise! A little worried how my 2 year old will behave with it, and how the pup will behave with my christmas tree! But anyway, if its bad news tomorrow at least I will be having loads of puppy cuddles tomorrow night in front of the fireplace, and a large glass of whatever I may fancy!
Hope everyone is doing great and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas.
Lots of love x x
Linny - ugh, isn't being rh- a total pain? I hope never to spot so that I can just get it at the routine 20 weeks and right after delivery. That is weird that they said they'd do it every time you spotted, though! So did you get the shot today? I thought it lasted for a couple weeks in your body and that's why they only do it at 20 weeks and at delivery here (or if you're at risk of miscarrying). Who knows. I very much hate my blood type! Bah! I definitely didn't know they had to take your blood and make it from that! I know they took my blood last time but didn't know it was used to give me the shot.

Anyway, enough of that! That is so excellent that your baby is doing SO well and even measuring a week ahead! I am thrilled for you. I love hearing all the good news lately!

Ljs- that is understandable that you don't feel like posting much until you know what's going on! I feel quite confident that your baby is doing well but of course it's only understandable to be very nervous at this point. :hugs: I certainly hope you have some excellent news tomorrow to make your Christmas very wonderful. It must be nerve wracking knowing you will find out on Christmas Eve! Anyway, hang in there, and enjoy all those puppy cuddles! That sounds sooo sweet.

Lindsay - I managed to make both ginger sparklers and scotcheroons today! Of course, now I am exhausted. Did you manage to get your baking done?
Linny, It sounds like your doctor didn't give you very thorough instructions about your rh factor. No matter. Sounds like all is well and now you know.

LL, glad you aren't worrying too much. It really seems like you are right on track.

I'm feeling much better than a few days ago. I'm stepping back from the cliff of insanity. I'm looking forward to reading those books on FSH. I've had good results with acupuncture and won't hesitate to go back to that if need be.

I just made a big pot of corn/potato/bacon chowder. And I have about 4 kinds of freshly-made Christmas cookies sitting on the counter. Who wants to come over for dinner?

Merry Christmas to everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Linny, I'm so glad to hear your baby is doing well!! Nice to get bumped up a week too :) That anti-d stuff sounds like a bit of a hassle, glad to hear it's all figured out now though! Hopefully you won't have anymore spotting so you don't need to keep getting shots.

Ljs, I'll be looking for your update tomorrow! I'm sure everything will be just fine :) Enjoy the puppy love, sounds like you'll have a busy house with a 2 year old and a puppy!

LL, yep, I did manage get my baking done too :) I just made ginger molasses cookies. I've never heard of a "scotcheroon", I looked it up though and it looks yummy too! I also finished up the wrapping so that'll make tomorrow a little less busy.

Slg, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. You win for baking! lol Your dinner sounds yummy too! When shall I show up? haha
LJ - that's really great to hear the spotting has stopped. I hope the scan goes great. Let us know won't you!

LL- yes it totally sucks! hmmm, she never mentioned a 2 week leeway, that would be great though, I'll check that out. Yeah, that's why there was so much messing about involved, the blood needs to be under 72 hours old and then it takes a few hours to make the serum. I don't know what a scotcheroon is but I like the name!! Well done on the baking x

Blue - hoes your Christmas prep going missus? And are you getting crazy gales like we are in Glasgow? Last night we thought the windows were going to come in! It was terrifying! Hope you're well and all prepared! X

Sara- really glad to hear your feelings on things are improving. I hope the books are helpful. A really good tom one I got was called 'the infertility cure' by randine Lewis. It shows you how to read charts from a tcm perspective and gives you the ways to help your body with herbs, vitamins, diet, acupressure and so on. I found it really helpful. I wish I could come over for some cookies! Have a great Christmas! X

Lindsay- wow, and you're baking too! I feel half woman on this thread at the mo!

Well, we're off for the drive to my mums in 10 mins so I really hope all you ladies have a wonderful Christmas! Xxx
Just a quick one...good news!!! Everything is fine, baby looks great and is measuring perfectly to the exact day.I saw the little heartbeat and even got to bring a picture home. They saw no reason for the bleeding, so fingers crossed there wont be any more anytime soon.
Best news I could ever have had on Christmas eve!
Hope everyone is having a lovely day full of festivities :) x x

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