Crysshae - Still hopeful for you, how are you feeling in yourself this month? Hope the cat is behaving and letting you have sleep? When will you be testing??xx
Bright - Have you got to the baby dancing bit yet? And how are you getting on with the preseed? xx
SLG - Baby's memorial sounds so lovely, what a sweet thing to do. And you are being ever so patient, I really hope this is the most amazing story ever and when you get that ultrasound there's a little baby lurking in there! You deserve this so much, rooting for you xxx
LL - February sounds like a perfect time to go shopping, all the January rush will be over and will give you a chance to shop in peace! My friend dragged me to the shops at the weekend and I felt I should buy something, so I brought some baby grows but felt really uncomfortable about it all. I think I need to go with hubby and I'll feel better, he's very positive and will force me out of my shopping shell!
I'm sure you'll have a bump before you know it, mine's crept up on me, definitely more prominent the last few days.
That's so cool you're going for a jungle theme! We're going for a jungle theme too! Found some amazing wall stickers but they're quite expensive and I'm not ready to buy yet but I think a jungle theme is fantastic, works with either I think.
Linny - So exciting your scan is in 3 weeks! Exciting you'll be finding out the gender... any personal guesses?? I'm sorry you're feeling so much anxiety, it's probably just baby brain related hormones, I'm either really happy or soppy crying at everything!! Haven't had the anger yet, once I get that I've got a full house!!!
Lindsay - Your little man sounds like a cheeky one already and it's great you're instinct was right about which way round he was, glad he may have already shifted, can't believe he weighs 3lbs already xx
Blue - How are you doing missy? Have you been back to the doctors? xx
AFM - I fainted AGAIN! I now know when it happens, seems to be quite quickly after dinner, so I know to not do much straight after dinner. I've looked it up on Dr Google and it seems fairly common, body is trying to digest the food etc so blood gets pumped down, it also says it's because of large meals... oops!! So have started eating less but more often and I was fine yesterday xxx