Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

so glad you are okay Aleeah. That is a scary thing to have happen. Try to remember to stand up slowly.

Lindsay, I had horrible heartburn while pregnant. I had to use Rx medication to control it. Another thing to try is papaya enzyme; I use that now when I get heartburn.
Linny - I am feeling a teeny bit positive again, yes. I can't bear to be too negative; it's too stressful. 6 more days til I can hear the heartbeat.

That is funny about suddenly 2 people being due close to the same time as you. I find that pregnancies always come in clusters. It's almost like they're contagious. :winkwink: I admire your co-worker's relaxed attitudes as well. I was NEVER relaxed, even with my first pregnancy, so no idea what that would be like.

Blue - I'm not sure what royal jelly is but I hope it is helpful. Hopefully you'll be one of the many on your facebook announcing a pregnancy soon. :)

Teacup - So sorry your cycle is still being so confusing! :hugs:

Aleeah - That is very scary about your fainting episode. I hope you'll mention it to your doctor? I would certainly use that as an excuse not to do anything strenuous from now on. Get your dh to clean the bathroom. :winkwink:

I actually already bought maternity jeans at 8 weeks, and I could have used them at 4 to be honest. I have the worst bloating problem in the entire world, I think! I can still wear my regular jeans, but on the really uncomfortable days I wear my mat jeans. My bloat feels a lot better that way. Other than that darn bloat, I'm not actually showing at all either but, unlike you, I am eager to start sporting a bump! I am glad you're enjoying being small for a little while longer, though! I'm not sure when we'll start shopping for baby stuff...probably sometime in February, although I don't know if we'll buy anything until later. With my first pregnancy, we were shopping for baby furniture when I was 5 weeks. I wish we had that same enthusiasm again. Have you bought anything for the baby yet?

Crys - I wouldn't worry too much about your temp dropping like that. As you said, it could have been from your interrupted sleep! You still have a good chance!

Lindsay - I've been suffering from heartburn already as well. I've had some really bad episodes, but I've mostly managed. It certainly is unpleasant, so I hope yours doesn't get out of hand! Tums really are helpful. :)

Bright - I'm glad AF is finally gone! I hope preseed is helpful for you.

Sara - How are you doing these days? You are being so patient. :hugs:
Hi ladies,
Thanks for asking about me. I'm hanging in there. Jeff and I had a little memorial for our lost baby this past weekend. We hiked up in the hills and found a lovely spot next to a tree on the bank of a stream/waterfall. It made both of us feel more at peace and able to move on.

I'm not sure what my body is doing but it is trying to do something which is encouraging. After my first acupuncture apt. (2 1/2 weeks ago) I got some cramps and ovary pain. I've had two more apts since; plus I'm taking the herbs she gave me. I've also cleaned up my diet a lot and am eating far more vegetables and far less sugar. Oh and no caffeine or alcohol. I have tons of cervical fluid and this week and it was actual EWCM for two days. No way to know if I actually ovulated but my body is waking up. My doctor will see me again at the beginning of Feb. for more blood work. I think I will ask her to do an ultrasound also so we can see if I'm making any follicles and/or uterine lining.

You are so nice to say I'm being patient. I'm only pretending to be patient because I have no other choice :haha: Today is something like CD 97 Goodness gracious!
Oh mu Sara! Hope that this is your body kicking into action! The memorial for the baby sounds beautiful! I hope it gave you both some peace ! Xxx
Sara - sounds like you're doing everything you possibly can! Hang in there. I am glad you had a memorial for your little angel baby.

Linny- I just wanted to say that I looked at a weight-gain-by-week calculator and your weight gain is totally normal. For someone who started out average weight, it says at week 15 it is healthy to have gained 9.4-13.1 lbs. So don't compare yourself to those who have gained less and know that you are actually the average! There is such a wide range of what can be healthy and I am sure everyone here is healthy even if some have gained less and some more! :)
Teacup - It can't hurt to go in and talk to your gp about it. It does seem unfair that after an earlier mc the cycle is longer than the later one - but from the various experiences i've read on these forums - mc recovery times seem to follow no obvious patterns :shrug:. Hope you get some answers, or an AF soon love. xx

Blue - Good stuff Blue :thumbup:, let us know how you get on with the doc! Power to the people etc!

I also took Royal Jelly! And propolis I think it was called, I read good things about them (The propolis was honking though) :haha:. Fertilaid is a herbal tablet made in the US with a bunch of ingredients which i'd seen quite a lot of women using on these forums, both them and their hubbys. It's had one clinical study run on it for male sperm stuff and has a bunch of anecdotal evidence for the womens - it was enough to convince me to at least try them in future if no bfp. Then again, I was pretty happy to try anything :haha:

Aleeah - Oh you're kidding that must have been very frightening. Certainly sounds like low blood pressure. I had 3 episodes of this in my lifetime and every time that was the culprit (once I woke up face-down in cat litter :blush:) ....It is a really terrifying thing to lose control like that though....Did you lift your head up quickly or anything like that? Any warning signs before hand that you can look out for in future? XX

Cryss - I think the rapid rise is a great sign, it's what mine did before bfp. sorry you were up and down at night, nightmare! Mine always dropped if I had a lot of that, the overall trend seems very high still! Fingers crossed for you here X

Lindsay - Oh man, you have my deepest sympathies with the heartburn :hugs:. That and acid reflux became my mortal enemies in first tri....oh it was horrible. Glad the tums are working for you though! I tried gaviscon but that would make me sick immediately and eventually ended up taking Zantac - gift from the gods! Although I didn't take it unless really bad as although online sources say it's safe for pregnancy it doesn't say it on the pack and I was paranoid.

Brighteyes - Hurray for a new cycle! X

LL - That's great! :hugs: it's all the little mini-milestones we have to just keep thinking about - that's really reduced my stress too - having them in the calendar and seeing progress towards them each day. And thanks for the info about average weight gain! Makes me feel so much better about things...I assumed it was too much because i've never put this much on in my adult life before. I guess I didn't expect it to be this rapid! :haha:

Sara - The memorial sounds like a lovely thing to have done. I'm glad it helped you both. All those signs sound really encouraging, especially the EWCM, I bet you feel a lot better physically as well with the change in diet. It's such a positive step, really happy it's going well X

Afm - just pottering along as usual. Checked my calendar and the next scan is in just 3 weeks! On the one had time seems to drag, on the other - it's actually going pretty quickly :haha:
Linny- I am going to ask my dr about Zantac because I noticed it doesn't safe t's safe on the package too.

I can't believe you're almost at your next scan! I forget - are you planning on finding out the gender? I agree that while in some ways our pregnancies seem to be just dragging on, in a way I am surprised each week by how far along I am! I'm definitely shocked that you're 16 weeks already! Any bump yet?

The one thing that does seem to be taking forever to come is my dr's appt! I just want to hear that heartbeat so I can properly relax (somewhat)!

How's everyone else?
Lindsay - I took a peek at your PAL thread and saw your most recent baby bump photo! It's sooo cute! You truly look amazing are are so pretty! Can I ask how tall you are? You look like you're quite tiny! :)

I can't wait til we all have bumps!!!
LL; I don't think the company that makes zantac has tested it on pregnant women so they can't say that it's safe but it is commonly used. I took omeprizole during pregnancy for heartburn. Good idea to check in with your doctor but there is meds that can help and be safe. It is so miserable; hope you are feeling better soon. Mine got so bad I had chest pains!
LL - Yeah, ask about zantac to be on the safe side - as sara says though, they can't test on pregnant women but loads of them use it. It's the 27th you've got your appt right? Not far to go at all now! And then...2nd trimester...where you should hopefully feel some relief - both physically and mentally! :hugs:

There is actually a bump although there's also quite a lot of bloating, so I think only I can feel the difference between the uterus and the - flab :haha: What about you?

Yeah, we're planning on finding out the gender, are you going to?

Lindsay - After LL mentioned it I also checked your bump pic! You look lovely! x
Sara - Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I don't suffer every day or anything, but I'd imagine it will get worse later in pregnancy. That's awful you had it so bad! But I know you can't wait to have it again for your rainbow baby! :flower:

Linny - Yay! :happydance: A bump! If you can feel it, then it is there! Buahah. And people will see the bloat and assume it's a bump anyway. For me, I am just soooo bloated that I can never tell either. In the mornings when I am the least bloated, I have noticed I am definitely thicker, but I cannot for the life of my decipher if there is a slight curve or just the bit of bloat! :haha: I am disappointed to hear that you're still suffering from such bad bloat at 16 weeks! I was really hoping that once I started showing the bloat would ease off a bit. I suppose I can dream, can't I?

And, yes, you are correct that the 27th is my appointment! I can't wait to be in the 2nd trimester. I'm even mildly looking forward to telling certain people. Have you told everyone yet?

I'm excited you're finding out the gender. We DEFINITELY are if we're able! :happydance: Either way, though, our nursery is going to be jungle animal themed! With the last pregnancy, we saw some ADORABLE jungle animal crib sheet/bedspread sets and we fell in love. My BFF has already bought the baby a tiny little giraffe stuffed animal to support the cause. Has anyone else thought of nursery themes yet?
Blue - Any luck getting through to a different doc? Or getting on with booking the SA etc? x

LL - So I checked my weight again - in all I have put on 13 lbs in fact, the last time I looked was a few weeks back. I wish I hadn't bothered :haha: If I don't gain anymore till 24 weeks i'll catch up with myself. Well - re: bloat - I think the issue is the uterus is pushing everything up and out, so any tiny bit of bloating is going on display. Jungle theme sounds lovely! There's quite a few nice designs i've seen about the place for that. When's your 20 week scan booked for?

Atm we're having some issues even starting out with the room because it's also my step sons and because we have had serous contact order issues (5 months since we last saw him, case going back to court - nightmare) he doesn't even know i'm having a baby yet. So, we're holding off changing anything till hopefully he comes back soon - we can tell him and then decorate the room for the both of them with his input.....It would be a bit weird for him to come back to a totally different room with crib etc. So, although I have a pinterest board full of ideas, as yet I can't really give it much genuine thought :( I can't imagine what will happen if this drags on as long as it already has - he turns up and is presented with a new brother/sister?! It's crazy.

Afm - all good, yesterday no breathlessness, today - All day - but easier than it has been previously. I don't understand it. Found i'm quite nervy and jumpy recently as well. Last week made DF check attic for person potentially living there (noone there) and last night in bed I put my hand up to my neck and touched what seemed to be a long jagged scab across my neck, I started pulling at it and it hurt - 'Oh my god!' woke DF up to switch the lights on. Had no idea what it could be. It was dried mashed potato. Hmmmm. I think I need a chill pill.
Slg, thanks for the tip on papaya enzymes, I'm going to look for them. They mentioned that in our prenatal class last week too. Your little memorial sounds lovely :hugs: and it does really sound like your body is kicking back into gear. Hopefully your appointment in early feb will confirm that.

Linny, glad you've found something to help your heartburn, it really is an awful feeling. Last night and today mine seems to have calmed down significantly... my theory is that it was partly related to baby's position and I can't feel his head under my stomach anymore so I think he's moved again. Your scan is coming up really quickly! How exciting :) I am also excited that you are finding out gender! The bloat should go away soon.

LL, not long now until you get to hear your little one's heartbeat :) You must be very excited for that! Thanks for the lovely comment on my bump photo, I can't wait until we all have bumps too :) Yes, I am quite short, about 5'2". Jungle animal theme sounds great.... we haven't decided yet. Hubby wants to do stars/moon/space theme, but we haven't seen anything we really like so we may change our minds.

As for me, I had my ultrasound yesterday and the little guy is growing right on track... they estimate that he weighs 1.4 kgs (3 lbs) now. He was breech at the ultrasound which confirmed my suspicion that he was head butting my stomach (I could feel something round and hard right under my ribs) and kicking my bladder, lol. Apparently he's still got lots of time to turn, so they said not to worry about the position he's in too much just yet. And in fact, I think he might have moved a little already because the crazy heartburn that I've been having for the last week abruptly stopped last night... I was very pleased when I woke up to pee and didn't feel like my throat was on fire.
Linny, sorry to hear about the contact issues with your step son, that must be very hard for all involved! Hopefully it will get sorted out soon! The breathlessness comes and goes for me too, although I'm getting better at ignoring it. At first it freaked me out a little bit. I had a laugh about your mashed potato scare, lol.
Lol, Linny. The mashed potatoes made me laugh. How did you get it on your neck in the first place? You haven't had the baby yet. :haha:

Sara - Great signs! I hope that means your body is getting itself sorted out!

LL - Such fun planning the nursery. The jungle theme sounds cute.

Lindsay - Wonderful scan. When reading your description, I pictured him stretching out to kick you in the bladder and poke his head into your stomach at the same time. Lol.

Blue - Where are you with planning for tests? What have you decided?

I hope everyone else is doing great!
Crysshae - Still hopeful for you, how are you feeling in yourself this month? Hope the cat is behaving and letting you have sleep? When will you be testing??xx

Bright - Have you got to the baby dancing bit yet? And how are you getting on with the preseed? xx

SLG - Baby's memorial sounds so lovely, what a sweet thing to do. And you are being ever so patient, I really hope this is the most amazing story ever and when you get that ultrasound there's a little baby lurking in there! You deserve this so much, rooting for you xxx

LL - February sounds like a perfect time to go shopping, all the January rush will be over and will give you a chance to shop in peace! My friend dragged me to the shops at the weekend and I felt I should buy something, so I brought some baby grows but felt really uncomfortable about it all. I think I need to go with hubby and I'll feel better, he's very positive and will force me out of my shopping shell!

I'm sure you'll have a bump before you know it, mine's crept up on me, definitely more prominent the last few days.

That's so cool you're going for a jungle theme! We're going for a jungle theme too! Found some amazing wall stickers but they're quite expensive and I'm not ready to buy yet but I think a jungle theme is fantastic, works with either I think.

Linny - So exciting your scan is in 3 weeks! Exciting you'll be finding out the gender... any personal guesses?? I'm sorry you're feeling so much anxiety, it's probably just baby brain related hormones, I'm either really happy or soppy crying at everything!! Haven't had the anger yet, once I get that I've got a full house!!!:haha:

Lindsay - Your little man sounds like a cheeky one already and it's great you're instinct was right about which way round he was, glad he may have already shifted, can't believe he weighs 3lbs already xx

Blue - How are you doing missy? Have you been back to the doctors? xx

AFM - I fainted AGAIN! I now know when it happens, seems to be quite quickly after dinner, so I know to not do much straight after dinner. I've looked it up on Dr Google and it seems fairly common, body is trying to digest the food etc so blood gets pumped down, it also says it's because of large meals... oops!! So have started eating less but more often and I was fine yesterday xxx
Linny - Don't worry about the weight gain! It'll all even out eventually. I am afraid to get weighed at my next dr's visit. I always weigh myself beforehand just to prepare myself. I hadn't gained any weight at my 8 week check-up but I'm sure I've gained some now.

Sounds like you are VERY jumpy the last little bit! :haha: I think pregnancy triggers all sorts of anxiety because you're just sooo focused on keeping your baby alive. It becomes very all-encompassing. Everything seems like a hazard to me now! That is hilarious about the dried mashed potato on your neck, though! I do hope you can find a way to relax soon.

That makes sense you don't want to decorate the room until your stepson comes back, and I do remember you saying that now. It must be a big trial having such issues with seeing him. I hope he doesn't have to come home to a newborn brother or sister without finding out first!

My 20-week scan isn't booked yet. I'd imagine she won't give me the requisition until a lot closer to the date. But I'm due to be 20 weeks on the 21st of March, so sometime around then I'm sure! DH and I are actually going to have a little mini getaway that weekend. We're hoping to rent a little cabin by the lake with a fireplace and a jacuzzi tub (don't worry - I'll be bringing a bath thermometer with me to make sure it is in the ideal zone for pregnant people)! We just have to make sure there's a heater in the cabin because if not we'll freeze to death. :haha:

Lindsay - Ah, yes, I was guessing around 5'2" or 5'3" so I guess I was right! hehe. I am 5'8" but I feel like I only ever make friends with short people so I always feel like a giant. ;)

If you are having burning in your throat, are you sure it's not acid reflux and not heartburn? It sounds awful but I'm glad you've had some relief today. Hopefully you're right and he shifted positions and now it won't bother you so much. I am glad your ultrasound went well! How crazy to think you have a 3 lb baby inside of you! He will be here before you know it! A stars/moon/space theme sounds cute, but you definitely have to go with what's available. Let me know what you decide in the end! :)

Crys - C'mon...I know you must be doing some symptom spotting by now!

Blue - How are you doing?

Aleeah - COOL that we're both doing jungle theme! I agree it's pretty gender neutral which is perfect for you since you're not finding out! For us, we'll just use certain accents to make the room more 'girly' or boyish!

That is scary that you fainted again!!! I am glad you seem to have figured out the source and a way to combat it. I do hope it doesn't happen again and that you'll still mention it to your dr next time you see him/her!

AFM - In regards to baby brain stories, the other night I was nagging my dh about something or another, and then mid-sentence I completely forgot what I was mad at him for! I stood there and was like, "Wait - what am I mad at you for again? No, seriously, tell me!" (to which of course he didn't bother replying) and I had to stand there for a full minute, puzzled and confused as my mind remained completely blank! FINALLY I had eureka moment and remembered the issue at hand and finished my lecture before leaving him alone! :haha: I bet my dh wishes I'd forget what I'm mad at him for more often. :winkwink:
Aleeah - Hope you don't have any more fainting episodes! Take it easy. xx

Slg - Glad to hear your body is getting some great ovulation symptoms this cycle! What date are you going to test? Your memorial sounded lovely, such a nice idea. xx

AFM - I'm on cycle day 46 with no AF. It's so weird because my boobs REALLY hurt (more than when I was pregnant!) I wonder if I have an ovarian cyst? I remember in my first scan when I miscarried the first time the midwife said I had a cyst on my ovary for producing progesterone during the pregnancy, and in the second scan she said that the cyst had gone when the miscarriage ended. But this time I hadn't had any scans after the miscarriage, so perhaps I grew another cyst for the second pregnancy and it hasn't gone down? That would explain the strange symptoms and lack of period maybe? :shrug: I have ordered some cheapy pregnancy tests and ovulation tests online so will try those out when they arrive.
Crysshae - Still hopeful for you, how are you feeling in yourself this month? Hope the cat is behaving and letting you have sleep? When will you be testing??xx

Bright - Have you got to the baby dancing bit yet? And how are you getting on with the preseed? xx

SLG - Baby's memorial sounds so lovely, what a sweet thing to do. And you are being ever so patient, I really hope this is the most amazing story ever and when you get that ultrasound there's a little baby lurking in there! You deserve this so much, rooting for you xxx

LL - February sounds like a perfect time to go shopping, all the January rush will be over and will give you a chance to shop in peace! My friend dragged me to the shops at the weekend and I felt I should buy something, so I brought some baby grows but felt really uncomfortable about it all. I think I need to go with hubby and I'll feel better, he's very positive and will force me out of my shopping shell!

I'm sure you'll have a bump before you know it, mine's crept up on me, definitely more prominent the last few days.

That's so cool you're going for a jungle theme! We're going for a jungle theme too! Found some amazing wall stickers but they're quite expensive and I'm not ready to buy yet but I think a jungle theme is fantastic, works with either I think.

Linny - So exciting your scan is in 3 weeks! Exciting you'll be finding out the gender... any personal guesses?? I'm sorry you're feeling so much anxiety, it's probably just baby brain related hormones, I'm either really happy or soppy crying at everything!! Haven't had the anger yet, once I get that I've got a full house!!!:haha:

Lindsay - Your little man sounds like a cheeky one already and it's great you're instinct was right about which way round he was, glad he may have already shifted, can't believe he weighs 3lbs already xx

Blue - How are you doing missy? Have you been back to the doctors? xx

AFM - I fainted AGAIN! I now know when it happens, seems to be quite quickly after dinner, so I know to not do much straight after dinner. I've looked it up on Dr Google and it seems fairly common, body is trying to digest the food etc so blood gets pumped down, it also says it's because of large meals... oops!! So have started eating less but more often and I was fine yesterday xxx

Aleeah - I think it is too early not sure but we have been bd'ing anyway just cause we been in the mood. LOL but will be using the Preseed starting on Sunday I think that will be the time to start using it. What do you think according to my chart?

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