Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Emily just had hair fuzz when she was born. I had terrible heartburn but that was magnified by the chemo drugs I was on too. Still, a wives take for sure.

Congratulations crys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lindsay, acupuncture is known to turn babies but it takes several weeks. Just keep in mind if still breech near the end.

No more obvious cervical fluid for me and my OPK got lighter. Wonder what's coming next.

Got a reminder reality check about babies yesterday. Emily had a twisted diaper, managed to get poop on both feet, then walked across every cushion on my cream colored sofa. Ahhh the fun part of kids. Poor thing was so upset when she realized what had happened. She hates poop!
Linny - Well, that's nice that in some places this is the 2nd tri already. 12 weeks does seem like a big milestone at any rate. Yeah, I would imagine once your bump gets more prominent you would need tighter clothes to show it off. For me, my bump is not evident unless i'm wearing a skin-tight tank top, and even then it probably doesn't look like a baby bump. It's very, very small! But I'm looking forward to showing it off when it gets a bit more noticeable!
There will definitely be a log fireplace at the cabin, and we'll see about the sheepskin rug. ;)

I'm glad you're less concerned with the breathlessness now. I get really out of breath from doing really simple tasks like putting away laundry or (today) crawling under my computer desk to plug my laptop in. It really does help the mood to dress nicer and put make up on.

Blue - I hate catching up on my phone too. This morning I started feeling really excited for you to get pregnant. I have a feeling it's coming around the corner! Have you booked your gyn appt yet? When does your DH get his SA again? Sorry about your virus. I do hope you feel better soon. :hugs:

Teacup - Oh, the lovely spotting, I do hope AF makes its way to you ASAP so you can start fresh.

Crys - Oh wow!!!!! A light positive is definitely a positive! I'll bet you this is it!! :happydance:

Lindsay - Ooh nice, working from home! I worked from home for the first time ever yesterday afternoon and LOVED it. The best part was wearing my sweats! :) Unfortunately, I didn't have a very good chair so now my back is really killing me.

My nausea still seems to come and go, and I am still getting nauseous if I don't eat every 20 minutes. Starting to wonder if that will ever go away! The fatigue hasn't lifted yet either, but I think I am overall feeling a bit better.

Sara - Ewww, that is so gross about Emily! I am not looking forward to the more disgusting aspects of parenthood, but I will take the good with the bad. How did you get that off your couch?

I hope you ovulated and your body is getting back in gear!
AFM - The cheapy test looked darker today, so I pulled out one of the FRERs I bought. It's light, but it's positive, and I could see it as it went across the window! That did not happen with my pregnancies last year. I pray that's a start of this one being different.

Yayyy! Congratulations Crysshae! :happydance: Have a happy healthy nine months! Great news that the lines are getting dark quickly - I have never had that so if I do then it will give me lots of reassurance. xx
luckily my couch cushions have removable covers so once the majority of poop was wiped off I could throw everything in the washing machine.
Thank you all!

You will have your rainbow Tea! Darker tests definitely help with reassurance.

Glad you have removable covers, Sara. That would have been even worse to clean up without those. I hope that lighter OPK means you've ovulated!
Sorry if this is full of mistakes, I'm on my phone and no good with it!

Crysshae - A million congratulations!!! I'll be honest and say I shed a little tear when I read your post. I'm praying so hard this is your sticky bean, I knew it! Your chart looked amazing! Have you told hubby yet? When will you go to docs etc? I'm excited for you. 2014 will be the year for all of us, we'll all have our babies in one way or another, either in our tummy's or in our arms but we'll have them. Thank you for kick starting it all so magnificently xxx

Sara - your little one sounds so funny, I love that she got upset too!! I'm dreading the poop going everywhere, our new house has wool carpets in the lounge and bedrooms, I've heard they are notorious for staining badly, so going for rugs all the way and luckily our sofa covers are washable too so baby can soil away there!!!! Have you anymore pics of your little girl? She's adorable xxx

Lindsay - Hope little man does turn on his own accord. I sneaked a peak at your bump photo too and it's so cute! I think I look more pregnant than you or actually just fatter!! You've got lovely hair so bubs might have your hair! I love an old wives tale! I'm considering doing the ring test just for fun! Hope the heartburn clears up completely for you xx

Lit - your break sounds just amazing, I'm so jealous!! Can I come please!!?? I hope the nausea eases up on you. Have you tried seabands and ginger biscuits? I found they helped me. Remember to drink to lots of water too, I find that helps me to perk up on tired days. I'd say you're in the second trimester too at 12 weeks, so exciting!! Start enjoying it, this little bubba is here to stay!xx

Tea - hope you catch that egg this cycle, this could be your sticky BFP cycle, bring it on, how amazing would that be!! Rooting for you xx

Blue - I'm sorry you're not very well. Drinks lots of liquids and take good care of yourself. We need you fighting fit to catch that BFP this month, I'm with Lit, have a feeling it'll surprise you this month. Just hang in there missy xxxx

Sorry if I've missed anyone, it's hard on my phone!!

AFM - I'm trying to take things slower but it's actually hard to remember I'm pregnant. No symptoms apart from backache now and again and my tummy getting in the way! I had to tell work as we planning some big projects for this year and I felt it unfair not to say anything. My boss was over the moon, lovely lovely reaction. My team however...stunned silences!! No congratulations at all!!!! I think all they see is what it's going to be like covering me whilst I'm off and it won't be easy! I didn't let it get to me, quite thick skinned but a little bit of happiness wouldn't have gone amiss!!xxx
Cryss - Hurray!!! Frer's are so blinkin reliable and consistent, and good to hear it's behaving differently to the losses...Have you told hubs? Hope you're feeling really positive! Fx for a sticky babe xX

Lindsay - Glad to hear bubs is on the move already! I also read somehing about very old fashioned midwives being able to manipulate the baby round with their hands...sounds weird and distrubing to me lol. I cannot believe you are nearly 30 weeks! It seems only yesterday when i was remarking on you being 20 weeks :haha: X

Sara - That sounds promising (The opk's and EWCM)...I can't remember if you temp or it's not convenient for you with waking up times? Oh dear! Poor emily, sofa and you! Glad to hear it is washable though. X

LL - As long as there's a fire and blankets! :) Sounds well cosy....I'm sure the nausea will lift eventually...for me it just got more days between attacks so i didn't really notice that it was dissappearing till it literally stopped altogether :) X

Aleeah - Your boss sounds lovely! Shame about the rest of your workmates but guess this is what happens in an office which - from the sounds of it - is a little under resourced/over worked? Wouldn't they get maternity cover for you anyway? X

Teacup - How's things today? X

Blue - Any let-up with your illness? x

Afm - went out to watch Wolf of Wall street last night - didn't realise it was 3 hours long! But was very watchable if rather - er - morally dubious on all counts. :haha:
Thank you ladies! Haven't told him yet. I am feeling very positive.

Aleeah - Your boss sounds wonderful! You're probably right about the others. Hopefully they'll come around.

Linny - i hadn't heard of that movie - not saying much for me. I never hear of movies unless they're Disney lol. Will have to give it a try.

Lindsay - When my daughter hadn't turned at 34 weeks, my doctor suggested I sleep with my head down and my bottom on a pillow. Don't know if it really works, but she turned.
Aleeah - I am glad you finally told work!!! It's nice your boss had such a great reaction, but too bad your team didn't. Maybe they really were just shocked and will seem more positive about it on Monday. Sometimes people really do have terrible reactions to pregnancy but they're happy inside. I understand about them being stressed about the extra work for them to do while you're away, though. My workplace is terrible and does not cover people's mat leaves while they're away; they just dump all their work on everyone else. So I know I'll feel a little guilty when I go off work (but not that guilty :winkwink:). I'm definitely drinking lots of water but I haven't tried sea bands and I actually haven't been able to find any ginger biscuits at the store! My gingersnap cookies at Christmas were somewhat helpful though.

Sorry to hear about your backache!!! I can tell mine is going to get so much worse! My SI joint was killing me the last couple days and I could barely bend or walk around. I do hope yours doesn't get too much worse. Can you go for massages or physio or anything?

Linny - Yeah, I think that will probably happen to me too because symptoms are definitely just getting a bit farther away now, although I was unpleasantly surprised that my fatigue attacks came back with a vengeance this week. They're quite awful and overpowering so I can hardly wait until those disappear. But the nausea I think is spreading itself out further in between as well, so hopefully it will just disappear in the next week or two. :winkwink:

I'm glad you enjoyed your movie night out last night. I can't imagine sitting through a 3-hour movie but I'm glad it was enjoyable!!! We are getting together with friends of ours today (the one that's due in June), and I'm going to get stuck going to see Ender's Game or Thor. I am sooo not an action movie person, so am really not looking forward to it, although I'm sure I might end up enjoying it.

Crys - Did you test again today to see the line get darker? Congratulations, though! This is all super exciting. I can't remember if I forgot to say congratulations in the last post. When will your due date be? :)

AFM - If this is the second trimester already, then it sucks. As I mentioned, I'm having terrible fatigue attacks again, the nausea isn't gone, the insomnia is still plaguing me, my joints feel all puffy and stiff, and - worst of all - I am STILL SO ANGRY AND GROUCHY ALL THE TIME! My husband thought it was Sunday today and woke me up from a beautiful sleep-in to tell me we had to get up for church! That pretty much messed up my whole morning and I've been in a rage ever since. But I'm pretty much always in a rage these days. When you all were talking about your husbands calling you "Scary ____" I didn't say anything because if anything, my husband might have a different name for me if I were in a pleasant mood, since that it the much rarer occasion! :haha: I am just so, so angry all the time and I can't WAIT to cheer up a bit. Please tell me the 2nd trimester brings better moods?

We are telling dh's parents today over coffee (which I won't be drinking because the smell still makes me want to puke :sick:). Then we will also probably announce to our friends K&L when we get together tonight since they told us veeery early, and I'd like to finally talk about our pregnancies together. Still haven't told dh's siblings or any other friends or extended family, or work.
Well AF showed up yesterday and she is here with a vengeance! Very heavy and I'm all achey. But at least I can call today cycle day 2 and look forward to trying out all my new opks and pregnancy tests!

My potential due date if I conceive this cycle is 1st Nov! So only 5 days after my birthday, and 15 days after OH's! I quite like that idea for some reason so I'm going to give this month by best shot! (Or OH can give his best shots I mean! :haha: Sorry bad taste joke! :blush: )

Linny - We have been thinking of watching that film! Is it very good? xx

LL - Glad to hear your symptoms are still there in full force! Exciting you will be telling your pregnant friend soon! I bet it's been so hard not to say anything all this time. xx

Aleeah - How rude of your work colleagues to not congratulate you! Very strange! Yes as you say they are probably thinking of themselves and how they'll cover your work. Well done for not letting it get to you, I bet you can't wait for maternity leave to start! Yayy! How many weeks left at work? It's good your boss was really lovely and happy for you. :thumbup: xx
Cryss - Hurray for positive vibes! When do you think you'll tell your hubs? Will you go the docs and get a blood test? (I heard that's more common over there) x

LL - RE: the fatigue, no energy-return to report here - maybe it happens a little later in second tri? I was all '13 weeks, hello energy boost!'....followed by lots of napping :haha:. Also, as regards the rages - It's totally understandable...The mix of tiredness and physical discomfort - of course tolerance goes right down! Also, remember the amount of stress you've been under these past 12 weeks! I think my rage started to subside very recently because I was feeling less anxiety about the pregnancy. it's not totally gone, but the worst of it is over and i'm noticeably happier.

My prob is still the fatigue though, and tbh the impact it has on me and df as a couple. We were very much a going out, socialising pair. DF is really an active person. And i'm terrible company because of just wanting to be horizontal all the time....He does understand though, it's just a shame and I feel sorry for him. x

Teacup - Sorry AF is being a b*tch, but I think a heavy period is a good start, get everything cleared, start over afresh. Yes it is a good film tbh, it's incredibly watchable....it is very long though, we went in at 8:15 and after trailers etc we got out about 11:30pm! But you don't notice time dragging or anything.
Teacup - sorry AF is so heavy and gross, but I am sure you are relieved that it's finally here! It's so fun when your new potential due date seems sooo appealing. I found that every month became appealing, but I especially loved the idea of an August due date, so I sure hope you get your Nov 1 due date! And I appreciated your off-colour joke. ;) :haha:

It was fun telling my pregnant friend yesterday. She was THRILLED to have a bump buddy and we ended up talking about our pregnancies the whole evening (unfortunately she is one of those pregnant people who didn't have ANY nausea, fatigue or other unpleasant symptoms in the first tri). We are actually planning a couples' trip together to a big city for some baby shopping sometime in April!

Linny - well, I am sad to hear your fatigue hasn't gone away, but relieved to have someone who relates! Haha I totally get you with it affecting your relationship with your husband. My DH is extremely sociable and I know he's feeling a bit stifled staying at home all the time because all I want to do is sleep or lie down! The last couple weekends we've seen friends again which has been nice. I seem to have short bursts of slight energy, followed by long periods of lethargy and fatigue. I do hope that your energy comes back at some point in the second tri, as I've heard it gets worse again in the 3rd. How does anyone manage to prepare for their baby's arrival when they're in a coma their entire pregnancy? Hahah

You're right about the stress though. I hadn't even thought about that making me extra grumpy, but stress does always turn me into an angry person. With such a nasty combo of stress, hormones and fatigue I suppose I can't be too surprised about my moods. But I hope as I get further along and relax a bit that I'll feel a bit less angry, as you said!!

I have currently been awake since 5 am thanks to that horrible insomnia!! Usually I fall back asleep -eventually- but no such luck this time. I am getting soooo frustrated!!!! :(
Congratulations crys!!! Thats fantastic news soo pleased for you!!!! Xxx
Thanks Ladies, but...

It was a chemical. Line is barely there on FRER today and nonexistent on the cheapy. I used both FRERs I had left just to be sure. :nope:

And of course I told DH yesterday.

Fresh start when AF shows... Due today or tomorrow.

I'll catch up tomorrow on my computer.
Thanks Ladies, but...

It was a chemical. Line is barely there on FRER today and nonexistent on the cheapy. I used both FRERs I had left just to be sure. :nope:

And of course I told DH yesterday.

Fresh start when AF shows... Due today or tomorrow.

I'll catch up tomorrow on my computer.

:( I'm so sorry to hear that Crysshae. :hugs: Hope you're okay. We'll be cycle buddies this cycle and WILL have our rainbow babies. xxxx
Crys - Oh no...I'm so sorry! :hugs: That is just not fair. I hope you're doing okay and can stay somewhat positive for next month.
Oh I'm so so so sorry Crys. Really thought this was it too, sending you lots of hugs xxxxxxxx

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