Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Beautiful bump, Aleeah! It definitely did pop if you didn't have much of one last week.

Blue - I'm so sorry. :hugs: The lanterns will be a beautiful way to remember your little men. I pray your rainbow is right around the corner. :flower: Ovaboost is made by the same people who make FertilAid. It has a few of the things in it that are supposed to help with egg quality - myo-inositol, melatonin, coQ10, vitamin E, etc. Quite a few good reviews, even on sites that don't manufacture the stuff, so figure it's worth a try.

Ljs - So glad you're doing well. Great scan pic. Looks like the little legs are crossed to me??

Linny - It is so hard to tell the first time. They are so small, and the uterus is so tight during the first pregnancy, and it's something you've never felt before. 20-week scans are so fun! You will love it!

Bright - Good luck catching that egg!

Slg - So glad you're feeling positive. When your cervical fluid started up, did you try any OPKs or anything?

Lindsay - I hope you are doing well.

My stuff should arrive tomorrow, so I can get started on the 3rd day of my cycle. Not too shabby.
Linny, I hope you can get a break from the crazy workload soon! You might very well be feeling baby move... my earlier movements felt like tiny little twitches... kinda like when you get a twitch in your eyelid. The pops and flutters came later.

Crys, glad to hear you're sounding so positive. I think you're right, you just need the 'right egg' and hopefully the supplements will help with that :) I learned a lot reading through that conversation!

Bright, good luck, I hope you catch the egg this month!!

LL, I'm SOO glad to hear your appointment went well and you heard the heartbeat as well as your little one moving around!! I hope you can start to relax a little bit more now and enjoy your pregnancy more :) As for the wives' tale, my little guy has as heart rate that ranges from 145 - 165, so I'm not sure what one works (although I have been having dreams lately that we bought all our baby stuff and then had a girl, lol), but I'll keep my fingers crossed that you've got a little pink bundle in there :)

Ljs, it's lovely to hear from you and I'm glad that you and your little one are doing well! That's a great scan pic! I have no idea how to guess gender on those 12 week scans, but he/she sure is cute :) Hopefully your nausea will continue to improve!

Blue, so sorry about the loss of your boys :hugs: I hope the weather cooperates for your lanterns and I'm glad your OH is taking the day off. My thoughts are with you hun :hugs:

Aleeah, lovely bump pics!! Looks like it definitely popped if you didn't have much of a bump last week :) How exciting!!

As for me, I'm doing well and the little man is back to his usual gymnastics... he must have just had a lazy day on Sunday. The crib arrived last week and we built it on Sunday, it seems totally surreal having a crib in our bedroom, it catches me off guard every morning.

I've been doing a bit of research lately as the OB mentioned (the first time I met her just after my m/c) that for my next pregnancy she would want to induce me early at 38 weeks due to my history with blood pressure problems. I was in no state to be asking questions about that when she mentioned it, but now, the more I read and learn the more I don't want that unless it's medically necessary. I have an appointment with her next week so I'm trying to prepare myself with information so we can discuss it - hopefully she is willing to be flexible and won't just want to induce as a matter of course.
Ladies please HELP!!! :wacko: I tested today for ovulation and hpt. I think I got a positive on both but I don't think I ovulated. Is this even possible? I am so confused. Can you look at my chart and test and tell me what you ladies thank? Thanks!


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Bright, it does look like there are 2 lines on both of the tests - which one is which? Did you ever get your results back from your second hcg blood test?
Bright, it does look like there are 2 lines on both of the tests - which one is which? Did you ever get your results back from your second hcg blood test?

The blue on is HCG and the pink on is LH. Because I was at 6 on that Friday(January 10th) she said I didn't need another test and that Monday I would be a 0 and since AF showed up on the 15th. I am so confused.
The blue on is HCG and the pink on is LH. Because I was at 6 on that Friday(January 10th) she said I didn't need another test and that Monday I would be a 0 and since AF showed up on the 15th. I am so confused.

Definitely looks like a positive pregnancy test. Do you have any more pregnancy tests that are a different brand? If it were me I'd probably test again with another test to make sure it's not a fluke, and if that one is positive too....go see the doctor again.
The blue on is HCG and the pink on is LH. Because I was at 6 on that Friday(January 10th) she said I didn't need another test and that Monday I would be a 0 and since AF showed up on the 15th. I am so confused.

Definitely looks like a positive pregnancy test. Do you have any more pregnancy tests that are a different brand? If it were me I'd probably test again with another test to make sure it's not a fluke, and if that one is positive too....go see the doctor again.

Thanks Linsay. I will test again I do have another brand. Thanks for the advice.
Cryss - thank goodness for the internet and swift deliveries :) I loved having a plan together for ttc, made me feel far more in control of things. Am interested to see how the ovaboost does X

Lindsay - That's far closer to what i'm feeling - a little twitchy thing! I can't really think what else it could be since it seems so local but i'm one of those people who needs hard proof - the outline of a foot for example :haha: RE: the blood pressure - as far as I was aware blood pressure in pregnancy doesn't always follow same pattern - as in - you may have it in one but not another? So - seems a little soon to be saying induction next time? Hope you can get them to be a bit more flexible with that.

Brighteyes - that's a little odd but a positive opk would show up when pregnant too. I agree with lindsay to try on a different brand. If you've had a period you definitely shouldn't have hcg left over in your system from previous pregnancy (as far as i'm aware!? ladies - that wouldn't happen right?)
HELLO ALL! I am in a delightfully good mood on account of Aleeah posting that bump picture and everyone being so chatty this morning!!! :) Let's hope I can reply properly before I have to go back to work after lunch!

Linny - Yeah, unfortunately being breathless is probably just one of those things. I am glad you're already eating regularly to combat your low BP pressure problem! I, too, eat hourly (and sometimes even every 20 minutes in the mornings :haha:) so I'm sure we'll be pretty safe from fainting. ;) Be careful, though!! And I'll bet you those squiggly feelings you're having are the baby kicking!!! I think a lot of people are in denial of feeling a kick at first because it's so hard to know what it feels like until it gets stronger and can be confirmed. Even I sometimes feel little muscle-twitch-type things and little gurgles and I like to imagine it's the baby kicking even though I know it's impossible. :winkwink: I'll be one of those people who claims to have felt movement at 14 weeks. :p

Sorry you're a bit nervous for your scan, but I'm certain everything will be perfect! I do hope you can find out the gender! :happydance:

LJ - SOOOOO great to hear from you! :happydance: I was just wondering about you and was going to bring you up in my next post.

I am glad your 12-wk scan went well! Our babies have the same heart rate! How cute! ;) I totally forgot you're only 2 weeks ahead of me. Kind of nice to have a buddy! So sorry you're still feeling sooo sick. Have you been managing to go to work? :hugs: I hope you can relax a lot more now and that you start to feel way better.

Blue - Good for you on the exercise classes! I am pathetic too and whenever I exercise I can barely walk the next day. :) But if you keep it up you'll soon be reaping the benefits!!!

I am so sorry that it's nearing the anniversary of your babies' death. :cry: I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. Are you going to do something special to remember them by?

Aleeah - Thank you SOOOO much for posting your bump!!!! I LOVE bump pics! Yours is SOOOO cute, and definitely only visible from the front/side! So skinny elsewhere! But it definitely doesn't look big for 21 weeks! I'm so excited that it popped! I cannot WAIT to pop!!! :happydance:

Yes, if I had a say in the matter, I'd LOVE to have a little girl first...but of course I'll be happy no matter what. :) DH is actually leaning toward wanting a girl too, and my BFF who swears she's psychic in PMS thinks that there's a little girl in there. :winkwink: My whole family thinks it will be a boy though.

I recorded the heartbeat and I actually like the recording better because I can turn it up nice and loud. :)

Bright - That is incredibly confusing about your tests. I can't see how your HPTs could be positive!? I definitely agree with Lindsay's advice.

Crys - Excellent...I'm glad you're on track to start your fertility concoction. :winkwink:

Lindsay - Haha, well that is good to know about your baby boy's heart rate. I'm sure none of these old wives' tales carry any weight, but I thought maybe this one had a bit more since men do generally have a lower average heart rate than women!

I happen to completely agree with you about not inducing at 38 weeks. I know it's a personal choice some women make with their dr, but there is so much research to support that those couple extra weeks in the womb can be very beneficial to the baby's health. My SIL suffered a stillborn with her first child, and now she gets induced at 38 weeks with every pregnancy. She usually ends up waiting for 3-4 days for the induction to even work, and then her babies are always a bit on the premature-looking side. They've all ended up healthy, but I've always felt nervous about it. Anyway, no judgment if you end up inducing at 38 weeks but I hope your dr will listen to you if your wishes are to wait until you're further along unless medically necessary! :)
Hi everyone! :wave:
AF is slowly leaving, really looking forward to start using my new opks and pregnancy tests! Not much news with me. Getting impatient and just want to be pregnant now!

Aleeah - Aw your bump is so cute! Great pics! :happydance: xx

Blue - sorry to hear your reaching that sad time, I hope you're feeling okay and that the weather is good for you to light your lanterns. That's a lovely idea. :hugs: xx

LL - Glad to hear you're feeling excited now! So pleased the scan went well and baby has a great hb. xx

Bright - Def a positive on that pregnancy test, is there a chance your hcg hasn't dropped to 0 from the last pregnancy? xx

Crys - Good luck this cycle, your cocktail sounds great! I'm sure it's gonna work. :thumbup: xx

LJ - Great to hear your scan went well! When do you plan to tell family? Are you enjoying keeping it a secret or excited to share your happy news? :flower: xx

Linny - I hope your blood pressure picks up, make sure to take it easy and don't get up too fast! Always have a snack in your pocket. :thumbup: xx

Lindsay - Exciting you have a crib now! Wow not long to go now, I hope that you don't have to be induced early, make sure to ask lots of questions at your next appointment. Write a list, (I always forget some questions when it comes to it and remember them afterwards). Glad to hear your baby is wriggling around a lot again! xx
Hi everyone! :wave:
AF is slowly leaving, really looking forward to start using my new opks and pregnancy tests! Not much news with me. Getting impatient and just want to be pregnant now!

Aleeah - Aw your bump is so cute! Great pics! :happydance: xx

Blue - sorry to hear your reaching that sad time, I hope you're feeling okay and that the weather is good for you to light your lanterns. That's a lovely idea. :hugs: xx

LL - Glad to hear you're feeling excited now! So pleased the scan went well and baby has a great hb. xx

Bright - Def a positive on that pregnancy test, is there a chance your hcg hasn't dropped to 0 from the last pregnancy? xx

Crys - Good luck this cycle, your cocktail sounds great! I'm sure it's gonna work. :thumbup: xx

LJ - Great to hear your scan went well! When do you plan to tell family? Are you enjoying keeping it a secret or excited to share your happy news? :flower: xx

Linny - I hope your blood pressure picks up, make sure to take it easy and don't get up too fast! Always have a snack in your pocket. :thumbup: xx

Lindsay - Exciting you have a crib now! Wow not long to go now, I hope that you don't have to be induced early, make sure to ask lots of questions at your next appointment. Write a list, (I always forget some questions when it comes to it and remember them afterwards). Glad to hear your baby is wriggling around a lot again! xx

Teacup - it should be at 0 now it was at 6 on January 10th.
hmmmm, bright, I think there is definitely something weird going on. That is one very positive pregnancy test. Your levels are going up from something. If your HCG is as high as it looks then that is also what is turning the OPK positive. Maybe you bled during the start of a new pregnancy and it wasn't a true period at all? I would check in with your doctor and hopefully they can do an ultrasound for you.
Id go back to doc. Have you bought another kind of test and tested again? Xx
LL - A good pal of mine felt movement at 14 weeks so don't consider yourself crazy for thnking you might be feeling something! My little bean's heartbeat started off at 190 and now has gradually gone down to about 165 - which would put them firmly in the girl camp according to the heartrate prediction thingy. I'd also love a little girl first - in all my dreams she's a girl, I love the company of women and I don't really understand men and boys despite growing up with 2 brothers. I think I just feel like it would be easier to mother a girl to begin with! :haha: But at this point, like you, I will be utterly grateful for a healthy baby of any sex :) x

Teacup - Hurray for the end of AF! I liked the pre-tww, not much to do except plan some sexy time :haha: And no symptom spotting or stressing etc :) My current snack situation is snickers bars! perhaps not the healthiest but seems like nuts + sugar is the perfect combo :haha:

Afm - I'm not sure if i'm coming down with a tummy bug or what but last night I felt awful, not like the return of ms, just unwell - like I needed to get something out of my stomach? Severe constipation is of course - not really helping at all. Hoping it passes. x
It could be the constipation honey. I see a lot with my patients illness due to no bowel movement for a couple of days to 2 weeks ! Try some prunes and orange juice. Xxx
Thanks for the tip Blue - i'll try some OJ at lunch as I can't stand prunes - although if it continues i'll even try that! X
Neither can I put them in a yoghurt (flavoured) lol good luck.
Linny, have you tried some MiraLax for your constipation? Should be safe, it's basically salt water. Ive had to give it to dd since she was 6 months old. Warm water should help too. I have felt ill from constipation before. It was terrible problem during cancer treatment. Feel better!

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