Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - I'm thinking about you and your little fighter today. Sending you tonnes of cuddles :friends: xx

Oh and hope your bum's recovered from all the exercise... I also find exercising a real pain in the bum..!!:haha: (I know it's a shocking joke but it had to be done!!!:loopy:)xxxx

Linny - Totally with you about the popping or fluttering not describing it. I felt the same and still do. The best description I could give was it feels like when you have a twinge or spasm on your eye, like when you're really tired, it feels like that but in your tummy. Inhindsight, there was lots of occasions when I turned to hubby and said my tummy is spasming and actually it would've been baby moving, so you could very well be feeling little one and not realise it.

Also with you on the constipation front, god it's horrible!!:wacko: So much pain!!! I've caved in now and started taking Lactulose now and again. I'm not impressed with myself for resorting to medication but needs must sometimes. I drink lots of water and love Weetabix so have it everyday and generally eat really well (baby has put me off chocolate and sugar... strange!) but nothing shifts it and it goes on for days and days...

LJsMummy - Thank you for all the compliments, I'm not finding I have a gorgeous figure at the moment! Not enjoying the lack of underwired bra's but midwife says they're a no no, so just letting it all hang out!!:blush: I love baby is yours and hubby's little secret, I'm sure nothing will go wrong, this is your Rainbow! Your 20 week scan will be here before you know it, my next scan is on 13th March too!:thumbup: xx

Crysshae - I'm looking forward to this month, reading up on how the cocktail works out for you, I'm sure it'll be great and will result in a BFP :yipee:! I've found it really interesting reading up all your posts about various things to take, I didn't know there was so much available and am sure it's something I'll be looking back into next time.

Lindsay - So exciting you have the crib up in your bedroom, must make it so much more real. And I'm with you on putting off being induced unless it's neccessary, I'm sure your OB will listen to your concerns and hold off the induction, you'll have to keep us posted on how the appointment goes? :hugs:xx

Bright - There's no doubting those positive pregnancy tests, how long after the miscarriage did you have AF? As they say 3 clear weeks of no bleeding and it counts as a new cycle, could well be what SLG said which is maybe it was implantation bleeding and not AF afterall. With this pregnancy, I tested weeks after m/c with no AF and got positives but was sure it had to be something left behind from the m/c but it wasn't. Fingers and toes crossed for you, get down to the doctors for an ultrasound :hugs: xxx

Lit - Thank you so much for your positivity, put a huge smile on my face too! Can't wait for you to pop as well, it was strange as I had a bit of discomfort and then that was it, suddenly harder and bigger. I think it looks fake now, like I've got something strapped on!!:haha: It's certainly not as visible under jumpers, the weather is miserable here, very wet.

It's so cute you think it's a little girl, maybe we'll all end up pink heavy in this thread. My doctor did tell me there's a slightly higher chance of miscarrying boys for all women compared to girls, I wonder if that's why I lost the twin boys.

Teacup - Am glad the b*tch AF is leaving you, you'll be into the mega fun part of the cycle soon, sexy time!!:sex: (that little smilie always makes me gigle, it looks so rude!) Keep posting about how you get on the OPK's, like I said before I don't think I've ever been as happy with positive pregnancy tests as I was with positive OPK's!! They hold so much hope and fun!! xx

AFM - Thank you all so much for all the lovely comments about the bump, bump is very grateful and loves you all lots xxx
Thanks for the constipation advice ladies. I'll try the prunes in yoghurt, I reckon I could possibly handle it is a flavouring! Sara - Miralax seems to be USA only product? So i'll ask mw for alternative suggetion. Something's gotta give! - tmi but I also have a piles situation now as well. :blush:

Aleeah - That's it - it's a spasm or twitch! I'm intrigued - how come underwiring is a no-no? I hadn't heard that and wear an underwire bra generally. Also, didn't realise that fact about boys being lost more than girls - I know girls tend to generate higher levels of hormones in pregnancy - perhaps that's part of it? X

Blue - Thinking of you today lovely, weather seems ok here - hope it stays fine for setting off the lanterns - will you do it tonight? - they're always so pretty Xx
Thanks for the constipation advice ladies. I'll try the prunes in yoghurt, I reckon I could possibly handle it is a flavouring! Sara - Miralax seems to be USA only product? So i'll ask mw for alternative suggetion. Something's gotta give! - tmi but I also have a piles situation now as well. :blush:

Aleeah - That's it - it's a spasm or twitch! I'm intrigued - how come underwiring is a no-no? I hadn't heard that and wear an underwire bra generally. Also, didn't realise that fact about boys being lost more than girls - I know girls tend to generate higher levels of hormones in pregnancy - perhaps that's part of it? X

Blue - Thinking of you today lovely, weather seems ok here - hope it stays fine for setting off the lanterns - will you do it tonight? - they're always so pretty Xx

So sweet, that spasm/twinge is your baba!! It'll get stronger mine have, but still feel just like stronger spasms!!

Here in the UK GP will give you lactulose, it's very gentle and discreet when you use it, it's not how I imagined, it just sorts things out. Maybe try getting some from your doctor?

Maybe the hormones with girls does play a part, I was questioning why I lost both boys last pregnancy and that's what my specialist said, wish I'd questioned her a bit more now.

And with the bra's, apparently wearing underwire bra's can restrict milk ducts from growing, so you could end up having reduced milk production - well that's what my midwife says, who knows if it's true or not!!! Maybe some of the other ladies know more...?? xxx
Hello ladies,

The test was a fluke and I but my OPK is positive according to the doctor today. So BD'ing but we have been doing that all week anyway. LOL So hopefully we can catch a egg this time. How is everyone else?
I;ve read that warm salt water can help constipation. You could google it to look for how much to use. Hope something helps soon!

Bright: so your doctor did a pregnancy test for you that was negative?
Linny - yes, I feel the same about it just being easier to understand a girl. I don't really get men at all, so I feel like I would be confused by a baby boy.

Sorry about your constipation! That sounds awful and is thankfully something I've never had trouble with, but I've definitely noticed things have "slowed down" a bit since being preg, and when that happens I just eat excessive amounts of fruit!

Aleeah - I also have never heard that underwire thing and that is what I ALWAYS wear. If it relates to milk production, wouldn't it matter more at the very end and while nursing?

Blue - thinking of you and your boys as well.

Sara - I am on my phone so I forget what you said! But hello!
Linny, sounds like you are feeling movement! If you're waiting to see an outline of a foot you could be waiting quite a while :haha: Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather, hopefully you'll be feeling better soon! Yep, that's totally how I'm feeling about the induction issue - and in fact aside from that one episode on new years day I haven't had any problems with my blood pressure during pregnancy so I think her recommendation may just be "typical protocol".

Teacup, glad to hear AF is on her way out :) On to bigger and better things! Yep, I've started a list for the doctor already, lol. Hopefully she's got some time next week.

Blue, I'm thinking of you and your little men today :hugs: I hope the weather is cooperating for your lanterns.

Re. underwire bras, I've heard the same thing as Aleeah, something about restricting growth/development of milk ducts which happens during pregnancy. I'm not sure about the truth behind it, but my doctor advised me early on not to wear under-wire bras so I've been sticking to sports bras.

As for me, had another little scare yesterday - had some brown tinged discharge and of course totally freaked out. I called the on-call doctor who said it's "nothing to worry about" unless there's more brown blood than the size of a toonie, or its red, or I have painful contractions. Fortunately it stopped after a couple hours and hasn't come back since, and I managed to pull myself together and go to work.

Thanks for all the thoughts on induction, I totally agree. Or course if it becomes medically necessary, I'm happy to have it done; but if it's just "protocol" then I'd like to wait until baby is ready to come on his own. I'm just hoping the doctor is willing to be flexible. I know I can refuse, but that doesn't set up a very good doctor-patient relationship.
Lindsay - sorry about your scare! I am glad they said it was nothing to worry about but I know it is terribly disconcerting!

This is AWFUL news about underwires. I can't even imagine not wearing an underwire. I think I'll just wait til I go up a size in a month or two and when I but new ones I'll skip the wire.
Thank you for the kind words girls.

Linds sorry for your scare but I'm sure everything is fine! !

Yeah I knew about the underwire bras. My auntie dragged me to get re measures for mat bras. They are not comfy! !!! Well the ones I found went.

Hope you are all well xxx
Bright - So pleased you know where you stand now, and the baby dancing bit is the most fun bit! So enjoy it!!xx

Sara - How are you doing these days?xx

Lit - I get what you mean about the milk coming in later but apparently it's possible to cause issues from now. I'm not comfortable in my old bra's now anyway, so have shifted over to nursing bra's already but they aren't very attractive or supportive!!xx

Lindsay - Your scare sounds horrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad everything's ok though, you probably need to slow down a bit and rest more, hoping work is not physical anymore? xx

Blue - Still thinking of you. You've probably said this a thousand times already... but when's your gyno appointment??xx

Bright - So pleased you know where you stand now, and the baby dancing bit is the most fun bit! So enjoy it!!xx

Sara - How are you doing these days?xx

Lit - I get what you mean about the milk coming in later but apparently it's possible to cause issues from now. I'm not comfortable in my old bra's now anyway, so have shifted over to nursing bra's already but they aren't very attractive or supportive!!xx

Blue - Still thinking of you. You've probably said this a thousand times already... but when's your gyno appointment??xx

Lindsay - Your scare sounds horrible, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad everything's ok though, you probably need to slow down a bit and rest more, hoping work is not physical anymore? xx

Thanks Aleeah - it is the best part and fun too..........but for 2weeks it can wear you out LOL:sleep:
Hi all. I'm still reading along but don't have much to report. Still no AF. I think my body tried to ovulate or maybe even did about 10 days ago so I would expect a period next week. :shrug: I have acupuncture today which always puts me in a good mood. Make me feel like I'm doing something to improve my situation. Getting professional photos done of my little girl tomorrow. Hope she cooperates and can't wait to see how they turn out.
LL, yep, I was also quite disappointed to hear the news about underwire bras, lol. I have managed to find a couple that are comfortable fortunately.

Blue, how are you doing?

Sara, any signs of AF yet? How are you doing?

Aleeah, yep, I think overdoing it may have been the cause of the brown discharge on tuesday. We did a lot sunday.... took the dog for a long walk (and were playing ball hockey with her with some hockey sticks we found at the park, lol), re-arranged our storage area, and built the crib, and after all was said and done I was exhausted. Then monday I had my pilates class. The doctor said I probably irritated my cervix causing the brown spotting... so my guess is one of those things did it as there has not been any dtd recently. In any case it's still gone so that's good :) Work has been busy but not too physical... mostly because it's winter and the weather is not nice for taking the kids outside
Aleeah - I'll ask the GP for that stuff then. Funny enough after what you said about boys I looked it up (I cannot help myself) and it's true! Apparently because they are male sometimes our bodies don't understand/recognise it as being part of us. It's horrible to think some babies may not survive just because of their gender. I'm going to get measured up for a non-underwire this weekend! thanks for the info! Are you still doing ok with your light-headedness? Eating well? x

Slg - Thanks love, do you mean - swallow salt water or on your bum? Maybe that's an insane question? Glad to hear you're enjoying the acupuncture! I hope you'll see either AF or a sweet bfp in a weeks time x

Lindsay - Agh, sorry about the brown spotting, glad all's well. I heard it's very common in later trimesters? Still - I know noone wants to go back into knicker-checking territory again! :hugs: As Aleeah said - take it easy mama :) I guess it's kinda difficult though when trying to get home ready for baby - how many weeks till mat leave starts now? x

Afm - My feeling sick sort of just passed away and now i have a lot of stretchy crampy feelings which have coincided with a very hard bump appearing overnight...or feels like that anyway. before it was just me but a bit bigger! not complaining, just thought it was surprising!
Hey aleeah sorry I dont think I actually said. Its the 27th of Feb. So a couple of weeks away. Im not doing great minds else where lately .. sorry girls. I do try keep up and do read the posts but remembering everything to reply to is a bit difficult.

Sara- im glad acupuncture makes you feel better. I hope you did ovulate 10 days ago and hope af shows soon. Will you let us see a wee photo when you get them done ?

Lindsay have we not already to take it easy lol! Listen to us! Haha.. only kidding.

Linny its cute you have your solid bump hehe :)

Linny: you drink the salt water :haha:

I'm always happy to share a picture of DD. I'll post one once they are done. She is busy playing with her princess castle in the other room. I bought her an Ana and an Elsa doll today so she is on cloud nine :)
Lindsay - that strenuous day does sound like it was probably the source of your spotting. Probably a good sign to take it easier in the future.

AFM - you have all made me feel guilty so I told DH we have to go maternity bra shopping this weekend. :p
The lady at the shop who died me said I did nt have to start wearing mine really until after 20 weeks. When your boss take another growth spurt.

Sara - Yey for photos.

Afm- I've realised I've started bd ing to early this cycle. Thought I was on cd 15.. im on cd 11 ... annoying. ... means I started bding cd 6. �� hope I don't burn out!

Mood is still horrible don't want to see anyone here. Everything's annoying me. I need a summer holiday! !!

Hope you are all well! !!

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