Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

slg - :haha: ok! The reason I ask is because DF told me that if you ever accidentally swallow salt water you will immediately throw it back up. I never even questioned this line of logic, however it now occurs to me that if that's really the case how can we eat salty food or soups? I guess he must have meant true saline water??? confused :haha:

Blue - Sorry it's all feeling rubbish atm, I can totally see why you'd be feeling like that - and let's face it - the weather won't be helping. Winter really needs to be OVER now! A summer holiday sounds like the perfect ticket! Do you think you two will get away this year? X
Linnny, yay for a solid bump!! I've noticed that the stretchy/discomfort sensations usually come before a bump growth spurt. Haha, I've been in "knicker checking territory" since my bfp... don't think I'm leaving until after he's born. I still haven't decided on a firm date for mat leave - likely around 38 weeks if all continues to go well. I'm going to arrange who will be taking all of my clients before then, and then will just transfer them over when necessary.

Slg, I hope the photo shoot goes well. I'd love to see some of the photos when they're ready :) Hopefully AF or a BFP will arrive soon!

LL, have fun bra shopping! I found I had much more success at the maternity stores... regular bra stores had very little without an underwire.

Blue, I'm glad to hear your appointment isn't too far away. I really hope the gyn will take you seriously and realize that you have been trying for a while and recommend some next steps. :hugs: I agree, a summer holiday sounds lovely :) Are you planning any holidays this year? Yes, I should listen to you guys :haha: I should also listen to my husband, but who wants to do that, lol. It's just hard to remember sometimes because in the moment I feel fine.
Linny - That is incredibly exciting about your very hard bump appearing overnight! I hope you took a picture of it for your own keepsake! That is surprising how quickly it came, but I've heard of several people saying they went to sleep one night and woke up with a bigger bump! Weird! haha.

Blue - That is annoying you started BDing too early. I do hope you don't burn out as well! I'm sorry you're feeling so grumpy and annoyed. I feel the same, about needing a summer holiday already!

Lindsay - Thanks. I'll keep that in mind when bra-searching.

How are you doing?

AFM - Well, I had an absolutely terrible day yesterday. DH lost his job. :cry: He is scheduled for some pretty serious surgery on Monday and won't be able to work for a month (not exactly conducive to looking for jobs). He should have been going on short term disability, but now we will have no money coming in at all. I'm rather worried about him finding another job because he's already been searching for the past year to no avail. Really, really scary stuff considering there's a baby on the way. :(

Then DH had something up in the evening and I tried staying up for him until about 12:30 am when I called him and he said he was in the parking lot ready to leave but there was a line-up. I went to bed and tried to sleep but absolutely couldn't. Then I started wondering where on earth DH was until I finally looked at the clock and it was 1:45 am! He was just downtown when I talked to him, so just 15-20 minutes away normally. I freaked out and called him, but of course he didn't answer. I called like 5 more times and started bawling - absolute sheer hysterics. I texted his parents asking if they'd heard from him. I checked the police website to see if any accidents had been reported. I was just sitting at my computer crying so hard I was almost puking and completely convinced that he must be dead!! Finally after several phone calls, he picked up (he decided to pull over when he noticed calls kept coming through) and I just about burst with relief! I blubbered, "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" Apparently the line-up to leave the parking lot was nearly an hour long and he'd thought I was sleeping so didn't bother to text when the line-up was over. Wow. Single most terrifying experience of my life! When he got home I made him stay up til almost 3 am cuddling me because I just wanted to be close to him.

I think being pregnant has made me extra worried about losing dh because it would be absolutely terrifying being a single parent. Oy. I hope I don't have any more freak-outs in the future. But of course I was already worried enough that he'll die in surgery on Monday. :cry:
Lindsay - Excellent! Just 7 more weeks then! How are you feeling - as in, you feel ok enough to keep working till then? I was talking to my HR person in work about mat leave recently and found out that any time taken off for pregnancy reasons doesn't count as 'sick days' or count against me....if only I were the dishonest type! :haha:

LL - Sorry to hear about DH -that certainly is a tough position for you 2 to find yourselves in. Have work dismissed him unfairly due to his upcoming disability time? It sounds incredibly suspicious to me...Is there any scope for taking legal action? I think clinging to our OH's is totally understandable at this time! We are vulnerable and it's natural to worry.

Yeah the bump thing took me by surprise too, I *thought* i'd felt it an inch or so above pubic hair line a week before. Now the top of it is an inch below my belly button. x

Afm - not much to report today. More work to be done, ugh. Cannot wait for next weekend X
Linny - yes, it definitely appears they dismissed him so they wouldn't have to pay the price for his short term disability claim. It can definitely be contested, but it wouldn't see legislation til fall, so they knew they could get away with it and it won't help us at all at this point. Sigh.

That is quite neat but makes total sense that time lost for pregnancy-related issues won't count towards your sick time. I wish it were the same for my workplace, not that it really matters and I don't get any paid sick time anyway.

That is quite a steep contrast in your bump! It's amazing how quickly the body changes. I bought a new bra yesterday but was in a hurry and when I got home I realized it's still too tight. :/ It seems my cup size hasn't gone up yet but my band size has gone up at least two sizes (and apparently more, considering the one I bought is too tight)! How annoying!

I hope your week speeds by so you can enjoy next weekend.
LL, so sorry to hear about your DH's job. What awful timing... and definitely suspicious. It's amazing to me how heartless some employers can be. I hope his job search will be more successful once he's recovered from his surgery. I also hope that his surgery goes well tomorrow and that he has a smooth and speedy recovery!

I think it's totally normal to be more clingy during pregnancy... I know I certainly am as well. We got DH an iPhone a few months ago and I love that I can check where he is if I start to worry when he's a little late getting home from work. It helps with my worry-wart tendencies :)

Linny, that's great that time taken off for pregnancy reasons doesn't count towards sick days! That'll definitely help when you get a little busier with appointments. I'm self-employed so I just don't get paid when I don't work, but have lots of flexibility to work around appointments so it has worked out well. I hope you've got a relaxing weekend planned next weekend, it sounds like you've been very busy with work lately!

How's everyone else doing?

AFM, I am feeling quite well still, my only complaints are heartburn and some difficulty sleeping once in a while so I think I should be fine to keep working until around the end of March. I had my baby shower today (my mom and sister organized it) and had lots of fun. We had a onesie decorating game and it was amazing how nicely some of them turned out :) We were also very spoiled, I don't think I'm going to need to buy this baby any clothes for quite some time.
Lindsay - Thanks for the well wishes. Dropped him off at the hospital this morning and immediately started crying! Looking forward to seeing him in recovery this afternoon so I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Haha, I bet dh having an iPhone is very handy! I would definitely like to see dh's whereabouts when I'm feeling worried!

I'm so glad you had your baby shower and were spoiled with so many nice gifts! You and your baby deserve it! :) And it's wonderful you're feeling so well these days! The insomnia and heartburn are I'm sure a pain, but it's great you're not suffering from major back pain or anything.
LL - I'm so sorry to hear about your DH's job. I pray his surgery is safe and uncomplicated and that he finds an even better job very soon.

Linny - When your uterus decides to pop out from behind your pubic bone, it does pop.

Lindsay - Sounds like a lovely shower with you and little one being spoiled as you should be.

Blue - How are you doing? Were you able to set your lanterns off Saturday? :hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well.
Hello Ladies,

How is everyone? Great I hope. I am chilling just waiting to test. Hopefully it will be a BFP this cycle. But if not there's always next cycle.
Li sorry about hubbie job and surgery. I hope they both resolve soon. Ill keep my fingers crossed he finds a new jib and pray his surgery goes well.

Crys im cd 14. No we didnt get to send them off it was too windy but we watched the starts together. When we lost the boys my friend bought us a star for them.

How are you doing ?

Hiw is everyone else.

Teacup? Sara? Where are you both with ttc?

LL - Aw love :hugs: I really hope DH's operation goes off without a hitch today! And that is awful behaviour by his company - I don't know how some people can live with themselves. I hate that a company can do that to a person and then it's up to you guys to pursue it. Grrrr.

Ugh, bra shopping, I loathe it! Can you get yourself measured at a store there? I have to make an appointment to get measured - I thought you could just turn up but apparently no, you have to book - it's like bloody rocket science or something x

Lindsay - Great to hear you're doing well and had a good baby shower! Also, sorry to hear about the continuing heartburn, although it's obviously bearable it isn't pleasant.x

Cryss - hey love, how are you doing? Yeah, I thought the pop would be very gradual! I can't wait to see it happen to my 2 pals in a couple of weeks :haha:

Brighteyez - Glad to hear you're doing good! When will you test? x

Afm - Doing good. Still working boo hoo! I even roped DF into it to do some of the bits which are pretty boring (poor DF!). x
LL - Aw love :hugs: I really hope DH's operation goes off without a hitch today! And that is awful behaviour by his company - I don't know how some people can live with themselves. I hate that a company can do that to a person and then it's up to you guys to pursue it. Grrrr.

Ugh, bra shopping, I loathe it! Can you get yourself measured at a store there? I have to make an appointment to get measured - I thought you could just turn up but apparently no, you have to book - it's like bloody rocket science or something x

Lindsay - Great to hear you're doing well and had a good baby shower! Also, sorry to hear about the continuing heartburn, although it's obviously bearable it isn't pleasant.x

Cryss - hey love, how are you doing? Yeah, I thought the pop would be very gradual! I can't wait to see it happen to my 2 pals in a couple of weeks :haha:

Brighteyez - Glad to hear you're doing good! When will you test? x

Afm - Doing good. Still working boo hoo! I even roped DF into it to do some of the bits which are pretty boring (poor DF!). x

Linny - I don't know FF say the 17th so maybe I will wait until then. What do you suggest? How soon should l test? lol the sooner the better :haha:
Brighteyes - :haha: I'm a terrible person to ask about testing - my fiance had to wrestle a pregnancy test out of my hands as I was only 8dpo lol.... Your FF crosshairs seem a bit odd, i might almost be tempted to think your ov happened a bit earlier? Even though you got a pos opk that temp dip and rise seem really big! Does that mean you can test earlier :haha:
Brighteyes - :haha: I'm a terrible person to ask about testing - my fiance had to wrestle a pregnancy test out of my hands as I was only 8dpo lol.... Your FF crosshairs seem a bit odd, i might almost be tempted to think your ov happened a bit earlier? Even though you got a pos opk that temp dip and rise seem really big! Does that mean you can test earlier :haha:

I found it odd too since I got the positive OPK. I dont know I know I missed Sunday temp and on Saturday I tempted later during the day. I think I will test Thursday just in case I didn't O earlier.
Thanks, everyone! DH is out of surgery and doing "well" although no one's told me any details really and we are stuck in a tiny curtained-off space in the observation unit with zero privacy! There are some scary complications that could still show up yet, but he seems to have survived the surgery okay! Now I just have to occupy myself while he naps. =p

Linny - here we can just get dropped in and measured, but I was feeling fat and blah and not wanting someone seeing me with my shirt off! Haha. Did you end up going?

Blue - you're getting to the exciting part of the cycle! Yay! But I am sorry that these past few days have probably been quite hard on you.
Thanks, everyone! DH is out of surgery and doing "well" although no one's told me any details really and we are stuck in a tiny curtained-off space in the observation unit with zero privacy! There are some scary complications that could still show up yet, but he seems to have survived the surgery okay! Now I just have to occupy myself while he naps. =p

Linny - here we can just get dropped in and measured, but I was feeling fat and blah and not wanting someone seeing me with my shirt off! Haha. Did you end up going?

Blue - you're getting to the exciting part of the cycle! Yay! But I am sorry that these past few days have probably been quite hard on you.

LL - glad you hubby made it through the surgery. :flower:
LL - I also use Ovufriend which says I ovulate on CD15 as well but my Ovuview and Fertility Flower app says of ovulated on CD 13 even with the +opk's after ovulation. :wacko: So I don't know what to think two say one thing and two say another I know one of them have to be right so I will test by bother of them on says the 14th and the other says the 17th.:shrug:
Bright - it's exciting you'll be getting to testing relatively soon. Any symptoms yet?
Bright - it's exciting you'll be getting to testing relatively soon. Any symptoms yet?

LL - Very few. Sore nipples, headaches, backache and CM is thick and gushing out (white and creamy), craving salt, and fatigue. I would say frequent urine but I take HCTZ for high blood pressure.:haha: Hopefully they mean something exciting like a BFP soon. How are you doing?

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