Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aw Blue, I don't think this means you're out at all - surely it's not so much about precisely when within the 2 days or so before O but rather that it's the right egg and the right sperm at that particular time. Still, I can see why you'd be annoyed, it's good to know all bases are covered....still don't think you're out though.

Also, yep I think I must have a blockage or something, it is very uncomfortable feeling...really hope I go properly soon! x
See all you pregnant ladies who are 10 weeks and over I think you should do this just for the fun. Even you lindsay see if its accurate with your wee boy!!

Im out this month I just know it. I was sort of hoping for last night being the last night. Will be a waste of time to bd tonight because the egg will be dead. Only lasts 12-24 hours and Dons is at work. Xxx


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:hugs: Blue! I hope you caught it anyway. Who knows...maybe doing it less or a day or two before O will do the trick for you. Not so much stuff or duds up there in the way. :haha:

Linny - I think you should call the doc today and tell them what is going on. That's not healthy at all.
Cryss - I've made an appointment now :) - DF said to me the other night he couldn't believe i'd been having this for weeks and not gone to the docs (I normally go at the drop of a hat) - and then said 'Oh I know what you're thinking, you're thinking because it's not coming from your vagina you don't care' :blush: he got me.

Blue - oh that looks cool - wonder how reliable it is? I'm hoping i'll know in a week now! Really hope they tell me x Also, cryss might be onto something there! Maybe less competition will be good! x
I'm sorry I haven't been around much, we've been so busy with the house and work for me is really busy, I've just caught up on all the replies though, hope I haven't missed anything or anyone, I'm sorry if I have.

LL - Firstly so sorry about your OH losing his job, employers can be so harsh sometimes and I hope something turns up quickly. I totally get the hormonal and tired with hubby thing and I get his frustration too, he probably just wants to be healthy and out looking for a job. I'm so sorry you're both going through this but as my dad always said things can change as quickly as the tide, don't let today shape what could be tomorrow. Chin up, things will get easier :hugs: xx

Lindsay - Yay for a baby shower!! Your little man is being spoilt before he's even here, how lovely! Are you getting really excited now?? :happydance: xx

Blue - That OPK you posted a few days ago certainly looks positive to me. And don't be down, it's SO possible, I know for a fact me and hubby didn't do the deed anywhere near when I could have possibly ovulated and I'm now a fatty, so it still worked!:haha: Hang in there, wish I had an amazing ultrasound machine I could send you so you could see it all happening when it does :hugs: xxx

Sara - It sounds weird saying it but I'm glad AF came!!:happydance: Such an amazingly positive sign, your body sounds like it's right back on track and getting everything ready to create a nice cozy place for a sticky bean. And 2 eggs is good, I know it's hard to keep going every other day but just keep at it, you'll catch one of those eggs (my betting is the smaller one will be the one and that sounds like it'll be ready at a more reasonable time in terms of your cycle too). xx

Sabster - So sorry for your loss, I'm sorry I've never had spotting inbetween either. You've found yourself on the best thread around, wonderful group of ladies here :thumbup: xx

Bright - So pleased for the positive OPK!:flower: I posted a thread in the test section when I got my first positive OPK and it got a LOT of replies as I obviously came across deliriously excited and happy! I'll never forget the euphoria, poor hubby got confused and thought it meant a BFP... men!!!:haha: So pleased for you my lovely, hopefully the next test you do is a BFP!! xx

Kim - I totally get you not wanting to wait, if it were me I wouldn't wait. If it's meant to be it will and like you said bean wouldn't have implanted in either case anyway. I hope the scan goes well, though I totally believe it will. You must be so excited, you've been so amazingly patient waiting for this and I'm over the moon it's finally time to get back on it (literally!!):blush::haha: xxx

Linny - I'm sorry to hear about your issues, that really doesn't sound right at all and agree with Crys, I'm glad you're going to the doctors to rule out anything too sinister, did you get anything to help things along? As sometimes that can make things go weird too. I hope you find some relief in whatever shape it comes in soon! :flower: xx

Cyrsshae - I hope you jumped hubby every opportunity!? You're totally in the fun part of the cycle and I've got a really strange feeling it's your month... fingers crossed my Oracle ways don't let me down! :winkwink: xx

AFM - Well me and hubby had an arguement earlier, I've become so reliant on the medication to help me go to the toilet I decided a few days ago to let nature take it's course. Well it hasn't, and I'm in so much pain. I told hubby, and he laughed at me...! The cheek of the man!!!:growlmad: I started slamming doors and basically over-reacting, to which he shouted out: "You need to go to a self help group!!" Apparently he meant anger management, I thought he meant something else... I shouted back: "Oh yeah that would work: "Hi my name is Aleeah and I'm full of sh*t!!". We both burst into fits of laughter and the laughter seemed to clear the blockage!!! So laughter really is a cure for many things lady, well for me it means I'm less full of sh*t!:winkwink: :haha:xx
Cyrsshae - I hope you jumped hubby every opportunity!? You're totally in the fun part of the cycle and I've got a really strange feeling it's your month... fingers crossed my Oracle ways don't let me down! :winkwink: xx

Thank you so much for that! :hugs: Love hearing positive thoughts!

Lmao at your argument! Truly out loud. Brant came over to see what it was I was laughing at. I hate it and love it when arguments are that way. On one hand, you see how silly the argument was and can laugh together. On the other hand you feel silly and slightly embarrassed too. :dohh: Glad you're feeling better though.
Hi Ladies,

Hopefully I am doing this right! Haven't been on the site for a while.

I miscarried on January 14, 2014. I bled for 8 days and we started BDing, 3 days after bleeding stopped. I do not use OPK's or temp and I was just curious on what CD right after a miscarriage did you receive your BFP? The reason I was asking for CD is because I'm not sure when/if I ovulated. I also started my first CD with the first day bleeding from miscarriage. I also had some spotting (few hours, light pink) on CD 17, when wiping and just quarter sized on pad (sorry, tmi). Possibly implantation bleeding, if O'ed 3 days after I stopped bleeding? My breasts have also been VERY VERY sore the last few days. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

BTW: Went in Monday (2.3.14) and HCG levels were negative. 2 weeks prior to that, I was at a 12 (3 days after bleeding stopped).
Sabster - Wanted to welcome you. I've been on my phone the last couple days due to internet being out, and I missed some posts. I'm sorry for your losses and hope your rainbow BFP is very near.

Adav - I'm sorry for your loss. Welcome to our group. I'm not sure what might be happening for you right now, but fingers crossed you get your rainbow BFP too!

This is a great group of ladies with inspiring stories and lots of support.
Crys- I'm always in hope weather it be out loud or inside that it's my month. And I hope it's your month too crys!

Linny- your husband is funny. But he is right! You should have seen you doctor quicker. Lol but your booked now so hopefully it's sorted soon.

Aleeah- I wish I had one of those machines as well!

Adav. Sorry for your loss! Welcome to the threat. I love these ladies here they are amazing. I hope you get a little surprise positive this cycle! Xxx
Thanks for the welcome crysshae! I'm only on CD 24 of typically a 28 day cycle (not sure after mc, heard it can be 4-8 weeks before AF shows), so I'm hoping to test next week! I actually cheated and tested last night with a BFN, but figured it was a little early to be testing! One can only hope anyway :)
Sara, that's wonderful news that AF arrived and your body is getting back on track :) I really hope that this is your lucky cycle!!

Kim, I hope your ultrasound on tuesday shows that everything looks good!! I see what you mean, tough choice to decide if you want to try or wait... I would think though that if nothing has implanted, the surgery shouldn't affect anything.

Sabster, welcome and sorry to hear of your losses :hugs: I did spot between my m/c and my first AF, right around the time I'm pretty sure I ovulated (and I'd never had ovulation spotting before then) so perhaps it's that? Who knows, maybe you'll get a nice little surprise in a couple weeks :)

LL, glad to hear your DH is home safe and sound, I hope the recovery goes smoothly. Try not to worry about doing too much - cleaning, dishes ect will wait for you, just focus on the essential thing like looking after you and DH. Sorry to hear about your argument, I'm sure the stress of losing the job, the surgery, and pregnancy hormones don't mix well :hugs: Hang in there!

Blue, I really don't think you're out either hun :hugs: I know you must be feeling discouraged, but they say dtd the day or two before ovulation is better than actually on the day of ovulation because the swimmers will get up there and wait for the egg to be released. I'm going to stay hopeful for you this month... and continue to keep everything crossed that this is your lucky month :hugs:

Linny, please talk to the doctor soon, that is definitely not normal and something that should be looked at asap. Hopefully you can get some relief!

Aleeah, lol at your argument! Glad it ended in laughter though, if you're going to have an argument, those are the best type to have.

Crys, good luck this cycle! I hope you catch the egg and it's a nice sticky one!!

Adav, welcome and I'm sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I had one cycle before my bfp, but AF came just a few days later than it normally would have (can't remember exactly when though).

AFM, I am doing well. Spoke to the OB yesterday about her thoughts on induction - she recommends that I be induced at 38 weeks (apparently there's a study that in people with hypertension, that leads to optimal outcomes for mom and baby, and does not increase the risk of c-section). She said if I don't want to be induced, that is fine too, they will just continue with regular monitoring and alert me if anything is going awry... so that is likely the path I will choose if everything is still going well. My blood pressure has been very well controlled on minimal to no meds over the last couple years so sometimes I feel like all of this "intervention" they want to do is a little over the top for what's really going on. I'm just glad she is willing to be flexible and work with what hubby and I would feel more comfortable with. She thinks the little guy is still breech, but said that they don't worry about it too much until around 35 weeks. At my prenatal class last night one of the ladies said that swimming and playing music at the bottom of your bump can help.... so I'm going to give those things a try, can't hurt anyway.
Linny - Lol at your DF's evaluation of you...but he's right. You need to be concerned about anything that is not right, especially for a length of time. Your whole body is required to take care of you and that little one. Keep all of it healthy! :flower:
Linny: glad you are going to the doctor. Your other non-vagina parts are important too!!

Thanks for the laugh, Aleeah! constipation can be no laughing matter. I was sick and in so much pain from it when pregnant and in chemo.

Adav: welcome and I'm sorry about your loss. The first cycle after a miscarriage is anyones guess. Some people ovulate and have a regular cycle right away. I'm on the other end of things. I just got my period two days ago and that was three months after my miscarriage. Sorry there isn't more or better advise to give. :flower:

Lindsay: remember that semen softens your cervix and can help you dilate sooner. Just sayin' :winkwink:
You ladies are so much fun :)

Aleeha I've told you before, but you are so funny hahaha awesome.

LL sorry about all of the stress at home, big hugs, and try to take a little rest for yourself when you can.

Lindsay I was induced for preeclampsia with my first, I was 39 weeks 3 days... I did end up with a c-section, but it was because I had a fibroid that was causing trouble. I also did end up in the hospital for 6 days after the birth since my blood pressure wouldn't come down :( good news is that I haven't had any problems since, even in my second pregnancy. Are they testing your blood regularily? for me they were watching something, I can't remember what it was, and said once it hit 300 that I would be induced. I think it was something that indicated my kidney and liver function. Good luck and hopefully all proceeds as you'd like!

Linny hope your apt goes well :) your dh is funny hahahaha

sara I have always ovulated early and there is no problem with that, actually saves you a week so to speak since week 1 and week 2 out of 40 are before you ovulate, so when you ovulate early and get preggo you jump ahead a week. I am with you on the early ultrasounds... unfortunately I will have one VERY VERY early.. they said as soon as I know I am pregnant... they have already told me it will be too early to see a heartbeat, they just want to check to see where the baby implants. If it implants in the top half of the uterus then it's a normal pregnancy, if it implants in the lower then we may need to terminate. I've done some reading and apparently around 80 - 90 % of pregnancies implant in the top half of the uterus, so the odds are definately in my favour!

AFM, I hadn't told my OH that my ultrasound is Tuesday, it got moved up from the 26th of Feb and funny thing, he asked me about it today LOL We have a deal that I am going to try and hide being pregnant from him until I have had an ultrasound showing the heartbeat!!! not sure I'll be able to since I typically get VERY sick VERY early.... but I'm going to try really really hard, he's a real worrier so I'd like to save him the worry :)

Hope all of you lovely ladies have a great day :) I finally feel like I belong here again :)

Thanks, everyone. I'm on my phone and in a hurry so can't say much.

Linny - that doesn't sound healthy at all! I hope your dr can help you out. I totally get why it isn't worrying you as much as other things though.

Aleeah - I love the story of your fight! I wish my arguments with DH ended in laughter. ;)

Lindsay - I am glad your dr will work with you on what you want. Sounds like your BP is under control.

Kim - I think it would be really hard to keep a pregnancy a secret from your hubby and it is so nice to have someone's support.

AFM - on top of everything else last night, I discovered I had a fever (actually, I think that might have been part of the reason I was so easily agitated). So I went to bed early and felt even crappier today and was throwing up (still, because apparently morning sickness never ends) but still had to go to work since I am the sole provider and my employer does not offer any sick pay at all. :( I have a nasty sore throat, body aches and chills but I am surviving. but at least DH and I are on good terms again. The fever has set me into worry land again though because I know it's not good for the baby. But I took Tylenol and I think it's being kept at bay.
Aleeah - :haha: It's good when an argument goes straight to laughing. I feel your pain though! I really hate it because it involves cramping and I sometimes can't figure out if it's because of the toilet or something sinister.

Adav - Welcome here and very sorry to hear of your loss. As others have said this is an incredibly supportive thread.Some women do catch on the first cycle so hopefully you'll fall into this bracket :) x

Blue - what dpo are you at now? Are you still feeling not-so-positive? Hope not! I'm feeling positive for you. Part of the reason i didn't get to doc sooner was my embarrassement. I'm not sure how to actually describe it without turning crimson. :) x

Lindsay -Your OB sounds very reasonable, and it's good they're not insisting on anything and happy to work with you on it. Hadn't heard of swimming for turning babies but swimming has been pure bliss for me. It's my only totally ache-free time. So, either way it will be a good experience :) x

Cryss - To my shame I thought i'd come on here and you'd all say 'Oh I get that all the time, no problem' and I could just carry on ignoring it and hoping it'll go away :haha: Happy bd'ing session to you missus! :) I'm glad someone's getting some. :haha:

Slg - How's things going with you? Is AF going alright - not super heavy or anything? x

Kim - whats' the ultrasound for? Do you get checked after ovulation? x

LL - That sounds like the pits! I can't believe you don't get sick pay - is that normal where you are? Hope you're able to keep your temps down - I think you have to be really high temps for concentrated periods of time for it to be an issue?? - I guess your doc could advise you about it? Oh, I got fitted for maternity bra last night too - they've gone from a C to an F. I haven't looked at them in bright lights for ages and they looked bizarre! Riddled with blue veins and massive nipples. It was like being in someone else's body!

Afm - my breathing issues took a bit of a turn for the worst last night - i've had an issue on and off through my life called pumonory catch syndrome - loads of people have had it at some time - it's totally harmless but very painful - basically you take a breath and at the end of the breath there's a sharp pain in your lungs. It normally carries on for a few minutes and then just stops. Anyway, last night i was trying to catch my breath and this starts up - annoying - but I thought it would stop in a couple of minutes...um no. This went on all night, woke me up several times in agony. It started going down my arms, my back, awful. Figured it would go by morning...nope. So this morning we got ourselves ready to go to A&E, I went to the bathroom and had a sudden bout of intense coughing and - the pain literally stopped. all the aching from my back/arms all the stabbing pain stopped in an instant! Really odd. So, i'll be asking about this as well in my bowel problem doctor visit....i feel like such an idiot when I turn up with my little list of random embarrassing issues :haha:
Hi ladies,

New to this board. Suffered from a blighted ovum last month. Spotting started on 1/10 and heavier bleeding on 1/14. I'm 35 and this was my first pregnancy (although it was very short-lived) and we've been trying for about a year now. Patiently waiting for my period to arrive so that we can get started again. In the meantime, I've made an appointment with a new doctor since my previous OBGYN was unprofessional and very negative.

Look forward to getting to know everyone!
Sara, yes, I've heard that about semen ;) I told hubby the other day that once we get to 37 - 38 weeks we'll be trying all the tricks to see if baby is ready to come a little early.

Kim, yes, they are watching me very closely as there is a higher risk that I may develop pre-eclampsia. Sorry you had to go through all that, it sounds like it was a bit of an ordeal but I'm really glad to hear you've had no after effects! I see internal medicine every 2 weeks and they check blood pressure (I also check at home), to make sure there's no protein in my urine, and blood tests every month or 2. So far everything looks good.

LL, sorry to hear you've caught a bug on top of everything else! I hope you're feeling a little better today :hugs: On the positive side, I see you're 14 weeks today!! :happydance:

Linny, it sounds like you're having a rough time too! I hope you can take it easy today.

AFM, I seem to have caught a cold and am not too happy about having to work today, but such is life I suppose. I'm considering transferring some of my client's over to other people a little early as I was told on wednesday that I'd have to start going in to the hospital for weekly monitoring at 34 weeks which is going to leave me with even less time for work and everything else. Not to mention I've been quite tired as well so I think it would help in more ways than one. I hope everyone has a good day :)
:hi: hi kfs. Sorry about your loss. I think you will find a lot of support here.

My period has been surprisingly normal (first one since mc). Three days of medium flow and it's already tapering off. My doctor seems to think I will ovulate again soon so I've been reading up on woman who get pregnant on their period. Interesting. Some women who were having trouble getting pregnant starting BDing very early in their cycle instead of around when they thought they were ovulating and got pregnant!
Linny - When is your doctor's appt? Have you called them and told them about any of this? I know it may be nothing, but I think you should get checked out and describe everything to them in detail, even if you're bright red, so they will know exactly what's going on.

Kfs - I'm sorry about your loss. I hope you find a much better and positive doctor.

Lindsay - I hope you feel better very soon.

LL - I hope you feel better too.

kls - Good luck with the ultrasound and all. What is it for?

Slg - Yay for a normal period. I'm glad it didn't beat you up badly after so long. Will make it easier to get started BDing early too.

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