Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Kim, I'll be thinking about you tomorrow - I hope your ultrasound shows that all is well :)

Sara, sounds like a good plan re. the meds - hopefully you'll ovulate on your own this month and won't even need to consider meds next month :)

LL, beautiful bump pic :) I'm looking forward to seeing your progression photos!

Bright, good luck this month!

Blue, good luck to you this month as well!! I really hope you'll have a wonderful surprise in a week or 2 :)

Linny, I'm sure your scan will go well on thursday, looking forward to hearing the updates!! When do you see your doctor? I hope you're feeling a little better.

Crys, how are you doing?

AFM, we've had an awful weekend. Hubby was hit by a car (he was walking across the street in a cross walk with a green light) on friday night and has broken his right leg (thank god it wasn't worse). Silly man drove himself home after it happened because he didn't want to call and panic me - when he got home I could tell there was definitely something wrong with the leg, he couldn't really put weight on it at all. So finally convinced him that we needed to go to the ER, sure enough it's a broken fibula and they told us it'll likely take about 8 weeks to heal. Because it's his right leg, he can't drive, at least for a while. He's going to see a specialist this week and we should know more after that appointment, but for now he's pretty useless, can't get to work because he can't drive (and it's about 1 km from the bus stop to work which he can't really do in crutches, especially because it's winter and could be icy), can't walk the dog, or really do much of anything with the crutches which leaves it all to me which I am finding quite stressful... but trying not to let him know because he feels so bad about everything already. We're really hoping he'll be back on his feet by the time baby comes....
Lindsay - so sorry to hear about your husband's injury! I know exactly how it feels to be left to do everything when your husband is injured and it is definitely not fun...especially when pregnant! I hope he heals up very quickly and can be fully mobile when the baby comes. Is work understanding about him missing work for a while? Could he take a taxi some days or get a ride to the bus stop?

Linny - I am looking forward to hearing about your u/s on Thursday! That will be wonderful.

Blue - thanks. That sounds like a good idea just to avoid testing this time.

AFM - My DH is doing quite well and is a lot more independent now which is a weight off my shoulders. I am still sick but doing well and I have a four-day weekend this weekend (Monday is a stat holiday, and I took Friday as vacation) so I'm really looking forward to relaxing then. Also, the m/s is not subsiding yet and I started throwing up the moment I woke up on Saturday! Sigh!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Lindsay: I'm so sorry about your husband's leg but what a relief that he wasn't more seriously hurt! Scary!

LL: You did say you wanted morning sickness to reassure you that you are pregnant. Sounds like you got it! Hope you are feeling better.

AFM: I did decide to go natural this month and.....I have EWCM today! Yea!! I'm so, so, so hoping that my body will ovulate on it's own this month. We have BD every other day since day 3 to make sure that bases are covered. I think I'm only day 7 or something now but my Dr. said it was likely that I would O early if I was going to O.
I totally missed LL's bump pic post! Just had to go back and check it out! Nice bump missus! Love your hair do too! So pretty. It's a shame then that there's no sick pay there....and pregnancy isn't really the best time to look for new jobs either. Glad to hear your DH is doing better though..sorry about the ms though, I hope it does go away soon - you could possibly think about some anti-sickness meds if it starts to be too much for too long? x

Cryss - Good luck with waiting it out! Are you O'ing or meant to O around about now? Yes, seems like the mucous is probably a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome combined with internal hemarrhoids for bleeding (they make a lovely pair!)...IBS has been a b*tch to me in the past so it makes sense. Yes I can't wait for the 20 week either! I'm so looking forward to seeing them x

Bright - I would say your temps seem lower in the tww partially because the coverline seems high - which is probably due to that high CD1 temperature. I know it's cheating but if you deleted CD1 temp then all your temps after ovulation would be above the coverline.

Lindsay - Oh no that sounds dreadful! Did your hubby get the drivers license? So, the light was green for him to cross? Surely that's a srious offence by the driver? Sounds like a bit of a nightmare for him to get about then. Are work being generally understanding of the situation? x
LL, I'm glad to hear your DH is on the mend :) I hope your cold and the m/s go away soon! You know, maybe all the m/s means you're having a girl... there is that old wives tail about lots of morning sickness meaning that you're having a girl ;) Yes, fortunately DH's work has been very understanding... he called this morning and they said to make sure the are "the least of his worries". As of friday he was only a week away from finishing his 3 month probation and getting medical benefits. We are looking into the logistics about getting him to work when he is cleared to go back - as it will be an auto insurance claim, we're wondering if they would consider covering taxi costs so he doesn't have to be off work. I can also drive him some days, and after we speak to the doctor and know more about time frames, he's going to ask if there's anyone who lives nearby, who drives in at a similar time who he could carpool with. Hopefully it'll all work out okay.

Sara, excellent news about the EWCM!!! I think your body knows what it's doing :)
Sara - Yes, I have been thankful for my M/S and I really don't mind it but now that the second trimester is here I would really not mind it leaving at any moment since it has no bearing on pregnancy outcome at this point!

Linny - thanks, dear! I have been taking Diclectin at night sometimes when it gets too bad.

That's good your mucous problem is nothing too serious but it doesn't sound fun at all.
Linny, yep, the light was green for him so he had right of way. The car that hit him was turning left. Unfortunately he didn't get the license plate number - it was a hit and run so he just has a general description of the vehicle. We've taken the necessary steps (filing police report, getting medical attention, alerting the insurance company). It has also been suggested we post some signs at the intersection looking for witnesses so will look at doing that later this week.
Oh no, Lindsay! I hope he heals quickly. When my daughter broke her fibula very close to the ankle, she was in a cast for 4 weeks and a boot after that. She could walk soon after she was in the boot, just not for long periods of time for a week or two.

Linny - I hope the IBS gives you a break soon.

Sara - Yay for EWCM. Sounds like you're body is figuring things out on its own.
I totally missed LL's bump pic post! Just had to go back and check it out! Nice bump missus! Love your hair do too! So pretty. It's a shame then that there's no sick pay there....and pregnancy isn't really the best time to look for new jobs either. Glad to hear your DH is doing better though..sorry about the ms though, I hope it does go away soon - you could possibly think about some anti-sickness meds if it starts to be too much for too long? x

Cryss - Good luck with waiting it out! Are you O'ing or meant to O around about now? Yes, seems like the mucous is probably a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome combined with internal hemarrhoids for bleeding (they make a lovely pair!)...IBS has been a b*tch to me in the past so it makes sense. Yes I can't wait for the 20 week either! I'm so looking forward to seeing them x

Bright - I would say your temps seem lower in the tww partially because the coverline seems high - which is probably due to that high CD1 temperature. I know it's cheating but if you deleted CD1 temp then all your temps after ovulation would be above the coverline.

Lindsay - Oh no that sounds dreadful! Did your hubby get the drivers license? So, the light was green for him to cross? Surely that's a srious offence by the driver? Sounds like a bit of a nightmare for him to get about then. Are work being generally understanding of the situation? x

Linny - thanks, I deleted it and it is still there. Should I give it a few?
Linny, yep, the light was green for him so he had right of way. The car that hit him was turning left. Unfortunately he didn't get the license plate number - it was a hit and run so he just has a general description of the vehicle. We've taken the necessary steps (filing police report, getting medical attention, alerting the insurance company). It has also been suggested we post some signs at the intersection looking for witnesses so will look at doing that later this week.

Did anyone stop to help him, witness, anything?
Lindsay - you must have been writing your post while I was writing my last one!

That is excellent that your dh's work is being so understanding of the situation. I am glad he can just focus on getting better and not have to worry about the work situation for a bit. I would hope that maybe your insurance would cover transportation costs. Is there a way to call and find out? Sounds like you have some good ideas about how to get him to work once he's able to. Does he at least have an office job that he'll be able to do with his injury?

Crys - how are you doing these days?
So glad hubby's work is supportive. When my cancer was diagnosed my employer was awful to me. Very stressful because I was the primary income. I think insurance paying for taxis is reasonable and a good idea.
kfs01 - I'm sorry about your blighted ovum and that you find yourself here :hugs:. But hope the change in doctor will help you out lots and this is an awesome group of ladies, so know you're well looked after here too. Are you not going to try until after AF then? xx

Lindsay - I'm so sorry about hubby's accident :friends:. What horrible timing (I know it's never really a good time to break your leg though!), I hope he heals up quickly, I can only imagine how stressful it all is for you, especially being so far pregnant but going back to one of your earlier posts, you really should start releasing some of your clients now, especially if you're going to be needed more by hubby etc. Do everything you can to de-stress, that's my advice, not easy I know.:flower:

I've broken my right arm a fair few times now (my fault, crazy on ski's!) and I've always said I'd rather break my arm, than my leg. There was lots of things I could still do, though was lucky to have hubby, as made him wash, dry and straighten my hair for me :blush: (mainly because oddly he was SO good at it!!!! But I've promised him I wouldn't tell anyone that!!):haha:.

LL - You're so beautiful!! And tiny!!! You're going to have the cutest little bump, even when you're full term! I loved seeing you pic and hope you'll give us weekly updates!!:flower: I've taken to very naughtily, not wearing my bra very often :blush:, I tend to wear huge jumpers (as it's cold anyway), so no-one can notice and it's so much more comfy, I know it's bad but at least I'm happy! Hence no more pics for you ladies yet, but will take another when I see a difference in the bump.

SLG - Fantastic news about the ovulation, it all sounds so promising, I've really enjoyed reading your posts and now am eagerly awaiting all your future updates, please keep us posted about your symptoms etc. Wouldn't it be so wonderful if this is your cycle, I'm rooting for you [-o< xxx

Kim - I really hope the scan goes well today, it's amazing how far forward technology is these days, got everything crossed they give you the go ahead and everything's perfectly intact. Keep us posted :hugs: xxx

Crysshae - Can't see any crosshairs on your chart yet, when do you think you ovulated? How many dpo are you now? Any symptoms etc to report?? Hope you're well too :flower: xxx

Bright - Your chart could look a little off because of a couple of temps in the middle too, it's always hard to gain a good picture of a chart if a temp is slightly off and soemtimes you can't tell when they are because you might have slept badly but forgotten to put a note in etc. Fingers crossed AF stays aways and this is your month :thumbup: xxx

Linny - Sounds like you're going through the mill a bit at the moment. Is there any medication the doctor could give you to help ease the pain and discomfort a bit? I'm so excited for your 20 week scan, 20 week scans are the best and especially so if you're finding out the gender too!!:dance: I'm having slight regrets about not finding out, as buying things is quite difficult but still sticking to my guns and leaving it a mystery (though have taken to calling my bump my little girl... so if it's a boy he's going to be mega confused by mummy!!!):haha:.

Blue - You've been very quiet. I hope you're doing ok? How's the TWW treating you?:friends: You do know this is your year don't you?? This is your Big Fat Sticky Positive year, hang in there, chin up. Let us know how you are xxxx

AFM - Same old, same old! Busy with work and houses but all good otherwise. Hubby finally felt LO kick at the weekend, was lovely but he's been too scared to feel again... men!!:wacko: xx
Bright - Hmmm - I think I agree with Aleeah on this, the coverline is related to the time round your ovulation - if it were me i'd have put your crosshairs 2 days earlier which would definitely bring the coverline down, that seems to be to do with the opk +'s. either way, I don't think they're too low, rather I think the coverline is higher than i'd have put it at if that makes sense? x

Lindsay - I hope you manage to track the guy down then, his insurance should be covering it - is that right? Also, great to hear his work is being good about it, it makes such a difference in life to have an employer who's on your side. Still, not what either of you want at this point....will he be ok in time for labour driving duties? x

Sara - You're joking? I don't know what possesses companies to be such ass-hats sometimes. As well as being pregnant - that must have been really tough :hugs:

Aleeah - Good to hear your hubby got to feel LO kick! exciting, even if he's a bit afraid :haha: They do say the mothers instinct is good in most cases - so I reckon it's pretty strong bet your babe's a girl! I call baby him and DF calls it a her. :haha: Hopefully we can get this gender confusion sorted out! Yeah I can't wait, after all the endless scanning in the first tri it's really odd to have had nothing for 8 weeks! I have had anti-spasmodics for ibs before but wasn't offered to me this time. Suggested more fibre so will try that, also less fruit and more water. x

Afm - Today in work a few people have commented on the bump who didn't previously know, seems like it's properly popped. Oh, and the heartburn is bakc - how i've missed you old pal! :haha: x
Im glad your Dh is alright considering the circumstances!! it could have been a lot worse!!!! I can,t believe he drove!!!!! these men I tell ya....

Yesterday I ended up going to the hospital because one of my friends had to have an emergency c-section after getting gastro. She went in to get an IV and came out with a c-section. geez. Anyways mommy and baby are well and the hospital is actually quite nice. Im thinking I might got here if one day things work out for me.

I won't lie that it was really hard to be there, I know It was good that I went to support my friend and her husband, but It took every ounce of willpower to keep my sh*t together.... My first due date would have been feb 16 and I lost my second pregnancy jan 16 2014 so its kind of a sad few days.

Im not sure what,s happening with my lady bits. I havent felt a twinge or anything. I stopped spotting which is good (?) no cramps no nothing, I think my ovaries are on strike!!! No but seriously. Im going to wait till the first week of march to see if I get my period andthen we'll see. Hopefully I dont have to take any period inducing medication. And I can't wait to get my test results!!! Metformin pleaseeeeeeeeee or something, or clomid or anything at this point!!
Aleeah - It's so fun when DH gets to feel the baby kick. Why is he afraid? Mine was never afraid. He would just get bored with sitting there with his hand on my belly trying to feel it, as every time I told him "here it is" and he would put his hand there, it seemed the baby would get still. Lol.

Linny - It's cool that people can tell you're pregnant now. Sorry about the heartburn.

Sab - My first due date from last year is February 17th, so it's been on my mind a lot lately too. I pray for your comfort. I know it's hard with your friend having her baby. I'm glad you were able to be there to support her.

AFM - My crosshairs should show up tomorrow, so 2 dpo today, the start of the waiting game. I had hardly any twinges or pain this time around, which I usually do have. Felt a few cramps near O which I don't usually have. If I have symptoms, I'm going to try and ignore them. I DO NOT want to test early again.
Linny & Aleeah - I only slept late on the date that is is 98.8. Other than that they are all at the sametime every morning 6:15am. Also I don't know how to move it. I deleted the other temp and it did move. Any instructions on how to move it. I have been reading up on the low temps and alot of sites say it doesn't matter as long as you have 3 above the coverline after that your temp can be every and anywhere. All of this is just so confusing. I don't know what is true/correct. I use more than one app and this is the only one that puts some of my temps below coverline. I will see if I can attach the Ovufriend chart so you ladies can see and make suggestions.
Ok I figured it out. Ok now look at Ovufriend chart. I think it looks much better than FF. What you ladies think?
Bright - yeah seems like they use different algorithms to figure out coverline placement. I can't remember how you manually overide settings in FF. Either way, I think your temps are fine!

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