Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Ah, I missed a page. Bright - sorry you were feeling depressed! Don't worry about only having 3 days of solid flow. The month I got my BFP I had an exceptionally short AF!
Bright - I'm not sure if you do or not?? I know some women say their cycles are wonky for a bit after mc, I'd be inclined to put it down to that but maybe your doctor will have some advice. X

I really hope that is what is going on because the first AF af MC was normal but this one was crazy and I just want to make sure that it's all normal. So I will check with my GYN/OB. Thanks for the info and support.
Sab- I totally get what your mean. I was full of the negative thoughts and like linny I went in search of positive stories. Relax and enjoy your next couple of days. You will get there love.

Bright- I think its maybe still a result of mc dont worry too much love xxxx
Sab - I'm sorry you were feeling so down. I hope your new outlook helps you enjoy life and gives you peace. You will have your day in the sun with your rainbow baby!

Bright - I think we all have changes here and there but we don't notice them as much when we're not TTC. If it's something that concerns you, call the doctor.

LL - FF says my test date is Monday, but that's the day AF would be due at the latest, depending on 13-14 day LP....so I would think Tuesday would be the better day to test, if AF doesn't show up on Monday.
Sabster - :hugs: this might not help but -I think all of these feelings are familiar to many of the women on this board. no two ways about it - it's shit. But I get what you mean, it is just too much to have to live every day like that. I took a lot of hope from positive stories on these boards (just have to learn to filter good from bad tales) and from reading a lot of statistics. I knew - and you should know - the odds are greatly on your side. In the meantime its a case of patience and some form of distraction - lots of comedy shows. 30 rock was my life saver :haha: anyway, hoping this cloud passes quickly x

Thanks Linnypops. I intellectually know that the odds and stats are with me and all that. I know realistically, odds are I will eventually ONE day have a(some) kid(s). I guess it's the emotional aspect of it that is driving me bonkers, I am not a very trusting person and I am abisolutely petrified of feeling vunerable and not in control, which is exactly what this journey is pushing me into.... having said that, I have to change my outlook or I'm going to be extremely miserable. I was actually quite happy before I became pregnant. I stopped giving a sh*t about it and BOOm! it happened.

Anyways, I have a few decisions to make, whether or not I will temp and whether or not I will ''actively ''TTC....but more imporantly I am hoping my libido comesback from whereever it's hiding!!!! BD is the first step in actually getting pregnant HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
I stopped temping. And stopped worrying so much about it all and it took me by surprise this time! I had to do something different it was getting me really down. Wiether of it was that or the royal jelly or just luck I will never know xxxxx
Wow, lots to catch up on in here!!

Crys, your chart looks amazing! I think you'll be testing next week ;)

Sara, that's great news that you ovulated on your own again this month! Here's to hoping DH's swimmers did their job as well and the egg finds a nice soft landing spot :) I hope you enjoy your trip!

Blue, I love the pic of the digi test! Sounds like things are progressing as they should. Sorry to hear about the bad dreams, pregnancy after a loss is scary but it will get easier! Definitely normal for sore boobs to come and go a bit. I hope you enjoy your time on the mainland :)

Sab, sending some big hugs your way :hugs: Everything you've said is so familiar... it will slowly get easier. In the mean time, make sure you do some nice things for yourself.

Bright, glad to hear you're feeling a little more positive now :) Fingers crossed for you this month!

LL, Linny and Aleeah, how are you ladies doing?

AFM, we got some good news yesterday, the auto insurance has agreed to taxi hubby to and from work until he can drive again, so he's back to work on monday :) We're also going to get some help with the cleaning for the next 5 weeks which will really help. I went for my non-stress test and growth scan today and all looks good. Baby is still just under the 50th percentile and they estimated his weight at 2.1 kgs (about 4.5 lbs). The ultrasound tech said he'd probably grow about 2 lbs a month from now on so we're probably looking at a 7 - 8 lb birth weight (although I know these estimates can be really off). The other good news is that he is now head down :)
Omg lindsay!! I cant believe how close you are to holding your little boy! That is so very exciting ! All the measuring sound on track!! Hope we get to see a little picture of you little bundle! Bet your bump is getting huge!! Xxxx
Sabs - Tell me about it! The pregnancy which ended in mc was an accident (a very happy one until I lost it), prior to that, despite being well into my late 30s I really didn't think about having kids much - I felt like I had a great life and really wasn't concerned either way....But as soon as I got pregnant, that was it. After the mc I could think of nothing else but getting pregnant again, but like you - really didn't like the lack of control and feeling of vulnerability that goes along with it. It was like being between a rock and a hard place really - desperate to be pregnant but really missing my old happy-go-lucky self as well....I was just very lucky to get pregnant fairly quickly afterwards or i'd probably have been a bit of a basket case.

RE: libido - yeah I think that's quite important :haha: - I think that might just come back when you're ovulating? That would be natures way. We did do a lot more going out to dinner and movies after the mc, bit more romancing, partly to take my mind off things but the knock on effect is knookie. Still hard though to go back to that carefree afternoon sex attitude. Anyway, i've rambled enough but I hope you get it sorted in your own mind a bit and get the positivity back. X

LL - Doing good thanks! I know, half way! It's crazy! You must be starting to feel that big growth spurt by now! Any more movements felt? x

Cryss - Tuesday it is then! I am mighty impressed now - the day AFTER AF! :haha: brilliant. I can completely understand why though.X

Bright - yeah might as well check with them. i'm sure it'll be fine though X

Lindsay - Wow great news on all fronts! Insurance companies aren't generally known for their good attitude here but that's great! What a weight off your minds it must be. And really good to hear your LO is head down. :) It's all coming together.

Blue - How's yer tum today love? x

Afm - Feeling loads more movements which is very reassuring, and no longer relying on the doppler to feel ok about things. Have decided i'm SO sick of boring old soft drinks when eating out or having dinner at home so have ordered a load of ingredients for mocktails! This weekend i'll be trying out virgin pina colada. Hi carumba! X
Lindsay - It's great that the insurance company is being so helpful. I'm sure y'all will be glad for DH to get back to work.

Linny - Enjoy your "drinks"!

Blue - How are you feeling?

Hope everyone is doing well today!

I think I'm out. Feeling a bit crampy today which shouldn't happen until tomorrow or Sunday if AF is coming. Hope she's not early.
I thought you had a BFP?? I'm confused.... it's normal to feel crampy when you are PG, your uterus is ''expension'' mode :) I know its hard to get attached when youve had a negative experience with a pregnancy, but enjoy it as much as you can!!

Im feeling way better today, Im not sure if its the fact that ive had a huge coffee today, but whatever it is I need to relax and let goooo!!!

i think I will temp for the next month to see if Im ovulating at least and then go from there. Im not really good at it. i usually just write it down and then my Dh helps me... when I did it i go pregnant the first month but the software didnt recognize my O date... anyways... maybe I should try the other website.( i forget the name) Im sorry Im very flaky when it comes to numbers and data entry and all that, its like my brain shuits down.
Not this cycle. I had one early last month, but it turned out chemical...the reason I'm not testing early this time around.

Fertility Friend does a really good job of finding O, although it can get confused in those first months when it's trying to learn your pattern. If you give it all the information you have as correctly as you can, it will figure it out. Ovufriend is one everyone is using also. Seems you have to pay for it now, where FF does have a free option. I like temping. It helps me feel like I at least know what's going on - halfway. Lol.
Cryss - Mmm, my symptoms of pregnancy seem to involve feeling more than usual AF feeling in the run-up. Ya never know anyway x

Sabs - if you've got an iphone you can use the fertility freind app and just stick the number in each day - much easier than going on the pc or noting it down.
Lindsay - That is wonderful that your baby is doing so well! It's so cool that they can estimate the weight and such (even if it's just a rough estimate). It really is not long before you're holding your little bundle of joy! I am so excited for you! Has it sunk in yet?

So wonderful about your auto insurance being so accommodating! I never knew they would be so helpful! Glad to hear your hubby will be back to work on Monday. Does he get any of his salary covered with EI, or has he not been making any income the last few weeks?

Linny - Good for you! A mocktail sounds really good right about now! I have had a couple of them when we went out to eat earlier this pregnancy and it really was a nice treat! I think my favourite was a virgin strawberry daiquiri. Mmm!

I think I felt a little bit of something a few days ago but nothing since. I am getting eager to feel something stronger and more often but I know the infrequency is common at this point. I still don't have a noticeable bump, but I can easily feel the edges and top of my uterus when I prod my stomach, which is kind of cool!

Sab - As for BD-drive, I never got mine back after the m/c (not that I really had much of one before...). BD sessions were scheduled and pretty clinical feeling (ick) but the truth is you don't have to be into it to get PG...you just have to get through it! :haha:

Crys - With this BFP, I got crampy really early! So probably a good sign! :) You can't really know at this point, but I wouldn't say the crampiness is a bad sign at all.

Blue - How's the little preggo feeling today?

Bright - How are you?

LJ, Teacup, KLS, SLG - Haven't seen you in a while. Any updates?

AFM - Not much to report here. I am definitely enjoying some increased energy now (still rather lazy/unmotivated, but I can stay awake during normal waking hours now!), and although I'm still suffering from major smell aversions, the nausea has really improved as well. My only complaints are some minor back pain due to my SI joint, and increased heartburn and indigestion. I also have been WAY less bloated since 12 weeks which I think is the biggest treat of all! I can actually - see - where the bump starts and ends instead of looking 6 months gone already! I'm still kind of moody too, but I think my angry spells have subsided into just general crankiness...which is probably better for everyone. Baby can hear my voice now, so I need to start using some more soothing tones. :winkwink: I remember thinking you all were SO far along at 16 weeks, but now I feel like I am still at such a boring point of not noticeably showing, not feeling definitive movements, etc. Can't wait til I "pop"!
Thanks guys! Hope you're right.

LL - Glad your nausea is letting up.
LL - I remember that bored 16 weeks feeling well! Couple more weeks and it'll change for good.

Blue - how are you missus? How's the mainland treating you?

Hope everyone else is doing good?

Afm - The piña colada mock tail was a success! Although this morning I've woken up to a slightly angry tummy. Think that's more down to the tagine though. X
Well I'm very nervous, but here is a test I did this afternoon after holding my wee for two hours... this is 10/11 dpo! Can you see it? It's better in person. Photo taken before the 10 mins was up! Hopefully I'll see a more obvious line when I test with fmu tomorrow. xx


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