Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Guys im beginning to worry. Im 5 weeks 1 day and still dont really have any symptoms I have slightly sore breasts and hurtburn sometimes I dont feel bloated or anything :( xxxx
Blue - It's perfectly normal to have no symptoms. Every pregnancy is different. The only symptom I had when pregnant with my daughter was heartburn. I had no idea I was pregnant until I realized my period was late, and I still had no symptoms except heartburn for the entire pregnancy.
Sara - I'm not sure if progesterone makes a difference to pregnancy rate (one might assume it gives a lusher uterine lining??) but I used the natural cream from 9dpo till 14 weeks. There was no harm in it and I decided to use it to help support the pregnancy - I had no idea if my levels were low/normal/high. I know supplementing with 50mg B6 daily helps increase progesterone. Also, Black cohosh on CD1 - 12 of the cycle increases progesterone and pregnancy rate. (I have study links for these if interested).

Cryss - hehe, that describes me even now (supplement cocktail) - one sort of hopes that whatever else happens we'll be healthy with it all!

Sabs - I don't think it's uncommon for this to be the main reason that pregnancy's don't happen! They say luteal lengths are the most reliable time in the cycle but it's blatantly not the case....And - An active vagina is a happy vagina :haha:

Blue - If you were able to dig out my posts from 5 weeks this is pretty much what i was experiencing. Nothing but mildly sore boobs and then heartburn at about 7 weeks began in earnest. Nothing to worry about, though I know it's natural to. x

Afm - i've started to have real difficulty with back ache, it's in the middle/upper part and gets worse after sleeping and sitting for long periods. I woke up in quite a lot of pain this morning and all day sitting in work and i'm in agony. So, shall be speaking to the midwife asap to ask about referral for physio. Meanwhile work will be getting me a back rest and am taking breaks to walk around every 30 minutes. Can't believe that particular pain is beginning already although suppose it's to be suspected as i'm tall and also have no core body strength :haha:
Blue - I also had next to no symptoms at 5 weeks 1 day. My morning sickness kicked in at 5 weeks 6 days and lots of people report it doesn't start til between 6 and 8 weeks. Hang in there!

Linny - sorry about our back pain. I'm not surprised it has started already as mine started at 8 weeks! I hope some physio will help you out a lot. Good to work on it now before it gets worse.

I spoke too soon about the appetite thing. My insatiable appetite seems to be back! I can't count how many snacks I had this morning, and if I waited longer than 15-20 minutes to eat I started gagging. Yay! Haha I guess I'll have to stock up my snack drawer at work again.
Guys im beginning to worry. Im 5 weeks 1 day and still dont really have any symptoms I have slightly sore breasts and hurtburn sometimes I dont feel bloated or anything :( xxxx

From what I have read symptoms can be quite mild at this stage. Try not to worry too much, so long as your tests are getting darker then everything will be fine. :hugs: xxxx
Thanks guys. I need to stop this worrying so hard. It comes in waves. Feel a bit more relaxed now. (For the time being) xxxx
Blue - Impatiently awaiting your update!!! Fingers and toes crossed your scan/appointment went well today, I've no doubt it would have done, this is your rainbow!!!:hugs: xxx

Lit - Snacking on good stuff is good for you and baby, so lap it up! Your appetite may well suddenly disappear, so you'll be glad for any weight gain you can put on now.:flower:

Linny - Sounds like you may have Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP as it's now known, same as SPD). Try keeping your knees together as much as possible, so don't cross your legs or anything and the exercise ball helped me no end. I've also got a stomach/back support belt for if/when things get really bad, but since that first episode I've not needed it and now just make sure I do all my pelvic exercises (tensing your tummy when you need to stand up etc helps tonnes too). I managed to track the leaflet I got given by my physiotherapist down to a PDF, so I've attached it for you to view, hope it helps :hugs:xxx

It won't let me attach it as it's just too big, so here's the website link:

SLG - Good luck with trying this month, I've got a good feeling about this month for you, keeping everything crossed :thumbup: xxx

Sabster - Your comment about your vagina being elated made me laugh!!:haha: We did it every other day, with no missing any dates for 6 solid weeks... 6 weeks!! Almost drove us to divorce!!!:blush::haha: The upside we did conceive that cycle but sadly miscarried. And then this one, we were using precautions and here I am!! So it's all a mystery but good luck with the every other day method this month and try and think up new ideas to keep you both interested!!:winkwink: xx

Teacup - Stunning test line, so pleased for you:happydance: xxx

Crys - Sorry AF came, I thought it was your month but loving your attitude, this cocktail might just take a month or so to kick in, so this could well be your sticky month :hugs: xxx

Lindsay - How are you doing? xxx

AFM - Same old same old xxx
Haha sab I did the every two day thing. It was a nightmare but it must have worked for us. Good luck! What cd will you start on?

Sara - she doesnt seem concerned too much which I guess it a good sign! Xxxx

I think Im going to start as soon as AF stops. which came this AM!!! WOOHOOO!!! FINALLY A PERIOD!!!! I was beginning to go insane. I cant handle being overly hormonal.
Im mentally preparing myself for every othr day.. I know it sound mean, but my libido is not so high!!! my DH would live in my vagina if he could, but Im more of a once or twice a week type of girl. :happydance:

Also, don't worry abotu the lack of symptoms, it's pretty early. I had sore breasts heartburn ( more like constant burping) and constipation. a week later I had no apetite and only ate white bread with butter.... so like the other ladies said. Everyone is different. Dont stress out and hope for the best!!!
Morning :) Just trying to catch up after a few day... lots to read!!!

Teacup, congrats!!!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: Your tests look great! I think this one is going to be sticky :)

Blue, don't worry about symptoms coming and going, totally normal at that stage. I didn't have much in the way of symptoms at 5 weeks... they started around 6 weeks-ish. I'm glad you told your family and that they were so excited about it!!

Sara, excellent news that you ovulated on your own again!! I think that's a good idea to try on your own for a few months if you're ovulating - no reason to think it won't be successful :) Good luck!! I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed that this is your month!

LL, glad to hear your doctors appointment went well :) That's too bad your scan can't be booked sooner... 6 weeks seems a very long wait for an ultrasound when you're pregnant... they seem to be booking mine the week before I have them (doctors office does it). I always have a little panic while the doctor is finding the heartbeat with the doppler... even now. Fortunately it's very quick now because she can feel baby and has a good idea of where the heartbeat will be.

Aleeah, I'm glad to hear your PGP has improved! The baby clothes thing confuses me too! I recently picked up some used baby clothes from a friend of a friend... all the really little stuff (newborn size) because apparently they wear that size for a very short period of time... and some babies don't even fit the newborn clothes when they're born.

Linny, your mock-tails sound very tasty!

Crys, glad to hear you feel like the supplements are working!! I hope they help you produce a nice, healthy egg this month :) The ride on the motorcycle sounds exhilarating! I always think it looks like fun, but I'm rather paranoid having worked with people who have been in motorcycle accidents - make sure you wear leathers and a helmet!!

AFM, it's been an stressful few days. My blood pressure has been creeping up again which has resulted in a few calls to the on call doctor, and then some med changes which resulted in headaches, which freaked me out even more because that's what they keep telling me to watch out for. Fortunately all seems well now - I saw the doctor yesterday and there is no protein in my urine. He also ran some bloodwork and if anything is awry I should get a call today. I've also developed a weird rash on my face... it started out just looking like I was very flushed, and now it looks flushed and is a bit sore. He said it could be a pregnancy thing, but that it looked more like a malar rash (that you'd get if you have lupus). Due to my pre-existing autoimmune issues he's worried about that - so I've had some blood work for that too. Hopefully it's just a pregnancy thing and not something more serious. Good news is baby is doing great, and is kicking up a storm these days (and nights)... sometimes I can even see what looks like a knee or foot or elbow or something sticking out, lol. I've also started feeling hiccups in the last week which (after I reassured myself is normal) is quite cute :)
Sabs, glad to hear AF has made her arrival and you can start fresh with a new cycle!! This is your first AF after m/c right? I found I felt much better emotionally after the first AF came and went... I hope it will be the same for you. When we were ttc I had to mentally prepare myself for every other day too, lol. The scheduled BD can be difficult.
Lindsay - Sorry to hear you've been experiencing some stress with your blood pressure issues. Good the meds seem to have it under control and the headaches were nothing to worry about. That is weird about your face rash because I actually developed some weird red blotches all over the right side of my face the other day and it made the skin all sore to touch. However, it's gone away now so hopefully it was nothing serious. I hope yours is nothing serious either...it's probably just pregnancy-related as there are oddly a lot of weird skin conditions you can get while pregnant.

That is very cute about the baby hiccups and definitely quite normal! How is your hubby doing now that he's back at work? How is your back doing? Are you getting excited to be done work? Do you have anything left to buy before the baby's arrival?

Aleeah - I supposed that's a good thing if you have nothing new or major to report. I hope your PGP is staying far away and that you are doing okay.

Linny - Hope your back is feeling better

Sab - Good luck this cycle.

Crys - How's the boring part of the cycle going?

Teacup - How are you?

Blue - Do you have any dr's appointments or blood tests on the horizon?

AFM - Well, I seem to have come down with the exact same illness I had a couple weeks ago -- sore throat, fever, chills & hot flashes, congestion, and feeling like utter crap! After tossing and turning all night will the chills/sweats, I knew I wasn't going to make it into work for the morning. I got up to take my morning meds and immediately threw up. I then took my temperature and found I officially had a (low-grade) fever again. :( Last night I had felt very feverish but didn't actually have a temperature. So of course that triggered lots of worry about the baby again. I took a Tylenol and went back to bed. Unfortunately, I have to go into work this afternoon but at least I'm feeling somewhat better than i was. I'm not sure if the puking was from pregnancy, or the fever (or both). I really can't say I'm too thrilled with my lack of immune system these days, even if it is for a good reason. I hate worrying about how my fevers will affect the baby.
Hi everyone,

I've been reading this thread the past couple days, and it's finally time to join in the fun.

First of all, you are all such amazing women. Thank you for your stories and your optimism.

My hub and I are trying for baby #1. We got pregnant in December (my first pregnancy), but I miscarried due to a blighted ovum. I found out on 1/27/14 and miscarried on 1/30/14.

I'm waiting for AF to show up, then we intend to start trying again.

I'm 28 days past mc. I purchased some OPK (wondfos) and they started showing a second (albeit fainter than control) pink line, so something is happening.

I just want my body to get back to normal after all this.

I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances, and wish all of you the best!
alternatedi - So sorry about your loss. We all know what it's like. It does sound your body is gearing up to O finally. I know all I wanted after the initial shock of the m/c was over was to get pregnant again. I, too, waited for my first AF to try again and it felt like torture waiting, but I was glad I did. I hope AF comes quickly for you.
Linny - I hope your midwife can help you relieve your backache.

Aleeah - :hugs:

Lindsay - Oh my goodness. I hope everything sorts itself out very soon and that the rash is just caused by pregnancy. Hiccups are a perfect thing for your healthy little one to have at this time. I love watching them.

LL - Your appetite or cravings are a good thing. They are telling you what you need to nourish you and baby. I just saw your new post. I'm sorry your ill again. I hope you get better very soon.

Sab - Yay for AF! Good luck this cycle!

Blue and Tea - How are you lovely preggo ladies doing today?

Sara - How are you?

Alternatedi - I'm so sorry for your loss. Welcome to our group. You will find lots of support here.

AFM - Yep, just waiting through the boring part. Lol.
ALT- Im so sorry for your loss mrs! Your in great company now!

Linds-so sorry for you bp trouble hope your starting to feel better soon and it calms down!

Lit-that rubbish your feeling so crappy! Hope you feel better soon!

Crys hope the days go quicker for you!

I am ok!! My appointment was cancelled because im preggers. Said they wernt going to scan me anyway. So I will get bloods when I go home and my 9 weeks scan att he end of march. Felt crap travelling today so sick though I was going to loose my breakie on the poor soul infront of me. Boobs arent as tender today. Makes me worry but im trying to think positive. This is my rainbow this is my rainbow!!! Im crap at keeping this from my family! Lol xxxx
I saw the doc this morning for my appointment to say I was pregnant and she said she couldn't send me for blood tests or an early scan. So I guess I'll just have to wait it out! I've been quite worried today as I have had a couple of strange twinges in my uterus area. I really hope AF doesn't show! :nope: I did another test today which was nice and dark so hopefully everything will be okay. [-o< Are slight uterus twinges normal at this stage? Also I'm MAJORLY bloated today! My jeans that were too big for me last week don't even button up now!

An embarressing story that was probably related to pregnancy brain: Last saturday (before I knew I was pregnant) I did a urine pregnancy test using my wee pot when I got home from work and had to get dressed really quickly because my SIL and family were coming over. I quickly hid the test in my bedroom and got changed, then whizzed around tidying the house. Then the doorbell went and they were all here. After chatting to everyone for a while I suddenly thought: 'Did I throw the wee back in the toilet?' Turned out I hadn't and my SIL had seen it in the bathroom! How embaressing! :blush: She told OH and he got rid of it and he sort of mumbled his way out of it. Oops! :haha:

Emma - My boobs weren't very sore last night and I freaked out a bit! I think symptoms coming and going is fairly normal, but it does make us worry! We'll get through this together and be at 12 weeks in no time! :thumbup: xx

Lit - Sorry to hear you're not well at the moment. I hope you feel better soon! Take it easy for the weekend. :hugs: xx

Alternatedi - Really sorry for your loss. :hugs: I'm sure you'll get your rainbow baby soon! xx

Lindsay - Thank you! Aww cute you can feel baby's hiccups! :cloud9: I hope your rash clears up soon and you feel better. :hugs: Could it be anything to do with the cold weather making your cheeks sore? I think your skin is meant to be extra sensitive when you're pregnant. I hope your blood pressure settles. xx

Sabster - Glad you have reached cycle day 1! Good luck this cycle! xx
Tea - Yes, twinges are normal. Everything is moving around in there and growing already.

Blue - There's the symptom to replace your tender boobs, nausea. :)
:hi: Hi Alternatedl. Welcome. Sorry about your loss.

Teacup: your twinges are absolutely normal. The uterus is starting to expand to prepare for baby. Sorry your couldn't get the reassurance you were looking for.

afm: just waiting out AF. CD3 today. My aunt is having surgery tomorrow for breast cancer and I'm trying to figure out how to make it to see her (2.5 hour flight) next week and still be home for ovulation.
LL, sorry to hear you're sick again! I hope it doesn't last long this time! Good to know that you had a rash on your face too and it's now gone... I'm hoping mine will be the same and he was just over reacting. Hubby is doing well back at work and I think feels much better just being back to normal a bit :) I haven't really had much back pain either, just the odd day here and there - actually aside from the last week of feeling generally unwell, I've been feeling pretty good... just a little more tired than usual.

Alternate, welcome and so sorry to hear of your loss :hugs: There's a lovely group of supportive ladies on this thread :)

Crys, yep, it's definitely fun watching baby move and hiccup!

Blue, yep, this is your rainbow! End of march isn't too far away now :)

Teacup, uterus twinges are totally normal and to be expected :) I had a laugh about your pee cup story, lol. At least it was just your SIL.

Yep, I was wondering if it was the cold weather causing the rash as well... the only reason I mentioned it to the nurse was because it started the same day as my blood pressure went up. She also thought it might just be wind burn or something but then the doctor came in and was staring at it for quite, and in fact was more concerned about that than my blood pressure. He said the location of the rash, as well as the fact that I've been feeling generally unwell the last week, have lost 3 lbs, and have sore finger joints (could also be due to pregnancy or my pre-exisiting arthritis) made him concerned. Hopefully he's just over-reacting... I'm feeling much better today and BP is back to normal with the med adjustment from yesterday.
Teacup - twinges are extremely normal! I still gets all sorts of twinges and cramps at this stage.

Loved your embarrassing story! :haha:

Blue - well I wouldn't worry about the lack of sore boobs with your nausea! It really is hard to keep the secret!

Lindsay - I really hope he was overreacting too and all those happening at once are just coincidences

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