Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Teacup-i think we are going to worry about this together. Im getting wierd twinges to so I wouldnt worry about it! (Otherwise I might join you) lol. And that story with the SIL is hilarious! So told my parents! (Dad step mom and 2 sisters ... on of them a baby... lol ) and they are pleased for us. Just hope its a healthy little bean... no pressure little one haha!

Linds- that sounds frightening ! Glad yhe bp is down. What did doc think it was ?

Sara-are you and crys not real near each other this cycle ? Hopr you and hubbie manage to get some bding in this month!!

I know there is mistakes in this message. Im to blooming turrd to go fix them. You can just guess what im saying !

Lol Blue - Being "turrd" is definitely a good symptom. Funny note - my phone autocorrected that to tired when I spelled it. Haha!

Sara and I are pretty close. I'm on CD5. Hopefully we'll be bump buddies soon like you and Tea.

Sara - I hope your aunt's surgery goes off without any complications and that you can get to see her and back on time.

Lindsay - Glad you're feeling better today. Hope that rash clears.
Yes we are close, crys. I'm CD3 although last cycle I O'd on CD9 or 10 so I may end up a bit ahead of you in the wait. My aunt is having a mastectomy tomorrow. I think she really wants me around because I also had breast cancer and kind of understand what she is going through. Although I kept my breasts and just had my tumor removed. No matter how you slice it cancer just stinks! I'm 3 years cancer-free and my mom is almost 10 years. Hopefully my aunt will join us and we will continue for many more years without having to deal with cancer.

blue, I didn't know turrd was a pregnancy symptom. I'll have to watch out for that one :rofl: I'm glad your family is happy for you!

Tea, it's not uncommon for me to have a cup of pee sitting on my bathroom counter! :haha: Luckily I use the bathroom in our bedroom which guests never see.

I spent the afternoon sewing for my daughter. We gave her the bed from the guest room. It's a queen size but they don't really make queen size bedding for kids. She insisted on Minnie Mouse so I bought a full sized comforter and I'm sewing a border on the edges to make it big enough. So far turning out pretty good...amazing since I'm not a great sewer.
I think it was one of you ladies who wanted to see my recent picture of Emily. Here is is :) If it wasn't you guys I mentioned these pictures to, you can feel free to oooh and aaah anyway :haha:


  • Emily from Becky.jpg
    Emily from Becky.jpg
    30.5 KB · Views: 5
Sara - She is beautiful!

It's wonderful you and your mom have been cancer free for so many years. I pray the same for your aunt. Do y'all have the BRCA gene?
we actually do not have the BRCA mutation. I'm convinced that our cancer is genetic I just think it's in a gene that we don't know how to test for yet. I'm hopeful that testing and treatment will come a long way quickly in case Emily ever has to deal with it.
Right just make fun of the tired first trimester moron here! Can I just add it was like 1 in the morning and I had been in my feet all day!

I had MS today! It was horrendous but I feel so positive about this being a good pregnancy! Lol boobs arent so sore today though!

Sara- your daughter is soo beautiful!!! I love her red hair! She's going to be a little heart breaker ! Xxxx
Lol Blue! :hugs: Hope MS doesn't treat you too badly.

Sara - It sure sounds like it is genetic. I hope they figure it out too.
Sara, your daughter is beautiful!!! I love her red hair :) I hope your aunts surgery goes well today and she has a quick recovery and remains cancer free.

Blue, I agree with the others, turrd is a very good symptom, lol. I hope the ms doesn't give you too much trouble, but glad to hear you're feeling positive about things :) I'm really excited for you!

As for me, I'm off for a non stress test this morning, then a full day of work. All these appointments are really making it hard to get anything else done!
Hi everyone.
Just checking in to say good morning.

Still waiting for AF to show -- my OPK were slight pink yesterday (which I know is a negative, but at least they weren't stark white).

It's been 11 days since my hCG hit 0, and still nothing. I really want to get this show on the road.

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!

Blue - yay for MS!

Sara- I hope your aunt's surgery goes well

Lindsay - I hope your non stress test went well.
Hi all! On my phone so forgive me if I miss anyone!

Alternadi - first of all, really sorry for your loss. This is a really positive group, very supportive. Hope your positive opk turns up soon x

Blue - happy sick day! I hope you aren't quite as sick as you were last time! That sounded awful! But yeah that's a very positive sign! X

Sara - your daughter is just adorable. Her hair is beautiful! So great that yoi and your mum are C-free - i hope yoir aunt recovers swiftly. Did you know it was a higher risk for you before you found out? As in, was it suspected to be genetic?

Lindsay - the rash sounds unpleasant. Crikey, the symptoms of preggo just keep on growing! Hope it all turns out ok. Hopefully not too many more tests but sounds like you're in very good hands anyway!

Teacup - twinges are fine. I had a really painful one on my left hand side which lasted for days, no explanation. Think sonetimes you can have pain from the cyst the ovary produces.so much is going on in there x

Aleeah - thanks for the pdf! not sure if its spd, it's higher up in the back than where it says? I'm so glad yours is feeling better now. Do you find you need to keep moving (even slightly) to feel ok? Basically this is the sitch with mine - if I am immobile for more than 10 mins the ache sets in.

Cryss - time to get bd'ing soon then!

LL - sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish again. Paracetamol reduces temperature and I'm not sure but I'm guessing you'd need to have a pretty high temp to affect things. Can you discuss with your doc? Hope you feel better soon x

Afm - yep still suffering with the back but fortunately movement sorts it right out so went swimming last night and felt 10 times better. Off to visit a pal tomorrow who has a ton of baby stuff for me. This week I also got all my other friends old maternity wear and other bits and pieces.... My bid to have a cheap and cheerful first year might just happen! :haha:
Linny - that's great you're getting lots of hand me downs and that swimming helps your back.
LL - yeah it's great! I just edited my last post to ask about your illness ATM?
Linny- sorry about your back pain. But I also love swimming ! And its also great to get spoilt !

Alt- sounds like you might o soon! Good luck!

lit hope you feel better soon!

hows everyone else ?

Afm-ms isnt so bad. Comes and goes. Lol feels worse when I dont eat! Xxxx
Thank you for the reassuring words everyone! xx Today I had an awful headache, was very irritable and had occasional very low down cramps. Only about a couple every hour or two but it still worried me. I'm still scared all these symptoms are warning me AF is coming! I've still got sore boobs and very dark positive pregnancy tests though so hopefully things will be okay.

Emma - Congrats on the MS! :thumbup: xx

Sara - What a beautiful picture of your daughter! Such lovely hair, lucky girl. xx

Alternatedi - I hope AF shows for you soon! What cycle day are you? xx

How is everyone else? Hope you're all good! xxx
I had them too teacup. Is AFs due date passed yet? AF is not coming. Lol it was me getting this told to them a couple of weeks ago ! Xxxx
No AF for you Tea! When pregnant with my youngest, I had a headache every day of the first trimester.
Linny - thanks... I took a Tylenol which I think is the same as paracetamol (acetaminophen) and thankfully the fever didn't last long and wasn't very high. I'll have to remember to ask about it at my next dr's appointment but I assume she would just tell me to do exactly what I did. I know Tylenol is supposed to be safe for pregnancy, but I always feel guilty when I take it. :(

Blue - yes, you may have to adopt the constant eating habits that Linny and I adopted to stave off the nausea! I'm glad it's not so bad yet!

Crys - I had a headache every day from 8 weeks onward (and still do but not as bad)! I guess it is a common first tri symptom. Bleh! Guess you'll be wishing for headaches this TWW? ;)

Teacup - sounds like you are experiencing all normal pregnancy symptoms. Try to breathe! I hated week 4 because it's sooo painfully early... But you'll get out of this scay phase soon!
Thank you ladies. Well the slight crampy feelings have gone now, but so has my tender boob feeling! :-(

I have been freaking out today because my boobs now just feel completely normal! Is it normal for symptoms to come and go?

I did a digi to try to reassure me, it came up Pregnant 2-3 which is good as I'm 4 weeks 3 days today. Here it is along with my cheapy progression pics - I have tested every day like an obsessive. :blush:


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