Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

sorry bright, I don't see anything. Just a shadow on the wal mart test.

I find that chewing peppermint gum helps with nausea. I eventually had to go on Rx meds for my heartburn during pregnancy. I was doubled over with chest pain. But, my heartburn was also exacerbated by the chemotherapy.

Sorry, no time for a proper post but my dd is requesting oatmeal :)

No ovulation signs yet for me but I'm only CD6. My OPKs are negative now which has been a good sign for me in the past that I will O this month. Keeping fingers crossed and carrying on.
Sab- glad you have a more positive attitude this month. That might be all you need. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Sara-fingers crossed for you too! Lol must go attend your dear daught!! :haha: will you get more tests to see if you O this month? Xxx
Blue - yay for MS! Contrary to Sara, I found that peppermint gum always made me feel more sick. Lemon candies, lemonade and lemon slices really helped me though.

Lindsay - sorry your insomnia has returned! Mine is off and on now instead of every night which is nice...but fri night I was awake from 2 am to 6 am! So annoying. I hope that gets a bit better for you. Do you have some comfy extra pillows to sleep with? I am already super uncomfortable at night so scared to see how uncomfortable I'll be later on! I am so glad your workload will be reduced next week. Good luck in these last few weeks!

Sara - still so early yet! I'm sure you'll O fairly soon!

Linny - Any new symptoms?

AFM - my nausea is still coming and going. I have days where I think I'm cured and then suddenly I have a day where I'm nauseous all day again (like today). Oh well. At least it's letting up a bit.

I am starting to feel more fluttery/twitchy movements (at least I hope they're movements) so now I'm obsessed with just sitting really still on the couch and waiting for them. :)

My uterus feels achey with any pressure on it now so I am officially wearing maternity jeans for the long haul now!

I am still sick with my cold, but not bad. I got my mole removed yesterday and that went well.

Bright - I can't see anything but I am on my phone.
Wooow for mat pants lit!! And thanks for the tips!!! Glad the sickness is going too. Long may it continue! !! Xxx
Slg - fingers crossed for a good O this month. Sounds like things are pretty well back on track!

Lit - ah sorry the sickness and insomnia are still hanging about a bit, I think us ladies up at 2am need to start some hobby you can do in the dark.... That sounds rude on second reading ! :haha:

Re:symptoms well trying not to say too much else I'll moan endlessly. But basically back ache. Really bad. I also had a lot of stomach cramping last week which upset me but after THREE DAYS! Ended in a bowel movement. Jeezo. Had a mw appt yesterday and got a bit upset that she measured me at 21 weeks when I'm 23 according to ultrasound. She assured me it wasn't precise and so has dr google, but y'all know how it is! So yah. I'm being a moaning Minnie. Still, plus side is I can feel her wriggling about much more obviously and in my insomniac moments it's nice to have a but of quality 'us' time :haha: x
Linny sounds like you are having a hell of a week! Glad the stomach pains turned into a bowel movement! Big hugs to you! Xxxx
Linny - :haha: You're funny... But you're right...the time awake would be a lot better if it was spent doing something useful. I never get a book out to read or anything because I'm always convinced I'll fall asleep before I know it, but it never happens so I probably should just get up and do something.

So sorry your back ache is just getting worse! Have you gone for physio or a massage yet? Maybe sitting on an exercise ball like Aleeah does would help? I love hearing about symptoms because I usually discover that we have many in common which makes me feel less alone!

Sorry about your tummy pains but glad they're better now. Also wonderful about feeling more movements now and having that to entertain you at night! :haha:

Try not to obsess over your measurements! I have read it is totally normal to be off by +/-2!

Blue - I am still so excited you're pregnant. You sound so perky! I am glad you and teacup get to be bump buddies. :)
Blue, we've got a short list of names, but are going to wait and see what he looks like before we pick one :) Have you thought of names yet?

Bright, I can't see anything on those tests... but are you only 5dpo? It's probably too early. Give it a few more days and you should have a better indication :)

Linny, sorry to hear you're suffering from insomnia too! I have also decided just to read when I'm awake, it seems to help me get back to sleep faster because I'm not thinking about falling back asleep. Don't worry about measuring small, there's huge variation in those measurements. I've measured small the whole time (and everyone tells me I look very small for how far along I am) and baby is growing right along the 50th percentile.

Sab, glad to hear you're feeling more positive :) I hope the SMEP works for you this month!!

Sara, here's to hoping you ovulate on your own again this month and it turns into a nice, sticky, bfp!!

LL, that sounds like movement to me :) Hopefully your nausea will soon be a thing of the past! Hooray for maternity pants!! They're comfortable aren't they? I have days where I think I'm going to be sad to have to go back to regular pants, lol.

AFM, baby was thoroughly checked out today (NST, amniotic fluid levels and doppler then a visit with the OB) and is doing great. He's still head down and apparently right on top of my cervix. Had my group B strep swab as well, and OB brought up induction again. As of now the plan is to "play it by ear" and see how baby and I continue to do. If all is well, I would prefer to wait so fingers crossed that everything continues to go well.
Lindsay - I'm so glad that such a thorough examination of your baby has shown that all is well! It is getting sooo close now! Really, he could come any time! I am glad your dr is still 'playing it by ear' in regards to induction. Has your blood pressure ever been high again since that one incident?

Please tell me you'll post another baby bump pic before you pop! I just love the 30+ week bumps!

Mat pants are very comfortable. I will probably still wear mine on particularly bloated days. ;)

So exciting that you have a little baby name short list! I can't WAIT for your birth announcement!
I agree about the maternity pants. I was sad to have to give them up!

Lindsay, I'm so glad that your scan went well. I was completely fascinated by my 20 week scan. Amazing what they can see in there. I had a great tech who explained everything she was looking for and pointed everything out on the screen.

AFM: just hoping I O this weekend
Sabster - Glad to hear you're feeling more positive, no matter what's happening that can only make things better.x

LL - Yeah, I tend to wait for about half an hour before taking action like fiddling about with my phone to get the audio book running, or checking emails under the bed covers :haha: I find that after about an hour of lying awake I fall asleep easier if my mind is occupied. RE: the back - just waiting to get a slot for physio and will be starting yoga classes next week. Meanwhile it's a DIY back support pillow and a lot of stretching. It gets worse by the day however (It's sitting which causes it, and my chair + desk in work is not ideal). Last night was really agnoising so am trying a different chair today. How's your hubby doing in his recovery? x

Lindsay - Yeah, worrying about falling sleep is the fastest way to be awake for several more hours :haha: I'm so relieved to hear you had the same thing with measuring smaller but baby still being fine. Of course in my mind when she told me 21 I started to imagine the worst but I did a bit of searching about and it seems like fundal height is just a rough estimate. The top of my uterus has been sitting in this exact position for about 4-5 weeks. So, if she'd measured me every week i'd have been ahead, then bang on, then behind. I also remember that initially I couldn't feel it anywhere and then it was siddenly just under my belly button, so it seems like it's not the standard 1cm per week they claim it to be. Wow, youre so close. Glad to hear everything was good today and baby's in the right place :) Hope they don't push you into something you don't want to do. How's your hubs doing?

Maternity pants rule. I convinced a non-pregnant woman in the office to get herself some. :haha: X
I have been so rubbish at replying properly. Sorry guys MS is brutal in the morning and while travelling! ! And travelling is all I have been doing. Literally just got off the bus too early because I thought I was going to hurl! ! Now on the train to see if this is any better! !

I wish I was at the mat pants stage and past this sicky stage. Lol.

Linny I wouldn't worry too much about baby being a bit smaller is hard to get accurate readings when they stay to curl up.

Linny - I hope you find some relief for your back soon.

Blue - I'm sorry morning sickness is so bad for you right now. Do you have any time of day your feel better?

Lindsay - Yay for a wonderful scan. So glad everything is right on track.

LL - I hope that nasty cold leaves you completely soon.

Aleeah - Hope you're doing well.


AFM - My cycle just keeps getting stranger this month. It has me beginning to wonder if I O'd yesterday.... :shrug:
Crys looks like you might have. Yeah ms gets better in the afternoon usually unless im travelling which I have been today. So its now just went and now tiredness has kicked in and no doubt it will be back soon haha. I really am not complaining. I knew this came with pregnancy. Its just not a nice feeling when its here. And the the constant fear that im going hurl over someone on a bus or train haha! Xxxxx
Cryss - I was wondering that yesterday - but then saw you were CD10 so assumed not? I guess only the next few days will tell! Have you 'covered all your bases'? ;)

Blue - Nice to see you've got a good attitude towards it! Feeling ill sucks but it's all worth it :) x
Linny - good for you! My BFF has never been pregnant and wears mat jeans all the time for comfort! :haha: nothing wrong with that!

That is weird about your FH not changing for 4 weeks but clearly it's not always super accurate and maybe your baby is growing in big spurts and then slowing for a bit.

Oh, and my hubby is pretty much completely recovered now. He's doing great.

Blue - traveling on the train would be TOUGH with MS! I have a hard enough time with motion sickness without pregnancy! I am glad ou get some relief in the afternoons sometimes.

Crys - I hope your chart gets clearer soon.

Sara- I do hope you O this weekend as well!

AFM - my nausea got severe enough this morning that I threw up at work. Ick! Baby must be having a growth spurt this week... What a mischief!
Woow crys haha ! Might be a long month of bdinh for you! Did you get any O pain? Xxx
Alternatedi - I hope AF shows for you soon! What cycle day are you?

Hey teacup,

So tomorrow will be 5 weeks since my miscarriage. I'm on day 34 today and still no AF, although my face has never been more pimply in my adult life.

Today I have some back pain, so hoping this means she's on her way!
O totally snuck up on me this month. Day 7 and my OPK went pos and back to neg in less than 12 hours. Wackadoo :wacko: luckily I figured out that something weird was going on and we snuck in a bd today. I felt plain awful for 3 days: moody, anxious, queasy. I o'd and immediately felt better. Odd month.

Alternatedi, hope AF is on her way. I feel your pain. I have weird cycle issues anyway but my mc cycle was 111 days!!

Lit, so glad hubby is on the mend :)

Emma, so sorry you are feeling so ill. It is a terrible feeling. I'm remembering what pregnancy feels like since my hormones are playing some mean trick and I've been queasy for 4 days. I'm betting mine isn't nearly as bad as yours though. Hang in there. It should get better before too long :hugs:

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