Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Wish I never said anything about the ms ! Today is worst than ever! Teacup I get those cramps but when I pass wind or do the loo it relieves it! I get it every morning (apart from yesterday). What time of day did you get it ? Xxx
Thank you alt (I just seen the post). Im so sorry that your having to go see your co worker go through her pregnancy. I know you are happy for her bur I also know the hurt your feeling! Hopefully you will get your little baby rainbow quick! Do you know what cause your MC? Xxxx

Bright your very patient I wouldnt be lol xxx
Hey Ladies,

Sorry for being absent for so long, work is still manic, lots going on. My this thread has grown, I'm so sorry for the length of this post... and I thought it might be a short one when I started out!! :blush::haha:

Blue - Fantastic to see your ticker progressing, hoping you're keeping busy whilst away to help the time go by quickly? I found the early days to drag too but after I had the first scan under my belt it's flown by and I'm hoping it slows down soon as still have so much to do!!:wacko:

The MS is a good sign but still not comfortable I can imagine, just hang in there, hopefully it'll pass before you know it :hugs: xxx

Teacup - Lack of symptoms in terms of MS is completely normal, I only had it for a week this pregnancy and to be honest most days, even up to now don't feel pregnant at all :friends:

I can understand you wanting a scan before you go away though, I only had a wedding to go to in the UK when I was pregnant last time and wanted a scan just so I knew I wouldn't worry on the day, going away for 5 days would probably push me to pay for one. But it is such a lot of money, so I can see your husband's point of view too. It's so annoying you can't feel babies earlier on, that would so good for reassurance!:winkwink:xxx

Crysshae - YAY for CM!!:wohoo: Keep going with baby dancing!! Going to be stalking your chart daily now, any ovulation symptoms other than cm for you this month? And are you continuing with your cocktail?? xx

Alt - I'm sorry you have to see your co worker pregnant and due same day :hugs:. I can't imagine what that would be like, I still sometimes cry for my lost babies now. I feel so selfish for it as I'm so lucky to have this little miracle and doesn't make me love it any less or be any less grateful but I think some grief stays with us for life, regardless. Being pregnant again, though hasn't erased the sadness, it has softened it, I hope you catch again real soon, sending you lots of hugs :hugs: xxxxx

Bright - Well done for waiting, it's sometimes more stressful actually testing than not, so maybe hubby is right to say to wait. Your chart is still looking good remaining over the coverline, hopefully this is your month for a sticky bean [-o< xxx

Kim - Lovely to hear from you, you belong here, you really do, please don't feel like you don't. :hugs::hugs:

It's nice to have control over certain things whilst TTC or WTT, I threw myself into exercising lots whilst what I thought was waiting to conceive this one (apparently this one was already there though!:blush:) and it helped me so much. Gave me something to focus on and honestly dragged me out of bed early some mornings!!:haha: You always sound so positive and I can imagine your happy little rainbow is literally just a little fluffy white cloud away :friends: xxx

Linny - So glad your back pain is easing. I wonder if you have the same issue as me, baby being tranverse? My pain comes and goes too but as the baby is big enough to be felt easily now, I can tell the pain is only there when baby is lying on its back. I'm glad your pain has eased for now and seriously consider the exercise ball, I know it's strange to sit on one at work but I've seen a few pregnant women and even some men use them during the day.:haha:

Lindsay - Yay for meeting your little boy soon! :dance: Have you finished work now? I do hope the doctors let you wait it out and have the birth you'd like though. I know I won't be letting my doctors do an induction unless it's really necessary. My midwife assured me that in the UK they're moving away from inducing unless it's necessary, apparently letting women go well over due dates etc these days xx

Lit - Yay for telling everyone at work!!:yipee: I'm still struggling with that. I told some more people this week and everyone was in shock that I'll have a baby in 3 months, now wish I'd said something earlier, as I get the impression they think this baby isn't wanted which is why I kept quiet!:growlmad: People who haven't suffered losses just don't get it. Also big yay for maternity pants!!:happydance: I always find I'm pulling mine up but I think that's because I'm buying the wrong size! I thought your size goes up too but apparently not the case...!:wacko:

Sara - Love that it looks like you ovulated on your own again, go your body!!:happydance: You're like Superwoman to me!! I'm also impressed you managed to get a bd session in to cover all bases. Hoping you've created a superbaby in there :hugs: xxxx

Sabster - We used the SMEP method after my miscarriage in May last year, it worked for us, as we conceived twins without AF in between but did go onto unfortunately lose them but I felt much more in control using the SMEP method, though it was VERY tiring!!:winkwink:

Getting results helps no end, I felt lost when they wouldn't test but felt so much better the last time, as I knew I'd have answers. Turns out the answer was still we don't know why but that for me was enough :hugs: xxx

GemGem - I'm sorry you find yourself here. I joined this thread at the beginning after my third miscarriage. These ladies helped me through so much, from moving on from that one, waiting for ovulation and falling again with twins. To the sadness of losing them too and then this little happy surprise. I don't think I'd have been half as brave as I was without them, lean on us as much as you need to, it really does help.:hugs:

I fell pregnant within what seems like weeks following my D&C end of August last year. We weren't trying and in fact using precautions but things turned out the way they did anyway. And this little kicker had other ideas :blush:, so here I am. It's possible, I was seeing a fertility specialist when we discovered I was already pregnant and she assured me there was no reason to have waited to try, other than dating, which they can get around with an early scan anyway :friends: xxx

Molly - I'm so sorry for your loss. It's an awful experience to go through but one that I found bonds us ladies in a unique way. Like I said to Gem, lean on us all you need to, it will help and any advice you need just ask, no doubt one of us would have experienced the same at some point. But remember, you will get there :hugs:, you'll have your beautiful take home baby, I didn't believe it would happen for me, 4 miscarriages and losing 5 babies later but here I am. I still don't fully believe but facts don't lie, I am nearly 27 weeks pregnant. You'll get there too :friends: xxx

AFM - Well I've been busy and my little 'cherub' is not helping. Baby is still insisting on lying on it's back, which gives me a really odd shaped bump but thankfully my back and hips are learning to support the baby in this position now, so I'm in a lot less pain (in fact none most days). My fundal measurement was way off last week, at the time baby was head down and I was 3cm over where I should be, so I don't really think it's very accruate. My midwife says the scans are a far better measurement anyway. My scan date has moved from 17th March to 13th March now, so I'll keep you all posted on that.

I had an 'incident' with a bowel movement at 1am the other day. I hadn't gone for days and days again, so drank a decaff tea, half a litre of prune juice, half a litre of apple juice and a litre of water. Then went to bed... well that cocktail worked. My god it felt like it nearly killed me!!:blush: TMI alert!!!!! I stared at the poo that can only be described as the size of a baby in the toilet and thought, hubby will never believe how big it was.:haha: I flushed it away, having said my goodbyes and then watched in horror as the water started rising.... the poo was so big it had blocked the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!:blush::haha:

Hubby came running to the toilet to see what all the water over flowing noise was.... I could have died of embarrassment, whilst he stood about in tears of laughter! That poor man, the things he has had to go through with me... it's a wonder we're still married!! Needless to say, I'm continuing my crazy cocktail daily with less litres, so I don't block anymore toilets up!!!!!:winkwink:

Oh my god Aleeah! I am absolutely pissinh myself laughing at your jobby story! Haha!!! Thats hilarious! :haha:

Ms is brutal today... an di have a rash on my face!!!!!! Anyone else had this ? Xxxx
Alt - I'm so sorry you're having a rough time right now. It is very hard when you hear someone else has the same due date as our little ones lost.

Blue - I hope the MS gives you some relief today.

Aleeah - Oh my goodness. Lol! Still on my cocktail. Just waiting. No idea if all my bases will be covered at this point. DH flaked out on me last night with a headache. Thought that was my job. :wacko:
Thank you alt (I just seen the post). Im so sorry that your having to go see your co worker go through her pregnancy. I know you are happy for her bur I also know the hurt your feeling! Hopefully you will get your little baby rainbow quick! Do you know what cause your MC? Xxxx

Bright your very patient I wouldnt be lol xxx

Blue - Trust me it is really hard!!
Aleeah - thanks, and you're right it is more stressful to test before. I had a dip yesterday so I now have 1 below the coverline. But we will see. Thanks for the encouragement. :hugs:
Teacup - The trapped wind/cramp issue is almost a daily wind up for me. I can't go to the toilet without first having a series of cramps which then result in a minor poo or perhaps a bit of wind. It's ridiculous. Basically as soon as progesterone starts up - say goodbye to normal bowel function. :/ Anyway, cramping isn't a sign that anything's wrong. x

Blue - Oh, never had a rash - is a bit early perhaps for the pregnancy mask? I can't think what that could be. Sorry though - that sounds a bit much! We all like symptoms, but not ones we've never even heard of before :haha: X

alternatedi - Finding out about other pregnancies ranks high in the list of traumatic things to happen following MC. We all feel your pain. :hugs: Just try and keep in mind that your rainbow is right around the corner X

Aleeah - :haha: Oh god the poo thing...it's killing me! <wipes away tears>...Yeah it's odd how the back pain just started and then stopped again as quickly. I'm glad you're out of pain now too. I have an excercise ball and might bring it in if it carries on again. I'm starting to be annoyed with fundal growth tbh - I wish my MW had never even brought it up! There's no way a fundus grows by 1cm bang-on each week. And as your baby shows, position is everything! 27 weeks is 3rd trimester no? if so - woooo! Awesome X

Bright - My partner wrestled them off me too. It is better to wait though - a false negative is far more stressful than a genuine positive later on X

Afm - Back still seems ok, sore but not excruciating. Movements getting stronger...I keep trying to see if my fundus has gone up any more...but apparently you can't feel them grow by 1mm a day no matter how much you rootle about. :haha:
Thank you for the advice on the cramping Emma, Lit and Linny, xxx I wasn't completely sure if it was caused by wind or not, but thought it might have been. Today the side I had the cramp felt a little tender. I did another cb digi and it came up 3+ which reassured me a little. I've run out of tests now so can thankfully stop that obsession!

Linny - yay for strong movements! What is a fundus? xx

Emma - Glad your MS is back! Though I hope it eases for you! I feel completely normal today, not even sore boobs! :-( My cramps were yesterday in the evening, about 30 minutes after eating? I had pizza, which always bloats me out, so that may have been the cramp culprit. I seem to remember someone on this thread having a rash on their face but can't remember who. I hope yours clears up soon. xx

Aleeah - Thank you, I'll try again to see if I can get a scan on the nhs - the bad cramps yesterday freaked me out so maybe that will sway them. If not then I'll probably pay for a scan - it would be worth it so I know what's happening. Your toilet story made me laugh! :haha: I hope the flooding wasn't too bad and your hubby managed to unblock the loo! xx

Crys - Are you nearing ovulation now? I hope you catch that egg! xx

I hope everyone is okay, and you all have a lovely weekend! xxx
Teacup - I had a terrible left sided pain around your date and the EPU saw me (because one sided pain can be ectopic) - it wasn't of course - but it was really abd and I thought there was no way that could be normal....but it was :shrug: Who knows, the body is mysterious. Also, the fundus is the top of the uterus. At about 24 weeks they start measuring it at your appts - if they are more than 3cm out (I think??) They send you for growth scan to check babys size. Anyway, I think it's just another way in which a PAL woman can obsess :haha: X
Aleeah :rofl: I gave birth to some poo babies during pregnancy and chemo. Not fun! Bet you are feeling much better now though.
Blue - Sorry your MS is so bad today. At least it's a good sign! I know that as miserable as it was, every time I threw up I couldn't stop smiling afterwards. It felt so good to be having a 'normal' pregnancy. I hope you don't get hyperemesis this time though.

Aleeah - Yes, they say you're supposed to just buy your pre-pregnancy size (although people who gain 30+ lbs will usually tell you they end up going up a size or two by the end. I bought my normal size (actually a size smaller because my normal size was too loose on me) and already my hips have grown so they are somewhat snug! I'm sure they'll fit for a while but I'm guessing I'll have to go up a size by the time I'm 7 months pregnant.

I'm sorry people have assumed you told people late because your baby wasn't wanted. What an awful assumption. It's true that people really can't understand though, unless they've been through it...and even then. When a girl at our church didn't tell anyone til 17 weeks I felt really confused why she wasn't telling people (especially because her bump was really obvious at 13 weeks) but I did wonder if perhaps she'd had a miscarriage before (I would never have thought of that if I hadn't gone through one), and sure enough she had.

That is so weird about your baby's strange positioning! I hope s/he moves into the proper position in good time before birth! I can't believe how far along you are already! Bump pic soon? Do you get tested for gestational diabetes soon?

Linny - Yay for stronger movements and a not excruciating back! Sorry your fundal height is still bothering you. You may find that one day it will suddenly grow a whole cm...like mine did last week from Friday to Saturday! One minute it was halfway up to my belly button, and then the next minute it was just just a finger's width below my belly button! So be patient and I'm sure your FH will increase soon. :)

Teacup - Yay for a 3+! That's better than I ever got this pregnancy! It sounds like things are going very well and I can't wait til you're further along and can enjoy pregnancy more.

Sara - How is the TWW?

Crys - How is the pre-O wait?

Lindsay - How is your hubby recovering? Are you still feeling quite strained and tired out with all the extra work you're doing? I sure hope he is back on his feet (literally!) before the baby comes. :hugs:

Any exciting weekend plans, everyone?

My hubby just started a new job (he landed a really terrible-paying part-time job to help pay the bills as he continues his search for a 'career' job we can actually live off of) and is working odd hours so I am along for the evening! Bleh. I think I'll settle in front of Netflix and have a lazy evening (...as if that's different from any other night :haha:)!
Hi everyone! It took 5 weeks, but AF showed up this evening! I cried happy tears and immediately called my husband...now I'm eating chocolate!!

Never been so happy to start my period!!!! :D
Alternatedi- yay, that's great! It's always such a relief when AF finally arrived after a m/c. Enjoy your chocolate and good luck this cycle!
Hooray alternatedi! It does feel strange to celebrate AF doesn't it? Glad you are back on track.
LL, glad to hear your hubby found a job - hopefully it'll just be short term and he'll find more of a career job soon! Yep, time sure is flying! One of my client's parents told me today that she thinks my baby is coming next week, lol... I hope not! We're not ready yet! I will post another bump pic soon :) My blood pressure has been high in the past (pre-pregnancy) and has crept up a little in recent weeks, although is very well controlled with medication now so that's why they're keeping such a close eye on things.

Sara, I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves maternity pants, lol. Yes, scans are amazing aren't they? They can see so much detail! We also got quite lucky with our 20 week scan and the tech was explaining everything as she went along.

Blue, sorry to hear the ms is getting to you, I really hope you won't end up with hyperemesis again! At least it's a good sign that your hormones are rising though :) I have had a rash on my face too.... seems to be gone now though.

Kim, it's nice to hear from you :) I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea too... I've heard the same things and a few people suggested I start drinking it in third tri to help strengthen and tone the uterus. I think it actually tastes quite nice.

Linny, glad to hear your back pain has eased up a bit! Hopefully the swimming helps even more!

Crys, sounds like ovulation is coming soon! Hopefully you can catch the egg and fingers crossed it's a lucky month for you :)

Teacup, I see your dilemma about the early scan. I wouldn't worry about the cramps, I too had cramps all through first tri, I think it's quite normal (although scary!)

Alternate, sorry to hear about your co-workers announcement. The same thing happened to me after my m/c - she was due the same day as I would have been too. I was really happy for her, but found it very hard to be around her and hear about her pregnancy progressing, etc. I hope your rainbow will come along very soon! On the positive side, that's great that AF showed up!!

Aleeah, I had a good laugh about your toilet story, lol :haha: Fortunately for me that has been one thing I've managed to avoid during pregnancy - I'm missing a whole bunch of my small and large intestine so constipation is pretty much never an issue for me. Apparently swimming and cat/cow stretch are good for helping to position baby :) I've got 2 more weeks of work officially - although by the end of next week all of my clients will be transferred over to other therapists and it will just be administrative tasks, etc for the last week. It's getting very real now. I'm feeling much the same way about induction - if it's necessary, I will do it, but if everything is fine, I would like to wait for baby to be ready.

AFM, I'm very glad it's friday :) It was a really busy week and I'm tired, but next week will be better (and the week after that, even better!). Hubby is slowly improving and getting better and hopping around the house to do some things, lol. The non-stress tests have become less stressful now that I've come to an agreement with the nurse that she won't grill me about the symptoms of pre-eclampsia, but instead will chat about happy things - I know what to look out for and will certainly let her know if anything is amiss. Seems to be working because I even had a normal blood pressure reading at the hospital today (it's always a little high when I'm there). Baby is doing great and was estimated at 5.5 lbs today at the growth scan (which I had no idea I was having until I got there for my other appointment, lol). The plan for this weekend is to start washing the baby clothes :)
Lindsay, am I right that rrlt can cause contractions? Maybe something to double check. So happy to hear that your pregnancy is going so well :flower:
Hey ladies. Did any of you have bad morning sickness? If so when did it last to? Did anything help ? Struggling to eat food again. Xxx
Ahh emma.. sorry you're so sick.. I never actually vomited, but was very very nauseaus... couldn't eat anything!! I took the meds, which I didn't think worked until i stopped them and realized that they really did help, the ms didn't go away but the meds definately took the edge off. For me the only thing I could eat was carbs, carbs and more carbs.... i hope you find your food that works for you. I also found smoothies, were really good for me, or milkshakes, they would fill me up and then once that had set in, I could usually get something else into me...

good luck!!

Thanks Kim. I hope I find something that goes down OK xxx

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