Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aww sorry AF is on her way :(.

Just got a call to say I have an early scan next Monday at 4.20!! Lol that will be me flying away again on sat! Xxx
Hello Ladies,

I am just checking in how is everyone. I am a little bummed AF is coming (spotting) and she is early and was late last month and only lasted 3days. I really don't know what is going on with me lately but it has me an emotional wreck. I really felt like my body was normal because it started out normal after the MC but the last 2 cycles have been way off track and I am so pissed. :cry::growlmad:](*,):confused::confused::hissy::hissy: I give up!! I brought B-6 and Folic Acid yesterday thinking I would take when my new cycle started but I am so frustrated with this crap that I think I am going to take them back.

Sorry ladies I just had to vent I am just so pissed.:growlmad:

:hugs: hate that you're going through that. I'm still waiting on my 1st AF or BFP (whichever comes first). AF is due Thursday, so we'll see.

I was a Depo user and had wonky cycles forever. it's so confusing and frustrating. Stay strong! We're here to support!
Linny - It really is comforting! I wish I felt it even more often. It's so exciting the movements you're feeling are a lot stronger now.

Blue - Yay for being 7 weeks! :happydance: And that is so great that you have an u/s booked for Monday! I can't wait to hear the good news.

Teacup - I'm glad you're getting an u/s to make sure all is well. The left-sided pain is definitely normal but it will be wonderful to see the baby for reassurance! I hope you see a hb.

Crys - That is frustrating about FF messing up your charts! I'm glad you changed it manually. You know your body best!

Lindsay - I agree - you must post a bump photo very soon! That is so great that you're getting offered help at the grocery store, etc. One of the perks of being pregnant. ;) I hope you enjoy your last week and a half of work and it's not too crazy! If it would be better for your baby to come early, I do hope that your baby comes a bit early naturally! :flower: Hopefully that RLT will help move things along.

Bright - So sorry you're so frustrated with your cycles! Hang in there. I recommend taking B6 and Folic Acid because you really never know, and both are important for the baby (and B6 can even help with fertility)! Good luck!
Cryss - I don't know FF That well but I did fiddle with my charts quite a lot. The obvious O date for me last time was not the one FF chose in the end though. Well I hope it comes a bit clearer over next few days anyway. X

Bright - :hugs: sorry you're feeling rubbish. It's not nice. I can well recommend B6 though. I used through ttc and preg- very good for fertility as LL said! X

Teacup- awesome! Hope it's far enough along. They did same with me - booked me in again as was too early to see hb. I suspect might be because if the pain is one sided they need to check that no heartbeat appears elsewhere later on? Dunno but was good anyway as I saw hb the next time x

Blue - brilliant love! That'll be a great relief to see your sweet little beans hb! I loved seeing mine at 8 weeks bopping about. X

Lindsay - great to see you're so close now! And wrapping up work etc. x

LL - I think if your placenta is posterior you'll feel it get stronger daily! When's your 20 ish week scan love? X

Afm - I decided I need to stop worrying about everything from poos to uteruses and start actually preparing in some way for this baby's arrival! We've got a few things but haven't started on room as its also step sons and we still haven't seen him yet (total debacle) so, hoping we'll see him soon get him involved else at this rate the next time we see him he'll have a sister and his room will be changed. Don't want that but well have to see how court goes on Thursday. X
Bright, sorry to hear AF is on her way - that time of the month is always rough, especially when ttc. Here's to hoping next cycle is lucky!

Blue, that's great that you get an early scan!!! I can't wait to hear about it :)

LL, yep, nice to be offered help, haven't taken them up on it though... still feeling quite capable of carrying my own groceries, lol.

Cutieq, I'll keep my fingers crossed it's a bfp that arrives and not AF :)

Linny, hopefully all goes well on thursday and you can see your step son and get him involved in the planning as well :)

Anyway, here's a bump photo - taken on Sunday at 36 weeks :)


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Linny - My "20-week" scan is on April 2nd, when I'll be nearly 22 weeks. :sleep:

Yay! I'm glad you're feeling ready to start preparing for the baby! We haven't really bought anything either but that's been due to finances more than anything. I am just bursting at the seams to start making purchases! And I'm extra excited to buy baby clothes once we find out the gender! :happydance: I hope your court date goes well.

Lindsay - What an ADORABLE BABY BUMP! Thank you for posting! I just love the 30+ week bumps when people are really showing! You look amazing! Do you think you'll miss your bump when it's gone?
Thanks lit, linny and linds hope it goes well !! Still in shock at how quick it is! Haha.

Linds- what an amazingly cute bump you have !! I bet you will miss it when it goes. But maybe not much time to think about it.

Linny-thats rubbish about step son. I hate when mothers do that to their children. My mom did it to me and my sister. Stopped us seeing our dad but our dad faught and faught for us and wont every weekend. We loved going to his and when we where old enough kept going. I hope it gets sorted out soon. Glad you have decided to stop worrying ! Everything will be fine !!!

Lit- im pretty sure I wont get my 12 week till im like 14 weeks... but hey ho as long as monkey is ok. Cant believe how quickly your pregnancy is going haha wish I was heading for then 20 weeks !!! X

:flower: xxxx
Hi, just got back from my scan. They saw a sac measuring just under 6 weeks, but no development inside. :cry: She said it could be normal, and there could be a baby next week so I just have to wait until next Wednesday now. I asked her when they would usually expect to see development and she said between 5 and 6 weeks. I wish I phoned next week instead of this one and then I wouldn't have been worrying so much! :growlmad: xx
Lindsay -What a lovely bump! You look great! Crikey, one week till full term!

LL - Oh boo. I hated waiting for the 20 week. But you know what - right now i wish i'd waited a bit longer tbh, I was only 19 weeks and the second trimester is the longest! A few more weeks and it probs would have broken the time up a bit more...In any case, only 3 more weeks! woo hoo. Also much more likely to get accurate gender too. x

Blue - Oh i'm so sorry to hear that, it's great you did get to see your dad though! I think mums who do this eventually end up shooting themselves in the foot - kids don't really like to be controlled. I was brought up without my dad - they were married but had a terrible divorce and I didn't see him from age 3 till 25! His brother eventually tracked me down and put us in touch. I was told some awful things about him, hence why I never bothered to try and find him - but it's weird, we get on like a house on fire, have the same sense of humour and I discovered 3 brothers and sisters I didn't know about. So.....yeah. It's seriously wrong to do this to your children unless the other person presents a genuine threat. Sigh. Hope it goes well tomorrow, can't bear to watch DF hurting over it x

Teacup - Oh no! I had the same thing - sac but no pole/hb etc at the first scan - I had to go back at 7.5 weeks to see it. It's a rubbish wait. Did they give you any clues? Did you get to see anything. E.g. was there a yolk sac inside the main sac? Was it implanted nice and high? Cos those are all good things in the absence of seeing a hb x
Teacup - Oh no! I had the same thing - sac but no pole/hb etc at the first scan - I had to go back at 7.5 weeks to see it. It's a rubbish wait. Did they give you any clues? Did you get to see anything. E.g. was there a yolk sac inside the main sac? Was it implanted nice and high? Cos those are all good things in the absence of seeing a hb x

Thanks Linny, it's reassuring to hear you went through something similar. How many weeks were you when you had an empty sac? They basically said it could go either way and that pregnancys grow at different rates. She said that in a few days there could be a baby. I don't think there was anything in the sac, they just said there was no development inside. They didn't say if it was implanted high or anything. A week of worrying! :( x
Oh and I forgot to mention, she said my uterus was tilted, so I don't know if that makes a difference to what they can see etc. xx
Teacup - :hugs: I won't say 'Try not to worry' because it's almost impossible. But - good signs - sac is measuring about right, it's totally normal not to see heartbeat at this stage. Etc.

I was 5weeks 6 days. I went back 2 weeks later at 7W 6 days to see the heartbeat. Did you get to see the screen? I didn't the first time...but I asked if there was a yolk sac (little miss research over here :haha:) and she said yes....She wouldn't have told me otherwise. Anyway, all this is normal but rubbish when actually you just want to see some obvious development.

I'm glad they're getting you in on Weds, they should certainly be able to tell something by then. I don't know about the tipped uterus but the diagrams of them make me think it might not be as easy? X
Tea - I'm sorry you're going to have to go through being worried for the next week. It's very normal to see only the sac at this point. Also I've read posts from ladies with tilted uteri who couldn't see the heartbeat even later in the pregnancy, but they held out for another scan, and sure enough the heartbeat was there. There is something about not being able to see it due to the position of the uterus, so keep that in mind too. How are you feeling otherwise?

Blue - Yay for an early scan for you!

Lindsay - Gorgeous bump! You're so close. It's crazy!

Linny - I hope everything goes very well for y'all tomorrow.

Bright - I'm sorry you're feeling frustrated. You should definitely continue taking folic acid as long as you are TTC.

Cutie - Good luck tomorrow.

Sara - How are you?

I hope everyone else is doing well!
LL, I think I will miss it when it was gone. I was saying to hubby the other night that I will also miss the kicks and wiggles, he thought I was crazy, lol.

Teacup, I'm sorry you have to wait until next Wednesday for the next scan, that must feel like an eternity away! That's good they saw a sac at about the expected size though, and I have read that a tilted uterus makes it more difficult to see things on an early scan. I really hope your little jelly bean is just hiding out :hugs:

LL. not much longer until your scan! I'm excited for you to find out the gender :)

Linny, I hope all goes well tomorrow!

Blue, I hope your ms is giving you some breaks!

AFM, yes, time is flying and it's hard to believe I'll be full term on Sunday! Getting pretty excited to finally meet our little guy :) I seem to have come down with a sinus cold which kinda sucks, but glad it will be gone before baby gets here... probably better to have it now than later :)
You will miss it, Lindsay. I can remember holding my little ones in my arms, breastfeeding them, and thinking of how I miss the kicks from the inside.
Blue - Well,if you're going to have to wait longer for your 12-week scan then I sure am glad you will get this early one next week! Plus delaying til 14 weeks will mean you'll feel more confident in the second trimester while you're waiting to feel kicks. :) I am very excited that I'm almost at the halfway point in my pregnancy! In a way it feels slow, but it also is kind of fast.

Teacup - I'm sorry your scan wasn't as reassuring as you'd hope! I would think the baby measuring on schedule is a really good sign and one you can hold your hope onto! You said yourself you ovulated late so you would be a bit under 6 weeks technically. I am glad Linny has some experience in this area, and from what it sounds, there is a good chance of you seeing the heartbeat at your next scan! Hang in there! Not having any bleeding is also a very good sign. :)

Linny - Yes, that will be good if it helps break up the second trimester a bit better I guess! And I'm glad I've heard from a couple people that I might have a better chance at an accurate gender identification. Still, it feels like it's taking F-O-R-E-V-E-R! Do you have any appointments coming up? Do you get tested for Gestational Diabetes soon?

Crys - How is the TWW going?

Lindsay - Aww! I don't think it's weird at all to miss the kicks and wiggles inside. It's such a cool feeling (I can't wait til it's stronger for me)!

Sorry to hear about your cold - pregnancy is SO bad for getting over colds. My cold from a couple weeks ago still isn't gone (so when I read that, I skeptically thought "Well...your cold might NOT be gone by the time the baby is born"...but hopefully your immune system is better than mine :haha:). It's definitely better to have it now so you don't pass it on to your newborn baby! Just make sure your DH avoids getting it and you'll be good to go. :winkwink: That is super exciting that you're just a few days away from being officially full-term! Woohoo! :happydance:

AFM - Still SOOO ravenously hungry all the time, and craving everything you could possibly imagine! Today I was craving cornmeal muffins, a vietnamese noodle bowl with spring rolls, thai ginger beef, jalapeno peppers with tzaziki sauce, and chocolate milk. :haha: I also ate a chocolate bar before 10 am. I just ate lunch and I'm still famished. This baby is going to be soo pudgy!
Haha LL , I've got to support the chocolate milk choice. According to my little daily pregnancy book Your babe is growing like craaazy at the minute so it'll all be going to good use!
Thanks Linny, yes I did see the screen. It was like a big black kidney bean, but nothing inside it, not even a yolk sac. :cry: I'm hoping baby will have a growth spurt in the next few days, I really can't bare to go through another miscarriage. How are you? Hope everything is good! xx

Thank you Crys, my pregnancy symptoms come in waves. This evening I have very tender boobs, but this morning they felt completely normal. I'm also feeling exhausted (although could have been lack of sleep last night from worrying about scan, and then getting up at 7am). I don't know about cravings, but I have certainly had food aversions! Thinking about eating fish makes me feel sick right now - though I normally love fish. I know that the hormones can still go up even if it is a blighted Ovum so even my symptoms aren't reasurring me right now. I was crying before I went in for my scan, I was so anxious, and then to make matters worse OH had to leave to go to work before I was called in so I went in all alone. :cry: Did you work out when you ovulated and how many dpo you are? Have you ever tried opks? They've helped me lots for determining ovulation. xx

Thank you Lindsay, I also thought it was positive the sac was measuring about right, but after reading lots of stories online I'm not sure anymore. It seems a blighted ovum can keep growing bigger but with no baby inside. I'll step away from google now I think! Yayy that you'll be meeting baby soon! :happydance: Your bump pic is soo cute! xx

Thanks Lit, 6 weeks is counting me ovulating late though, going by my LMP I would be 6 + 4 today. :-( The midwives didn't seem to be positive or negative, they just said we should know more next week. Great to hear your appetite is good! Baby must be doing some serious growing in there. :thumbup: xx
Teacup - actually, it's likely that it's there but they just couldn't see it on US. My sonographer spent ages trying to get it after I asked. I don't think it's an easy structure to see to begin with, add in the tilted angle....I reckon it's going to be just fine ... The sac is measuring right, you have symptoms, strong line on pregnancy test. It's so difficult I know but try and keep your chin up! Xx
Hey teacup! Sorry about your confusing scan. I agree witg the ladies though.might be a tad too early and with a tilt surely wont be making it any better. Also if you think about it. Your egg can take 12 days after its been fertilised to implant. Ive read that a few places. So maybe you implanted later ?

Lit get lots of calcium in ! Like linny said baby will be growing like mad just now. And top layers of skin will be growing ! Exciting !!!!!

afm- ive lost 8 pounds In the last week. Morning sickness is a bitch. However 8 pounds is probably ok for me to lose. Im not a wee skinny minnie haha ! Xxxx

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