Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Cryss - I don't know FF That well but I did fiddle with my charts quite a lot. The obvious O date for me last time was not the one FF chose in the end though. Well I hope it comes a bit clearer over next few days anyway. X

Bright - :hugs: sorry you're feeling rubbish. It's not nice. I can well recommend B6 though. I used through ttc and preg- very good for fertility as LL said! X

Teacup- awesome! Hope it's far enough along. They did same with me - booked me in again as was too early to see hb. I suspect might be because if the pain is one sided they need to check that no heartbeat appears elsewhere later on? Dunno but was good anyway as I saw hb the next time x

Blue - brilliant love! That'll be a great relief to see your sweet little beans hb! I loved seeing mine at 8 weeks bopping about. X

Lindsay - great to see you're so close now! And wrapping up work etc. x

LL - I think if your placenta is posterior you'll feel it get stronger daily! When's your 20 ish week scan love? X

Afm - I decided I need to stop worrying about everything from poos to uteruses and start actually preparing in some way for this baby's arrival! We've got a few things but haven't started on room as its also step sons and we still haven't seen him yet (total debacle) so, hoping we'll see him soon get him involved else at this rate the next time we see him he'll have a sister and his room will be changed. Don't want that but well have to see how court goes on Thursday. X

Thanks, when are you suppose to take the B6 pills. I am also purchased prenatal vitamins (I take everyday), Folic Acid (not sure when to take), Maca Root (not sure when to take), Royal Jelly (not sure when to take) and PrimeRose (not sure when to take). Do you have any insight on any of these?
Hi Bright - I took additional B6 all the way through the cycle actually. And evening primrose you definitely only take before ovulation. It helps the EWCM but after O I think it can cause more Estrogen which isn't what you want in the tww! Other than that i'm not sure about the rest - I think Blue can help with the Royal Jelly! She got her bfp on it if I remember rightly! x
Hi Bright - I took additional B6 all the way through the cycle actually. And evening primrose you definitely only take before ovulation. It helps the EWCM but after O I think it can cause more Estrogen which isn't what you want in the tww! Other than that i'm not sure about the rest - I think Blue can help with the Royal Jelly! She got her bfp on it if I remember rightly! x

Thank you Linny! That helps alot I hope it makes a difference. I started taking the primrose the day after cycle started and will stop once I O. I take B-6 everyday but how much they are 100mg tablets? I've just been taking 2 in the morning.
Hey bright I took royal jelly 1500mg all through my cycle. But after O I reduced it down to 500mg until a new cycle and then upped it again. Folic acid. Take everyday throughout cycles and pregnancy. Xxx
Hey bright I took royal jelly 1500mg all through my cycle. But after O I reduced it down to 500mg until a new cycle and then upped it again. Folic acid. Take everyday throughout cycles and pregnancy. Xxx

Thanks Blue!!! Ok so I have 1000mg caps and 800mg tabs in Folic Acid, how many Royal Jelly and Folic Acids should I take a day?
Bright- the thing with B6 is that there's some controversy over whether large amounts are safe for fetuses. I take 100mg every other day. 100 mg a day seems to be widely accepted as safe. So on average it's 50mg a day I take. Prior to tww you are gone to take as much as you like! But I'd look at the safety aspects of anything over 100 for yourself. X
Bright- the thing with B6 is that there's some controversy over whether large amounts are safe for fetuses. I take 100mg every other day. 100 mg a day seems to be widely accepted as safe. So on average it's 50mg a day I take. Prior to tww you are gone to take as much as you like! But I'd look at the safety aspects of anything over 100 for yourself. X

Ok great!! Thanks Linny and Blue this is so helpful. I will cut the B-6 down to 100mg a day instead of 200mg a day and will go buy the 500mg of Royal Jelly too just to be able to cut back when I need to. You ladies are always supportive and helpful. Thanks a bunch!!!:hugs:
Blue - Oh my! 8 lbs in one week is a LOT of weight to lose. Remember morning sickness has a lot to do with low blood sugar and your blood sugar drops a lot easier now that you're pregnant so you really should force yourself to eat whatever you can stomach. I know lots of people lose weight in the first tri though.

Bright - I agree with Linny to only take 100 mg of B6/day. Take folic acid once per day (I usually take it before bed, but other people probably take it when they take their multi-vitamin). No idea abput the Maca root, royal jelly or primrose but thank goodness the other ladies here are knowledgeable!

Is anyone else the laziest person ever when pregnant? Even though I've gotten over the first trimester fatigue, I have ZERO motivation to do any hard work ever. I am slacking in all aspects of my life! Bleh. I can't wait for some nesting instincts to kick in so that I can AT least get my house in order.
I think the recommended daily allowance of folic acid is 400mg. I'm not sure.

I am eating when I can. Wish this nausea would leave for a while xxxx
The recommended dose is 0.4 mg and many doctors are recommending a full 1 mg. however, if you have a family history of birth defects or trouble absorbing folic acid, they recommend taking 5 mg. I take 5 mg b/c my mom lost a baby to spina bifida. My dr says she recommends 5 mg for everyone anyway since lots of people forget to take it every day.
Blue - Oh yes! It was like a a wee chubby bean with teeny arms and legs...It was the first time it had looked like it would become a baby.. hehe. Previously it looked just like a pole with a heartbeat really. x
My doctor always does an ultrasound at 8 weeks, and like Linny said, you can see this tiny chubby blob with just the beginnings of little arms and legs. Really cute!

I think my cycle has turned out to be anovulatory. Preparing for AF today or tomorrow I think. Rather glad that's the most likely case as temps have been way too low. Of course I could still be wrong and confused. :wacko:
Thanks ladies. Really excited and nervous at the same time. Hope it goes ok!!

Crys thats crap! Are you trying anything different this cycle ? Xxxx
Lol Blue. It's okay. First anovulatory cycle since I started charting in January 2013, so not bad and pretty normal from what they say.

I was looking at y'all talking about B6 the other day, and although my LP is just fine and I have the normal B6 in my prenatal, I think I'm going to throw it in for the mood benefits and such.
Hey Ladies,

Teacup - I'm sorry the scan wasn't as you expected. I had a scan at inhindsight was 5 weeks 3 days and the doctor said she thought she saw a sac but couldn't be sure. I didn't even ask for the scan pic as it just looked like a blob:wacko:. My next scan was at 6 weeks 5 days and I could see a heartbeat but it just looked like a pulsating kidney bean. Honestly, I found the nurses etc in EPU to be lovely but not as positive as I needed them to be. I guess it's the nature of what they do, they never seemed positive with any scan, even when there was a heartbeat, so don't take them being not negative or positive as a bad thing. Probably just how they are, nature of it all. Hang in there, I know it'll be the longest week of your life but I'll be thinking of you and nugget and will pray time hurry's along so we can see you posting a gorgeous pic of your bean :hugs:xxx

Blue - I've attached a couple of my scan pics for you. One is at 6 weeks 5 days and the other is at 8 weeks 3 days. I'm eagerly awaiting your scan on Monday, so we can see what your bean looks like, I still can't believe the amount they change week on week!! Hope the MS takes a tail down for you, I don't like the sound of you losing 8lbs at all, you try and eat anything and everything you fancy at this point xxx

Crysshae - I'm sorry AF showed up and your cycle was such a wonky one. I too found FF a bit strange with showing my patterns inclusive of CM, do you also use Ovu Friend? It was free when I was charting and I found it to be more accurate and quicker at telling me when ovulation had happened compared to FF. I used them both as couldn't get enough of temping!!:blush: Hopefully this cycle is clearer and shows you exactly when ovulation is. Why don't you try the SMEP method this month, maybe you're ovulating earlier than you think? xxx

Lindsay - What a glorious baby bump!! I'm so excited for you!!:happydance: Can't believe your beautiful little man will be here so soon, I hope you've started to take it easy? I still think your bump is so cute for the number of weeks you are, I keep getting asked if I'm having a big baby as my bump looks so big... erm... all I respond with is I hope not!! :haha:

Hope the cold lets up soon too, I can imagine it's not pleasant especially whilst having to haul bubba around inside your tummy all day too xx

Linny - Hope things went as well at court and you get to see step son more now? Your poo story made me laugh :haha:, I've had another poo that's blocked the toilet now... it's so embarrassing!!:blush: I don't remember my mum ever telling me about poo issues, I feel I was mis-sold pregnancy pooing that's for sure!!:winkwink: Hopefully you can start buying baby stuff now, it's so much fun! xx

Lit - So glad you're feeling more movement now, I still jump sometimes when this one moves, funny it still startles me!!!:haha: You'll be into the third trimester before you know it and then the countdown will begin! If you're hungry, eat, that's the moto I live by now!! Life's too short to worry about food, I still eat lots of good things just for baby but let myself have lots of cheat things too, if we can't whilst we're pregnant when can we?!?!xx

Cutieq - Sorry you find yourself here, hoping you get a lovely surprise BFP this cycle :hugs: xx

Bright - Your cocktail of meds sounds like you're well on the right track for a lovely healthy BFP this cycle, fingers and toes crossed for you :hugs:xx

AFM - Had growth scan yesterday and baby finally turned just before, I feel so much more comfy now!:thumbup: Baby's measurements were above average for tummy and head and legs were a little shorter than average but all still in the normal percentiles. So good news! I seem to have gained a huge pregnancy tummy out of nowhere though, which is a little alarming but to be expected I guess. 2 hour glucose test on Monday, otherwise all's looking good xxx

1st Pic: 6w 5d - 2nd Pic: 8w 3d


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Thanks Aleeah. FF usually works pretty well for me. I used OvuFriend when it was free too, and it was usually picked O as one day late. No idea why. So I didn't want to pay for it when it changed.

This cycle was definitely anovulatory, so that's why FF didn't give me an O date. My temps never stayed high enough - and definitely not as high as they usually are in my LP. They were being much less biased than me, not worrying about whether I O'd or not and just going for the accuracy of the chart. How dare they?! Lol.

And I believe I figured out the problem from last month. It was ME! I think when I was messing around with my current chart, I accidentally got moved to my previous chart, didn't notice, and deleted the wrong data. Figured that out after I studied it a bit more. When I put a temp back in for 3 dpo, it put my chart back where it was.

Do you have a picture from your scan yesterday? My growth scans were always normal for head and abdomen, but legs were way above average, like 95th percentile. Lol. The doctor just looks at us and goes, and "I can see why". Haha!
LL, I'd say if you're hungry, eat :) I've been on a big chocolate milk kick recently too... and I don't normally drink milk, lol. DH is actually the one who gave me the cold, and he's better now, so hopefully we'll both be over it by the time baby arrives - I hope you're feeling better soon too! 2 weeks is a long time for a cold. I'm with you on the laziness, lol. I'm too tired after work, etc to do much of anything. I have washed the baby laundry though so that's a start.... there's lots of things I'd like to do, but just don't have much energy for them.

Teacup, I hope you're doing okay and not worrying too much. I also hope, for your sake, that next week comes very quickly :hugs:

Blue, 8 lbs is a lot of weight to loose in one week! I hope you can get some more food in, and the ms gives you a break soon! My little guy just looked like a blob at my 8 week scan, but I think it depends a lot on the quality of the ultrasound machine what you can see. I can't wait for your scan!!

Crys, that's too bad about the annovulatory cycle, but it at least explains why FF was a bit confusing. Here's to the next cycle :flower:

Aleeah, glad to hear your little one has turned and you're feeling more comfortable now :) I think it's time for you to post another bump pic! Good luck with the glucose test, I didn't find it nearly as bad as I was anticipating. Make sure you take a good book or something because they don't let you walk around or leave the clinic (they don't want you to "burn off" any of the glucose with exercise). I continually get people not believing how far along I am, or asking if baby is quite small, lol. Fundal height is still measuring small (33 weeks at my 36 week appointment) but as I've been having growth scans, we know baby is growing just fine and fluid levels are good so they're not worried about it.

AFM, I passed off the remainder of my clients yesterday and now just have a few reports to write, and some orientation for 2 of our new therapists next week and then I'm done :) so I'm really excited about that :) Had a long chat on Wednesday with the obstetrical internal medicine doctor (who I really like, and trust a lot) - she is also of the opinion that I should be induced early, even though at the moment, things are going normally and I am being monitored very closely. The reasoning being with my history I am at increased risk for pre-eclampsia and things could go from "fine" to "not fine" very quickly. The research shows them that 38 weeks-ish is a good time frame and shows best outcomes for mom and baby. She also reassured me that my OB is not "induction happy" :haha:, and has a very evidence based practice. So, hubby and I have some decisions to make, but it's looking more like I'm going to have a March baby than an April baby - time will tell :)

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