Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hello everyone :hi:,

My name is Latreace and I am WTT. Just re-peaked yesterday!! I think that is the correct O' because the EWCM is plentiful :happydance: these last two day. Soo excited again!!! LOL check out my chart I think it is looking pretty good. These vitamins are amazing.:thumbup:
Lovely name latreace :hi: wohoo for the peak!! Looks good! Hope you got lots of bding in!!! Xxx
Hi everyone :) Lots to catch up on in here!

LL, beautiful bump pic!! You look great!! :) I'm so glad to hear your appointment went well and that things seem to be progressing as they should be, that is wonderful news! Not long now until your ultrasound.

Emma, sorry to hear the ms is still giving you such a hard time!! I was the same way with the sexy dreams, lol. Must be all those extra hormones.

Gemgem, I think it's quite normal to have an odd cycle or two after a m/c. Mine was a little longer than normal, and felt like my hormones were all over the place. My body seemed to get back on track the next cycle though and I got pregnant again. Hopefully this new cycle will be a lucky one for you!!

Alternate, yay for trying again! I hope this is a lucky cycle for you too! I know what you mean, experiencing a m/c has certainly made me more sensitive to what others may be going through when ttc as well. In fact when people tell me they are trying, I now get both excited and nervous for them because I know what an emotional roller coaster the process can be.

Linny, sorry to hear your massage wasn't as helpful as you had hoped it would be. I find the same about massages, the benefit wears off quickly for me.

Sara, enjoy the indoor gardening! We're doing the same - but starting off some veggies inside and will move them out in a few weeks. The daffodils and tulips outside have come up though, it's feeling very spring-like here.

Teacup, welcome back, it sounds like a great trip with lots of yummy food :) The work baby shower was lovely, they went in together for a gift card which we're going to save for things we need that we don't realize we need now, lol.

Crys, your weekend sounds like it was lots of fun! Glad you're finding ways to occupy yourself while you're waiting :) Any signs of ovulation yet?

AFM, we got great news yesterday, DH's leg is healing well and he is now off crutches and able to drive again!!! We're both feeling so much more relaxed about things now... it's so nice to have life back to normal a little bit. I had a growth scan on friday and baby is growing well - now estimated to be around 2.9 kgs (or about 6.5 lbs), and is still head down and apparently very low which is good too. The tech also re-confirmed for me that he's definitely a boy, lol :) I'm feeling a lot more pressure in my pelvis, as well as sharp twinges in my cervix and lots of crampy braxton hicks. We've got the hospital bag packed now too... so I'm planning to relax and just enjoy the rest of the week off :)
Lindsay - how exciting! It sounds like your body is really preparing for labour any day now. What day did your induction end up getting booked for? I remember you saying you'd asked for the 29th (?) and it would be booked "around then." Anyway, either way it is coming up SO quickly and I am happy you have this week off first to relax and prepare! I'm glad your growth scan went well again and that your hospital is all packed!

That is also such wonderful news about your husband being off crutches and able to drive again! What a relief that is! I'm glad you're both feeling more relaxed now.
:hugs: Good luck and I am so excited for you that you only have a few more days until you get to meet your beautiful baby boy!
Hi Ladies!

My name is Diana and I live in the US. I go by the nickname Di :) it's nice to meet y'all!

Teacup, yay for cravings!!! I turned into a monster when I had a craving and couldn't get what I wanted! DH was a bit terrified lol.

Blue, I hope things get easier soon!

Lindsay, you're almost there!!! So excited!!

Bright and Cryss, good luck!!! Fingers crossed that this is your month!!

So sorry for anyone I missed, I'm on my iphone and will try to properly respond later!

AFM, CD17 and the lines in my OPK are starting to darken! Yay! (Although I'm worried about ovulating so late in my cycle).

We've been faithfully BDing every 1 to 1.5 days. I've got some plentiful EWCM so fingers crossed we haven't missed the boat!
Blue - :haha: I was the same, except it sort of bordered on the very bizarre. I dreamt one night that all these mime artists were trying to have it off with me. It wasn't really the stuff of dreams as of nightmares. lol. Fortunately it seems like sex drive does reappear so your DF might not be celibate for the next 9 months :haha:

Lindsay - Ooo, I heard the lightning strikes in the lady bits were a promising sign of impending labour! Glad to hear your OH is back on his feet properly again too.
Good luck Latreace and Di! Fingers crossed you catch those eggs.

Lindsay - You're getting so close! Yay! So glad your hubby is able to walk and drive again.
I had my booking in appointment today with the midwife! Was good to talk about the birth and pregnancy, makes it all feel more real. I'm still not going to stop worrying until I have had my 12 week scan and seen baby is still ok though.

The midwife asked if I wanted the baby screened for Down's Syndrome etc. I said no, because I thought that if the test showed our risk percentage was higher than average then I may worry unneccesarily. Also if Baby did have Down's Syndrome we would still want and love him/her. But now I'm thinking maybe I should have said yes so I would be more prepared? It's just all the tests aren't very accuarate unless you opt for the one that has a 1% chance of miscarriage, which I wouldn't want anyway. It's silly because I haven't even thought or worried about Down's Syndrome until the midwives mentioned it to me! :shrug:

Lindsay - Yayy not long left now! You must be super excited! :happydance: Great news that your OH no longer needs crutches and can drive again, just in time for Baby's arrival! Have you got any pics of baby's room? I love baby decorations etc. :cloud9: xx

Latreace - What a lovely name! Also aren't you TTC not WTT? As WTT means 'Waiting To Try' and TTC means 'Trying to Conceive'. I spent ages trying to get clued up on all these abbreviations when I first came on this forum. Yayy for peaking! I hope you caught that egg! What date are you testing? xx

Everyone - Talking of abbreviations, what does OCBM stand for? It's in the title of this thread and I always wondered what it meant!

Crys - How are things going? You must be ovulating soon? Good luck! xx

Sara - Hope you got lots of BDing done! Are you in the 2WW now? xx

Altenatedi - Are you in the 2WW now? You must have caught that egg with the amount of BDing you have done! :thumbup: xx

Emma - How are you? Have you got your 12 week scan appointment date yet? :happydance: xx

Lit - When is your ultrasound? Can't be far off now! Are you finding out the gender? :happydance: OH and I aren't going to find out until the birth, but I bet I'll change my mind when the sonogropher asks if we'd like to know! :haha: xx

Linny - Have you bought most baby stuff yet and started sorting out baby's room? I'd love to see pics of your nursery if you have it ready yet! :crib: xx

I hope everyone is well and having a good weekl! xx
I think I ovulated yesterday....as long as my chart doesn't go wacky again. It's been more normal this time....except i had no EWCM, only watery.

OCBM stands for Operation Crimbo Baby Making. Lol.

All the original members were hoping we would all be pregnant by Christmas 2013, and Nat added that to the title. :haha:
Hey linny.

I opted out of the downs syndrome test last time too then though well why not. It wont change what I do either. I to also will love him/her. Dont think we will ever stop worrying.

My 12 week scan is on the 24th of April. While away. Ill be just short of 13 weeks then I think. Just hope everything is ok too. When is yours linny ?

Haa Crys I forgot what it stood for woops.

Hope this is a normal cycle for you!! Xxx
I'm glad I'm not the only one that doesn't know what OCBM stands for :rofl:

I'm not in the tww yet. I'm CD 7 today. last month I O'd on CD11. It's been getting a little later every cycle (CD6, 9, and then 11) which I think is a good sign that my cycle is regulating. I'm hoping my O doesn't move back this month because Hubby is leaving for work training next week.
I did take the Down's test thinking that I would like to be prepared in case that happened. I do agree that it can cause unnecessary worry since it isn't always accurate.
LL, I'll be on the induction list as of the 29th, whether or not they will take me that day is dependent on how busy the hospital is. I'd be okay if they left me for another couple days... we shall see :)

Di, I'm sure you haven't missed the boat if you've been BDing every 1 - 1.5 days, sounds like perfect timing :)

Teacup, it's a tough decision about the screening. I did end up having it as my doctor said it also can indicate possible placenta problems (which I was at higher risk for anyway due to past blood pressure issues). We wouldn't have done anything differently if the results had come back high risk (and I wouldn't have had amniocentesis), but when they came back low risk, I did feel quite reassured. Baby is going to be in our room for a while so we have not decorated his room yet :)

Crys, definitely looks like ovulation happened, hopefully your chart continues to cooperate!

Slg, I hope ovulation coincides with your DH's schedule!

AFM, our washing machine died the other day (great timing eh? lol) so I'm sitting at home waiting for delivery of a new one today. Hopefully they can come either before or after my monitoring appointment this afternoon... we've been assured that if they can't, we won't be charged twice for delivery... but it would just be really convenient if it was delivered before baby arrives. DH has confirmed with work that he can have 2 weeks off after baby arrives, and then there is the possibility of him working part time for another couple weeks which would be really nice :)
Teacup - I did the NT scan + bloods - actually there's other good reasons for it - the PAPP A and HCG results can also flag other issues (non chromosomal) as Lindsay says. And - the chances of getting high risk are so low that normally it just serves to reassure women. It's up to you though obviously, I understand why the idea of possibly being told you had a higher risk might just blight things for the rest of the pregnancy. RE: nursery - nah not yet. Still waiting for court stuff to be sorted with my step son, so holding off on that just now...However!! I just got given 5 bags of baby clothes from a good freind. So, just sorting through them at the minute. I've been so lucky with that.

Lindsay - A washing machine I hear does come in handy! :)

LL - is your scan next week? x

Blue- how are you love? I'll get that thing to you this coming week - I'm nowhere near a post office when i'm at work but i'm off on monday so can do it then. x

Afm - Physio went great! What she did in 5 minutes was better than a one hour massage. She also gave me a VERY fetching tubi grip which literally goes from under my boobs to my lady bits. I think I might invest in a proper bump support because this thing is, well, a bit ratty looking and not something you could get away with under work wear :haha:
Teacup - I personally opted out of all genetic screening. Like you, I would love my baby no matter what and would not do anything differently if I found out something was wrong. On the night that I told my dr 'no' to all the tests, I was like you and did question myself on my decision. I lay awake worrying about it, in fact! But after that night I've been totally sold on my decision and I'm so glad I've been free of any unnecessary worry. I have personally known people who were told their baby was healthy, and he actually had a genetic disorder and died immediately after birth, and also people who have been told their baby most likely had some sort of disorder, and never actually did. I would way rather not spend the rest of my pregnancy worrying about something that may or may not happen. I found that not getting the test has freed my mind somewhat from dwelling on such things (although obviously I still worry that something could be wrong). Anyway, moral of the story is that I don't think you should second guess your decision! Feel great about it and try to relax. :)

My ultrasound is next Wednesday (April 2nd). I'm actually quite worried about finding out something is wrong then. :wacko: But, yes, we are definitely going to try to find out the gender. I have blocked out the notion that we'll find out, though, because I'm so scared we won't be able to tell and I'll be terribly disappointed.

I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Crys - I hope you're right and that your chart confirms it in a couple days! Welcome to the TWW.

Blue - Not long to go! I am excited to hear about your next scan.

Sara - That does seem like a good sign if you O a bit later. I hope this is your month!

Lindsay - Ooh ok, gotcha! Yes, it wouldn't be bad if they took a couple extra days. :winkwink: Are you getting nervous for labour or impending motherhood at all? hehe.

Sorry to hear about your washing machine. It feels like as soon as something looks up again, something always goes wrong, doesn't it? I hope it comes today while you're home.

That is wonderful news that your dh can take a whole 2 weeks off when the baby arrives! That will be so amazing for him to have that time at home with the two of you. If DH had never lost his job, we had definitely been planning on him taking a full 2 weeks off...which would have been lovely. Now we plan on just asking any future employer if he can have one week off. :wacko: Not great, but better than nothing as long as they say yes! His current employer is totally fine with him taking a week...but if he is still working at this terrible wage by the time I'm on mat leave we will have a lot more problems on our hand. :wacko: Trying not to worry and just wait until that perfect 'career' job comes along.

Linny - Yep, next week is the big scan!

I'm so glad physio helped! You've reminded me to get a move on with booking a physio appointment. I think it would help a lot and would be better to do before things get worse. Are you going to be going back for more physio or did you just go for the consultation to get some exercises to do?
LL - yeah I go back in 2 weeks, it's exercises she gives out but also she works on the back. I wasn't sure if I would bother if it was just exercises as I've actually been doing the ones in the leaflets. I'd definitely recommend it!
Oh yeah, odd thing. She asked If it was my first pregnancy and I told her about the loss, oddly she asked me if I was ok with things and did I need any help coping because she could organise that!!!! That's the first time any of the medical professionals have ever even referred to it as anything more than medical fact.
Wow, that is really nice, Linny! Sounds like you found a really great physiotherapist there.
I had my booking in appointment today with the midwife! Was good to talk about the birth and pregnancy, makes it all feel more real. I'm still not going to stop worrying until I have had my 12 week scan and seen baby is still ok though.

The midwife asked if I wanted the baby screened for Down's Syndrome etc. I said no, because I thought that if the test showed our risk percentage was higher than average then I may worry unneccesarily. Also if Baby did have Down's Syndrome we would still want and love him/her. But now I'm thinking maybe I should have said yes so I would be more prepared? It's just all the tests aren't very accuarate unless you opt for the one that has a 1% chance of miscarriage, which I wouldn't want anyway. It's silly because I haven't even thought or worried about Down's Syndrome until the midwives mentioned it to me! :shrug:

Lindsay - Yayy not long left now! You must be super excited! :happydance: Great news that your OH no longer needs crutches and can drive again, just in time for Baby's arrival! Have you got any pics of baby's room? I love baby decorations etc. :cloud9: xx

Latreace - What a lovely name! Also aren't you TTC not WTT? As WTT means 'Waiting To Try' and TTC means 'Trying to Conceive'. I spent ages trying to get clued up on all these abbreviations when I first came on this forum. Yayy for peaking! I hope you caught that egg! What date are you testing? xx

Everyone - Talking of abbreviations, what does OCBM stand for? It's in the title of this thread and I always wondered what it meant!

Crys - How are things going? You must be ovulating soon? Good luck! xx

Sara - Hope you got lots of BDing done! Are you in the 2WW now? xx

Altenatedi - Are you in the 2WW now? You must have caught that egg with the amount of BDing you have done! :thumbup: xx

Emma - How are you? Have you got your 12 week scan appointment date yet? :happydance: xx

Lit - When is your ultrasound? Can't be far off now! Are you finding out the gender? :happydance: OH and I aren't going to find out until the birth, but I bet I'll change my mind when the sonogropher asks if we'd like to know! :haha: xx

Linny - Have you bought most baby stuff yet and started sorting out baby's room? I'd love to see pics of your nursery if you have it ready yet! :crib: xx

I hope everyone is well and having a good weekl! xx

I will be testing April 4th. Hopefully I O'd, temps and OPKs are wacky. But thanks for the encouragement. How are you?

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