Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hello ladies,
How is everyone doing? Any BFPs yet? I am so confused. I have gotten 4 positive OPKs, today is the fourth day. Take a look at my chart please and tell me what you think. Has anyone ever had this happen? I read somewhere that it could mean fertility problems, any insight is appreciated.


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Hi bright. I don't chart so I not much help but I've heard of a lot of women getting several OPK pos days. I wouldn't worry much unless it doesn't go neg by the time you start your period.
Bright if you read the paper it comes with it says once you have your positive then stop testing and bd for the next 2 to 4 days. Not sure what your chart is doing though.
Di we only bd'd every second day and that's how we feel this time. Think You have well covered it hehe.

Linds - that's great that hubbie gets 2 weeks off when baby comes! Hopefully gets the part time too. Shame about the washing machine. Did they deliver at a good time?

Linny- Thank you so much Mrs :hugs: I'm glad physio went well. This support bands are supposed to be great!! Hope it works for you! I agree with lot think you have found a great physio. Stick with her.

Lit- hope your doing well.

Hoping one or two (or all) of you girls get your bfp this cycle!!!

Afm- doing OK. Ms is still a struggle but I'm coping with it so far. 9 weeks today!! Exciting. Just want my 12 week scan now to see if baba is doing OK. Not much else to report really. Been good weather this will do I've been forcing myself out the house! Lost over a stone now but it's slowing down so I'm not worried. Lambing and calving have well and truly started and I'm not allowed near them. So I hardly see OH any more lol. Poor guy works so hard
Wish I could help him. Xxx
Hehe, i've been wondering about OCBM the entire time - I thought it might be something to do with clearblue fertility monitor or something similar :)

Sara - Glad to hear your O dates getting pushed a wee bit back, I assume it's easier to work around it if there's a bit more time after AF?

Lit - Yeah I thought so, it sort of took me by surprise is all

Bright - That temp on CD 12 - did you wake up later that day? I agree with Blue though, it's the first positive you go by and then depending on the woman I think it can be a few days before O happens? I would perhaps think that if you got rid of your CD12 temp you could be seeing the start of a rise from CD16.... maybe even CD14. Only the next few days temps will really tell tbh though. I wouldn't worry about fertility issues tbh - I think it's only if women get positives all through their cycle that there's a suspiscion of PCOS - not if you get them around O time for a few days....i don't think that's uncommon tbh. Hope your temps shoot up the next couple of days anyway! x

Blue - I absolutely am sticking with her! :) Loved it. Woohoo! 9 weeks, :hugs: I'm so freaking happy for you! I really started to feel like things were looking good around then. Not long till 12 weeks!! :) I love lambing season x

Afm - Well, my major news is that I actually managed to score 2 tickets for me and OH to the kate bush gig in september! we are both big fans and was pretty distraught when they all appeared to be selling quicker than i could click 'buy' but then I got lucky. We're hoping to stay with freinds in london who'd look after our little pip while we went out....it's very close to our 2 year anniversary then too. Ahh. Anyway, love to you all XXX
Bright - I agree that you're only supposed to test until you get your positive and then you will ov 24-36 hours after or something like that. I don't have any fertility problems and if I keep testing my ov tests continue to stay positive for days after ovulating. It depends how sensitive the brand of test you're using is, etc. But judging by your chart it doesn't actually look like you've Oved yet so I'm not sure what to tell you.

Blue - Glad you're able to cope with the ms. Congrats on being 9 weeks already! You're well over the highest risk period already. Just a few more weeks to go before you're really out of that scary time. How sad that you never see your OH anymore...but I'm glad he's working hard to keep you and baby safe and provided for!

Linny - That is very exciting about your score for September! That will be nice to have a night out when your baby is a couple months old. I'm glad you were able to get tickets after all! :hugs:

AFM - I meant to say yesterday, but I didn't have time...but the other night I was watching tv and had my hands on my bare belly and I realized I actually could feel kicks from the outside! They are very light but definitely can be felt. Then after that I decided to watch and see if I could see them from the outside...and I CAN!!!! :happydance: Again, it's very subtle and I can only see it with my bare belly, not with any clothes over top. I was SO excited and rushed home to tell my DH, but sadly he was kind of grumpy and impatient that night and never waited around long enough to see for himself. :cry: I also rarely see dh lately because he's been working evenings and weekends, but last night before bed he was able to watch long enough to see a bit of movement from the outside. I couldn't manage to get the baby to kick though, which looks even cooler. I think the baby was playing shy since daddy was watching. :winkwink: Anyway, I'm over the moon with excitement about this and I feel like I have a built-in entertainment unit all the time now because I get to feel kicks and movements and they are just so cute! :cloud9:
That's wonderful Lit! It's so much fun. But I have to ask....Where were you sticking your bare belly out at if you had to rush home to show DH? :haha:
Bright - I agree that you're only supposed to test until you get your positive and then you will ov 24-36 hours after or something like that. I don't have any fertility problems and if I keep testing my ov tests continue to stay positive for days after ovulating. It depends how sensitive the brand of test you're using is, etc. But judging by your chart it doesn't actually look like you've Oved yet so I'm not sure what to tell you.

Blue - Glad you're able to cope with the ms. Congrats on being 9 weeks already! You're well over the highest risk period already. Just a few more weeks to go before you're really out of that scary time. How sad that you never see your OH anymore...but I'm glad he's working hard to keep you and baby safe and provided for!

Linny - That is very exciting about your score for September! That will be nice to have a night out when your baby is a couple months old. I'm glad you were able to get tickets after all! :hugs:

AFM - I meant to say yesterday, but I didn't have time...but the other night I was watching tv and had my hands on my bare belly and I realized I actually could feel kicks from the outside! They are very light but definitely can be felt. Then after that I decided to watch and see if I could see them from the outside...and I CAN!!!! :happydance: Again, it's very subtle and I can only see it with my bare belly, not with any clothes over top. I was SO excited and rushed home to tell my DH, but sadly he was kind of grumpy and impatient that night and never waited around long enough to see for himself. :cry: I also rarely see dh lately because he's been working evenings and weekends, but last night before bed he was able to watch long enough to see a bit of movement from the outside. I couldn't manage to get the baby to kick though, which looks even cooler. I think the baby was playing shy since daddy was watching. :winkwink: Anyway, I'm over the moon with excitement about this and I feel like I have a built-in entertainment unit all the time now because I get to feel kicks and movements and they are just so cute! :cloud9:

LL - Thanks, that's why I am confused I normally get two days of positives and it goes negative which is normal. I know once you get a positive you are suppose to stop but I was told by my doctor that it was ok to test until you get a negative it doesn't hurt or change anything but I am looking at my chart and it's not making any since. I got positives early than negatives than positives again. But oh well it is what it is. I will just wait until next cycle to try again.
Maybe this is a month you didn't ovulate. My chart went wierd the month didn't O.

Lit- that's beautiful about the movement. Dons and I where taking about November the other day. Can't wait for it to be us. Enjoy it Mrs. Xxx
Linny, so glad to hear you've found a helpful physio :) I'm sure it will make a world of difference. I've also heard that the bump supports are quite good. Haven't needed one myself, but have heard good things from friends.

LL, I hope your DH will find a good "career" job before baby arrives so you don't have too much financial stress while you're off. Actually, DH's work said today that if he would like longer (he had initially asked for 3 - 4 weeks) they would be okay with that and he could go on parental leave so we're quite happy about that. He's going to start with 2 weeks and we'll see how things are going.

Don't you just love the feeling of movement? How exciting that you can feel and see it from the outside now :) I think my baby is a bit shy as it took some time before he would cooperate for DH to see and feel him moving. He now seems used to DH, but if anyone else tries to feel my belly, he stops moving. My sister has been trying for ages and all she's managed to feel so far is hiccups, lol.

Bright, your chart looks like you haven't ovulated yet. Maybe your body is still trying to ovulate and that's the reason for the multiple positives.

Blue, glad to hear your weight loss has slowed down now. I hope it stays that way! 9 weeks - time seems to be flying!! I'm so excited for you :) Can't wait to hear all about your 12 week scan. Are you planning to find out the gender when you can?

AFM, tomorrow could be the big day... I'm feeling nervous and excited. At the moment the nerves are outweighing the excitement as I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I know it'll all be worth it in the end :) Our washing machine got delivered yesterday so I've been putting it through it's paces finishing up the last minute laundry today. Gonna have the bags packed and ready in case we get called in tomorrow morning and stay in.
Crys - :haha: Actually, I thought about my post after I wrote it and realized people were probably wondering where I had my bare belly out for display! Hahah but I was actually babysitting my nieces and nephew and they were all in bed already so I was just watching TV by myself waiting for my sister-and-brother in law to get home! So not as weird as it sounded! Hahaha

Lindsay - aww! That is so cute and funny that your baby wouldn't move for anyone else! It's strange that they could tell but maybe they can hear the different voices or something! I was trying to coax him/her to move last night and s/he would start moving if I used a bit of a louder tone...but when my DH said something s/he wouldn't move at all! So probably shy about her daddy. But we'll fix that ASAP!!

I cannot believe how exciting it is that you may be getting induced tomorrow! Wow! I can imagine your nerves would be going haywire right now! Sounds like a very good idea to get your hospital bag all packed and ready to go. I do hope you'll share with us what ended up being helpful to bring and what didn't! Anyway, best of luck tomorrow or whenever they call you and I am hoping and praying for a healthy and "easy" delivery for you! I can't WAIT to hear the news! :hugs:

Blue - it is so fun daydreaming and planning for when baby arrives!! I cannot WAIT for you to finally have your rainbow baby in your arms ( and same with every last one of us here)!
Lindsay, so, so, so excited for you!!! I hope everything goes smoothly and quickly when the time comes. Can't wait to see a pic of your little one <3
Well do you think its the vitamins? Because this is the first month this has ever happened and I have been ttc and charting for two years.
Linds that is so exciting! I how you do get taken tomorrow. Fingers crossed !!

Lit- it won't be long and you will be where Linds is! Hehe I just want to get to where you are first. Sara where are u this cycle. Have you O'd yet?

Bright- ive never taken the B complex or whatever it is. But royal jelly did nothing but make my ovulation stronger. How long are your cycles usually? It is normal to have a month you don't O. It happens to everyone xxx
Linds that is so exciting! I how you do get taken tomorrow. Fingers crossed !!

Lit- it won't be long and you will be where Linds is! Hehe I just want to get to where you are first. Sara where are u this cycle. Have you O'd yet?

Bright- ive never taken the B complex or whatever it is. But royal jelly did nothing but make my ovulation stronger. How long are your cycles usually? It is normal to have a month you don't O. It happens to everyone xxx

Blue - my cycles are normally 28/29 days. Ok thanks I will just wait for af and start over next month.
Lindsay - ermahgawd! Tomorrow !! or today in fact? whatever happens I hope it goes well! Let us know! X

Lit - oh that's so sweet! a great turning point for sure. It's fun trying to figure out whether it's a hand, knee, foot or whatever. :) won't be long now before your DH will be seeing it really clearly I reckon - I was quite surprised how fast it goes from a bit of outside movement to an obvious one! X

Bright - I'm not sure the vitamins could interfere that much with date of ov? Maybe cut out the b6 next month and see? X

Cryss - how are you doing? Your temps seem to have skyrocketed! X

Today I'm starting nesting! Haha. Going out to find some fabric to run up curtains for Lo's room and do some spring cleaning . X
Emma - I don't have my scan appointment, hoping it will arrive in the post next week. They said they will make it nearer to 11 weeks as I said I was very anxious after my two miscarriages, so I'm hoping it will be around the 16th April. How are you? Yay for you reaching 9 weeks! Double figures around the corner! xx

Lit - Aww that's lovely you can see baby moving! How exciting! :happydance: I think I would just stare at my tummy all the time when I get to that stage! xx

Crys - How are things going with the 2WW? Is your chart going well? xx

Lindsay - Wow good luck! How exciting that you'll be meeting baby soon! Are they inducing you? xx

Linny - Woah! Good job getting Kate Bush tickets! I'm super jealous! I couldn't get any because I was at work, but I also thought I prob wouldn't feel like going if I'd be 7 months pregnant by then. xx

Bright - Not sure why you are still getting a smiley face. Maybe cut out the vit B6 next cycle? Sounds like you ovulated sometime after your first smiley face so I'd count from then. xx

Sara - How is the 2WW going? :flower: xx

AFM - I told my sister just after I found out I was pregnant, and I told my Mum just the other day. She has already washed all the maternity clothes from when my sister was pregnant and brought them to my house and baked me a chocolate cake to satisfy my craving! Very sweet of her, and the cake is amazing! But I do think it's too early to be having maternity clothes in the house. I really hope things go well at my next scan. I'm not telling the rest of my family until after the scan. OH and I went to see his family because it was his nephews birthday, but we didn't tell them yet. Thought it would be nicer to tell them after we have been to the 12 week scan and feel a little more relaxed. They are going to be extra excited as there hasn't been a baby born in their family for 9 years!
Lindsay - So exciting! If you do get the call, I pray everything goes really well and for a safe and healthy labor, delivery and birth.

Lit - Lol.

Bright - Looks like you might not be Oing this month, but it's probably not due to what you're taking. Just one of those months.

Linny - Have fun nesting.

Tea - Nothjng wrong with PMA and grandma being excited! Won't that be a lovely surprise for your DH's family.

Sara - Where are you in your cycle?

Blue - How are you? Moving right along.

AFM - Got my crosshairs today. Going on a ride with DH and a bunch of friends today.
thinking of you today, Lindsay!

Tea, how nice of your mom. I understand your apprehension. Although, you don't want to miss out on enjoying the early stages of this pregnancy as you can't get them back later.

bright, hang in there. your body will sort it out! I can't imagine b vitamins doing this unless you are taking massive doses.

Linny, have fun nesting. That sounds like a wonderful day! I'm actually finishing some curtains for my girls room right now too. We redid her room decorations and couldn't find what we wanted in the stores so I made the bedspread and curtains.

Blue, how are you feeling today?

I'm OK. I haven't O'd yet. probably early next week. Just as well since hubby and I are fighting :sad1: We've had some extra stress lately and I think it's wearing on us. He's getting a promotion at work which is great but the transition is hard. He's had to spend a lot of time studying on top of working tons of hours. We struggle with agreeing on parenting styles and I think the added stress just pushed it over the top. We will sort it out I'm sure.
LL, yeah I think they can tell when it's someone else - the voice, or different amount of pressure when they put their hand on, or something. Perceptive little creatures :)

Teacup, sounds like your mum is really excited!! I agree with Crys, nothing wrong with a little PMA :)

Linny, have fun nesting!!

Crys, yay for crosshairs! Hope you enjoy your ride today :)

Sara, congrats to your hubby on the promotion! Hopefully you're both feeling a little less stressed by the time O comes around :)

Thank you all for the positive thoughts :) I really do appreciate it. At this point it's looking like it'll be tomorrow. They were busy this morning and had tentatively said to come in at 3pm, but called me at noon to see if it was okay to push it back a little further. I'm supposed to get another call around 3 so expecting to hear from them soon... at this point I'm going to ask if it can be tomorrow so I can get a good nights sleep at home.

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