Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Also this is random, but when I first joined this thread in September last year, there was a lady here called Nina who kind of disappeared...I think she was from Israel? Does anyone ever hear from her or know where she went? Xx
Sab - Ooh, that's nice that your Decembers are not too harsh. I live in Saskatchewan and our winters are absolutely brutal! But winter clothes are a definite must! Since you're due in December you'll probably get lots of winter stuff as gifts as well. :)

I am feeling good these days other than a little tired and am just loving this stage of pregnancy!

Linny - I have never heard of a TENS machine but I suppose it can't hurt to try it? I plan on getting an epidural and that's that! I agree with LJ that there is no award for how much pain you can put up with so why suffer! But I know many women prefer not to use pain control. I think it's whatever a woman feels comfortable with and no one should make anyone feel bad for her decision on pain control!

Lj - Awesome! Winter sales are the best. I forget now - are you having a boy? Sorry - blame it on the pregnancy brain.

We know which crib we're getting and what colour wood we want for the rest of the furniture. We're also going to be going with a jungle theme...but other than that there's been no progress on our nursery! What about you?

I'm glad everything is looking good for you and that your pregnancy is flying by. Has your nausea finally gone away for good? I hope so! I keep forgetting that we're only 2 weeks apart, which is so nice!

Also, yes, Nina unfortunately stopped posting on here quite a while ago but she does have a TTCAL journal now and I've been following her on there! https://babyandbump.momtastic.com/t...rms-make-trees-take-deeper-roots-ltttcal.html
Hi ladies!! Hope all is well!

Sab, my hcg reset within about 10 days and I got my first AF 5 weeks after my mc. I was expecting my second cycle yesterday, and would't you know she showed up right on time?!! Ugh. At least my 28 day cycles are back, but I'm out for the month.

Needless to say, I'm a little down, but also thankful that my body seems back to normal. Strangely, this cycle is really painful, almost as painful as my mc. There are times I've almost doubled over in pain. Ibuprofen is helping :)

Best of luck to everyone!
Alt - sorry that AF showed up and is being a royal pain! :hugs: at least you can enjoy a glass of wine tonight if you like. :)
I would loooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a glass of wine. Oh well, will have to wait.
Hey ladies short update. I'm out of hospital now. Got out yesterday. Need to stay at the mothers though as my liver function is off and I really shouldnt have got out. But on anti sickness meds and steroid to stop me being sick so hopefully they work and dont harm baby. (Keep being reassured they wont.) Im 11+3 and baby was doing well in scan yesterday got another one on the 16th of this month. Havent caught up properly as im still not 10 % !

How is the new mummy doing has she been on ? Any pictures of baba and names yet ?

Any updates from you ladies ? Xxxx
Hello ladies,

How is everyone? My temps are dropping so I think I am out.
Hey ladies,

Sorry I've been missing in action, we've only just had broadband installed to the house and it's still quite intermittent and I haven't had much chance to do anything but work at work with financial year end etc.

Looks like I've missed tonnes and I haven't the time to catch up on it all, so sorry if I miss anything or anyone.

Lindsay - HUGE congratulations!!!!!!! I'm so glad your little man has arrived safe and well!! Can't wait to hear more about him and you xxx

Blue - Sorry you've been in hospital missy, hope you're feeling a little better at least and taking it easy x

Sabster - Congrats on the positive!!! You must be so thrilled! xx

Lit, Linny, Teacup & LjsMummy - Hope the pregnancies are progressing nicely and you're all well? Oh and Lit congrats on the baby girl gender reveal!! xxx

Sending lots of baby dust to the rest of you lovely ladies xxxx

AFM - I'm still well in myself but baby is apparently stuck breech around my fibroids. They're worried about one larger fibroid sitting close to my cervix and are concerned about my anaemia, going to have to go for drips and seeing a consultant about possibility of a c-section. Not ideal, I was looking forward to a natural birth but I'll have to run with what the doctors say.

Still don't know if this one is blue or pink but I'm still guessing pink xxx
:hi: Hi alleeah. Glad you are doing well.

Emma, I'm so pleased you are out of hospital but sorry that you still aren't feeling well. Hang in there :hugs:

Linsday? How are you and the little one???
Blue - Glad you're out of the hospital but sorry to hear about your liver function! Are they giving you medications for that as well? The anti-sickness meds definitely won't harm the baby! I took anti-nausea meds during the first trimester and it was the one type of meds I didn't feel guilty about because I know it's safe.

Sounds like your baby is doing excellent and I'm so glad about that! So happy for you and I hope you're feeling better soon. :hugs:

Aleeah - So nice to finally hear from you! I had been wondering about you for quite a while! But I knew you just get busy sometimes. :)

Sorry to hear your fibroids are causing a problem and that you're anemic. I'm sorry a c-section might be the best option for you since you were hoping for a natural birth but rest assured that the best way to give birth is the way that is safest and healthiest for you and baby, regardless of it being 'natural' or not! And I'm sure your dr/consultant will give you an idea on what option that is! :)

I hope you're right about team pink! I'm so interested to find out! I hope work gets less crazy soon. I could imagine financial year-end would be crazy in the accounting business!

Lindsay - I am still dying to hear the name and see a pic of your little DS! I hope you are out of the hospital and recovering well and spending lots of time with your DH. We'll be here waiting til you get back. ;) :coffee:
Im on thiamine and b complex, steroids and anti sickness. To get regular bloods to check things are going okay.

Aleeah that's rubbish about the fibroid I know how disappointing it can be to get your birthing plan changed and have no option but as long as you and baby are well! ! Xxx
bluestars: what's up with your liver? is it related to the pregnancy? i hope you get well soon and just focus your energy on getting better and having a positive outlook! :)

I went to my appointment today to get my tests results for the coagulation test and the insulin resistance test... Well they both came back normal, which is great, but not great at explaining the two MC's...

So i told her I got a BFP and she gave me an ultrasound on the spot. which was awesome!!! not much to see, just the sac and yolk, but she confirmed the pregnancy. She also said I have some blood behind the placenta and that its a small amount. asked me if Ive been spotting ( I haven't) and told me no sexual intercourse until she sees me in two weeks. I think its called a subchorionic hemorrhage, but im really not sure, I got that definition after searching Dr.google... which I now regret doing.

She said I dont need progesterone ( which I think is weird) and she said to stop taking vitex, which I wont do because she has no idea what it is. In any case, its a harmless herb, so i will continue taking it for now.... until i see the next ultrasound.
I also got prescribed a massive amount of folic acid.. 5mg of folic acid per day because she says I have some gene mutation (?) and I need more folic acid to be able to absorb it? Im not sure. I was nervous.

ARGH. I am happy and worried!! My DH says I should get off the interwebs and just relax and take it easy. I didnt go to archery tonight because I get tired when Im standing and although I didnt go to work today, I am tired...

i also ate some souvlaki and i now have crazy burps and heartburn. IT WAS WORTH IT!!!

any thoughts on this blood behind placenta thingy?
Emma - Sorry to hear you're having problems with your liver. :-( I hope you get better soon! Great to hear baby is doing well though. I have done you a new ticker now your dates have changed again! Just remove the *'s like last time. :thumbup: xx


Alternatedi - Sorry that AF has arrived with a vengence! It's good your cycles are back to their usual 28 days though. I hope this one is your bfp cycle! xx

Aleeah - That's a shame you may have to have a c-section when you wanted a natural birth, but so long as baby arrives safely then that's the main thing. Glad you're feeling okay, and I hope that the meeting with the consultant goes okay. :hugs: xx

Sabster - Not sure what she meant about blood being behind the placenta, but I heard that sch is when there is a cyst in your uterus that can burst and cause bleeding so I don't think it sounds like you have that. Maybe phone them up and ask what it was so you can have peace of mind? I don't think you even have a placenta yet because it develops at around 8 weeks doesn't it? I might be wrong though. xx

How is everyone else doing? :flower:

AFM - 1 week until my 11 week scan! I have told my boss at work that I'm pregnant now, he says he'll do a 'risk assessment' with me, so I guess just tell me no heavy lifting or using ladders etc. My family are coming down this weekend (my other sister + her family, my brother + his family and my Dad), so I plan to tell them all then. I hope my scan goes okay next week! I have been wretching a lot lately, any strong smells seem to set me off. Also I couldn't eat my chicken sandwich today because I could taste the iron in it and it made me gag. :sick: xx
Teacup - Yay for your 11-week scan coming up! I can't believe how quickly your pregnancy is going!? And I am so, so happy for you! Good that they are doing a risk assessment with you at work to make sure you're not endangering yourself! I totally hear ya on the smell aversion thing. That is actually funny about tasting the 'iron' in the chicken. I'm not sure what iron tastes like. But the other day I had to throw out all our leftovers of a cheesy pasta, broccoli and chicken dish because the chicken tasted too "chickeny" and was making me gag. Ick!

Good luck telling your family! That should be exciting!

Sab - Pretty great that you got an u/s on the spot! Nice to have your pregnancy confirmed and everything. I know which genetic mutation you're talking about. I think it's called the MTHFR mutation? Very good to be on a high dose of folic acid, then. No idea about the blood behind the placenta thing but I hope it doesn't cause any problems!

Blue - I hope everything gets fixed up soon and you start feeling better.
Hey ladies!

Sab, yay for a bonus scan! That's awesome! Don't worry yourself, but def call for more info if you need it.

Blue, I hope you're feeling a little better. Your pregnancy is just zooming along.

Tea, is it wrong that I'm excited about your food aversions? Sounds you're growing a very healthy baby-woohoo!!!

Aleeah, that sucks about your birthing plan being possibly changed. Hope all works out!

Lit, you are getting close! How are you feeling these days?

As for me, ladies, I'm so confused. So I had what seemed to be AF, some light red bleeding but it totally stopped after a day. Now, 2 days later and nothing. I'm so confused -- seems like I never made it to CD1 after all. I'll write it up to cycle weirdness after mc but this is totally a first for me!
Hey guys

Teacup - your an angel. Thanks for the ticker ! You are a little godsend! Eeek your scans so soon! Cant wait to hear all about it!!!

I have went off chicken completely! Canteat anything with chicken in and strong smells!! No no no! On the mend. More bloods taken today to see how things are going. Not had the results.

Alt- maybe test? That is odd.

Hope all ladies are well. I had spotting while I was in hosp but had scan and baby was ok. Its died down now but hoping baby still doing ok! Got my "12 week" scan a week tomorrow. Fingers and toes are all crossed !

Blue, good luck on the scan tomorrow! Spotting is scary, but good to hear baby is doing great!

AFM, came home and AF was here in full force! So CD1 for me today! I tested just in case and it was negative, so no mc. Just a weird cycle.
Hi ladies, just trying to catch up! I've been busy enjoying lots of newborn cuddles :)

Sab, congrats on your bfp!! I had a bleed in first tri and they said it could have been a sub chorionic hematoma ( blood behind placenta) and all worked out fine :).

Blue, sorry to hear you've been suffering so much with ms. Glad to hear you're home and hope you start feeling better soon!

LL, congrats on team pink!! I'm so excited for you!!

Aleeah, sorry to hear you may need a c section. I'll keep my fingers crossed that baby will turn and there will be options for a safe natural birth. If you need any info on c sections or recovery, let me know :)

I'm sure I'm missing lots, gonna try harder to keep up!

As for me, was discharged from hospital on Friday and it feels great to be home. I developed a spinal headache (complication from epidural for surgery) that seems to finally have resolved and I'm feeling more human now. As for baby's name, we have also finally decided :). He is Rowan Bearyk, last name starts with H. Someone had asked about time of birth -he was born at 2:36 am on the 31st, 5 lbs 13 oz and 49 cm long. I've attached a couple photos :)


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Blue - Wow, what!? I am astonished that you are over 11 weeks already! Your first trimester will be over before you know it! Hopefully in a few weeks you will start feeling a lot better! Interesting that you had spotting too. I think almost every single person on this thread had spotting this pregnancy! Wow! Just goes to show it does not have to be a bad sign.

Alternated - that is too weird. I agree you should test!

And I am feeling really good these days, thanks!! I am excited to be 5 months already but shocked that there are still 4 more to go!
Hmm, can only do one attachment at a time from the iPad. Here's another one :)


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