bluestars: what's up with your liver? is it related to the pregnancy? i hope you get well soon and just focus your energy on getting better and having a positive outlook!
I went to my appointment today to get my tests results for the coagulation test and the insulin resistance test... Well they both came back normal, which is great, but not great at explaining the two MC's...
So i told her I got a BFP and she gave me an ultrasound on the spot. which was awesome!!! not much to see, just the sac and yolk, but she confirmed the pregnancy. She also said I have some blood behind the placenta and that its a small amount. asked me if Ive been spotting ( I haven't) and told me no sexual intercourse until she sees me in two weeks. I think its called a subchorionic hemorrhage, but im really not sure, I got that definition after searching which I now regret doing.
She said I dont need progesterone ( which I think is weird) and she said to stop taking vitex, which I wont do because she has no idea what it is. In any case, its a harmless herb, so i will continue taking it for now.... until i see the next ultrasound.
I also got prescribed a massive amount of folic acid.. 5mg of folic acid per day because she says I have some gene mutation (?) and I need more folic acid to be able to absorb it? Im not sure. I was nervous.
ARGH. I am happy and worried!! My DH says I should get off the interwebs and just relax and take it easy. I didnt go to archery tonight because I get tired when Im standing and although I didnt go to work today, I am tired...
i also ate some souvlaki and i now have crazy burps and heartburn. IT WAS WORTH IT!!!
any thoughts on this blood behind placenta thingy?