Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Lit - Iron is a metallic taste like blood. :sick: Everytime I open the fridge I feel sick because I can smell the chicken! Another thing off my menu now. Glad you are enjoying the happy exciting stage for pregnancy! xx

Alteratedi - My first AF after the miscarriage was weird, it was extra heavy and I had bad cramps. But during that cycle I conceived again, so this could def be your BFP cycle! :thumbup: xx

Lindsay - Awww Rowan is gorgeous! :cloud9: What a sweetie! Thanks for sharing some pics, you must be so proud! My sister also had an awful headache after the epidural, she was told to drink coffee which was meant to help, but she was so tired from labour she didn't realise how much she was drinking and ended up getting the shakes from all the caffeine! I'm glad your headache has already gone, and you can enjoy being at home with your new little family! xx

Linny - Glad you're doing okay and I hope the back pain eases soon. xx

Emma - So sorry to hear your liver isn't working properly! :hugs: Not long until you are in second tri and hopefully the sickness will back off which will help your liver to get back to normal. xx

Sara - Sad that your OH had to go away for a while but great news you caught O! Also yay to his promotion! :happydance: I hope the 2ww goes quickly for you and you see your BFP! xx

Kim - I hope your uterus heals quickly! June 10th will be here in no time and I'm sure it will bring good news! :hugs: xx

Bright - Sorry AF arrived, good luck this cycle! xx

Crys - How are things going? Where are you in your cycle? :flower: xx

AFM - Feeling super anxious today, I think it's because I have had a couple of days off so it's given me time to dwell on things. I'm really worried about my next scan, I so hope things go okay. I'm in two minds about telling everyone this weekend, but I think I deserve a bit of excitement telling my family, I just hope that I'm not telling them bad news next week. At least I have a busy weekend (2 birthdays to celebrate!) to distract me from dwelling on negative thoughts!
Blue- i hope you get well soon. I know it`s not easy being sick, but hopefully you get through this in the next few weeks. Are youlooking into any alternative treatments that might help you as well?

Linnypops: i do olympic style archery. I had anice bow but it broke a few weeks ago and now I have to buy new limbs, but I think Im going to buy a new bow alltogether... $$$$$$$ I didnt go this week at all.. I feel tired!!

Ladies, thank you for the reply about the bleed behind the ''placenta', ( sac) I feel pretty good, although on wednesday I took my first ''winter''wipe out.. yup yup. I fell straight on my arse. But no bleed no nothing, so that's good. i hope the u/s on april 22 goes well and that the bleed is over, more importantly I hope I dont have to do 'PELVIC rest'' anymore... I HAVE needs!!!

I think the genetic mutation makes it so that I need more folic acid than usual, but I have no idea what the name is, i will ask the doctor next time again.

Congrats on ROWAN, very cute name and very very cute babyyyyy.

Epidurals: I don't know how i feel about them. My back is heavily tattoed and Im afraid the technician will eff it up and I'll end up disabled, but Im paranoid like that. I plan on avoiding it as much as possible, but Im saying that now. Im sure Ill be singing a different song in a few months time. Im open to all options as long as my bb is born in the best way possible for both of us.

symptoms: waking up with heartburn and going to bed with heartburn is really annoying. I am also having my first bout of nausea as I type. Also. lots of wind and bloated. Other than that I feel ok. I am in good spirits and we can`t wait to tell my parents and my inlaws. Hopefully everything goes well!!

Is anyone doing SMEP? or using the sperm friendly lubricant?
Teacup - Ew, gross ahha. And yeah, the entire first trimester I could not open the fridge door without retching either Pretty gross.

I'm sorry you're feeling anxious but it probably is just having the extra time on your hands for sure. It's good to stay busy in the early days. I had a lot of apprehension about telling family as well, but I think in the end it's good for them to know. You're right - you DO deserve some excitement. Enjoy your busy weekend!

Sab - Ick, you really are getting extreme heartburn! Do you find that you can't bend over at all without major pain from heartburn? I've been having that lately and it's very annoying because I've realized I need to bend over a lot! I'm glad you're excited to tell your parents and in-laws.
Hello everyone!

Do you mind if I join you? There's lots of ladies I recognise already on this thread :wave: would be nice to have another place to chat!

Hello to anyone I haven't chatted to before. I'm ttc no 2 after a mmc at 12 weeks in January. No luck so far but my cycles are improving every month so I'm hoping a bfp won't be too far off!!

Congrats to all on the thread who have had their babies or are pregnant and for everyone still ttc, I look forward to the journey together! :hugs:
Welcome mrs w! Hope you get your little rainbow soon! !! Xxx
Welcome, Mrs W! Now we're on three threads together! Hehe. But this is the one I frequent the most. :)
Hey Mrs W :) I stalk this thread too... I used to post a lot more but since I'm not TTC just yet I often feel like I don't belong. The ladies are great at making me feel welcome though so I stalk daily.

AFM well same old same old... had to take my younger ds (21 months) to the ER on Friday, he dislocated his elbow at daycare on Friday.. poor little monkey. The doctor popped it back in.. said it's really common.. but it was terrible to see him in so much pain! Him and a little girl at daycare where fighting over a puzzle... both pulling it... sigh..

Hope everyone is having a great weekend, it was beautiful today!! finally!!!! but we're getting a lot of rain starting tomorrow until tuesday.... so we enjoyed the nice weather today and were at the park allll day hahaha

Take care.

Teacup - Ew, gross ahha. And yeah, the entire first trimester I could not open the fridge door without retching either Pretty gross.

I'm sorry you're feeling anxious but it probably is just having the extra time on your hands for sure. It's good to stay busy in the early days. I had a lot of apprehension about telling family as well, but I think in the end it's good for them to know. You're right - you DO deserve some excitement. Enjoy your busy weekend!

Sab - Ick, you really are getting extreme heartburn! Do you find that you can't bend over at all without major pain from heartburn? I've been having that lately and it's very annoying because I've realized I need to bend over a lot! I'm glad you're excited to tell your parents and in-laws.

well yesterday I wanted pasta,so i got ma pasta, thinking, "i know I will get heartburn, but its all good"". HELL to the no. it was not ok. I had to take two huge glasses of water with baking soda and i had to sleep up straight... some foods make it worse, but yah.. its pretty intense heartburn.
Hey Kim! You are waiting to try fingers crossed so you definitely belong! Sorry to hear about Cameron's elbow, ouch, that does feel painful. You guys have been in the wars recently, I hope there are no more incidents or illnesses for a while. Only about 6 weeks until your appointment now right? Grow uterus grow!!!

Sabster, sorry you are having such horrible heartburn, it sounds really awful. I was lucky with my dd I only had it very rarely and it wasn't too bad. How many weeks are you now?

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! It's nice and sunny where I live so after a nice lie in (thanks to my hubby!) we are off to town to buy Freya a sun hat and sandals and then we have to mow the lawn and do some gardening!!
Hi ladies :)

LL, how are the baby preparations going? Yep, it was a long hospital stay, I was starting to go stir crazy there! So much nicer to be home :). I am loving being a mom, best job in the world as far as I'm concerned, even on the hard days. Hubby is doing a great job as a dad too, I enjoy watching him with the baby. Breast feeding is going great, he was supplemented in hospital due to low blood sugar but we're off the formula now and he's back up to his birth weight as of our doctors appointment on Thursday. We've been limiting visitors since we've been home so we can have some time to figure things out with the 3 of us, get breast feeding going well ( I seem to spend a good part of the day sitting on the couch with my shirt off, lol) and because the days have been quite unpredictable ( we're never sure when he'll be eating, sleeping, when I'll be napping, etc). Starting to feel better now though so will have more visitors next week. Rowan Is up 2-3 times a night and he by usually gets up at 5 or 6 with him and let's me get a couple more hours sleep which has been really helpful. I am definitely taking naps!

Linny, i hope you're able to see your step son before his sister arrives! Sounds like it's been quite the ordeal! I had a walking epidural and was able to move around as I wanted. I went in thinking I didn't want an epidural, took hypno babies course, etc but things got so intense so quickly after they broke my waters that I was very grateful for the epidural. I think if things had progressed more slowly I would have been better able to use all of my other strategies.

Blue, how are you feeling? Sorry to hear your blood work was worse, I really hope things improve for you soon!

Crys, how are you doing? Where are you in your cycle now?

Sara, glad you managed to catch O before hubby went away! Sounds like the trip was well timed ;)

Kim, I've got my fingers crossed that your uterus is healing well! That's good to know your experience with a planned section was good. My hubby is still a bit traumatized by the emergency section, Rowan was not doing well at all when they got him out. I'm glad I couldn't see what was happening, can't even think about it now without tearing up. Thank goodness he is okay. I've been planning to talk to ob about what she would recommend for next baby.

Teacup, I'm looking forward to hearing about your scan! I'm sure everything is just fine :hugs: Did you end up telling your family this weekend? Sounds like you sister had the same thing happen from the epidural. They also told me to drink caffeine, didn't work though and I couldn't even sit up so they did a blood patch (take blood and inject it into spine to patch the hole). It was rather unpleasant but it did help.

Sabs, your symptoms sound great :). When are you planning on telling your family?

Mrs W, welcome and I'm sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I hope you won't have to wait much longer for your rainbow!

As for me, Rowan has been quite gassy, fussy and hungry the last couple days so hubby and I have been spelling each other off so we can both get some rest. It's been really good having hubby home though as it means I have some hope of showering, getting dressed, etc lol.
Thank you Lindsay, big congratulations on the arrival of your lo. Reading your post really bought back memories of those early days of tiredness, getting to grips with breast feeding and just that overwhelming, heart stopping, life changing love <3 enjoy every second, they grow so fast it's unbelievable.

Also, I had an emergency section too and had a pretty traumatic experience. Baby was fine but there were some complications with me. Anyway it took a while to recover but it soon fades into hazy memories and I'll do it all again in a split second, can't wait for my next baby!!
@ Linday: I was hoping to let our families know for mother's day, but we will wait for the scan on april 22 see how the baby is doing and take it from there. We are likely to tell our close family for mothers day, but for the rest, they will have to wait until 13-14 week mark.

Im glad you are adapting quickly to motherhood and that baby rowan is a pro at breastfeeding!! best of luck, it<s those moments that make life so wonderful.

@Mrs W: I am 6w 3d accoring to my chart from the internets... Im sure that will change when i get my next u/s. But pretty intense symptoms I must say... Today is pretty good, so that's a relief. Now im just perma-hungry.
Hi ladies,

On my phone, so trying to remember everything lol:

Lindsay: Rowan is beautiful! It sounds like all is going well -- motherhood sounds spectacular! Glad hubby is there to help you!

Tea, good luck with your scan! You'll feel so much relief when you see that little baby!! Can't wait to hear all the details!

Blue, I hope you're feeling better! Now that you're nearing the end of the first trimester (woohoo!) hopefully things will improve!

Sab, that heartburn sounds awful! Please tell me your taking antacids! I suffer from heartburn all the time and antacids are my best friend. Perhaps your doctor can give you something -- sleeping upright sounds downright horrible. Feel better!

Kim, good to see you! Hope all is well and that time speeds on quickly!

Linny, I hope everything with your stepson is straightened out soon. That's awful!

Sara, good luck this cycle!

Bright, where are you in your cycle? Have you tested yet? Good luck!

AFM, I'm just finishing out my second post mc AF and it's a doozy! The pain, cramps and volume are worse than my mc and first post mc AF. I'm trying to stay positive, but this week I've been very sad -- afraid we won't be able to have children, afraid I took the miracle of motherhood for granted and missed my window. Silly at age 33 to feel that way, but being unable to have children has been a fear of mine, and this mc did nothing to help with the anxiety.

Here's hoping for a BFP in April!
Hi alls

Thanks for the info regarding epidurals ladies. I didn't realise it was possible to have a reduced dose and therefore still be able to move about etc. I will ask my midwife about this today - e.g. if they do that in the UK. We have gas and air here also which apparently is a big help. I will definitely be on that to begin with :haha:

Sabs - Sorry about the heartburn, my major symptom in the first 3 months was heartburn and also acid reflux from hell. Are you getting that also? Unfortunately for me it has come back in the last 3 weeks and doesn't look like it's going anywhere. What I would say is that Zantac is a miracle drug. I would gag massively on gaviscon and other antacid tablets but zantac is just a tiny pill. However, the issue is there haven't been enough tests or whatever for it to be declared 100% safe in pregnancy - however plenty of midwives recommended it to freinds. So, erring on the moderate side I take it when it's unbearable. x

Mrs W - Welcome! I recognise you from another thread but I tend to come here most often. x

Kim - Nice to hear from you! Please don't not-post! if you shouldn't be posting here then neither should any of the preggos. I couldn't imagine not being on this thread though so i'm still here..I post here more than in the due date one i'm on :haha: If only there were a grey-area thread we could all legitimately inhabit :) Sorry to hear about your little lad, hope he recovers quickly...blimey, remember the days when a toy was really that precious to us :)

Tea - I always found that the nerves started to ramp up before a scan :hugs: And dwell time is terrible! :) You're right, you do deserve to be excited....I think us PAL women really deserve to enjoy pregnancy at some point x

Lit - Yeah mine seems to usually hang out down there too - in fact she's gone back down there. Also, punches to the cervix and bottom which are mighty odd. I find myself suddenly looking very startled in meetings. :haha: You're nearing V day! high fives! I was so relieved to get past that point x

Blue - You must be rattling love! :) Is it helping? Are you still at your mums? Hope she's looking after you x

Slg - Congrats on your hubby's promotion! It's a bit easier to handle them being away when it's for a good cause. Glad to hear you'll still be able to catch the O though! x

Alternatedi - Ugh, post MC AF's are the worst. Well hopefully this is a really good clear-out. And - that worry about never having children is most definitely what everyone feels I think - I certainly did and even bought fertility books...DF was mortified. It'll pass when you get your next BFP - and you will X

Lindsay -So good to hear how well you're both coping and that your husband is able to help out. I can imagine your daily schedules are all over the shop atm but hopefulyl a routine will become obvious soon. Sounds like he's a good baby already though! x

Cryss, Bright- how are you ladies getting on?

Afm - The next court date for contact with ss is next week so DF is preparing for that. DF has also been granted legal aid (yes!) after months of form filling. It is a victory as previously a small fortune was spent on solicitors fees. We've gone ahead and started making some changes to the room anyway, we're just not putting the cot or baby stuff in till after. I'm off to see my midwife today and have a ton of questions to ask her. Speak soon, love to you all x
Good morning Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well. Hope are you ladies doing?

Linny and Alter - AF is here on her last day so getting ready for fertile days to prayerfully catch a egg.

Linny how are you feeling these days? You are getting close to baby arriving, those weeks are flying by fast.
Lindsay - So glad you're enjoying motherhood. Is there something you are eating on a regular basis that could be bothering Rowan? If you pay attention or chart what you eat, you can usually find it rather quickly, eliminate that from your diet, and make him more comfortable.

Linny - I hope the heartburn return isn't too hard on you. Hope everything works out so y'all can see your SS with the next court date.

Alt - Fingers crossed for you. Sorry this AF was so hard on you.

Sab - Hope you find some relief from your heartburn.

Kim - You definitely belong here. Praying your uterus heals and is strong enough to carry a healthy baby to full term.

Mrs W - Sorry about your loss. Welcome to our group.

Sara - How is the TWW?

Tea, Blue, LL - Hope y'all are feeling well.

Bright - Good luck catching the egg.

AFM - Finished AF a couple days ago.

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