Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Ahhh! I must have posted while alternated and Lindsay were posting! Stupid me for missing those!

Lindsay - I am glad you are finally home from the hospital! What a long time you spent in there! It must feel great to be home!!!

Rowan is super cute and handsome, and such a skinny little thing! Thanks so much for posting more info and pics! I love the name, too! How is being a mom so far? How has breastfeeding been going if you're still going that route? How is your DH handling fatherhood? Has he been super hands-on? Have you had lots of friends and family for visitors? How many times has Rowan been getting up in the night? Are you getting any naps?

Haha... Sorry to bombard you with so many questions. ;) I'm just curious! I hope you're doing well! That spinal headache sounds no fun but I'm glad it's going away now!!
Rowan is just beautiful! Congratulations. I hope you are enjoying your snuggles. I had bad pain behind my right eye for a few months after having emily. Dr didn't believe me but I'm sure it was from my epidural.
Awww hes is adorable linds! Sorry for the headaches though! So so hansom! !! Hes perfect! Xxxx
Lit I know. Its scary! Cant wait till my baby is here in my arms! Xxx
LJsmummy - That's what i'm thinking - that + Gas and Air and i'll see how that works to begin with. The thing i'd like to avoid is epidural because I know it stops you from walking around and takes longer to labour and recover. I'm wondering what other stronger forms of pain relief they have that don't disable you.....if it comes to it i'll take anything if it's recommended, i'm not precious about how birth should be. My freinds wife did hypno birthing and her baby shot out while she was on the loo at home waiting for an ambulance! RE: Nina - i've seen her a bit on other threads, I think she took a break for a bit because ttc was doing her head in. x

Lit - hehe, cut straight through the pain! The thing which puts me off is the fact that it slows labour down and increases the chances of intervention....though i've also heard that a long labour which is tiring the mother can be kick-started by an epidural giving her a break from the pain. Tbh, from what I can gather it's frowned upon here to get an epi without first trying without it (All this info is purely based on me watching the 'One born every minute' TV show hehe)

Alternatedi - Sorry AF showed up and she's being a royal pain in the privates. AF is poo, but it's one step closer to your LO. x

blue - :hugs: We all pray for the positive signs of pregnancy but I feel terribly sorry for you right now! I do hope they get a good cocktail of meds sorted to stop the sickness. As Lit said - I don't think there's a single one of us on this thread who didn't spot or bleed at some point in the first tri. I looked it up a while back and found that you were more likely to if you ahd previously had an MC. The horrible irony. But anyway, if your babe was ok it really doesn't count for anything X

Aleeah! - So good to see you. Glad to hear you're settling into your new pad. Sorry to hear about the fibroids, I didn't realise you had them - was that a new discovery? Sorry to hear they may go the C-section route, although far better it's planned than emergency, and on a brighter note at least you'll know exactly when baby's arriving etc....i'm just trying to pluck a positive out of the situation! :) I guess you'll have to make sure your hubs is about afterwards for a while as recovery can be 6 weeks or so? x

Lindsey - Oh he's beautiful!! Congratulations! and I love the name! How's breastfeeding working out? Is he sleeping alright? x

Sabster - I think that is what an sch is. When i had spotting i did loads of reading about the causes and apparently sch's that are small clear up quickly and cause no other problems. Even large ones usually shrink before the second trimester. The fact you haven't bled yet suggests it's not an active ongoing thing. And - basically all the pregnant girls on this board bled for one reason or another in the first tri - bleeds around the placenta would inevitably have been involved in some of them - so try not to worry and only pay attention to the ultrasounds. Also - you do archery? What kind? I used to run a Kyudo society here in Glasgow (A form of japanese archery). My dad did competition archery. I LOVED it but alas do not practise any more X

Teacup - wow, 11 weeks so soon! Time's really flying. I do hope you'll share some scan pics x

Bright- how are you doing? Did AF arrive as you suspected? x
Afm - Just plodding along. Still having intermittent back pain. I noticed all of a sudden the baby has moved up past my belly button and is much nearer my ribs now...it's weird how they seem to have these little spurts of growth or movement. I've also got a bit of a fire behind me to get things sorted too - still no step son visiting - ugh - I hope at the very least we see him prior to his sister being born...That would be so ridiculous. X
Linny - I believe so very late spotting (lite pink) this morning when I wiped but nothing now. So by this evening she may be full blown
Lindsay - He's adorable! I hope motherhood is treating you well. Glad the headache went away.

Linny - I hope y'all get to see your stepson before your little one is born.

Emma - I hope your test results are getting back to normal and that you're feeling better. Glad the spotting stopped and baby is okay. Almost 12 weeks already. Crazy!

Sab - How wonderful she gave you a scan so quickly. I hope the bleed has completely resolved by next time.

Tea - Yay for a scan soon. Can't believe how fast time is flying.

Alt and Bright - Sorry AF arrived.

Sara - How are you?
My test results came back worse today. Having a low day. Been teary all day ! Xxx
Goodness Emma. Do they know what's causing it? Is there a treatment?
I looked it up, and they say 50% of patients with hyperemesis have liver dysfunction...so sounds like it's "normal". Hopefully that means they have a way to deal with it to keep you and baby safe.
Thanks Crys. I havent really been told much at all but if its normal with the hyperemesis that makes me feel a bit better. Hoping it will resolve before more bloods on sat! Xxxx
oh Emma, I'm so sorry that you aren't improving. How frustrating for you! I so wish you could be feeling well and enjoying your pregnancy.

I'm doing fine. I'm alone with dd for three weeks. She's angry that daddy went away for a while so she's a little extra tender. We are managing though. Hubby managed to catch O before he left and he should get home just in time for the next one :)
I hope so too, Emma. They've told you nothing? Or do they expect what they have you taking to help correct it?

Sara - That's great. Hopefully he won't need to catch the next one. Fingers crossed!
EMMA - have they giving you b-6 and phenergen. I had hyperemisis with 3 out of my 4 for the whole 10 months. My doctor gave me these combos and the work well. She gave suppositories first until I could keep a pill down. I hope you feel better
Hey Ladies!!

So good to see so many of you doing well.

Emma so sorry about the sickness... hopefully your liver straightens out.. hopefully they have an action plan! Hopefully it subsides soon, since you're almost out of the 1st tri!!! wow time flies.

Lindsay, Rowan is beautiful!!!! huge congrats to you and your family!!!

Aleeha sorry about the possible c-section. Sounds like me, I have a fibroid that is close to my cervix, I wish they would have thought about the need for a c-section before I attempted labour! With my first DS, I was able to dialate but only until 6 cms then the fibroid interfered, my ob explained it as the fibroid is not flexible, then I needed an emcs, recovery wasn't too bad. During my second pregnancy the fibroid was bigger and I was told there was no chance of a vaginal delivery, and although part of me wishes I'd been able to do that, the planned c-section was AMAZING!! I requested to start bf right away, and in the recovery room they had him on me, I was outside playing road hockey with my older son 5 days after the surgery!! The recovery was much better with the planned section, I figure since they can take their time...

Sara glad you caught O!! the 3 weeks will fly by! hopefully your dd is good to you :) she sounds so cute!!

bright sorry that AF has caught you again... on to the next month!

crys where are you in your cycle, how's it looking for you?

lit, linny, teacup you are all cruising along!! good job!!

afm... nothing new here :) just waiting hoping my uterus is healing... I'm afraid I've become quite hopeful again and I am a little afraid that I again will be dissapointed... come on June 10!! seems so far away!!

Linny - I have no idea what the regulations are where you live, but where I live we get what's called a "walking epidural" which means you can still get up and move a bit during labour! That definitely might not be standard where you're from, but it certainly is the norm here! Also, my mom was a labour and delivery nurse for 25 years, and she says that properly managing pain by getting an epidural actually helps with pushing because the women aren't as exhausted and unable to function, so they can do their breathing/pushing technique properly. So there are definitely sides to both. I wouldn't base my opinions off a TV show, though. Many TV shows and documentaries are very down on the epidural but are focusing on outdated, biased or altogether false information. I think your best bet is to ask your doctor/midwife and go with what you feel is best! But many women choose to go without the epidural and are very happy with that. I do think one main disadvantage is being hooked up to an IV afterwards, etc. So there are definitely reasons for either! :thumbup:

Sorry to hear there has been no progress with your step-son! That must be so frustrating. I really hope he can visit soon...long before the baby comes! Eeek! Sorry about the intermittent back pain as well but glad it is just intermittent. Mine has been that way as well so I'm really pleased it's not as bad as I thought (but it could get much worse). I've also been going for walks more now that it's nice out and am hoping I can strengthen it that way. Have you gone for more physio recently? How interesting that the baby is up high now!!! I am scared for when my uterus reaches near my ribs because it seems like it would hurt! Right now my baby is head-down and SO low so I often feel punches and 'grinding' movements of her head below my bikini line. :wacko:

Blue - So sorry that your liver is still being a jerk! Good to know it is somewhat "normal" with hyperemesis. I really hope things are back up to snuff ASAP! You poor girl. You really are a brave one going through all this! I was also curious - have you been off on sick leave with work during this time?

Sara - Sorry your DD is acting up a bit because your DH is gone. That must be hard to be away from him for so long. Does he go away for work often (I assume it's for work)? I hope the time flies by and that you have a BFP to show him when he gets back!

Kim - I was just thinking/wondering about you last night so I'm glad you checked in! I am hoping and praying with all my heart that your uterus will be fully healed when you go back on June 10! You deserve another baby and I truly believe it's going to happen for you! Hang in there! :hugs: How is work/life otherwise?
Hey girls thanks for all your well wishes.

Bright im on steroids, anti-sickness, thiamine, vitamin b complex and rinitadine ... lol

Right now im not at work. I work bank shifts so its when im available to work shifts so its technically not on the sick im just refusing shifts.

Linny sorry theres no progression with SS.

Kim-i've been thinking about you a lot and hope that its resolved then too!!!

Linny; I also had a light epidural. I just asked them not to give me too much medication through the epidural. I couldn't feel a thing birth wise but I could still move my legs on my own.

Yes, DH is gone for work. He is an airline pilot so he is gone often although he is usually only gone a few days at a time. He just got a promotion (yay!) and he is gone training for 3 weeks for the new position. DD is doing much better today. We've had a quieter day, just the two of us. I try to keep us busy with friends but I think sometimes she gets overwhelmed and overtired. We just took snacks to the park and threw a ball around for a bit.
Sara - ooh, that sounds like a nice quiet day! My best friend's hubby is also a pilot! So I know how the going away frequently can be! At least this time it's because of a promotion! That will be perfect for when you have a new baby and he's making a bit of extra income! :)

Blue - ooh that is super nice that you don't have to call in sick at least. Hopefully you'll be feeling up to it again soon.

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