Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Bright, I'm still new to the game, but wondfos have worked really well for me and are pretty cheap on amazon.

Also Bright and Crys, we are both around the same day in our cycles. BFPs this month??? FX!
Hey ladies,

Im on my phone again so I. Not great at catching up.

Linds- soo glad little Rowan is doing well and glad mummy and daddy are getting on good too! He souns soo perfect!

Linny-i did read your post but I forget what it says now ive come to reply haha! How are you getting on? I hope hubbie gets visiting for ss! I cant believe hes going to be a big brother and hasnt really had time with you guys on his own to prepare. Shame on his mom!

Lit how are you doing with little bump?

Ttc ladies! Im praying for you all to get your bfp this month! It has to be someones month!

Whos baby is due next?

Afm- I do feel much better, still on the meds though. Steroids are down to 10mg from 50 so thats good. In two days I'll be down to 5mg then off them. Just have to hope that im past the sicky place. Still not allowed to fly home until im off the steroids so making the most of the mainland time!
Good luck this cycle Bright, Cryss and Alternatedi! I can't wait to see the next double lines! :)

Blue - Glad to hear you're doing better chicken. Hehe, well at least on the mainland you can go and buy aspirational magazines and decaff cappuccinos :) I'm doing well thanks, feeling pretty big these days. Yes, the whole thing with ss is just shocking, hopefully there'll be a result soon. The thing is several times now the court has said mum is in contempt of court and contact should go ahead, and it just gets ignored. DF turns up there for the contact time and the house is dark, curtains closed. What's the penalty? Nothing! DF then has to take another court action. Fortunately though, this next date is a different kind of hearing and should be taken more seriously.

I think Aleeah is our next baby!? :) That's not far off now, 6 more weeks or something?

Afm - I had confirmation from mw yesterday that I am lacking in iron. I had actually been taking supplements after my own self diagnosis but I guess I need to take more.
Thats soo frustrating linny! They need to do something thats just not fair.

I jinxed myself. IM getting brown discharge and im absolutely crapping myself again! Why wont these things end. Im scared without all this. This just meakes me terrified xxx
Godd morning Ladies,

Hope all is well!!

Alter - Thank you for the advice.

Alter & Crys - Good we are cycle buddies and FX for our BFPs this month!!!
Linny - I feel your frustrations with ss and court proceedings. We've been through it all with sd. Contact always seems to break down when there is a new baby due! We eventually got a court order and contact resumed about 1 year ago, when ds was 1 and didnt know who his big sister was. But now its like they have never been apart. The courts were awful, always in favour of her mother and never penalised her for breaking the court order when she didnt show up for contact. Well done for getting legal aid!! That's brilliant and should be a big help to you, we incurred somewhere in the thousands the first time around, and the second time dh represented himself to save costs. Good luck with it all, I hope something gets resolved before baby arrives! The other party never seems to see that its the older child that misses out from all this...

And I think you're right, it must be Aleeahs baby next!! How exciting!!

Blue - I hope youre feeling better soon hun. Good that they want you to stay until youre off the steroids. Try not to worry about the spotting, I think every single one of the pregnant ladies on this thread have had spotting, and we're all ok :) I remember you telling me similar when I had it, and I know how scary it was. Can they scan you again for reassurance seeing as youre still on the mainland?

All for now, catching up on my phone so only read this page!

Good luck ttc ladies for this cycle, sticky baby dust x x x
I have my actual 12 week scan for tomorrow morning at 9.30. So praying everything is ok. I know this is tmi but im so constipated ! Nothing seems to be budging it! Xxx
Emma - Sorry to hear you're spotting. I'm sure everything is fine and as ljsmummy said, maybe ask for a scan for reassurance. :hugs: Glad to hear you can cut down on the sterroids now and that you feel the sickness is fading. xx

Lindsay - Aww it must be lovely having your OH there to help out with Rowan. :cloud9: So pleased to hear everything is going well with your new little family. xx

Alternatedi - I had a heavy period after my first cycle since the miscarriage. But then it was followed by a bfp! So it may be a good thing and your body is refreshing everything ready for your rainbow baby. :hugs: xx

Linny - I hope the court date goes well next week. Also lovely to hear you're sorting out baby's room! Are you going with a particular colour or theme? I can't wait to get to that stage! xx

Crys, Bright, and Alternatedi - Good luck! I hope you all get your bfps at the same time! xx

Sara - How is it going? Are you nearing testing day yet? :flower: xx

Lit - How are things? Time you put up an updated bump pic! :thumbup: xx

MrsW - Sorry for your loss, and welcome - you'll find lots of support here. :hugs: xx

I hope everyone else is doing okay and that you all had great weekends! xxx

AFM - I told all my family at the weekend! It went well, and I got some nice hugs. They are all excited to hear about my scan, which is TOMORROW! I am super nervous, I really hope everything is okay. [-o< My bump seems more obvious now, though I can't tell what is bump and what is just bloat! My wretching was worse over the weekend, any food smells made me gag. I tried cooking my Dad bacon for breakfast and the smell of the raw meat made me wretch about 6 times! I had to leave it and ask him to finish cooking it. :haha:
About the heartburn: no Im not takign anything, just baking soda in water when its really bad and A LOT of water... Some days its bad, some days its good.. it really depends.... Now im ok, but I had a couple of pretty bad days. i dont really want to take anything... I'll see if it gets worse. i know theres acid repressants, but I'll ask the doctor when I go on april 22( SO SOOOON!!)
teacup: I'm so glad that you are doing well and you will get to see your bean tomorrow :dance: Good to hear that family was happy for you.

Yay for all your parents who are putting the children first and fighting for custody arrangements that will make the kiddos happy :thumbup:

blue: have you tried MiraLax? It's a powder that you dissolve in any liquid to help with constipation. I use it for me and my daughter. It can take a day or two to take effect so if you are really constipated now maybe try a glycerin suppository. I'm no stranger to this problem :winkwink:

Emma: hang in there! I'm glad to hear you are tapering your steroids. Fingers crossed the sickness stays away. How remote are you where you live? Did you grow up there? Do you worry about having an emergency and not having enough help? I'm fascinated by this. The older I get the more I think about living far from a city.

I'm not sure where everybody is in their cycle. I'm 9 dpo I think. I had blood drawn yesterday to confirm that I Od this month. I'm sure I'll start testing soon fully knowing that I wouldn't get a positive even if I was pregnant :rofl:
Teacup my 12 week scans tomorrow too :). I cant wait to hear about how you get on!

Sara- I have never heard of that before. I have been taking lactulose ... its not really doing anything to help. Will mention to them tomorrow and see if they can give me anything else to help.

Where I live is very remote. Its a very small island (12 miles by 5 miles ). It takes 3 and a half hours on a boat to the mainland or half an hour on a plane. I do worry but not to much the emergency services helicopter if fast and plus I will be on the mainland from 38 weeks or before if any complications.

Hehe when will you get bloods back to see if you have O'd or not ? Xxx
Good news from me, my progesterone level came back at 7 which means I ovulated again this month. I think that makes 4 months in a row. Take that negative-nancy-fertility-doctor!! I think I'm 9 dpo today. Tick-tock tick-tock waiting to test :coffee: haha, not really, I already tested but of course it was negative.
Tea and Blue - Can't wait to hear the news of your perfect scans. Glad telling the family was so great Tea. Hope you get some relief soon Blue. Sorry about the spotting, but like everyone has said it's most likely nothing to worry about.

Sara - Yay for starting to test. When will you get your test results?

Linny - Hope the anemia is resolved quickly.

Ljs, Linny, LL, Aleeah - We need bump pics!
Haha sara your funny!! Haha I have my fingers and toes crossed for you crys and the rest of the girls this month! Haha. Up you fertility doctor! Haha.

Lol Sara! 9 dpo is very early for a positive. You tell that fertility doc!
Mrs W - Sounds like you had a nice weekend outdoors. Here, it is snowing again. :growlmad: I am sooo sick of winter! How is your cycle going?

Lindsay - Thanks for your detailed response! Sounds like your husband is super helpful and involved with the baby, which is awesome! Hearing about how great it's been to have him around makes me really sad that I'll only have my dh around for 1 week, if that. Oh well...at least my mom is taking time off work and can help out as well. That sounds very reasonable that you've been limiting visitors so far so you can focus on breast feeding and don't have to worry about Rowan's sporadic routine. I'm sure as he gets a bit older, feeding times and nap times will get slightly more predictable. I'm glad you've been able to take naps and such to keep you sane! And I'm so glad breastfeeding is going well! I am sooo happy for you to have Rowan to take care of finally! I love your new profile pic and ticker, btw! Hearing about your life as a mom makes me extra excited to meet my baby! Lately I've been having daydreams about holding her when she is first born and I am getting teary eyed just from the daydreams. :blush:

Baby preparations are going well. We took a trip up to Edmonton this past weekend with another couple (the girl is the one who is due at the same time as Aleeah) and were able to find a few things for the baby. It wasn't that successful of a trip, but it was still a fun getaway. We also found out we can for sure borrow my SIL's bassinet for the first few months, so things are really starting to come together!

I hope Rowan's gassiness/fussiness dissipates soon. What a wonderful thing it is that you have your DH around to help!

Alternated - I had some BRUTAL AFs after my mc as well, one of which involved HUGE, HUGE clots and made me worry that something was wrong. I had one more cycle after that, which was shockingly light, then got pregnant the cycle afterwards. I totally understand your fear of being unable to have children. I have actually always worried about being infertile, and after the mc I really feared that I would never get pregnant again or would never be able to have a healthy pregnancy. The truth is, you know you can get pregnant and miscarriages are sadly very common. You are extremely likely to conceive a healthy baby next time. :hugs: Try to think positive, although I know it's hard!

Linny - I hope the gas and air help you! I found out an interesting fact from a doula (well, I heard second-hand) that for the hospital in my city (the only one that delivers babies), 90% of women get an epidural! So I guess it is extremely common here.

Haha, yep it can be quite surprising when you get a punch in a place you wouldn't expect! :haha: And, yes, I'm very excited to almost be at V-Day! It does seem like a great milestone to pass.

I hope your midwife answered all your questions the other day! And yay for your DF being granted legal aid! :)

I hope you can get your iron levels back up to normal soon! Have you been feeling extra tired lately? You're right that Aleeah is next but I believe she is due June 8th or 9th or something like that...so almost 8 weeks to go? So exciting!

Bright - How is your cycle going? I see you're at the boring part of the cycle, but getting close to the good part!

Crys - Good luck this cycle! I feel like your body has had a good chance to recover now and that it's sure to be your BFP time soon!

Blue - Well, according to everyone I talk to at work, my bump is "huge." Or, well, I assume they mean my bump. I just get lots of comments like, "you're getting HUGE now." Gee, thanks, guys! I know I'm not actually huge for 23 weeks so I just try to let it roll off my back. But I am doing well, thank you.

I hope you stop feeling sick soon. I am so sorry about the spotting but as you said you had spotting in the hospital and your baby was doing just fine! I'm sure your u/s tomorrow will give you the reassurance you need. You are almost done the first trimester already! I am so excited for you. :hugs:

LJ - How are you feeling these days? Are you enjoying the stronger kicks as much as I am? :)

Teacup - I'll try to post a new bump pic soon. I am doing well.

I'm glad telling your family went well and that they were all excited for you! It really is hard to tell between bloat and bump at this point but I'm sure there's a little of each. :) Sorry you're feeling a bit more sick these days too. I didn't even attempt to cook during the first trimester, so good for you! hehe.

Sara - How wonderful that your O has been confirmed again! Yes, take that, fertility doctor! I am so glad your body is proving her wrong. I really hope you get your BFP finally this month! :hugs:

Aleeah and Linny - You girls have only posted a baby bump pic ONCE so far despite our nagging. I think it's definitely time to post another one...pretty please??

Aleeah - I hope you're doing well and that we hear from you soon!

AFM - Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. As I said, we took a quick road trip with some friends this weekend for some baby shopping. We didn't find what we wanted (a change table) but there is still time. Thankfully we're getting a decent tax return which is why we were able to afford the little getaway. :)

I'm still just LOVING all the kicks...I know I sound like a broken record but that's all I think about lately. I am enjoying getting a bigger bump but not so much loving my huge boobs. :wacko: I am excited that it's a short week this week since this weekend was tiring. My sister and her hubby will be coming up for Easter and she'll be able to see my bump for the first time (she saw me at Christmas but she didn't know I was pregnant yet). Does anyone else have Easter plans?
Hey ladies I wanted to share this link:

its a list of movies, documentaries, tv shows and more about fertility, pregnancy, how conception happens etc. very very cool! I think for the ladies that are TTC this can help you visualise what is happening in your body. its super awesome
Thanks Sab!

I'm about to fall asleep but wanted to wish Blue and Tea good luck on your scans!!! Can't wait to hear about it!

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