Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Lit - Yep, that's what i'm doing. Some of them 'sound' like they have some genuine information at their disposal but usually that's more down to the fact that the vacciens aren't 100% effective etc - which to me is no reason to ditch it - it's effective enough that most killer diseases have been wiped out in modern society.

Water retention is awful! I find that some days my engagement ring won't come off and leaves a mark on my finger when i finally get it off. Then the next day it can be as loose as ever....very odd indeed. I think we are definitely more prone to dehydration and water retention when preg. Heheh, it would be great for the entire body to just un-swell after birth. A heck of a lot of it is bound to drop off! x

CarlandJane - Taking your time is a good idea. We tried in a hit and miss fashion a few weeks after - I didn't get preg before next AF and i'm glad I didn't to be honest - I was worried enough when I got pregnant the next cycle, I can't imagine how i'd have been if it had been back to back. But many women do that, get pregnant, and obviously any sticky bean is a welcome one so....it's personal preference really. Like Cryss I found sex after quite upsetting but not in a depressing way, it did help us to get more in sync again as well because DF and I were in very different headspaces afterwards....it really helped with that but obviously only useful if your body feels ok, no longer bleeding or sore etc. x

Sabs - Glad to hear your appt went well! The fact the sch is gone is great news! And I agree, the first look at a heartbeat is one of those sweet moments to cherish forever!

I just cannot agree with not vaccinating children, for some reason the MMR/autism link seems to not be dying a death despite it being disproven. It's true, arguing about it is just pointless really.

The controversy with the whooping cough vaccine during pregnancy seems to be that although children get it before school it's a new thing to be given it during pregnancy. Because the vaccine is too strong to be given to newborns I guess their argument runs - why would you give it in pregnancy then (The usual stuff about aluminium is there of course). Conversely the point runs that the placenta protects the child and passes on antibodies for immunity, it's not like injecting the baby with a vaccine - so....yeah. Some anti-vax ladies are suggesting getting it straight after birth and passing antibodies to the baby via breastmilk, but this seems to offer less immunity (if any??) to the baby. Apparently the cough is cyclical, with peaks every 3 years or so and also peaking during summer so - it seems it's not all the time that it's an issue - you might get away with not needing to bother with it :)

Blue - 2 more sleeps till 14 weeks! :) x

Cryss - how are you feeling love? Any tww symptoms to share? :) x

Afm - Doing ok. Had a great sunny weekend out and about. Although, also found myself in a difficult position - a pal of mine who is about 11 weeks preg is arguing with her partner to the point of considering splitting up. I've been trying to comfort/listen/offer advice but this weekend she said to me - twice - that if they split up she wasn't going to let him see the child...now, given mine and DF's situation with Step Son I was actually gobsmacked that she said this to me.

I plainly told her that it was a legal issue and her partner has rights, but she was adamant that she would absolutely not allow it. I later went home and told DF who suggested that since she knows our situation she's partially being provocative and that the best thing is not to try to put up an argument but to just say 'I'm sorry but I can't support that decision' and suggest she talks to a counsellor about it. Seems like my only option because laying out the facts didn't work. Also, i'm hoping it's just raging hormones and not what she really thinks!
I'm doing okay. Been doing my best to keep myself busy and not pay much attention to symptoms since it seems marking down every little symptom can have me pregnant every month according to the points on FF. My O day was very early this month, and FF's decision seems off to me, so just waiting and watching.

Sorry about your friend. I hope it's just hormones too.

I agree with y'all about vaccines.
Hey Ladies,

Sorry been a while again...!

Lit - Really don't worry about the weight, I was freaking out about mine, as everytime I weigh myself it seems to have shot up but like you said, I'm pretty sure it's mainly bloat and I read somewhere you lose around 14lbs in baby and everything else during labour anyway. I've gained around 26lbs to-date and just think the excess I've gained is surely to be expected. I felt a little sad at the last scan as baby looks small and doesn't weigh as much as average at this stage but then I felt better as knew it wasn't because of my weight gain as it's increasing every week. It's just a petite baby, which is fine. So be reassured with the weight gain and see it as a positive thing :thumbup: xx

Teacup - Sorry about your cold but so lovely to see you at the 12 week mark with your rainbow!! I feel bad not being able to get onto here very much but it is nice to see so many of you thriving, and know the rest won't be far behind either. As for your sister, it's not nice she's inflicting her opinion on you, that's families for you. Be head strong and do as you please, try and ignore her if you can and if not, just be polite and say that's not how I want to do things with my pregnancy/baby when she starts up about stuff again. She'll soon get bored and realise you're going to do what you want to, regardless of what she says.:hugs:

I'm with you on the hospital birth though, that's what I'd like ideally too, for the same reasons as you, I want it to be a safe environment with people there to help if me or baby needs it. Stick to your guns missy xxx

Linny - Hey you're not too far behind me mamma!! I was in 2 minds about the whooping cough vaccine too, as have a pushy sis in law that is anti vaccinations and I think indirectly she was influencing me a bit. But I couldn't see how it would adversely affect the baby, so I had mine done last week. Yes I had a sore arm for a few days but I hardly noticed it. Like I said to Teacup, do what you feel is best for you and baby and don't take into account what other people think, not sure why the doctors would encourage it so much if it wasn't beneficial:shrug: xx

SLG - I'm sorry you're getting disheartened, you're doing so well, your sticky BFP really must just be around the corner. Hang in there and talk to hubby, agree whether taking meds a month early is worth it or not. I bet you'll get a nice strong BFP when you least expect it, maybe next month is The Month after all!! :flower:xxx

Sabster - I opted in for Downs testing, both me and hubby were scared to go ahead with it but I have a family history of it so wanted to be prepared for either outcome when bubba arrives. I'm glad I did as I scored 1:36,000 but I know I would have worried myself sick if I had got a high risk and inhindsight I'm not sure that worry would have been worth it. Just think it through and do what you feel is best for you and your family:hugs: xx

Crysshae - Your chart is looking really good this month!! Feeling hopeful this is your month and promise to check in more so I can see how you get on too:flower: xx

Alternatedi - 2 months following miscarriage is probably what it takes most people's bodies to adjust back, so hoping it's your sticky BFP just around the corner...!!:happydance:

Blue - Your baby is developing teeth and vocal cords... must be second tri now, surely?!?! So pleased for you missy and have you posted any scan pics I can get to? Would love to see Baby Blue!!:hugs: xx

Carlandjane - Sorry about your loss. Miscarriage is indeed a horribly painful experience and I'm sorry you had such a nasty time of it. I've had a number of them and they've all been different in terms of pain etc, I hope you heal quickly and that sticky rainbow is just around the corner for you :hugs: xxx

LJsMummy - Sorry to read about your situation with sd, but glad it's getting better and contact is more normal now. Wow look at your ticker, little man is getting bigger!! So pleased for you xx

Good luck to all you other ladies still trying, it will happen, just hang in there :hugs::hugs::hugs: xxx

AFM - I'm well thanks ladies. Had to have iron infusions last week and the weekend which wasn't pleasant but thankfully they're over until after the birth. New issue that seems to have presented itself is the baby is breech and in fact has only ever really been transverse or breech, the fibroid isn't helping baby to turn either. So have scan booked in for 3 weeks, if baby is still breech then we've decided to go for the ECV, I really want to go a natural birth so will try anything. In the interim, I'm trying to lie upside down or anything else anyone recommends!!! xxx
Thanks, Aleeah. When my oldest daughter had not turned at 34 weeks, my doctor asked me to sleep every night with my bum on a pillow. When I went in at 36 weeks, she had turned.

With my twins, Twin A's head was on my left side near my hip with her bottom way down in my pelvis (so low we couldn't tell what she was on sonogram) with a her feet up by her head (she was "bent in half"), and Twin B was up on my right side already turned head down. This was at about 26 weeks I think. Since there is less room, they hope twins are turned earlier as it might not be possible later. Well some time before my next appointment, I felt and watched her turn on her own. It was like this strange morph thing moving on my left side. It was odd and a tiny bit painful, but it was really cool to watch. Sure enough, next sonogram showed her head down and that she was a girl. :flower:

So the moral of the story is it is normal for some little ones to wait to turn till later. They are just comfy in there.
Oh....and you notice it was the girls both times. Lol. Taking forever to get ready to go somewhere starts before birth. :haha:
Linnypops: thanks for clairfying the controversy. I had no idea. i know newborns get the vaccine at 2 months.
I always thought the placenta shielded the baby pretty well... I will have to read and see what the word is out there in the interwebs LOL.. Bu t yes, this babyshark is due in december.. so It shouldnt be a huge deal.

I think we will go ahead with the down syndrome testing. I am confident the tests will go well, but yes, I dont want extra worry... i know my DH absolutely wants the test. We talked about not continuing a pregnancy that would have high chances of down syndrome or other chromosonal disabilities (is it the right word?)

Argh.... WORRY WORRY WORRY! welcome to parenthood.
Sab - I am with you on the vaccine thing. It is too bad your SIL has to feel the opposite. I would be nervous allowing her kids around my baby! As for if you need the vaccine again, here I think you get it as a child and then have to get it once as an adult too...so it doesn't last forever. So I'd definitely ask.
That is amazing news about your scan and I'm so glad your baby is doing well! I am impressed that you're nearly 8 weeks already.

Linny - Sounds like you've done your research, and I definitely agree with you on your thoughts on the matter! Yes, well I think we do un-swell pretty quickly after birth. I've read (and heard) that after birth you sweat like crazy and also pee a lot, shedding all that extra water retention you saved up all pregnancy. So I am looking forward to that...kind of. Not really, because then I'll have a saggy stomach and I want to enjoy my pregnancy as much as possible! Perhaps it's time to just embrace the bloat. :winkwink:

Sorry to hear about your friend being insensitive, but in my opinion (not knowing her at all), I would say that she likely is not trying to be controversial/provocative at all or cause hurt feelings. In my experience, people are generally very self-centered, and she most likely is only thinking about her own hurt/anger right now and not realizing at all that you and your DH are in the opposite situation right now. She isn't seeing both sides because she's too "in" it right now. So I agree you should just calmly state that you don't agree with her decision and suggest she speak to someone else about it. You can still be a supportive friend, but you don't have to agree with her decision on this!

Crys - I know...Every single month I had pregnancy symptoms! In fact, I think it was the cycle I had the least symptoms that I actually was pregnant. Sigh! I hope this is your lucky month!

Funny about the girls taking a long time to get ready even before birth comment! :haha:

Aleeah - Thanks for the reassurance on weight gain as well. I suppose it is good to think that I am definitely putting on enough for baby so she is going to be well-nourished regardless. BTW, I don't think 26 lbs at 33 weeks is excessive at all. A healthy pregnancy weight gain for an average person is 25-35 lbs, so if you gain a lb per week for the rest of your pregnancy, you will still be under the limit of 35! For me, I will count myself lucky if I stay under 35! I feel I am more likely to go over that. Oh well. It's all for the baby! :winkwink: Sorry to hear your baby is measuring a bit small but as you said, at least you know you are gaining weight properly and not the cause of it. Small babies can still be very healthy babies, and it might be nice not to give birth to a huge one! Was your doctor concerned at all? I really hope your baby turns around on his/her own soon! I have heard of people doing acupuncture to get their baby to turn, and it seems to have a lot of success stories. I don't know if the successes are actually from the treatment, or because the baby would have turned on its own anyway.

It's too bad you needed iron infusions as well, but I'm glad that's over with for now! Woohoo! You really are rounding the corner now. I can't believe I missed you passing the 30 week mark, and now you're already 33! Wow! Your baby will be here before you know it! I can't wait! I hope you don't have any more issues for the rest of your pregnancy. How are you feeling otherwise? Thanks for checking in!

AFM - Dr's appointment yesterday went well. Baby kept kicking the doppler when she tried to listen, so it was hard for her to measure the heart rate properly as she wouldn't stay still for more than 2 seconds! Such a silly little baby. ;)

I have to go for my glucose test sometime this month...which I might try to get over with this weekend. Can anyone else share their experience with this? It is a non-fasting test where you just drink the drink, then wait one hour and get the blood work. However, I freaked myself out yesterday reading some forum post where nearly everyone said that if they ate shortly before, they failed the test and had to go for the 3-hour one which they passed. I really don't want to fail but don't want to "cheat" the test. I was thinking of eating a high-protein breakfast and then waiting an hour or two to take the test. What did everyone else do?

Also, at the ultrasound earlier this month, baby was measuring exactly the right size. Yay! :happydance: At the next appointment I have to get my WinRho shot (but I very annoyingly have to pick the shot up at the hospital before I go to my appointment).

Hope all are doing well!

Lindsay - Hope mommying is going well!
PS - Linny: Congrats on making it to 30 weeks! I can't believe how quickly your pregnancy is going!
Lit - Thanks! You have an active little one, lol! That's great!

When I had my glucose tests, I was told not to eat before it, so it didn't mess up the results. I always tried to have mine as early in the day as possible so I wouldn't be starving. If you choose to eat a high protein breakfast, I would eat only protein - so you have no carbs adding sugar to your blood - and only drink water or an unsweetened drink. The drink they give us here is like an overly sugary soda - awful!
Sab- we took the testing (measurements and bloods). We just thought whats the harm? It wouldnt change our decision unless baby was going to really really suffer.

Aleeah- I'll consider second tri on sunday when I turn 14 weeks lol. Lovely tonsee you back on. Hope your feelimg ok from the infusion!

Linny- unfortunately its Sunday I go to 14 weeks. So its still 4 more nights until then. Whopping cough vac is a difficult one. But ive seen babies with it and think I will take the vaccine to avoid the hell they went through. I hope you manage to make a decision. Make sure its your own though dont be forced by anyone.

As of your friend that annoys me also as I was the child caught in the middle of all of that. I hope she sees sense.

Crys- hang in there! ! Chart is looking good! Do you have twins running in your family?

Lit - glad your doing well honey!

Yes, my father was a twin, and I have 2 or 3 cousins on my mother's side with twins.
Literati, I did the glucose test without cheating and it was fine. Mind you, I wasnt pregnant when i did it .. but still... the hard part is drinking the sweet syrup thing.. then you wait. I didnt cheat because I dot wanna do it again!!! but will prolly have to....

So, i bought my first paid of maternity trousers AHAHAHAH! they were on special for 22$ so I couldnt resist... very weird. but i think I will be needing them soonish.

about the vaccine: it's hard with SIL and vaccines... I dunno what we will do once the baby is here...
Cryss - yeah, I didn't notice many symptoms during my bfp month but loads the one before - sods law! I can see what you mean about FF's decision - seems like CD 12 would be a better bet? x

Aleeah - Hello missus! yes I decided to put my ticker to where they dated me - suddenly the pregnancy seemed to zoom ahead lol. I wondered if you were getting the vaccine, that's good to know. I don't mind a sore arm - and like you I doubt doctors would encourage it if it wasn't beneficial....the vaccine clearly works based on the figures and I couldn't stand spending the first 8 weeks of her life terrified of other people coughing around her!

RE: breech. i've heard that swimming helps turn babies as does visualisation....I obviously cannot vouch for either though! Sorry to hear about iron transfusions, but great that you're all 'ironed up' and ready to go now :) I was found to be anemic at my last mw appt but think it s just normal lack of iron at this stage....do you suffer anemia outside of pregnancy or something?

Sabs - yes if it can be avoided it's so much easier all round :) I think it's rubbish that you're in an awkward situation because of someone else's personal opinions. I was recently given a few copies of a magazine called 'The Mother' by a freind in work - it's very leftwing/hippyish and I guess they thought since I was liberal i'd like it - but every single issue had an anti-vaccine article in it - I kid you not! Every one of them. I speed-read them and noted there were no references in any of the articles. It worries me that it's fine in journalism to make a case like that without needing to provide evidence of any sort.

Lit - lol, sweating and peeing all the time, motherhood sounds like it will be amazing! haha. Actually talking of water retention - yesterday I decided to wear sandals which were a tiny bit tight around the front - but I didn't notice any pain. come evening time I took them off and noticed both my feet had puffed up enormously around the strap. I was a bit worried actually but after a few hours of having them elevated they went down again. Was very odd!

I've no experience with the glucose test - i'm not sure if we get it here?? But whatever helps you to get through it without 'cheating' sounds like a good plan. And good luck with the winRho - that's the same as our Anti-D right - for Rh- blood?

Blue - Oh bum, I hate how dating scans send us all over the place lol. It's right round the corner anyway! Exciting :)

The more people tell me about babies with WC the more committed I am to getting the vaccine - i've never seen it myself but have heard a few times now how awful it is. RE: freind, sorry to hear you were also in the middle of one of those situations....me too actually - I didn't meet my dad until I was 26! 'm hoping she sees sense soon! x
My second daughter was breech at 36 weeks. I spent a week bouncing on a gym ball and she had turned a week later and stayed that way. She seems to spend a lot of time upside down now she is out too lol
Linny - there was an outbreak on our island and there was loads of people with it. Those who had the vaccine hardly even showed signs or symptoms but there was a family who didnt get the vaccine and her daughters suffered badly for months and months. It was scary to watch and I wasnt even their mum! Xxx
Trying to catch up again :). It really is difficult finding time ( and hands) to type with a newborn!

Carlandjane, welcome and sorry to hear about your loss :hugs: I hope your rainbow baby comes quickly!

Sara, sorry to hear AF got you :(. Waiting does get frustrating, it took us 8 months to get our first bfp and I was getting very impatient! Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer.

Blue and Tea, I'm so glad to hear that both of your scans went well!! It's going to get exciting around here with a whole bunch of rainbow babies arriving :)

Sab, great news on your scan too! Enjoy the maternity pants, they are so comfy :)

Linny, I wouldn't worry about the whooping cough vaccine either, it is far less risky than baby catching whooping cough in my opinion. I had the vaccine just before I got pregnant as I was exposed at work, but would have had no hesitation having it during pregnancy. Hubby and I asked our family members to get the vaccine before Rowan arrived too, especially as there have been a number of cases around here lately.

LL, dont worry about weight gain, I really think if you're eating healthy your body will do what it needs. It's probably a lot of water weight and will drop off quickly after delivery. I gained 10 kg during pregnancy and by 1 week postpartum, had lost it all and have lost another 2 kg in the last couple weeks. I think a bunch of it was water weight. And yes, you do pee and sweat a lot after baby, that surprised me!

Crys, glad to hear you're doing well. Fingers crossed that this is your month!

Aleeah, sounds like you've had lots going on! Hopefully baby will turn soon. I've heard acupuncture and chiropractic can help with turning babies, as well as swimming and playing music to the bottom of your bump... No idea if they actually work though ;). I really hope things will work out so you can have a natural birth!

As for me, things are going well. Hubby is back to work next week so that will be an adjustment for me (and probably mean less sleep). Rowan is doing well and growing fast! We see the doctor on Friday so I will be interested to see what he weighs now. I've been looking through his hospital records since we've been home and have some questions for the ob when I see her next... Especially about his weight being only 5th percentile (despite length and head circumference being average). We've been out for some walks with the carrier or stroller the last few days and Rowan loves it! He either falls asleep right away, or is alert and content just looking around. (And I'm really enjoying getting out of the house :) ).
Aww linds great to hear from you! Rowan looks great! Can't believe he is 3 weeks already! Glad your loving motherhood hehe. Xxx
Crys - Thanks. My doctor definitely said it didn't matter if I ate, what time of day it was, etc, so it might not have been the same as yours but I was definitely planning on avoiding all carbs that day (just an egg and cheese omelette or maybe some almonds). I think we have the same overly sugary soda as well. I've heard it just tastes like orange pop but way too sweet.

Blue - Thanks. Hope you're doing well too!

Sab - Thanks...good to know. I asked my friend who is 2 months further along than me, and she apparently ate a big DQ lunch and went straight for her test and still passed, so that gave me hope. ;) Haha. The drink definitely sounds unpleasant. I hope I can get it down ok! Maternity pants are SO worth it, even in the first trimester to help with bloat. You won't regret those $22!

Linny - Interesting that you didn't have to do the glucose test! They must not do it there Lucky you! ;) That is unfortunate about your feet puffing up the other day! I'm glad the swelling went down after elevating them. :) Yes, the WinRho is the same as your Anti-D for Rh- blood. Did you get the shot at 28 weeks as well?

Lindsay - So great to hear from you! I could imagine it would be hard having free hands to type ever! Good to know that you've already lost all that pregnancy weight! I'll definitely be gaining more than you did but it'd be nice if I could lose 10 kg in a week! Interesting to hear that you do have the peeing/sweating problem I heard about! Has that gone away yet?

Too bad your hubby is back to work next week, but so nice that you've had this time at home with him! I look forward to hearing about Rowan's dr's appointment. It sounds like he's doing great! I hope you can get all your questions answered. I'm glad he is enjoying going for walks with you. I can't WAIT to go for walks with baby!
Blue, I can't believe he's 3 weeks old either! How are you feeling these days? Has the nausea improved?

LL, the frequent peeing has gone away (in fact I'm amazed at the capacity of my bladder now that I'm. No longer pregnant, lol), the sweating is still a problem though, especially at night. I've been told it's quite normal and may last a few more weeks, especially as I'm breast feeding.

The glucose test drink is not that bad, very sweet but doable. Bring a book or something as they make you sit still so you don't "burn off" the glucose :)
Thanks, Lindsay. Did you eat before the test? And if so, how long before the test did you eat? I definitely need to remember to bring a book!

I'm glad your bladder has an astoundingly large capacity now compared to pregnancy. :) The night sweats sound unpleasant but at least they're "normal" for the time being!

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