Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Thanks, Lindsay. Did you eat before the test? And if so, how long before the test did you eat? I definitely need to remember to bring a book!

I had a 2 hour fasting test so I didn't eat before. My doctor said she always orders the 2 hour one so that people don't have to do it twice if they fail the 1 hour. I would probably eat lightly, or as you said earlier, just protein so hopefully it won't affect the test.
Lit - Great to hear baby is kicking lots and measuring to your dates! :happydance: Aww must be great to already have some baby stuff! Have you started preparing Baby's room? We wont start buying things until September probably, but may get afew cute things before then when we see them! :happydance: I hope you're over your cold now! Mine is still lingering but only really at night and in the morning, I'm feeling fine in the day now. xx

Sab, Lit, and Linny -
I am usually all for vaccines and don't even bother to research them, but when I looked up the Whooping Cough vaccine to find out when I should have it I read through the NHS information website and at the bottom were peoples comments. I was horrified to read some peoples experiences with the vaccine. Ours in the UK isn't the same as the one in the US, you get a vaccine for 4 diseases at once: Whooping Cough, Polio, Diphtheria and Tetanus all in one needle. Apparently it's because the NHS didn't want to spend the money applying for a brand new vaccine so just used the 'Repevax' vaccine which is the same as the 4-in-1 vaccine, the pre-school booster, that's routinely given to children before they start school. In the instructions the Repevax is NOT recommended to pregnant women, and has not been tested (except they have now been using it on pregnant women for 18 months). Also on the official NHS website (UK national health service) it says "To date, 50-60% of eligible pregnant women (over half a million) have received the whooping cough vaccine with no safety concerns being identified in the baby or mother". I'm no mathematician but only HALF the women and babies not having safety concerns identified are not great odds to me!! That means there is a 50% chance it could cause problems for me or my baby. Which brings me to the comments I read at the bottom of the NHS page, here are the two stories that shocked me the most:

"When I was on 30 week of my pregnancy I had the whooping cough and flu jabs together. Please be aware!! I felt absolutely awful, first hours I felt very bad. My baby was kicking a lot, much much more than usual! Couldn't sleep at night!! After 24 hours, there were very rare kicks, which really scared me.
After 44 h my contractions had started, my baby was born 48h after jabs! He was 31+1 week old, very tiny, premature baby! Now he is one year old he has lots problems with muscle stiffness! As I don't believe UK doctors anymore, we have medical support in Europe! The doctors here are sure that my baby has nervous problems and had a premature delivery because of the vaccinations."​

"On the 1st November we were offered the flu jab and the whooping cough jab. we were told by the nurse it was safe and the government advise the vaccination, we were given no leaflet just asked if Kim had any allergic reactions. Kim had the most perfect pregnancy our 5th, bloods where good all pregnancy and our Baby (Oscar) was very active and always a good heartbeat. Sadly 6 days later our Baby was pronounced dead at 37 weeks, cause of death Hypoxia with no explanation. I found it a bit unusual that since the Jab Kim experienced loss of Blood and movements slowing down.. I am now determined to find out if this vac had anything to do with it. I know that if we had been given the leaflet we would not have had the jab, but as a parent if you are told this will protect then you will do whats needed."​

Obviously these are rare cases, and not everyone will have issues with the vaccine. But when searching online it seems the Baby losing movement for several hours is a common symptom of the vaccine as well as the mother experiencing flu symptoms with a temperature and feeling awful afterwards.

I have thought a lot about this, and have decided against the vaccine. I think the risks of the vaccine outweigh the risks of my baby contracting Whooping Cough. In America the vaccine is different and also has been tested/trialed for years but I just don't trust this 4 in 1 vaccine they're dishing out in the UK. :nope: xxx

Linny - I can't believe your friend said that to you about not wanting her OH to see the baby! It sounds like she said it deliberately to get a reaction off you. I hope she calms down and apologises, maybe it was a 'heat of the moment' thing and she wasn't serious. xx

Crys - Looking forward to your test day! :happydance: When is it? xx

Aleeah - I hope baby shifts position soon! Sounds like you have lots of helpful advice that may get it moving. :thumbup: Have you felt baby move position yet? xx

Emma - Only 2 days until you're Second Tri! Although really you're already there as it's 13 weeks in the UK! :happydance: xx

Lindsay - Aww great to hear Rowan is doing well! :cloud9: He's so cute! I'm so happy everything is going well for you and your new little family! :happydance: xx
That's interesting information Tea. Wonder why they won't change over to the single vaccine....

FF shows my test day to be May 1st.
Tea - yep that's the thing I didn't like about it - that it was the pre-school one rather than the 2 month old baby one.

But re: the quote "To date, 50-60% of eligible pregnant women (over half a million) have received the whooping cough vaccine with no safety concerns being identified in the baby or mother" - do they mean that that's the amount who took it without any safety issues or that's the amount of women who've taken it generally and none of them have experienced any issues?....I'd have to assume the latter or else it's a pretty reckless vaccine program.

I have read a few things about women feeling rubbish after the flu jabs and I was told I might do as well - but didn't thankfully. I'm not sure if WC alone would cause ill feelings? Also, yep i've read the reports of the baby going quiet too. It is enough to make me stop and think but I also don't want to risk WC.

You might want to look into having the WC vaccine right after the baby is born and while BF'ing - I have heard that it gives some immunity, though lower than whilst pregnant.
teacup: It's weird that they put 4 vaccines in one. I can imagine that the body goes wonky after that... i looked that health Canada website and I think you only get the whooping cough alone here.. I would not want to overwork my body with needless vaccines ( like tetanus... will oly get it if i stab myself with a rusty nail...) that are not needed immediately.

As for internet comments: I don't trust anything that is put on the interbwebs to 100%... the fact is that anyone could be posting that to make you afraid and change your mind. I work with people day in and day out, interview them and ask hard questions, and you'd be surprised to what length some people will go to hide or just portray their point of view..

HAVING said that. Do what you feel comfortable with, I will definitely look into this some more before I make any decisions!!!

I think vaccinations are important, however I do think there's some that are on the grey zone. I have asthma and I have never been vaccinated for the flu vaccine because it doesn't help me much. The only one i took was the H1N1 vaccine of something like that, because the doctor just jabbed me and I was like " wtf just happened".

no updates on my side: boobs are sore, LOTS of discharge.. is that normal? and my energy is good! I do have to eat every 3 hours otherwiseI start feeling queezy. I made the appointments for the neck measure u/s with the blood test and it costs 445$ GEEEZ.... also made the appointment with the OB for may 14th!!! exciting. She was my SIL OB and she's very pro-mom choice and tries to follow your birth plan as much as possible. I will do anything not to end up under the knife!!!
Sabs - Crikey, that's expensive! We have free healthcare here but even privately you can get NT (scan only mind you) for about £100 ($200 or something??). Gosh....the price of children eh?

Tea - I found this paragraph on the Public Health England site. Seems you do pass antibodies through breastmilk .

16. Can Repevax®(dTaP/IPV) be given to breastfeeding mothers?

Yes - Repevax® (dTaP/IPV) can be given to women who plan to breast feed.

There is evidence that pertussis antibodies in breast milk are increased after immunisation in pregnancy and breastfeeding may therefore help reduce the likelihood of a baby becoming ill with pertussis. However, whilst there may be some pertussis antibodies transferred to the infant in breast milk of women vaccinated at 28-38 weeks gestation, this will not be enough to replace the need for the infant to complete the recommended primary immunisation schedule on time.

So, not total immunity but better than nothing! x
linnypops: we have free healthcare too, and they have the free test, but its a different type of testing so the results are no as accurate... we will go for the private testing and hopefully my work insurance will cover it or I can claim it in my taxes as a deductible HAHAHAHA.
GM ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well! Can some please tell me which one is positive?


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Sabs - Crikey, that's expensive! We have free healthcare here but even privately you can get NT (scan only mind you) for about £100 ($200 or something??). Gosh....the price of children eh?

Tea - I found this paragraph on the Public Health England site. Seems you do pass antibodies through breastmilk .

16. Can Repevax®(dTaP/IPV) be given to breastfeeding mothers?

Yes - Repevax® (dTaP/IPV) can be given to women who plan to breast feed.

There is evidence that pertussis antibodies in breast milk are increased after immunisation in pregnancy and breastfeeding may therefore help reduce the likelihood of a baby becoming ill with pertussis. However, whilst there may be some pertussis antibodies transferred to the infant in breast milk of women vaccinated at 28-38 weeks gestation, this will not be enough to replace the need for the infant to complete the recommended primary immunisation schedule on time.

So, not total immunity but better than nothing! x

I think I'll get mine after the baby is born then. The more I look online, the more frightening stories there are about still births from the vaccine. I even came across a petition that a couple set up demanding that the safety is proven because their baby died shortly after they had the vaccine. They said they don't believe that solely the vaccine killed their baby, but that it was instrumental in their babies death. I wish the UK would just have the same vaccine that is used in America. It seems so unnecessary to have a 4 in 1 vaccine.

Yes I think that sentence about 50% of pregnant women must have been referring to the amount that had partaken in the vaccine. Very badly worded though! xx
GM ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well! Can some please tell me which one is positive?

It's hard to see in the photo, but the ones towards the end look promising! Which ever test lines are as dark or darker than the control line would be positive. :thumbup: xx
brighteyes: i agree with teacup. the last ones look dark.

teacup: the internet is full of trollers making things up. Anyone can go online and claim anything.. Im very sceptical about anything I read that is not backed up in some way or another. The post pregnany vaccine does seem interesting specially if it does provide immunity to the baby.

here's a video you should all watch!! its really funny!! and full of swearing, so if you dont like potty mouths be aware.https://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/penn-teller-call-bullshit-anti-vaccination
Teacup - I saw that petition - I noticed it was the precise same situation as a woman whose story i'd come across on netmums - and also on a facebook campaign page. After a bit more investigating it became apparent that it is the same person, not numerous cases.There was also one other story I found of a husband talking about his wife's loss. But I found no others....obviously there may be more. And there do seem to be a few stories about less movement (but no problematic outcome)

What I thought might be interesting is to search for both things - both deaths after vaccine and deaths from whooping cough and the difference in the results is whopping. The same tragic case of a stillbirth is the main thing which results from searching for death after the vaccine, while the deaths from whooping cough are numerous - so I think i'll probably go ahead and get it....I will talk with my doctor first though.

Sabs - hahah! I love it! :)
Hey Ladies,

Sab, Teacup, Lit, Linny - I wish I'd researched more now with the vaccine, I honestly just thought it was the whooping cough one. I definitely didn't have reduced movement as I had one of my iron infusions straight after and so was linked up to a CTG monitor and baby was very active. I do think, if I'd looked into it more I may not have gone for it but then equally I'd feel terrible if the baby got whooping cough. It's a tough one, and I don't envy you ladies having to make the decision.:shrug:

Lindsay - What a beautiful little boy you have there and what a gorgeous name to match! :thumbup:He's completely adorable and sounds like you're like a duck to water with motherhood!! I'm impressed you've found time to get online and hope Rowan is a little cherub for his mummy when his dad goes back to work :flower: xx

Lit - I too had to have the glucose test, both my parents are diabetic so I think you have to have it if you're considered at risk in the UK, if not then you don't. I had the 2 hour fasting one and passed. It wasn't pleasant and I ended up fainting and throwing up towards the end...:wacko: but that was just my experience!! Everyone else having it at the hospital seemed fine and I felt very silly reacting that way but I guess I just didn't like the soda drink!!:haha: I'd do as the others have said, have a light meal before and I'm sure you'll do fine.

As for the weight, hubby thinks I haven't put enough weight on as baby is small but I've always been smaller than average, so it's probably a little girl that takes after me. He's putting me on a higher calcium diet now though, he's read that will help the baby, suits me, I LOVE hot chocolate and now will have a perfect excuse to drink it everyday!!! :happydance:

Have you had any cravings yet?? I feel I've missed out as haven't had any xx

Crysshae - Thank you for all your tips, I found some strange advice on the spinningbabies website that basically states you should lie upside down. So with hubby's help we tried this, I'm pretty sure it didn't work but then after jumping up and down on my exercise ball during my working day I felt the baby turn and had a scan today and sure enough it's head down. Admittedly it's got one of its hands on its head :wacko: but it's definitely head down. So very relieved mummy to be here, I'm back to being excited about the birth and hoping the little monkey won't turn again. I think it's a little girl even more now you said your girls were always breech!! :happydance:

Can't wait for you to start testing... not long now!!!:flower:xxx

Bright - I'd say 24th look positive and maybe 25th too, definitely looks like you've ovulated anyway, good luck :hugs: xxx

Sabster - Can't believe how much you have to pay for the NT scan, it's daylight robbery!!:growlmad: It annoys me that health professionals charge such prices for something they know you're going to want and so are likely to be willing to pay for. I'm glad you have a few ways of trying to get the money back though :winkwink: xx

Linny - Yes have suffered from anaemia for a long time now but doctors never got to the bottom of it and I gave up taking iron supplements. Pregnancy obviously made them sit up and start looking into it more and it all comes back to the thalessemia trait, apparently you're more likely to be iron deficit if you have the trait. Just means my red blood cells won't absorb the iron like they should, so taking the supplements and diet would have zero impact to my iron stores. But the infusions flood your system with it, so it's likely to be absorbed. Apparently I should see a huge rise in energy, so waiting for that so I can go out clubbing again...!!!:haha:

Sorry you're having to led an ear to your friend who is obviously not thinking straight, must be baby brain. She can't possibly keep little one away from it's Dad, I don't agree with that at all. But like everyone else is saying, she's probably just hormonal and upset at the moment, once she's calmed down she should see he's a right to be part of the baby's life regardless of how she feels about him.

Can't believe how far along you are!!:happydance: How much did you jump with the dating scan? Little Baby will be here before you know it, have you started going buying mad yet? And have you had any cravings?? xx

Carlandjane - So your advice may just have done it, like I said, I used the gym ball technique and baby is head down, I have a much flatter bump now, flat over my belly button but I think it's quite cute and means I can at least tell it's head down!! Thank you :hugs: xx

Teacup - I must've missed your little ones due date, when is it? Glad you're starting to feel better from your cold, do you think you'll find out the gender if you get the chance at your 20 week scan?? How are you getting on with the pregnancy too??:flower: xxx

Blue - How's baby Blue treating you? Hope the sickness has eased off and given you some rest? :hugs:xx

AFM - Pregnancy is ok, apart from the iron and the PGP I had that lasted a week, I feel quite good actually. Was out with friends a few weekends ago until gone midnight, I got a lot of filthy looks! Made me laugh, if I feel ok and I'm not tired, then what's wrong with making my orange juice last most of the night?! I feel more tired now, so won't be out that late this pregnancy again I don't think but at least my friends think I'm totally rock and roll now and I had a lovely evening to boot too!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend xx
Aleeah - Thanks I hope we BD'd enough that I caught a egg. We BD'd on cycle days 8,9,11,13,14 & 16.
Linny - Thanks, I think I'll get the jab after birth as you suggested just to be on the safe side. :flower: xx

Aleeah - My babies due date is November 5th! :flower: I don't think we will find out the babies gender at the 20 week scan, I think we'll keep it a surprise for birth. Though I bet it will be hard to say no when the midwife asks us if we'd like to know! Do you know if you're expecting a girl or boy? I'm getting on okay with the pregnancy thanks! :thumbup: I had nausea between 7 - 11 weeks, but have felt fine for the last 10 days or so. Also today I noticed my tummy seems harder! Maybe I'm getting a proper bump instead of a bloat now! Don't worry about the vaccine Aleeah, it's extremely rare it would cause any problems and both my sisters had it and their babies are perfectly healthy. It's only those stories that I read which scared me, and as I mentioned, there is no evidence to suggest the vaccine was the cause of any harm. Great you had a night out with your friends! Also really glad to hear you're feeling good now. xx
Aleeah - I hope you start feeling the happy iron effects soon then! That must have made a massive difference to your energy levels during the pregnancy - added ontop of the usual bodily exhaustion...I dunno how you've managed! btw, when do you finish up work?

Glad to her your little un has turned now....there's less room to move now isn't there so hopefully it'll put her off trying it again :)

They put me a week ahead at 12 and 20 weeks scans so I figured they must be right although I was pretty certain of my dates tbh...Anyway yes - been getting things sorted recently- well mainly nursery furniture. we've been gifted so many hand me downs it's amazing. The pram, moses basket, bags of clothes, car seat, cot, so much stuff. What about yourselves have you organised the new nursery room? Must be so nice to be settled in a shiny new home and start ona room afresh.

Teacup - sounds like a good plan! I just don't see why they can't give us the pertissus-only one...Sigh...wish this was easier. My thinking atm is i'll do it while pregs but not at 32 weeks as they'd like but a bit later at say 34 - there's still beneficial effect but nearer to her term. Glad to hear you're feeling much better! I think the hardness must be the bump starting....how exciting! x
Yay! I'm glad the gym ball seemed to help. It reassures me that I didn't spend hours bouncing for no reason too lol!!

How soon after mc did you all ovulate if you know? I'm trying to figure my insides out. Trying being the key word!
carlandjane: i have no idea.... the first time after the mc I didnt get back on the TTC wagon for a while and my temps were all over the place so I stopped stressing out over it (got BFP after 6 months) After the second MC I decided to drink lots of tequila, smoke and have a good time. We did however BD every other day just to try the SMEP plan and it worked. I remember I did an OPK test and it was " positive" but i can never read them properly. I based myself mostly on my CM and went ahead with that as my main indicator of ovulation.

Having said all that ( sorry im chatty today) i think I ovulate between cd 10 and 18. on a 35 d cycle.

I found it really hard to focus on TTC after the MC because on the one hand i was eager to get pregnant again, but petrified of being subjugated to the same experience. So I decided to just enjoy and do lots of "peanut butter jelly timeeee"
Wow, lots of vaccine discussion in the last few days.

Teacup - I am very skeptical of the stories you are reading on the internet. I also feel I should point out that correlation does NOT equal causation, so the women who have reported something going wrong, the rare time it has, are likely blaming it on the vaccine without anything to actually back that up. Also, I feel the "reduced movement" some women have noticed might just be that the women are afraid of the vaccine affecting their baby and become hyper-aware of whether their baby is moving or not afterwards. I know personally every once in a while my baby has a "sleepy day" and barely moves all day, and I've certainly not had a vaccine or taken medications to cause it. Lots of the 'reduced movement' cases are likely coincidences as well.

I think that the results of NOT getting the vaccine are far worse than the microscopic chance of something going wrong with the vaccine. But that's just me!

Having said that, I think your best bet is to get the vaccine right after the baby is born, like you said. That way you are protected and won't catch the disease and pass it to your baby, and as Linny researched, you will provide your baby a small amount of immunity through your breastmilk. We're all just doing the best we can with the information that we have, so do whatever you feel is best for YOU and feel great about it!

Also, that definitely sounds like your baby bump coming out! I finally noticed my bump at 12 weeks when my bloat dissipated a bit. Of course, no one else could tell at that point, but it seemed obvious to me!

Sab - That video was funny and so true. :haha: Glad your energy is good! Your OB sounds great. That's exciting that you'll get to see her in less than a month! I definitely remember having to eat frequently to avoid feeling queasy (but for me it had to be every 20-30 minutes :haha:).

Aleeah - I wouldn't worry one iota about the fact that you got the vaccine. People post horror stories on the internet all the time, many of them unfounded. You know already that your baby was unaffected by the vaccine and as you said s/he stayed very active! How your baby is going to be so much safer when s/he does arrive! :)

I'm glad you passed the glucose test! A lot of people from elsewhere seem to have the 2-hour fasting test right away, but I guess here they always just do the screening one first. I really hope I pass because I could imagine throwing up after drinking the drink if I'd been fasting! As it was, with my high-protein breakfast first I felt great. The drink was too sweet and made me feel icky but I actually thought it tasted good. :haha: But, as I said, I think on an empty stomach it would have been much worse! Sorry you had such a terrible experience with it. :hugs:

That is SO cute that your hubby is so concerned about you and baby putting on enough weight and that he's put you on a high-calcium diet! That can never be a bad thing. I hope you enjoy all your hot chocolate, chocolate milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, etc! :winkwink:

Wow! I'm so surprised you haven't had any cravings yet! Do you mean you just haven't had any intense/weird ones, or you honestly haven't craved anything at all? I crave something pretty much every day...but my main cravings have been lemonade/lemon-flavoured things in the first trimester (this one was very intense and I even once got up in the middle of the night just to make lemonade :haha:). I also craved a lot of potato chips then, but those cravings were less intense. In the second trimester, my strongest craving has been sugar cookies. Two different people made me batches of sugar cookies to fulfill my cravings, but my craving STILL continued. Thankfully that one has subsided now because it was very intense as well. Also in the second trimester there have been a couple times when I intensely craved grapefruits and grapefruit juice! I seem to have a thing for citrus this pregnancy. Most of the time, I just crave junk food and treats but it's not intense - more just like a normal PMS craving. But I still indulge most of them anyway. :winkwink: I was sort of disappointed that I didn't have pickles and ice cream or anything crazy though. hehe.

Yay for your baby being head-down now! That's excellent news. :happydance:

I'm glad you went out and partied with friends the other weekend. Who cares about people's dirty looks. :winkwink: Preggos can have fun too!

Linny - Sounds like a good idea to get the vaccine around 34 weeks. :) :thumbup:

I'm glad you're getting so many hand-me-downs! They can be so helpful.

Carlandjane - I personally ovulated cd18 after my mc, counting cd1 as my first day of actual full-on bleeding although I hadn't passed the baby yet. I ovulated very quickly, though. Lots of people take over a month to ovulate. One really can't predict after an mc, unfortunately.

AFM - I've had a busy weekend celebrating my DH's birthday, which was yesterday. I feel quite tired out now, even though all we did was go for supper and a movie, then dessert after with some friends (and we were home shortly after midnight). I did my glucose test yesterday, and spent 2 hours in the lab because the wait was so long. I REALLY hope I passed because I can't imagine wasting another morning there.

I can't believe the weekend is almost over already. It always goes by way too quickly. :cry:

Also, my bladder has now reached a new record in lack of capacity. I've been getting up 4 times per night to pee now...and yesterday I tried to go for a walk by the river with my mom. I peed twice before we left home, drove 10 minutes to the river, and by then I had to pee SOOO badly that I couldn't even walk without extreme discomfort. She had to drive me to a fast-food place to pee so that we could actually go for a walk. And then I only made it for about 10 minutes before having to pee again. :haha: Thankfully there was a public washroom on the way. :haha: I find it's worst when I'm standing up. I can last a tiny bit longer if I'm just sitting. There ya go...I know you all wanted to know all about my bladder. :winkwink:

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