Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Oh Blue, I'm so sorry your sickness isn't improving :hugs: I sure hope you are better soon and that the remainder of your pregnancy will be sick-free!!!!

Linsday, so glad to hear Rowan is doing well. Newborns are hard, no doubt about it! Hang in there. I think little kids get more and more fun as they grow.

I'm in my O window. I'm hoping I haven't O'd already because hubby is still out of town until tomorrow night. Can't quite decipher my O symptoms this month....my ovaries need to communicate more clearly! :rofl:
Lindsay - Great to hear from you! I haven't heard yet if I passed my glucose test, but I assume if I failed that I would hear from my dr this week sometime. Yes, I will certainly be used to getting up several times in the night once baby arrives (but I won't be used to STAYING up and feeding/changing a baby :haha:). Sorry to hear you are so darn tired! I am really scared to be able to make a statement like that (haven't had more than 3.5 hours of consecutive sleep for a month!). I am hoping that I will just somehow function anyway, though. I am the type of person who NEEDS her sleep. Even before being preg, 8 hours has never been enough. I need 9-10 hours to feel decent throughout the day...and if I get LESS than 8 I actually feel like I'm going to die. So motherhood should be interesting. :haha:

I hope that Rowan soon settles into a rhythm and maybe lets you sleep for a 4.5-5.5 hour chunk soon. :winkwink: How has this week been with your DH gone? Has it been a big adjustment? I'm happy to hear people have been respecting your no-sick rule. I am afraid people aren't going to want to comply to my "No visiting if you've coughed in the past 2 weeks" rule but hopefully they will be as obliging as your friends/family. :) I will definitely enjoy my sleep tonight and remember that somewhere in BC you are getting very little! :hugs: That is very interesting that Rowan was born on the day of your first BFP. Obviously it was always meant to be an important day for you! :) I hope Rowan's gas issues resolve themselves and that he feels better soon!

Mrs W - Thanks! I do hope I end up enjoying mine! At the moment the weekly commitment feels stifling. That is understandable that you won't test unless your AF is late. It gets disappointing seeing BFNs over and over.

Blue - So sorry you've been so sick still and hospitalized! I hope you start getting some real relief soon. :hugs:

Sara - I hope you haven't oved yet! Good luck catching that egg tomorrow when your dh gets home! :winkwink:
Mrs W, yes, the newborn cuddles make it all worthwhile :)

Blue, sorry to hear you were back in hospital! I was hoping you hadn't been around much because you were feeling great. I hope the hyperemesis improves soon and you can start enjoying your pregnancy!

Sara, hopefully o will wait for your hubby to get home! Yeah, we already notice Rowan changing and becoming more interactive... He's awake and alert a lot more and is starting to try to smile :)

LL, I am the kind of person who needs a lot of sleep too, and I've been really surprised with how well I'm functioning on very little sleep. You're right it's the staying up that really gets you. On the positive side, I am now really good at napping, lol. The week has gone pretty well so far, I miss my morning naps though... Hubby had been taking Rowan around 6 or 7 after he ate and letting me get a couple more hours of sleep. I'm also looking forward to being allowed to drive again so I can get out of the house a little more. I think you just have to stick to your guns on the no sickies rule, some people may not like it but too bad for them, you've got to do what's best for you and baby. We have asked visitors to call before coming over which makes it easier to screen people, lol (also allows me to implement my one set of visitors per day rule)
Linday109: I like your rule! i have a friend that did that with her firstborn and I first I thought she was batty, but now that I am PG I think I would do the same. Having a newborn is hardwork, so having a sick newborn must be extreme.

I hope my SIL does respect my wishes. However we got into a fight a few days ago and I am really pissed at her, I am not exactly on talking terms with her and she still doesnt know about the pregnany, at this point she can find out through facebook for all I care.

Putting that aside, DH and I decided to try to work things out with our families and try to get along with everyone.. I think we have high expectations and I tend to be judgemental sometimes with thsoe closest to me, so I will try to focus on good things and let things sort themselves out. i want good family dynamics, so adding wood to the fire isnt going to help, although if I wasnt pregnant, thats exactly what I would do LOL.

I had my SECOND u/s last week tuesday and the baby measures 7w3d :) i am now 8W5D. YAY! first real appointment will be on may14th.

Blue: I hope you get well soon!!! it'S a sh*tty situation but hopefully you can recover soon and start envoying the pregnancy without the full blows side effects.

MrsW: I never test unless I am LATE. I hate to waste those pee sticks. and I hate to see a BFN.

Brighteyes: yes!! families excel at providing sources of DRAMAZ lool
Lindsay - Well it's good to know that a fellow "lots of sleep-needer" is coping okay with the sleep deprivation so far. I would imagine it would be tough not getting that nap early in the morning, but hopefully Rowan will start sleeping a bit longer so you can be sleeping then too! That sounds like a great rule with having people call before they visit and limiting it to one set of visitors per day. That would really help to avoid getting overwhelmed. I was thinking about it, and I'm not really sure if anyone would even want to visit me? I guess I might be surprised by what family members/ friends come out of the woodwork but at the moment I can't imagine anyone besides my mom/dad and BFF wanting to visit regularly, and my sister will also be taking a quick flight home one weekend so she can see the baby. But otherwise I don't think DH's family would really come around much besides for the original hospital visit? I guess we'll see!

Sab - Sorry you and your SIL aren't getting along. Hopefully you can patch things up soon. Yay for a good u/s last week!

AFM - I had a rather stressful day. It started out worrying about paint fumes from the back lab being painted while I was at work. I had my window open and fans running and could still smell it, but wasn't able to leave work because I had some very important reports to do and had to train the girl who will be covering my mat leave on them. Then a couple hours later, I had some pink spotting (just when I wiped) and mild cramping and I freaked out but, again, still couldn't leave work because of everything I had to do. I called my dr and she finally got back to me at the end of the day. She said as far as fumes go I was probably fine with the windows open...and as far as the spotting went she said since it had stopped (I only had one incidence of it and then it stopped), it was probably fine...but if I have anymore to call back and she will book another ultrasound. I also found out I passed my glucose test, and all my blood work came back good...so that's good. Also, training that girl proved to be a very tedious undertaking (I don't have much confidence in her abilities :wacko:) so it was just all around a very frustrating day. Thankfully I can just relax now, and I have vacation days booked for Fri and Mon, so I can let go of all that work stress!
Blue - Oh god you're kidding, i'm so sorry petal :hugs: Did the HG go last time ater the second tri was underway? If so it'll hopefully follow suit. xx

Bright and mrs W - Good luck with testing this cycle! Our next BFP is surely just round the corner! :) x

Cryss - Are you keeping well love? x

Sara - Fingers crossed your O and husband managed to coincide!? x

Lindsay - Ah pet, hope you manage to get some more naps during the day. Sleep's an interesting one though, I think the body eventually learns to get deeper sleep in shorter periods if it has to....and hopefully Rowan will be sleeping longer soon too :) x

LL - Sorry to hear about the fumes and the spotting. It's good your doc'll get you in if it happens again NB: have you any signs of thrush? I ask because my pink spotting got a lot worse when i had that and I know it can be common in later pregnancy.

How did your birthing class go? We went to a general antenatal one last night which was good. Got to ask lots of questions. One thing which came out is that they don't do mobile epidurals here, so it would basically mean being bed bound. Not liking that so the next session is about other forms of pain relief. Hopefully there's something in there to suit me! I *really* wanted to ask 'Can you tell me - exactly how painful is it? I mean really?' lol, but just didn't have the guts incase I got laughed out of there.

Afm - I have 4 weeks left in work! How did that happen? I'm very pleased because i'm really feeling like I can't be bothered with sitting infront of a PC much longer :haha: We also have good news, DF will be seeing SS for the first time in several months tomorrow! Df is over the moon of course, hopefully the transition back to normal contact will go smoothly over the next month and we can all just concentrate on being a family again! x
Morning ladies! I got a positive ovulation stick today. Hubby is adament we should try again now. I am excited but nervous though. I guess time will tell. I wonder if this will be a magic egg. However if it doesnt stick it's obviously because his bojangles aren't good enough haha my excuse anyway!! I hope you are all well xxxxx
His bojangles :rofl: I love it Carla! Good luck xx

Lit sorry to hear about your stressful day and the worry and spotting. How are you feeling now?

Bright how are you getting on? Any news?

I'm 9dpo today but I think af is around the corner. She's been coming early since my mc, 10dpo last cycle. I've seen some brown cm on checking which is normally my earliest sign she's on the way. Feeling pretty gutted.

Sorry not a long reply to everyone but I'm on my phone.
His bojangles :rofl: I love it Carla! Good luck xx

Lit sorry to hear about your stressful day and the worry and spotting. How are you feeling now?

Bright how are you getting on? Any news?

I'm 9dpo today but I think af is around the corner. She's been coming early since my mc, 10dpo last cycle. I've seen some brown cm on checking which is normally my earliest sign she's on the way. Feeling pretty gutted.

Sorry not a long reply to everyone but I'm on my phone.
Good morning ladies,

CarlandJane - Congrats on the positive opk!! Get to BDing

Mrs. W - I am still waiting and going crazy. I had some cramping yesterday and the day before along with headaches, and lots of white creamy cm. A couple of times I thought it was AF. My temp took a little dip this morning so maybe I am out this cycle. It didn't help with my mood this morning either, I have been a lil depressed thinking about my angel Kyle his due date was 6/7/14 so with that going on and temp drop I just felt like cramp. I cried:cry:, got myself together and came to work. Are you taking anything to lenghten you LP?
Hi everyone! It's been so long since I've written. I know I won't be able to comment on it all because I'll forget what was said.

I hope all of you pregnant ladies are doing very well, and I wish all of you TTC ladies the best of luck and baby dust.

Linny - When I can get some uninterrupted story-telling time, I will try to describe my birth experiences and how I feel about epidural vs no epidural after experiencing both.

My cycles have been pretty strange lately and my LP shortening. So on Wednesday I finally started the B6 I had thought about trying a few months ago and started Vitex yesterday. Fingers crossed they help.
Hi everyone!

Sara - I hope your body holds off ovulating until OH gets home! xx

Emma - Sorry you're still suffering with sickness. :hugs: I hope you're feeling better soon and the 'blissful 2nd Tri feeling' kicks in. Great that baby is doing well though! :flower: xx

Lindsay - Argh! 3.5 hours sleep doesn't sound anywhere near enough! I'm awful if I haven't slept enough, in fact I just cry at anything and get ill! Not sure how I'll cope with the newborn sleep patterns when I'm a mum! I'm glad Rowan is well and growing nicely! :thumbup: xx

Bright - How is the 2WW going? I hope this is your bfp cycle! xx

Sabster - Great to hear baby is doing well! Only a couple of weeks until your next scan - exciting! :happydance: xx

Lit - Birthing classes sound fun! I can't wait to get to that stage. How did it go? :flower: Sorry to hear you had some spotting - I'm sure everything is fine, and I'm glad it stopped quickly. Great that your doctor got back to you about it and put your mind at ease. Enjoy your long weekend! xx

Linny - Wow only 4 weeks left of work! That's so exciting! Great to hear that your OH can finally see his stepson again. Awful that it needed a legal battle though. Let us know how it goes tomorrow! xx

Carlandjane - Yay to positive opk! I hope you are getting lots of BDing done! :thumbup: I didn't even get a positive opk during the cycle after my mc, so it's a great sign your body has recovered quickly already. Good luck - I hope this is your rainbow baby cycle! xx

Mrs W - Sorry you think AF is on her way - though the spotting could be implantation bleeding so you never know! xx

Bright - Sorry to hear about the temp dip, but you're not out 'til the red lady sings! Also really sorry you're feeling down at the moment about your angel Kyle, it's important to embrace these feelings and properly grieve. :hugs: You'll have your rainbow baby soon. I hope you're feeling better and have a good weekend. xx

Crys - Good luck, I hope the B6 and Vitex help! B6 definitely lengthened my cycles in the past. xx

I hope everyone else is doing okay and that you all have a great weekend! xxx

AFM - Sorry I haven't been on here much recently, I have been under a bit of work-related stress which was causing me a lot of worry! I don't know if it's pregnancy hormones or what - but I have been feeling super anxious the last few days, (short of breath, increased pulse) and got a couple of tiny 'twinges' in my uterus area during these anxious episodes which then caused me to be even more anxious! Hopefully the bank holiday weekend will help me to relax a little. I think the work stress was what sparked this anxiousness, and then I started worrying about what the stress was doing to the baby and then I just started getting more anxious! :cry:

Did any of you other ladies experience this anxious feeling during pregnancy? I think it could be hormone related but I'm not sure. xx
Linny - I don't know how I missed that you get to see your SS again. That's what I get for skimming. That's wonderful! I hope he is so happy to see y'all again too that there will be no problem getting back to spending time as a family.
Hi ladies!

Linny, I'm so happy that there's is finally progress on the DSS visitation. That's O fabulous!

Lindsay, I really hope you get a little more rest soon. I'm also the kind of person who needs sleep to function, so I'm hoping the babe start snoozing for longer periods of time!

Blue, so sorry to hear that you've been hospitalized again. I really hope you're almost out of the woods!

Tea, don't be too worried. It seems like pinches and cramps are pretty normal during pregnancy. I hope the time off helps you feel better!

Bright, crossing my fingers that this is your lucky cycle! I'm sorry you're a bit down -- sending comfort and peace your way.

Mrs. W - maybe it's implantation bleeding? Fingers crossed you get surprised with a BFP.

Crys, I just started taking B6 too and noticed I ovulated 2 days early -- I hope it goes the trick in regulating your cycle!

Sig, good luck catching that egg! Crossing my fingers for multiple BFPs this month!

CarlaandJane, that's awesome that you ovulated so quickly! Best luck catching that egg!

Lit, birthing classes sound fun and terrifying. Tell us how it went.

Aleeah, hope you're doing well! Almost there!

AFM, I have been in some kind of funk. My cycle last month was wonky and painful so I decided to make an appointment with my dr. I never received a post-mc ultrasound and was worried there could be retained tissue or an infection. So I go to see my doctor, and she refused to do anything - no exam, no u/s -- just tells me if it continues to happen for 6 months, to come back.

I was so angry. I'd noticed my LP was way short, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I started taking B6, and progesterone cream (I spot for days before AF, which is a sign of low progesterone.)

I'm working on getting a new doctor, but it's so frustrating. I don't want to suffer through another loss or 2 before doing anything.

I'm feeling better now - currently 5dpo but not particularly hopeful this cycle.
Hello ladies!

Bojangles :rofl: I'm going to start using that.

Linny: Hooray for seeing your step son!!! I really hope that it goes smoothly and it's the start of more frequent visits.

tea: I'm sorry to hear that you aren't feeling great. My anxiety wasn't worse during pregnancy but I do suffer from anxiety off and on in general. I find it to be a very helpless feeling. My anxiety is always over nothing important or even nothing at all but I get racing pulse, pounding heart up in my throat, and general fear. I wouldn't worry about your cramps since they don't sound like they are very strong. I would talk to your doctor though about managing the anxiety. Maybe imagery or aromatherapy would help since I don't think you can take and sedatives now.

Blue; :hugs:

MrsW and Bright: I'm sorry that you sound down this cycle. ttc can be so frustrating!!!!

I thought we had missed my O this month but this morning I had more EWCM and a stronger OPK than yesterday (although not as strong as a few days ago). I think I'm probably going to O tomorrow? Hubby came home last night and we BD so fingers crossed our timing worked out ok :thumbup:
7 dpo and a stark white BFN this am - quite the dreamer, right?

Sig, that sounds promising! FX for your BFP this month!
Good morning Ladies,

How is everyone?

I had a little rise in my temp this morning. I also have had horrible cramping, pinching, stinging, pulling, and burning on the ride side of my abdomen. I tested this morning but it looks like a BFN to me but I am happy to share pics for squinting pleasures. LOL


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Bright eyez : how many PDO are you? give it some time before testing again :)

I am going well, feeling queezy since yesterday.. I am particularly sensitive to smells. My BF cooked bacon on SAT and I thought I was going to puke. Same thing with berr, I cant stand the smell.

Things are ok on the homefront. My DH and I have been having some arguments... my dad moved in with us temporarily and my Dh can't stant him so it's a really stressful situation.... DH was mean with him yesterday and my mum was there and she was pissed and she almost left. ARGH.... anyways my Dh has a lot of attitude lately and he says he just does things for everyone else. I dont even want to deal with him. he agreed to it and he agreed to have my family over for supper. needless to say it was super stressful for me....
Bright - I thought I saw something so I tweaked it but can't tell if it's just a smudge since the line seems wide and you can see the same smudging lower on the test as well.


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