Linny - Yeah, it's good they're letting me work from home. I guess the problem has been more in that they are not cooperating with informing me when these chemicals are being used. I have a doctor's note stating that I can't be in the office when certain chemicals are being used - and thankfully they have been honouring that....
when I actually know what is being used! I have asked repeatedly for them to TELL me when they start using these chemicals, but instead no one has been informing me and I have to rely on my nose to sniff out fumes and go around asking people what the smell is coming from until I finally find someone who knows (and by the time I find out I'm having a full-blown panic attack). It's ridiculous. And they've been having bad attitudes and dismissing things as, "oh, that's fine when you're pregnant." Um, well, last I checked you were NOT a doctor so I am going to listen to an actual medical professional who says otherwise, thankyouverymuch. It's just very frustrating because none of them seem to care at all about keeping my baby safe and I have started to feel like it's their mission in life to poison my child. I really just wish they would start warning me advance when they're going to use something that could be harmful and taking me seriously when I tell them I can't be around then.
THANKFULLY, my current supervisor is a lot more understanding than my last one, and she is totally fine with me working from home and doesn't raise a fuss at I am hoping there won't be any more issues from here on out. I also talked to the manager who usually knows what is going on chemical/fume wise...and she said she would try to keep me more informed from now on. Of course, she's said that before but if I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt she is probably just really busy and isn't thinking about my baby all the time so it hasn't been her first priority.
Sigh. I talked to my doctor last night and my doctor said if they are not accommodating me properly then she will just write me off work completely on sick leave, so that's good to know she's there for me if it comes to that. I told her at least for now they are letting me work from home and I'd let her know!
Sorry for that long-winded explanation. Nothing gets me more riled up!
I am glad your swelling is gone by morning. It certainly isn't pleasant but I suppose it is just a part of pregnancy. If you wear any rings, do you find that they still fit? I can still wear my wedding ring, but just these past few days I've noticed it getting really tight by the end of the day because of puffiness. I'm hoping I can last a little while longer.
Sab - There are definitely labour laws and human right codes protecting me, but my employer doesn't seem to care too much about them and it's very difficult to actually make a complaint and actually have it stick. As I said to Linny, at least for now they seem to be accommodating me.
Mrs W - I have no idea when the renos will be done...That's the one informs me (or anyone) and the boss just makes decisions and doesn't care about the effect on any of the workers. Also, unfortunately it's not just when they are doing renos that affects me, because we have a lab attached where they do soils and aggregate testing and use very harsh solvents to clean ovens, etc and the fumes carry throughout the building. Anyway, enough of that! So sorry that AF got you again.

I know it is SOO discouraging when it takes longer after a mc to conceive. But I am sure your time is right around the corner!
Teacup- Congrats on your healthy scan! Your baby looks BEAUTIFUL! Sooo cute! I am going to guess...girl for your baby but don't really know why. I guess I'll be waiting a long time to find out if you're keeping it a surprise!
Also, it doesn't matter what room in the office I'm in because the ventilation in the building is terrible and spreads all the fumes throughout the entire building, instead of outside. Hence why I need to work from home instead!
Bright - Very sorry for your BFN. How did your doctor's appointment go?
Alternated - I might be getting 'line eyes' but I almost thought I saw something on that test as well. Can't wait to see the next one!
AFM - I have my birthing class again tonight. This time my mom is coming along since DH works evenings.

I am quite looking forward to learning more! For some reason I am not getting freaked out by labour still because I'm still distancing myself from it and thinking more about someone else going through it than myself. I guess I can stay in denial for a bit longer.
Lately I am feeling very, very large. It is hard to believe that my belly (and butt and back fat and boobs) are going to keep growing for another 3 months. Definitely trying to cherish the bump as I know I'll miss it when it's gone, but I really didn't expect to feel SO unattractive and whale-like while pregnant. I gain weight in my face easily as well so I have a bit of a double chin going on. Blech.
Also - does anyone find baby kicks painful yet? Everyone always complains to me that kicks start hurting and I should just wait because I'll hate the movements soon. Well, I know the kicks are going to get a lot more powerful to come, but so far I've had zero pain from them and they are still my very favourite thing in the whole world. I can't imagine wanting baby to stop moving? She occasionally has sort of taken my breath away when she kicks my ribs, but not so much that it's uncomfortable - more just 'surprising.'