Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Blue - Oh gosh well good luck to you! I hope it works! It would be rubbish to have to be away from home indefinitely! And blimey! I can't believe Nat's had her baby early like that - so glad she's doing well though....At 30 weeks it seems like a lot of stuff is functioning just fine and baby's have brilliant success rates....mustn't be nice being in NICU all that time though. Please pass on best wishes from me! x
Blue - I'm so glad to see you feeling better. I hope you do very well off the steroids. Please tell Nat congrats on her little one and that we're praying she gets healthier and stronger every day.

Alt - wonderful news! Congratulations!

Linny - beautiful bump!
I'm right here! Lol. :flower:

If you mean in my cycle, I'm 9 dpo.
Linny: I love your bump pic :) I'm jealous. When I was pregnant I never stuck out so too far but my bump was from my boobs to my pelvic bone. Not the most attractive. It was like she was lying out flat in there!

Blue: I so hope that the steroid pills work for you. I can't imagine having to be away from home for so long. I'm sure you will find a way to get all the baby stuff home. Maybe you could ship some of it? You will probably find that you don't need as much stuff as you think you do. But, you will need lots and lots of burp clothes...just a heads up from another mommy!

I hope that Nat's little one is doing ok. 10 weeks is pretty early!

I've been thinking a lot about if Emily ends up being an only child. There are some advantages. I feel like I need to start easing into the idea in case we really don't get our second baby. I knew I had trouble with the quantity of my eggs but now that none of them are fertilizing I'm worried about the quality of my eggs too. Only time will tell. For now I'm also looking forward to doing a medicated cycle in July.
Alt~ Great news!!! Congratulations!

I am feeling better as far as cramps go. Just a little down about it today. I will get better though.. I am so ready to see those pink lines again!
Morning ladies :)

Just popping in quickly to say hello, will try for a longer post soon.

Welcome to the new ladies and I'm sorry to hear about your losses :hugs: I've still got my fingers crossed for everyone TTC, and I hope all the pregos are doing well :)

Rowan and I are doing very well and he's growing like a weed. Hubby is back to work full time, and Rowan and I are managing well. This week He started smiling when I talk to him which just melts my heart every time he does it :). Still not getting too much sleep, but I have started bringing him into bed with me after he wakes the first time (something I had planned NOT to do) and we are both both getting soooo much more sleep than we were.

Just a suggestion for those expecting, I would highly recommend getting a wrap or sling of some type. I have a moby wrap which I LOVE, it allows me to get things done during the day, and I can even nurse Rowan when he's in there. It has been a lifesaver!

Anyway, I will try and check in more often. I hope everyone is doing well :)
Hey Ladies!!

Long time no chat.

I loove checking in on you guys and seeing how far you have come... I can't believe how time flies and more and more of you are having your babies!!!

Emma I hope the tablets work for you!! poor thing! Sounds like you've got your spirits up which is amazing.

Sara.. I feel your pain... I too have worked through those very feelings of not having another baby. It's really hard, but I've found it really helped me to realize that there are positives in either scenario, and that's what I focus on. It doesn't mean that I don't want another baby but my heart has come to accept that it's okay if I can't. Praying that your rainbow baby comes soon. How long will you guys try? Since I think you will at some point have to go back on those remission meds right?

Becky I hope you're doing okay, good luck SMEPing this month!! I really hope you get your rainbow soon!!!

I'm so sorry for you ladies with fresh losses... big hugs and the ladies that are here are amazing.

crys good luck this month!!

Linny you crack me up :) chalk hahahaha well sounds like you're doing amazing!!!

AFM well a little over 3 weeks until I find out if I can have 1 more baby.... I've been doing a tonnne of research and I think as long as my uterus wall has gotten thicker then we will give it a go. I am lucky in that I am able to go on long term disability if needed just to be sure to rest more while pregnant. I've also been working on getting my weight down (10lbs down another 10 to go) so that there would be a minimal strain on my uterus since I am NOT a small pregnant person hahahaha I gained over 100 lbs with my first and 65 with my second!! and I figure if I am told that we can't, well at least I'll be skinny again :) I have everything crossed, although I feel like I've gotten my hopes up again and it will devastating if the doc says I can't. I've told my OH that I need him at this ultrasound and doc apt for the support and so we can make the decision together.

Well chat soon.

Alt - Thanks! It's interesting you said that about men being more nervous about labour than we are...because every time we come home from birthing class, DH says to me, "Wow, I'm really glad we've taking this class because labour is actually REALLY scary and I'd hate to only find that out in the delivery room." So cute! I'm kind of happy he is finding out how 'scary' it is so he can be properly sympathetic and supportive when it happens. :winkwink:

EXCELLENT news about your hcg!! Wohooo! :happydance: Congrats! Just revel in that for a while and try to avoid the overthinking and stressing. Initial numbers mean a lot so things are really looking up for you! :D I hope your otc progesterone cream is helpful for you. Sorry to hear about the fatigue setting in. Hopefully you don't get it too bad. For me it was so terrible that I would sleep 18 hours straight and honestly it took over my entire life. All I could do was sleep, puke and repeat! :p I bet you are looking forward to your dr's visit and u/s in June! I can't wait to hear about it and it isn't too far away now!

Linny - What a BEAUTIFUL bump pic! I wish I could find your old pic to compare to. I'll have to go through the old pages later and check. :winkwink: Thank you for sharing! I'll try to post a new bump pic soon! We'll take a new one Monday when DH is off so maybe I'll post that one so it's perfectly up to date!

That is cute and sad about your routine to get out of the car, but I totally understand! I make DH come around the side of the vehicle and help me out now when we take his car because it's much too low for me and quite the struggle to get back up! I hope your dh stops making fun of you soon! :winkwink:

As for your new chalk fascination...you had mentioned you were anemic earlier, hadn't you? Since your symptoms sound a bit 'pica' like even though you aren't eating them thankfully, I might see if you could get your iron/hemoglobin checked again to see if they're going up? When you take those calcium pills, make sure you're taking lots of iron too! And add some spinach while you're at it! :) That is quite a bizarre pregnancy symptom but I hope you can find a 'cure' soon!

Blue - I really hope you are done with the sickness now and can go home! It must be hard stuck in the hospital. Hang in there! :hugs:

Thanks for the news on Nat. Tell her Congratulations for me!! That is quite crazy that she had her 10 weeks early. I always feel paranoid that I'm going to go in labour at any minute, especially when I hear of it happening to others. I'm glad her baby is doing well!

Crys - Hope you're doing well.

Sara - I think all bump shapes are beautiful in their own way! It is so interesting how different women show differently. Nothing wrong with a taller, flatter bump!

I'm sorry you feel you may have to ease into the idea of Emily being an only child. I won't try to deter you as perhaps it is healthy to think about the positives, as Kim mentioned. However, I really think you have every reason to remain optimistic about bringing a second child into the world! :hugs:

Lindsay - It's so great to hear from you! I'm glad that bringing Rowan into bed with you has helped you both get some more sleep. :)

My SIL lent me her wrap (I'm not sure what brand it is) for when the baby is born, so I'm glad to hear you recommend them! When my baby is a bit older I'll invest in a more supportive baby carrier like an Ergo or something.

Kim - Awesome to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you're working hard on getting healthier to get your body in top shape for another pregnancy (or, as you said, just to be skinny again! :)). It sounds like you're doing everything in your power to be able to have another baby. I do hope and pray with all my heart that your u/s brings great news and that your uterus will be fully ready to support another pregnancy! Also excellent that you have the option of taking LTD during your pregnancy if need be. :hugs:
thanks for all the support ladies! You are the best :friends: I talked to my RE this morning. I hadn't talked to her in 4-5 months. She said, Yay, lets get going! Good to hear she's optimistic about the medicated cycle. Not sure how many more times we will try. I guess we just have to see how I feel. Going back on my cancer meds isn't urgent but I will need to do it at some point.

Kim, it's so good to hear from you! :flower: I have my fingers crossed that your uterus is getting stronger and thicker by the day!

Wantababy, I'm glad you are getting through this okay and that your body is cooperating. Hang in there.
Blue: I hope you get to go home soon!!!!

Alt: So good to hear ur numbers are increasing!!! My doc didt give me anything either... So I just continued taking vitex.. I stopped now because im 11 weeks practically and the placenta should be taking over the progesterone production by now..

I went to m first real pre natal visit: everything is good, i weigh a bit less than before, my uterus is" at a good size" ( I always wonder how they can tell in 2 seconds of touching) and more importantly... I HEARD THE BABY"S HEARTBEAT. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. it was awesome.

I am feeling well, almost no indigestion but I am extremely tired and I cant seem to get rid of this cold. As I type im in bed, ready to call it a night... and its 9pm LOL! ON A FRIDAY!!! oh man my party days are OVER!
Good news from me today. I went and had an ultrasound of my ovaries and there are no growing follicles yet for this cycle. So I will get to start my injections today. So curious to see what my body will do with the stronger fertility meds. Very hopeful that this will be the boost we need to get another little one! Doctor is hopeful and thinks meds are a good idea for me right now. I'm "old", a cancer survivor, and had to take chemo meds, all of which decrease egg quantity and quality. I know there's got to be one good egg left in there!!
Sab - sorry you can't seem to shake that cold! I know how that is! Take heart, because hopefully some of that pregnancy fatigue will lift in the second trimester!! Excellent news on hearing the heartbeat! Isn't it wonderful and such a relief?

Sara - that is great that you are able to start your fertility meds this cycle! Surely your body will respond well and give you an amazing egg! Good luck! :happydance:
Sab - hearing that heartbeat is the best noise in the world isn't it!!

Kim - brilliant to hear from you!! I'm so hopeful that your uterus wall has grown and you can join us ttc-ers. If it hasn't grown enough is it a definite no or can you wait a bit longer and check again?

Sara, hopeful for you too, fingers crossed this medicated cycle gives you that sticky bfp, you so deserve it.

Sorry for not writing to everyone, about to head to bed!!

I'm cd15 today, 4 days to ov. Although did an opk earlier and was very faint which is odd for this time of cycle. Still doing smep. Xx
I did SMEP and it worked ! We followed it to for the most part, I got a bit annoyed near the end, so I stopped right after ovulation LOL
Sara - Aw thanks love - Lying flat out in there sounds very attractive to me actually, I feel a bit like tweedle dum especially when sitting down. I hope you don't have to get used to the idea of Emily being the only child - but I can understand why that might be a productive way to think about things as you carry on trying. This child is going to be an only one (although I have a step son we see him for such short periods and he's a lot older). Hurray for starting the meds...I think you're right, there's got to be at least one good egg, it only takes one!x

Lindsay - Really glad things are going well, thanks for the sling tip - i've asked for one on my registry and will get one in any case.

Bright - How are you doing? Just waiting for O?

Kim - I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you're feeling about the upcoming june date. I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you... Congrats on your weight loss too! That's amazing, I find it really hard to shift weight once i've put it on.

Lit - I'm hoping the mw checks my iron again, if she doesn't suggest it i'll tell her about the fact that i've started sniffing chalk dust and see what she says :haha: Would be great to see an up to date bump pic from you! x

Sabs - Enjoy your indigestion free nights! Mine actually dissappeared completely in the second trimester so you've got nice things to look forward to :) x

Mrs W - Good luck around ov date! x

Afm - I am so blinking tired, it's hit me like a wave this weekend. So glad there's only 2 weeks left in work, and because i work part time + a bank holiday it equates to just 7 working days. hurray! DF is talking about us going on holiday for a week in june, but tbh i'm quite nervous about that prospect - being away from the hospital, away from my normal bed, I dunno - possibly i'll be fine but it makes me a bit jittery.
Hi ladies!!:dance:

I always seem to start by apologising for leaving it so long to write...and again, sorry its taken me so long!

Linny - I was soooo pleased to read you got to see your step son. I hope he continues to slot back in to your family life, and that contact will be regular now, kids amaze me at how adaptable they are. We have step daughter over this bank holiday, for 3 nights and we all can't wait.
How are you feeling in this heat?? Ive been so tired and cant get cool. Resorted to sharing ds paddling pool yesterday for my feet while he splashed about lol :dohh:
I also work part time and due to the bank holiday have 8 working days left at work, so I will be finishing in about 4 weeks, cant wait now!
We are going away for a long weekend break at the beginning of June. I didnt want to go any later in the month for the same reasons as you, too far from the hospital etc. Its normal to feel jittery about it though, just try to enjoy the break and relaxation! Its really not long for you now...exciting!

Lit - how are you doing? I always forget how close together we are due! Hows the bump? We must be due another bump shot from you soon? I took one a few weeks ago but never got round to posting it, now im probably double that size so will have to do a new one! Thanks for always asking after me, im always here stalking!:hugs: When are you finishing work?

Lindsay - your little boy is beauuuutiful! I think I already said congratulations but just incase I didn't, congratulations! Ds was a terrible sleeper for the first few months (and more) but now asks to go to bed at 7pm and we dont hear a peep from him, he really is an angel...at night times anyway!:winkwink:

Blue - how are you feeling now love? Your ticker really is zooming along! Are you still on the mainland then? I hope youre feeling better soon, it seems to have lasted forever for you poor thing.:hugs:

Kim - great to hear from you! I always think of you and wonder how youre doing.i really really hope that uterus wall of yours has got thicker! Praying for good news for you at your next appointment. Fabulous about your weight loss also, I hope the doc is really pleased with you!:thumbup:

Aleeah - are you lurking? You must be due...like now?!I hope you get time to come and give us just a tiny update soon.:happydance:

Slg - brilliant news that you can start meds this cycle! Everything crossed for you. I hope it works quickly for you, that would be wonderful. It only takes one nice egg!:thumbup:

I know ive missed people so apologies in advance! Writing all this on my phone while ds uses his play hammer and drill on my legs!

Afm - everything is good. Im tired and hot, waking up with leg cramps a lot, but still just grateful. Had an appt with consultant last week and they are happy, he is measuring a week ahead now but they arent changing my due date. Have another appt in 3 weeks for a growth scan and the consultant will give me a date for the c-section then. Excited but terrified!

Lots of love to everyone:hugs: x x x
Good morning ladies,

Linny - I am ok just waiting to O and vacation. I am smep, taking be, primrose, folic acid and vitamins. I will use preseed starting today I think I O the 22nd or 23rd. You are coming along lovely won't be long now before you are holding your bundle of joy!!!
I have a question. I posted it on another thread but I'm really curious and confused.

I had my MC three weeks ago. It was natural, everything seemed to go well, bled for a week and then stopped completely. We have been trying recently, but not fervently...

I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was positive. Then today, I started spotting very lightly. So far, nothing like a real period, but it does seem to be increasing.

My question is: can I actually start a period when I have enough hcg in my system to get a positive pregnancy test???? Whether it's from an old or a new pregnancy, either way...I thought I wouldn't get my period till it was at 0 or very low?

I'm fine with starting my period. God knows I didn't want to wait six weeks or more for it. But I'm just confused.

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