Alt - Thanks! It's interesting you said that about men being more nervous about labour than we are...because every time we come home from birthing class, DH says to me, "Wow, I'm really glad we've taking this class because labour is actually REALLY scary and I'd hate to only find that out in the delivery room." So cute! I'm kind of happy he is finding out how 'scary' it is so he can be properly sympathetic and supportive when it happens.
EXCELLENT news about your hcg!! Wohooo!

Congrats! Just revel in that for a while and try to avoid the overthinking and stressing. Initial numbers mean a lot so things are really looking up for you!

I hope your otc progesterone cream is helpful for you. Sorry to hear about the fatigue setting in. Hopefully you don't get it too bad. For me it was so terrible that I would sleep 18 hours straight and honestly it took over my entire life. All I could do was sleep, puke and repeat!

I bet you are looking forward to your dr's visit and u/s in June! I can't wait to hear about it and it isn't too far away now!
Linny - What a BEAUTIFUL bump pic! I wish I could find your old pic to compare to. I'll have to go through the old pages later and check.

Thank you for sharing! I'll try to post a new bump pic soon! We'll take a new one Monday when DH is off so maybe I'll post that one so it's perfectly up to date!
That is cute and sad about your routine to get out of the car, but I totally understand! I make DH come around the side of the vehicle and help me out now when we take his car because it's much too low for me and quite the struggle to get back up! I hope your dh stops making fun of you soon!
As for your new chalk had mentioned you were anemic earlier, hadn't you? Since your symptoms sound a bit 'pica' like even though you aren't eating them thankfully, I might see if you could get your iron/hemoglobin checked again to see if they're going up? When you take those calcium pills, make sure you're taking lots of iron too! And add some spinach while you're at it!

That is quite a bizarre pregnancy symptom but I hope you can find a 'cure' soon!
Blue - I really hope you are done with the sickness now and can go home! It must be hard stuck in the hospital. Hang in there!
Thanks for the news on Nat. Tell her Congratulations for me!! That is quite crazy that she had her 10 weeks early. I always feel paranoid that I'm going to go in labour at any minute, especially when I hear of it happening to others. I'm glad her baby is doing well!
Crys - Hope you're doing well.
Sara - I think all bump shapes are beautiful in their own way! It is so interesting how different women show differently. Nothing wrong with a taller, flatter bump!
I'm sorry you feel you may have to ease into the idea of Emily being an only child. I won't try to deter you as perhaps it is healthy to think about the positives, as Kim mentioned. However, I really think you have every reason to remain optimistic about bringing a second child into the world!
Lindsay - It's so great to hear from you! I'm glad that bringing Rowan into bed with you has helped you both get some more sleep.
My SIL lent me her wrap (I'm not sure what brand it is) for when the baby is born, so I'm glad to hear you recommend them! When my baby is a bit older I'll invest in a more supportive baby carrier like an Ergo or something.
Kim - Awesome to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you're working hard on getting healthier to get your body in top shape for another pregnancy (or, as you said, just to be skinny again!

). It sounds like you're doing everything in your power to be able to have another baby. I do hope and pray with all my heart that your u/s brings great news and that your uterus will be fully ready to support another pregnancy! Also excellent that you have the option of taking LTD during your pregnancy if need be.