Hi ladies!
I'm a few days behind so please bear with me. I've been so tuckered out lately!
Linny, your bump is soooo adorable! You look fabulous! I love the smell of chalk even not preggo, so I can relate. I have kicked out my progesterone cream usage lol -- nothing to lose! So awesome that you're close to finishing working -- enjoy your time before baby! Wow, you are so close! I would be nervous about taking a holiday so close to your dd. Perhaps something close where you can get to the hospital soon? Even a couple nights in a nice hotel would be nice.
Blue, are you pills working? How much longer before you get to head home? FX that the anti-naseau pills work and you're home soon!
Crystal, thanks love! When will you be testing? Fingers and toes are crossed for you!
Sara, I really do hope your dreams of a second baby come true. Hopefully this medicated cycle is exactly what you need!!
Having said that, I'm an only child and it's not the worse thing. We grow up pretty independent and all of the superstitions about oc being selfish are rubbish. Sometimes I do wish for a sibling, but then I'm around my husband's huge family and want to hide in the corner with a book lol. My parents were really good about keeping very close to my cousins, so it was pretty similar to having siblings, and we are all close now into adulthood.
Wantabby, I hope you're feeling better today. It will happen for you -- your body is just taking some time to heal. FX that this is your month!
Lindsay, Rowan smiling must be so adorable!! I'm glad that you found a way to get more sleep! We'd love to see a new pic of Rowan!
Bright, thanks! How is everything going for you? Looks like you're getting close to O -- good luck catching that egg!
Kim, I have my fingers crossed that you'll get the green light to try for one more baby. You've been so patient -- there must be light at the end of the tunnel!
Lit, thanks for the kind words! So cute that your husband is worried about labor LOL! He is going to look at you like a goddess after you give birth!
Sab, YAY for hearing the baby's heartbeat! That is so wonderful!!! Hahahaha, you and I were in the same boat on Friday -- we went to see Godzilla with friends, and I feel asleep on the way home -- and 9:15 pm!!! Glad that the indigestion is easing up -- hope that cough gives you a break soon!! Almost to that second tri, momma!!
Mrs W - good luck catching that egg this month! This last cycle, we did SMEP and used Preseed and it worked.
Aleeah - we miss you! Hope all is well!
ljsmummy - glad all is going well with you! Maybe eating a banana or two might help those leg cramps (usually a lack of potassium). Awesome that your little guy is measuring ahead!
Bright, Fx that you catch that egg this month! I credit preseed with this pregnancy!
hop - I'm so sorry about your loss. My first period didn't show for a few weeks after my HCG hit zero -- I second asking your doctor for a blood test to see if HCG is doubling. Good luck!
AFM, ladies, I am so tired! I slept till 10 on Saturday, woke up for breakfast, went back to sleep at noon, woke up for lunch, and back to sleep at 4. It's so nice to take a nap since it's my fantasy to nap during the work week. I've got a little bit of a cold and a slight fever. I'm working from home today to give myself a break. The nausea has started, but I haven't gotten properly sick yet (strange that I'm looking forward to it, lol). I've been eating candied ginger and lemon drops which seem to be helping. I was worried sick yesterday - I hardly peed all day, even tho I was drinking water. I was convinced that it was over. After tossing and turning, I finally broke out a test. The test line was so dark that the control line was light -- yippy!!! I woke up hubby to share the good news lol.