Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hi Hop, I'm sorry about your loss. Some people's HCG levels drop very quickly but some people have levels that linger for a long time. Many people ovulate before their level gets back down to 0. A level below 100 seems to be fair game for ovulation and an HCG level of 30 seems to be a common time for ovulation. So if you ovulated when your level was 30 and it is dropping slowing than two weeks later when you have a period I guess it is possible to still have a positive test. You really only need a level of 5-10 to have a positive hpt. If you have insurance that will cover it I would recommend getting a blood test done and then a follow up blood test two days later. That way you can see if your level is rising or falling. Good luck and I hope you have good news soon :flower:
Hi ladies!

I'm a few days behind so please bear with me. I've been so tuckered out lately!

Linny, your bump is soooo adorable! You look fabulous! I love the smell of chalk even not preggo, so I can relate. I have kicked out my progesterone cream usage lol -- nothing to lose! So awesome that you're close to finishing working -- enjoy your time before baby! Wow, you are so close! I would be nervous about taking a holiday so close to your dd. Perhaps something close where you can get to the hospital soon? Even a couple nights in a nice hotel would be nice.

Blue, are you pills working? How much longer before you get to head home? FX that the anti-naseau pills work and you're home soon!

Crystal, thanks love! When will you be testing? Fingers and toes are crossed for you!

Sara, I really do hope your dreams of a second baby come true. Hopefully this medicated cycle is exactly what you need!!

Having said that, I'm an only child and it's not the worse thing. We grow up pretty independent and all of the superstitions about oc being selfish are rubbish. Sometimes I do wish for a sibling, but then I'm around my husband's huge family and want to hide in the corner with a book lol. My parents were really good about keeping very close to my cousins, so it was pretty similar to having siblings, and we are all close now into adulthood.

Wantabby, I hope you're feeling better today. It will happen for you -- your body is just taking some time to heal. FX that this is your month!

Lindsay, Rowan smiling must be so adorable!! I'm glad that you found a way to get more sleep! We'd love to see a new pic of Rowan!

Bright, thanks! How is everything going for you? Looks like you're getting close to O -- good luck catching that egg!

Kim, I have my fingers crossed that you'll get the green light to try for one more baby. You've been so patient -- there must be light at the end of the tunnel!

Lit, thanks for the kind words! So cute that your husband is worried about labor LOL! He is going to look at you like a goddess after you give birth!

Sab, YAY for hearing the baby's heartbeat! That is so wonderful!!! Hahahaha, you and I were in the same boat on Friday -- we went to see Godzilla with friends, and I feel asleep on the way home -- and 9:15 pm!!! Glad that the indigestion is easing up -- hope that cough gives you a break soon!! Almost to that second tri, momma!! :D

Mrs W - good luck catching that egg this month! This last cycle, we did SMEP and used Preseed and it worked.

Aleeah - we miss you! Hope all is well!

ljsmummy - glad all is going well with you! Maybe eating a banana or two might help those leg cramps (usually a lack of potassium). Awesome that your little guy is measuring ahead!

Bright, Fx that you catch that egg this month! I credit preseed with this pregnancy!

hop - I'm so sorry about your loss. My first period didn't show for a few weeks after my HCG hit zero -- I second asking your doctor for a blood test to see if HCG is doubling. Good luck!

AFM, ladies, I am so tired! I slept till 10 on Saturday, woke up for breakfast, went back to sleep at noon, woke up for lunch, and back to sleep at 4. It's so nice to take a nap since it's my fantasy to nap during the work week. I've got a little bit of a cold and a slight fever. I'm working from home today to give myself a break. The nausea has started, but I haven't gotten properly sick yet (strange that I'm looking forward to it, lol). I've been eating candied ginger and lemon drops which seem to be helping. I was worried sick yesterday - I hardly peed all day, even tho I was drinking water. I was convinced that it was over. After tossing and turning, I finally broke out a test. The test line was so dark that the control line was light -- yippy!!! I woke up hubby to share the good news lol.
Alt - Thank you!! I am happpy that you are doing good and everything is coming along.:hugs:
Alt - That's great your test was so dark. Symptoms come and go a lot. I'll test on Friday if AF hasn't shown by Thursday.

Bright - Good luck catching the egg this month!

Sara - That's great your RE is so excited. Fingers crossed you get your BFP this month!

Hop - I'm sorry for your loss. My hcg dropped pretty fast, so I didn't test it out. Sorry I'm no help.

ljs - I'm glad to hear you are doing well. Y'all are all getting so close to holding your babies.

Kim - I hope you get the most wonderful news next month!

Linny - Won't be long now till you can rest more. Did you talk to DF about your worries?

Mrs W - Good luck this month!

Sab - I'm glad the indigestion is giving you a break.

I hope everyone else is doing very well.
Having another emotional day. Started out okay and now I am thoroughly depressed.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and just allowing me to vent here. I'm hoping I can perk up soon and get back to the way I was. Prior to the MC, we were not even trying and I never really thought about it much...now, it's like a switch has been flipped and I am all eaten up with it. I hate it.

Pretty sure this is my period. Disappointing as I was hoping to get pregnant beforehand, but at least my body is working and recovering.
Hop, don't be too hard on yourself. MC is so painful and can just crush a person's spirit. I was like you - my hubby was the one that really really wanted to try and I was okay waiting a while longer. But after the loss, I was desperate to get pregnant again. I was really low for a couple months, and even 3.5 months later, there are still some really tough days. Eventually, there will be more time between the bad days and you'll turn the corner. Till then, let yourself grieve however feels appropriate.

We're here to listen and help as you go through this tough time. :hugs:
Hey Hop! I'm so sorry for your loss! !

My HCG was never very high. I tested it out and it dropped daily. I would take another test and see if it's getting darker/lighter. Or get your blood tested like SLG said to make sure! Good luck.
Alt - those symptoms sounds great!! Sorry to hear how tired you feel but all good signs that a healthy bean is settling in!!

Hop - I agree with the others, your feelings are normal and with time it will get easier. Hopefully it will happen quickly for you. I had my loss in January and still struggling to get pregnant again but it really does get easier as time passes. You will get another bfp x

Thanks crsshae, how are you doing??

I'm cd16 today. Due to ovulate in 3 days on cd19 but my opks are very faint today which seems odd. I expected a positive today or tomorrow so I'm nervous. Hopefully I'm just ovulating a bit late. Xx
Mrs W, are you testing a few times a day? My OPKs go from faint to darker to positve all in one day. I find testing late afternoon (4pm) to be most effective.
Alt - your symptoms are great! I totally feel you, I am 11 weeks and the tiredness is not getting better; before i could do let's say 6 things in the days cook, clean, groceries, go out see a friend, walk, shower, watch a movie, etc. Now im like HUMMMMMmmmmmm shower, clip toenails, too tired to paint them, eat bread with butter and there aint no going out for walks happening... LOL

Yesterday I had a pretty full day and I passed out on the couch.. at 8pm.. HAHAHAHA
Having another emotional day. Started out okay and now I am thoroughly depressed.

Thanks everyone for the encouragement and just allowing me to vent here. I'm hoping I can perk up soon and get back to the way I was. Prior to the MC, we were not even trying and I never really thought about it much...now, it's like a switch has been flipped and I am all eaten up with it. I hate it.

Pretty sure this is my period. Disappointing as I was hoping to get pregnant beforehand, but at least my body is working and recovering.

vent all you want, we all get where you are coming from we have all been there. It's important to feel whatever it is you are feeling, it will help you to overcome this sad event. HUGZ and I hope you feel better!
Thank you.

Still not sure what is going on. I tested again on a different type of test and got a positive. Still spotting very lightly. It's mostly brown and not nearly as heavy as my first day on my period usually is...but I guess this is AF??

Googling is the devil, by the way. I wish I had no internet access!! If I didn't, I'd just assume this was my first period...but according to the web it could be ANYTHING!!!
You guys are all so awesome and supportive and positive. I'm really finding comfort here. You all deserve millions of BFPS! Real ones!!
Couldn't have said it better myself. Google is the devil. Yes. All the ladies here including you deserve BFPs and healthy babies. How dark is the test?
Yes, google might tell you that you are dying or that your uterus might explode in another week :rofl: Brown blood so quickly sounds odd to me for a period on the second day :shrug:

It's amazing how quickly we get attached to these little beans isn't it? I understand that once the possibility of a baby gets into your head you don't want to be without one. I hope that you get another bfp very quickly and that it's a sticky, healthy one.
feel free to vent on here, that's part of why we are all here.

This was day 3 of my injections. Not really having side effects which is great. I go on Wed. for an ultrasound to see how my ovaries are responding. Hoping for a handful of follicles that are nice and big and growing quickly. Hoping I don't have to buy more medicine. The shot is a little over $100 a day and that is half price because I qualified for the low income discount! Crazy!
Sara - How exciting! I hope that your eggs have responded well to the meds! Looking forward to hearing about the progress! xx

Mrs W - I hope you ovulate soon and catch that egg! My opks were often faint a couple of days before, I'm sure you'll get a decent positive soon. :thumbup: xx

Welcome to the group Hop and Wantabby. So sorry for your losses. :hugs: I hope you both get your rainbow bfps soon. xx

Hop - I'm not sure, I have heard that some ladies continue spotting on and off for a couple more weeks after a miscarriage. Also depending on how far along you were, it can take a while for the hcg to get to 0. Best visit your Doctor in case you need a follow up scan? I hope you are feeling okay, I found miscarriages really hard and the emotion came in waves for me, but as my cycles got back on track I started being more positive and looking forward to trying for my rainbow baby. :hugs: xx

Alternatedi - I'm so glad your hcg numbers went up and that your pregnancy is progressing well! All your symptoms sound great too, this is your rainbow baby for sure! :happydance: xx

Sabster - Wow! Great you got to hear babies heartbeat already! :happydance: So exciting! I hope your cold shifts off soon, I remember having a cold at exactly the same point in my pregnancy! xx

Linny - Aww what a gorgeous bump! You're looking great! I know what you mean about being nervous about a holiday during pregnancy. I'm still trying to decide if we should go anywhere in July, and I'm leaning towards a UK holiday! We'd save a little money, and I don't like the idea of travelling much. I think some airlines have rules on pregnant passengers past a certain number of weeks, best check that before booking! I'm sure you'd be fine if you did go away, and it would be your last holiday as just a couple! xx

Ljsmummy - Great to hear baby is growing nice and big! :happydance: Can't believe how quick time goes! I'm looking forward to hearing baby's (c - section) birth date! :happydance: xx

Bright - You must be near O now! Good luck! :happydance: xx

Lindsay - Thanks for checking in! Great to hear Rowan is still doing well, and thank you for the sling tip! I love the look of those and will def buy one. :flower: So lovely to hear he is giving you lots of nice smiles! :happydance: xx

Kim - Good luck! I'm sure your uterus wall will be thick enough, really looking forward to hearing how things are after your appointment. Congratulations on the weight loss! That takes a lot of work! You'll be back ttc in no time. :thumbup: xx

Lit - How are things going? Wow - 3rd Tri already! :happydance: xx

Crys - Where are you in your cycle? Hows it going? :flower: xx

Emma - How are you off the steroids now? Has the sickness stayed at bay? I hope you have been able to go home now and are feeling better. :hugs: xx

Carlandjane - How is your cycle going? Sorry to hear AF got you on your wedding anniversary! :dohh: I hope this cycle sends you a bfp as a delayed anniversary present! xx

AFM - I had a routine midwife appointment today and they listened to baby's heartbeat on the doppler! It was the first time I have ever heard the heartbeat and I was so worried they may not be able to find it! Luckily they found it and I was so happy to hear baby! The last few days I have been getting the occassional sharp pains on the sides of my tummy, and it worried me so much one day that I phoned in sick at work! I had a doc appointment and it turned out I have a suspected bladder infection (which would explain my needing to wee every 5 mins!) so I'm on antibiotics now. I haven't felt baby move yet, but have had a few little fluttery feelings which I'm not sure are gas or baby! :haha: I heard recently that my Brother and sister-in-law are expecting their second baby just three weeks after my due date! :happydance: I'm glad this baby will have a cousin close in age! xx
Mrs W - Getting to the exciting part of the cycle I see. Good luck!

Linny - Really will try to post a pic this week. I did NOT like the one we took yesterday so I'll have to take another. :p Sorry to hear you're so tired! I completely can relate. Also, I'd be nervous about going on holiday too. I am not going on any overnight trips or more than an hour away from the hospital at all after July 1st...and most likely not even for a while before that. However, if you're not going too far and you have access to a hospital not too far away it's probably safe. Why not check with your midwife for some reassurance? That is so exciting that you only have 2 weeks of work left!
Lj - Yes, I always forget that too! But it's very exciting how close we are. I'll def. post a bump pic soon. I am getting very round these days! I hope you'll take an updated one and post it ASAP! Can't wait to see! That is great that you just have 4 weeks of work to go! I have 9 weeks left. :( But I know it will fly by and I have a few random vacation days I'm taking between now and then so it shouldn't be too bad. Are you starting to get uncomfortable?
Yay for a c-section date coming up! Let us know when you find out!

Bright - Sounds like you're doing everything you can!

Hop - Sorry about your mc and I agree with all the other girls' advice. Let us know what you find out!

Alt - Sounds like the first tri fatigue has hit you hard already! Rest up as much as you can - your body is working HARD right now! Glad candied ginger and lemon drops are helping you although I hope just for the reassurance you feel a bit more sick soon. ;) Yay for a dark line!

Sab - Not much is getting down around here these days either. I hope some of your tiredness lifts soon!

Sara - Yikes, those are expensive. Let's hope they work the first time around!

Teacup - Good to hear your uti is getting treated. I hope you feel better soon. I'm getting those fluttery feelings are baby! It's pretty hard to decipher so early but in a couple weeks you should be able to distinguish them from gas a bit better. ;) Yay about your SIL expecting 3 weeks after you!

AFM - I had an extremely busy weekend and tired myself out! On Sunday I attempted to wax my own legs, and as ridiculous as it sounds it was SOOO hard for me...and combined with that and a bit of light cleaning, I completely ruined my back for the rest of the day. By the end of the day my back was so seized up I couldn't move at all without extreme pain. DH had to lift me straight from the hips to get me off the couch without me shrieking from pain. Thankfully yesterday it gradually loosened up and today it's feeling a lot better again. I will definitely -not- be attempting any pretzel-like positions in the future and am going to see if my DH will help out more with cleaning (unlikely...but oh well).
Tea, I've been thinking of you and hoping all was well!! So excited that you got to hear the heartbeat!!! That's fabulous! Hopefully those antibiotics will take care of the bladder infection - as if we need another reason for frequent urination, right? ;)

Sara, so glad that you're side-effect free. I've got my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that these injections send a BFP your way!

Hop, how are you feeling today? Sending peace your way.

Lit, we posted at the same time! First of all, you are one brave woman to attempt waxing your own legs. Eeeeek! Sorry that your back has been giving you trouble, that sounds rather awful! Hopefully DH will pitch in and help you - it sounds like you need a nice, relaxing weekend!
Lj - thanks love! Oh wow, a paddling pool sounds amazing right now! Funny you should mention cramps as well as I had a terrible one in my right leg last night, normally it's just my toes so the whole shin took my breath away! Hopefully they'll not be regular for either of us!

Bright - oo, are you going anywhere nice in vacation? X

Hop - I'm very sorry for your loss. I was in exactly the same situation as you - I got accidentally pregnant and hadn't really been thinking of children at all but within a day I was transformed. It's really hard love but we all understand and your take home baby won't be far away :hugs:...... I suspect an af could happen with lowish hcg..another thing it might be is if not quite everything came out during the mc - this can lead to hcg not fully dropping - and it is coming out now? ..... If it carries on being odd I'd definitely ask them to check your levels properly and poss ask for a us to be certain.... Hopefully not though and you'll get a proper af in the next day or so! X

Alt - heh I love the fact you love chalk too - it's amazing! :) glad to hear you're getting lots of nap action. And hope the nausea doesn't hit too hard. Ice lollies are great for that....or were for me anyway x

Cryss - yep, he's agreed we go somewhere nearby for a night or two and just take day trips out the rest of the time which suits me! How's things with you love? X

Mrs w- do you test at different times with OPKs? I ask because I often got wildly different results at night rather than during the day.

Sabs - hope you're managing to get plenty of rest!

Sara - I hope you get some great results tomorrow.. Come on those follicles! X

Lit - well done for attempting to wax... I don't think I could be bothered at this point..I've even given up tying shoe laces :haha: fortunately the leg hairs still refuse to grow so it's not been a problem. Yes try to rest more and maybe leave helpful notes for DH about what needs doing hehehe

We've decided just to be away a night or two at most and only an hour or so away.... So not too bad

Tea - so glad you got to hear the heartbeat- it's a lovely sound! X.

Blue and Aleeah - hope you're both well! Xxx
Hola ladies!

Hop: I dunno about the spotting, when I had my last MC i started spotting a couple of weeks afterwards and then finally got my period. I opted not to test because it was evident I had miscarried and also.. I wasnt exactly in sexy time mode.

update: i went for my blood tests today...I had to fast for 12 hours.. I was miserable and cranky and bitchy and I was hating on everyone at the hospital. I dunno, I guess i was concerned with the amount of waiting time and the fact that they had no reclinable chairs... I tend to have low blood pressure too, so I always know its going to make me feel sickish.. well this time I flat out fainted. Good thing my DH was there, because the nurse wasnt paying much attention when I went lights out and he grabbed me. Anyways, it was a horrible feeling when ur fainting cuz you can't control anything around you and you can't talk... they finally brought a reclinable chair in and moved me and well, good thing I brought a granola bar! WOW, what an experience...Im feeling weird now, like weakish and i have a mild headache. Im going to take it easy and hope that next round of blood tests goes better!!!!

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