Alt -

Sorry there's more bleeding. I hope you can get in and get some answers asap love. As sabs mentioned - stay off your feet if you can, if you can stay off work and watch some mindless movies to keep you occupied, and get your best pal round... then do that (that's what i did and felt so much safer and more accepting of whatever might happen - but might be diff for you if you'd rather work and keep yourself occupied like that) x
Blue - Yep I can completely understand, so happy to have a little healthy babe so you're not wanting to complain about symptoms - but you have been hit so hard with them! You deserve a break. When baby arrives it'll be all kinds of relief - not just of having him/her but also all of these crappy symptoms going. What a day it'll be!!! 11th june - brilliant! (It's the day before my birthday!) Will you find out the sex?

Sabs - Aw love! I'm so excited for your scan - I always got nervous too, think many people do! I noticed my DF would spend the whole time mesmerised by the baby on screen and I spent it anxiously checking the radiographers face, then the measurements, then checking she was moving properly etc...I don't think I ever just relaxed and thought 'wow, my little baby' <- more fool me. I hope you'll get to relax and enjoy it! Can't wait to see your baby bump pics in future! x
Lit - Yes! Everywhere I look at the moment I see things which need tidying up/scrubbing. I also have a list of smaller items I need to pick up before she arrives...I'll be busy!

The frozen foods thing is a great idea. The only thing bothering me atm is how lumbering i've become when trying to do basic stuff like hoovering. Everything's a pain in the bum to do, bending over, going up the stairs etc. Are you feeling like you're slowing down or still quite able to get about easily? x
Wantabby - The saying goes that after an MC - all bets are off. As in, everyone is different, cycles pretty much always experience some shift even if it's just for that month. I didn't actually O at all in the cycle following my mc, and it was really short at just 21 days long (I'm always 28 days regular) but the next cycle was back to normal. I would say that if your temps and OPK are saying you ovulated, then go with that rather than what is your norm. x