Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Alt - so sorry about the spotting, but definitely true that almost every single person on here had spotting during their healthy pregnancies. I definitely recommend going to the hospital if you're worried. You deserve some reassurance and that way youcan know for sure what is happening. I truly hope nothing is wrong! :hugs:

Sara - great news about the follicles. I hope your ovaries listen to your pep talks!

Linny - great that things are coming together in your nursery as well! I hope you are enjoying your final weeks of pregnancy! How many more weeks of work left?
Hey ladies. I'm at the hospital now. Ultrasound showed a sac with yolk sac but no baby yet - it's measuring 5W3D but I should be 6W today.

They took bloods to see if hcg has doubled - waiting for results now.

Thanks for the support everyone.

ETA: just got results - I'm at 10600, so my hcg has doubled. They are discharging me as "threatened mc" and directed me to follow up with my dr.
Blue - I am sorry to hear that love, is dons back on the island? You must be missing being home...I'm glad that the actual sick has been taken away mostly but I know nausea is terrible to feel so often. Really feel for you pet. Is there a chance it'll pass further along or is hyperemisis more of a long term deal?

Sara - hurray for your 2 follicles! Hope it goes well on Tuesday....seems like they're pretty close to where they're saying they have to be! Sending positive vibes x

Lit - I finish at the end of this week!!!! I am only in 3 days this week too. Can't believe it! Did you say you're taking off from your job early? How's the chemical situation there these days? X

Alt - oh love :hugs: ....if you're measuring a few days behind but your hcg is doubling fine It doesn't sound like an obviously failing pregnancy to me. First off - US. Measurements at this stage are notoriously patchy, my conception date changed every time I had one! Secondly - late implantation, late OV, all these things happen and lead to perfect pregnancies. But I appreciate, it's a cold comfort when you have no idea what's going on......facts you can hold on to - your hcg is doubling perfectly and you've seen the yolk sac, the bleeding is not fresh, and at just on 10, 000 hcg you're just on the cusp of being able to see a HB...in a few days you'd have a much better idea. When can you get another US? Thinking of you xxx
Sara- I'm 18 weeks 1 day today. Been told I could have this sickness the whole way through now. Great.. it really drains me emotionally... forget what it feels like to be normal. Also really missing home and my man. I really hope those follicles keep growing and you get them this cycle! Sounds expensive and stressful to be on long term!

Alt they said I was only 6 weeks or so and I thought I was going to bea week ahead. When I went for a scan at 9+4 weeks it turned out I was actually 10+3 so they don't always get it right. Keep positive love. Ill keep my fingers crossed for you.

Linny- they can't tell me for sure but don't think it will go now. Dons has to work so he's been on Island for a good couple of weeks. I've been on the mainland for 8. Weeks now! Depressing !! I want home!!! Xxx
alt, it must be so frustrating to not really have an answer. You really are right on the borderline of seeing a fetal pole/heartbeat or not and your dates are not off by enough to be certain about anything. Hang in there. I know everyday feels like forever when you don't know what is happening.

Emma, I'm so sorry this pregnancy has been so difficult. You have every reason to be plain miserable!
Alt - Sorry to hear your us/hcg results were not definitive, but it is a positive sign that your hcg has doubled and as everyone has said, early ultrasounds are not always accurate with dating. I really hope everything is ok. :hugs: Keep us posted.

Linny - OH, terrific! Happy last week of work! Do you have any fun/relaxing plans for what you're doing to do with the time off before baby arrives? I don't have my last day of work until July 18th, so I'll be done about 3 weeks before the baby is due. I'm very excited for my relaxation time beforehand...and of course our little one's arrival!! Chemical situation at work has been ok. I haven't had to work from home for a while and they have been fairly cooperative. Hopefully there are no more issues in my last 8 weeks !

Blue - So sorry you're still feeling so sick. That must really be miserable. Are there any positive pregnancy symptoms you're enjoying! So terrible you've barely seen your hubby through all this. That must be tough. :hugs:

Sara - Looking forward to hearing more news.

AFM - A few were asking for a bump photo a while back and I finally am getting around to posting one!


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Blue - :hugs: you poor thing! It must be terrible being so ill and being away from your fella and home. I do hope it calms down as you progress further. On a Happier note - when's your 20 week scan happening? Xx

Lit - ahhh! You look lovely! Yes relaxing before hand is going to be good - Actually I hate relaxing in all it's varieties haha, so I'm not sure how that will work out - active relaxing? :) x
Hi ladies.

Thank you for all the kind words. I've started to spot more pink, along with small clots. I'm hoping the us and exam is the cause, but I'm not very hopeful.

I'll try to get in to see my dr tomorrow.
Lit and Linny - I enjoy feeling baby moving. Thats pretty much it haha. I like the idea that theres a baby inside but apart from that I dont have any symptoms thay are kind to me. I never feel hungry...just sick... I have pain in my hips.. anything of the negative sorts seems to have found me this pregnancy. But im positive for baby. Dont think im ungrateful I really am to be pregnant and to have my little one doing as well as he/she is. Just feel not myself at the minute. 20 week scan is the 11th of June so 2 weeks on wed!

Lit- what a beautiful photo!! You look great ! Hope the mat leave comes quickly for you so you can relax and enjoy the last stages!
Linny -can believe how close you are !!

I havent caught up properly its late im knackered so I shal try have a better post tomorrow xxx
Alt- sorry to hear about the additional bleeding. :( :hugs: did the doctors have a plan for what they would do next! How long do you have to wait in limbo? :hugs:

Sara, blue, Linny - thanks!

Blue- I totally understand. You can feel very grateful for the pregnancy/baby but still not be enjoying all the icky symptoms! That is very exciting about your scan in 2 weeks though! I can't believe you are almost halfway there! :happydance:

Linny- definitely try your 'active relaxing' hehe! Being off work early is an excuse to do everything you love that you can't do when you're working! I plan on swimming at the outdoor pool, going for walks, hanging out with my BFF who has summers off (lucky her), doing some prenatal exercise, cooking some freezer meals for when after baby comes, reading books outside on our deck, creating a photo book of my pregnancy, and making sure the house is spotless and organized for when baby comes! I'm sure you'll find LOTS to do that will keep you busy so you don't get "bored" just relaxing!

Aleeah - I believe it's only 2 weeks until your due date? I hope you are doing well! Would be great to hear from you before baby comes!

Lj - where is that bump photo you mentioned you'd post? ;)

Lindsay - we miss hearing from you! Update soon!

Kim - what day in June is your appointment again?
alt - Dont worry about the dating scan, like all the other ladies say, they always change it, specially in the beginning... as for the continued bleeding, are u doing any bed rest? try to put your feet up to keep the pressure off your uterus. Also, no sexy times!

i know its super worrisome, and reading your posts totally brings me back to my personal experience so I know how you feel, but try your most to remain calm and rest. Can you get rid of the dogs or ask someone to take them?
sara- I hope those follicles continue to grow grow grow and more importantly... that they get fertilized!!

Lit: I loooooveeee your baby bump pic. I started doing them but I look dumb in them... I also dont see any change, although my body is completely morphing... might be in denial.. hahaha!

Im excited for our u/s on Wednesday but totally stressed out at the same time. Also, the doctor called me today but I forgot to set up my voicemail so I didn't get any messages and she didnt call back... i hope all is well with my test results... trying hard not to worry~~~
Sab - You'll be happy later that you started doing them early! Later you'll be able to see exactly when you 'popped'!! I'll bet you look great!

I am excited for your u/s on Wednesday!! But I totally understand being nervous! I think everything will go great! :hugs: I hope you can get ahold of your dr tomorrow...I'm sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong or she would have called back!
Alt ~ I hope that everything works out!! :hugs:

I have a question after your MC how quickly did you O? I had a pos OPK yesterday and I had some EWCM mixed with spotting today. I am thinking it is just an estrogen surge, but FF says I've O'd. I will watch my temps, I have never O'd before CD16??
Alt - :hugs: Sorry there's more bleeding. I hope you can get in and get some answers asap love. As sabs mentioned - stay off your feet if you can, if you can stay off work and watch some mindless movies to keep you occupied, and get your best pal round... then do that (that's what i did and felt so much safer and more accepting of whatever might happen - but might be diff for you if you'd rather work and keep yourself occupied like that) x

Blue - Yep I can completely understand, so happy to have a little healthy babe so you're not wanting to complain about symptoms - but you have been hit so hard with them! You deserve a break. When baby arrives it'll be all kinds of relief - not just of having him/her but also all of these crappy symptoms going. What a day it'll be!!! 11th june - brilliant! (It's the day before my birthday!) Will you find out the sex? :) x

Sabs - Aw love! I'm so excited for your scan - I always got nervous too, think many people do! I noticed my DF would spend the whole time mesmerised by the baby on screen and I spent it anxiously checking the radiographers face, then the measurements, then checking she was moving properly etc...I don't think I ever just relaxed and thought 'wow, my little baby' <- more fool me. I hope you'll get to relax and enjoy it! Can't wait to see your baby bump pics in future! x

Lit - Yes! Everywhere I look at the moment I see things which need tidying up/scrubbing. I also have a list of smaller items I need to pick up before she arrives...I'll be busy! :) The frozen foods thing is a great idea. The only thing bothering me atm is how lumbering i've become when trying to do basic stuff like hoovering. Everything's a pain in the bum to do, bending over, going up the stairs etc. Are you feeling like you're slowing down or still quite able to get about easily? x

Wantabby - The saying goes that after an MC - all bets are off. As in, everyone is different, cycles pretty much always experience some shift even if it's just for that month. I didn't actually O at all in the cycle following my mc, and it was really short at just 21 days long (I'm always 28 days regular) but the next cycle was back to normal. I would say that if your temps and OPK are saying you ovulated, then go with that rather than what is your norm. x
Hi Ladies,

Sorry it's been so long! I'm still at work and as you can imagine it's been very busy, mad rush to get things done whilst I'm still there. This is my last week at work too, pushing it I know to be working this late into the pregnancy and I wish I was able to take more time off but financially it makes more sense to take time off with the baby than before, so plodding along.

Lit - What a gorgeous bump you have, you really are glowing!! So pleased for you and can't believe you're 29 weeks already, the remaining weeks for me flew by, so hoping it's the same for you! xx

Alt - I'm sorry you're spotting but don't feel disheartened quite yet, I bled through most of the first 12 weeks with this one and it's still here, so there is hope. Thinking of you xx

Blue - I'm so sorry you're still suffering, you've every reason to be down about it. I for one am hoping it'll pass soon and it's not something that's going to be sticking around. I had pelvic pain earlier on in the pregnancy too and was sure it would rear its ugly head again but so far so good. I know it's strange but I love my exercise ball (not for exercise of course... I'm too lazy for that!!) but for sitting on as a chair. It's certainly helps to keep the pelvic pain at bay, try it. Hope you and Dons are reunited at home soon xxx

P.S: I swear by prune juice and apple juice for constipation, they had me in hospital at one point with meds to shift things along and nothing worked bar the juices! They've helped me the whole pregnancy since I started drinking them, can eat what I want as long as I drink a glass of each everyday or every other day xx

Linny - Not long for you now either!! Are you wondering if baby is going to be early or late? I was sure my baby would be early but here I am having passed 38 weeks and still pregnant! Not that I mind, still heaps to do, so keeping it in for a little longer is ok with me. My bump has definitely dropped and suddenly got bigger the last few days, so not sure what that means!

I've managed to stay active though, although cleaning etc is difficult I've kept at it as keep thinking it'll help the labour pass quicker if I'm active (I doubt it will but I can hope!!). How have you been?

Sara - Good luck with the follicles, keeping fingers and toes crossed this is your cycle, you're certainly long overdue it xxx

Sab - Lovely to see you've left the dreaded first trimester behind and are in the much more bearable and relaxing second trimester! How have things been with you?xx

Crysshae - Sorry AF got you but glad you've got the optimum cycle length back, good sign for this cycle!! Fingers and toes crossed for you xx

Lindsay - Hope you're doing well with your little man?xxx

Teacup - Wonderful to see you at 16 weeks! You'll feel bubba before you know it! I don't think I could confidently say it was baby moving until I hit around 18-19 weeks but I think some ladies feel it sooner and some later, so all normal. Hearing the heartbeat is such a lovely experience, enjoy your pregnancy, it'll fly by! xx

Sorry if I've missed anyone out xx

AFM - Nursery is pretty much done now, even though we're having bubba in with us the first 6 months. Got pics for you ladies! My bump has dropped significantly and grown the last few days but still no sign of this one exiting any time soon. I guess my dates could be out, as baby is measuring small and it was so close to the last miscarriage that this one was apparently conceived that I'm thinking maybe I'm not as far along as they say I am. Who knows!! Will of course keep you all posted.



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Aleeah! So great to hear from you! Your bump is looking lovely! And the nursery looks lovely too...Love the decals! I'm impressed you're working so far in but totally understand why (I'm only off because i'll lose my annual leave if I don't take it before mat leave). Yep, not long now - I know what you mean about thinking you'll have early labour - I assumed with the various bleeding issues in first tri and having previously had an mc that babies just don't stay in properly...but watch now - we'll all be late :haha:
Hi ladies! I'll catch up properly in a few hours, but saw Aleeah was here and wanted to say hi!

You look adorable and that nursery is too cute!! Glad everything is going so well!

AFM, ladies, I hate my doctor's office (although I love them in theory).

Yesterday was a holiday, so I was unable to speak with them. The spotting has turned brown again, which is good, but the cramping is still there. My breasts are also less sore and a bit deflated - exactly what happened in my last mc.

So I call my office this morning. In short, they refused to see me or even do blood work and instead said, "did the emergency room tell you what to expect with the mc?"

Sadly, I already know what to expect. They said that since I haven't had my first official appointment (not till almost 9 weeks) that I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I may or may not have lost it. They then offered me an u/s on Friday, where I intend to push for blood tests to test my progesterone. I have been bathing in that cream, trying to do everything in my power to make this gummy bear hang tight.

As for the dogs, my hub has been handling them so well. I'm upstairs snuggling in bed with one, and he has the two others downstairs, using the baby gate to block the stairs. He has been wonderful, allowing me to lay on the couch and do little more than breathe and eat the meals he prepares.

Yesterday, I was so distraught. Today I'm a bit better. I don't know what's going to happen, but knowing an u/s is in my future helps.

Thank you ladies - you've all been so spectacular.
Alt - :hugs: I'm glad you're resting up and hubs is looking after you. I hope friday is good news...In the meantime, we're all here for you. make sure you take things easy & be kind to yourself X

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