Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Aleeah - You look lovely, and so does the nursery. Won't be long now.

Alt - I'm so sorry about the worry you've been caused. I hope Friday brings wonderful news.

Lit - You have blossomed. Cute bump!

Sara - Good luck!

Emma - I hope you get to begin enjoying your pregnancy more and see Dons soon.

I hope all you preggo ladies are doing well.

Good luck to all those trying.

AFM - Same ole same ole. Last month was 1 year trying. Next month 1 year since my 1st MC.
Alt I'm praying everything will be perfect Friday! Just keep resting and I applaud your hubby for all of his help! That's so great!
Wantabby - Yeah, there's definitely no predicting when you'll O after an mc but it's definitely common for it to be different from usual. I wouldn't be too concerned about the early o!

Linny - Nope, I am not getting around easily at all! I feel like a big waddling hippo and if I do too much (read: anything besides sitting or lying on the couch all day) I throw my back out. So I'm probably being overly idealistic thinking I'll get my whole house clean at 37+ weeks pregnant, but I'll at least try to organize as much as possible and delegate the rest to DH! I'm surprised you're still vacuuming! I definitely leave that to DH. But I think you'll definitely be busy - just don't overdo it! You have lots of time so you could do something small each day to get the house in perfect order. :)

Aleeah - AHH! SOOOO GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU FINALLY!! :happydance::happydance: :hugs: Yay!! I must say that your baby bump is AMAZINGLY beautiful and you don't look like you've put on even an ounce anywhere else but your bump! You look gorgeous! Thanks so much for posting a photo!

Are you getting around okay, or do you find yourself bumbling about quite awkwardly like Linny and I do? What a beautiful nursery, btw! I actually think I might have those exact wall decals on my wish list to get? Not sure if we will get them in the end but the nursery will definitely still be jungle animal themed (I remember from a while back that we'd picked the same theme). Your nursery looks so great and I am envious that you actually have room in there to move! Our room is quite cramped so pretty much all the furniture is touching each other. Oh well...nice and cozy for the baby! I am going to post pics of my nursery soon...maybe once our rocking chair arrives (which my parents just bought us)!

I am not surprised at all that baby is still in there. It's very common to go overdue with the first baby...and yes although it is not your first pregnancy, it is the first time your body will be preparing for delivery of a full-sized baby in there! I'm guessing you will go a lot closer to your due date, even if you do end up a bit early. No pre-labour contractions yet or anything? So brave of you to still be working, but good that this is finally your last week! Who knows - maybe you'll even get a day or two to relax before baby makes his/her appearance. I can't wait for the announcement and to find out the gender! You're going to be an amazing mom!

Linny (again) - We should start a list of predictions of when we'll all give birth...just for fun! :winkwink:

Alt - I'm so glad your hubby is taking good care of you. I know I'd be the exact same as you, unable to do anything other than lie on the couch at this point. That is great that they will do another scan on Friday and I'm sure that will provide some answers. Definitely push for more blood work at that time. It is rotten of your doctor's office to refuse to give you care just because you haven't had your first prenatal appointment. Your baby is just as important now as it will be then! So sorry you're going through this turmoil but I'm glad you're a bit better today and I am hoping and praying for the best turnout for you!! :hugs:

Crys - That is a shame about a year trying now. :( What a long process this baby-making business can be. I really hope you don't have to wait much longer.
Aleeah, It is wonderful to hear from you! You have a beautiful bump! I'm so excited that your baby will be here soon :)

Alt, I hope you find something to distract yourself with this week. I know it's nearly impossible and the wait seems like forever.

Emma, no need to apologize for griping. You have had a very rough pregnancy and anybody would be upset and wanting it to be over. We know you are grateful for your baby, I just wish all the illness didn't come along with it for you.

I had two follicles growing a couple days ago. Today it looks like one shrunk and is going away but the other one is still growing and is 15mm now. The Dr. hopes that thursday it will be ready to trigger for ovulation. I think we are going to try an insemination this cycle and that would be done Sat. morning. I'm really hoping that this follicle has a very healthy egg inside!!!! The injections I'm doing are supposed to help egg quality and improve the corpus luteum after ovulation. I'm doing all that I can and hoping for the best.
That sounds great Sara. I pray it's healthy and ready in the next few days!
Alt- hope friday gives you some answers and please remain calm asmuchas that seems impossible!!

Sara: good luck on sat!!!!

wantabby: I also had eegg white mucus with a bit ofblood the month i became pregnant.. Im getting its cuz there was implantation? im not sure, so maybe its a good sign?? :):):)

I love all the bump pics! i will try to post soon enough although mine is very small!

SOOOOO, I went for my bloodtestultrasound today with hubby. We had a big fight before going in, I flipped out and walked away and pretty much refused to go... then Ichanged my minda nd went in.. I tyhink we were both super stressed out about this test and things got out of hand.

The ultrasound was great. The baby is soooo big compared to the last u/s. it streched its hand when we fist saw it and then went back to sleepy mode,its crazy we could see everything. They did the neck measuring test; checked out the organs, brains placenta etc. and.... she says its 75% more likely a BOY!!!! IM SOOOO HAPPPYYYYYY I WAS RIGHT!| hahahahah I dont actually care if its a boy or a girl im just happy that hes ok and he's so handsome already xoxoxox so in love.

We will get the results back on friday, I am praying that everything is well and that this pregnancy continues to rolls smoothly ( except for the bowel movements... which are not smooth at all.. TMI!)
Linny - Yes my work were funny about my holidays too and me not taking them before maternity leave. It's annoying as you have to take maternity leave as soon as the baby is born and not a few weeks later. Because I'm planning to go back to work in December, I'm going to take my holidays in November, otherwise I'd lose them too. I'm totally with you, everyone kept telling me this one would come out early and I believed them but now thinking it's not going to want to leave!:haha: I really can't imagine going into labour at all...!:wacko:

Alt - Thank you, don't feel adorable that's for sure!:wacko: It's strange you say you think you may have a progesterone issue, I'm sure that's my problem but they don't yet test for it in the UK so I never got tests done. I'm certain this baby stuck around because it was conceived so close to the twin loss and so my levels were already elevated. I really think you should push for testing on Friday.

Your hubby sounds so lovely and I'm glad he's taking good care of you. Keep resting up, literally 24/7, I know ladies on these forums that have had threatened miscarriages but ended up with sticky beans simply from resting lots. I still think this is your glorious rainbow, I'm sorry the doctors office weren't more reassuring but I just know you and your rainbow will be proving them all wrong very soon! Just hang in there xxxx

Crysshae - I'm sorry you've hit the 1 year anniversary milestones. They're never easy but you're in a new cycle and really hoping this is the rainbow one for you xx

Wantabby - I'm sorry for your loss, hoping this is your rainbow cycle too. I must've ovulated really quickly after my miscarriage to have conceived this little one, so I'd consider it a good sign if you have too xx

Lit - I've put on over 2 stone now, so have definitely put weight on but am comfortable with it, I'm sure I'll need it all for energy when the baby is here!:winkwink: Thank you all for the compliments on the nursery, we do love it. Baby was going to have the smaller room but decided it was easier to put it in bedroom closest to us, so hence it gets a bigger bedroom. I don't have a nursing chair or anything, so that probably makes it look bigger. I'm excited to see your nursery pics when it's all done too! Can't go wrong with jungle theme, all baby's love animals!!:thumbup:

And yes I bump the bump on EVERYTHING! Really annoys hubby, as he refers to it as child cruelty!! :haha: Cupboard doors, car doors, doorways, people, basically anything that gets in my way gets moved out of my way with my bump! Not that I do it on purpose, but pregnancy really does make you clumsy!:haha:

I've been getting lots of practice contractions, Braxton Hicks, mainly in the evenings but other than my bump now falling into my lap when I sit down no other signs as of yet.

Sara - It all sounds so promising about this months cycle, looks like the doctors are doing everything they can to make sure you get a sticky bean this cycle and I really hope you do. I'm glad one follicle is behaving as it should be, I'll be thinking of you on Saturday, let us know how you get on :hugs: xxx

Sabster - I totally get what you mean about bowel movements not coming out smoothly, bet we've all been there!!:blush::haha:

And weird you said you and hubby had an argument, me and hubby argued a lot when it came to scan time, so much so I went on my own for most of the early part of this pregnancy! I think men get really worried but don't know how to show it other than taking it out on us!:wacko: I'm glad you went back in and got to see your gorgeous little man though! So we have any other blue in the forum!!! Exciting!!!!!:happydance: Good luck for the results on Friday, though I'm sure you won't need it xxx

AFM - Still carrying a bowling ball around in my stomach, so no change here! xx
Sab- that is so exciting about your scan! Sounds like everything went great and how wonderful that it's most likely a boy! It feels good to have an idea of the gender, I find. Helps with bonding and whatnot. I hope your blood test results come back great. Sorry about your fight with your hubby. DH and I fight when we are stressed too. The first tri was not fun! You definitely should post a bump pic soon! The first one I posted was also very tiny! Hard to believe my bump was ever that small now! :haha:

Aleeah - I agree pregnancy definitely makes you more clumsy! I've found that as well but that is funny that you're been 'bumping' your bump into everything! I actually don't think I've bumped into anything my whole pregnancy, which is weird because I always used to bash my hips on everything. However, I find I spill EVERYTHING on my bump, and everywhere else. My hands have gotten even less coordinated if that's possible!
Ah, yes, not having a nursing chair does free up space in the bedroom! Do you have a rocker anywhere in the house or are you just going to do without? Do you plan on breastfeeding? Just curious! That is good about the Braxton hicks. I am sure your body will do the real thing as soon as it's ready! I can't wait!

Alt - thinking of you. :hugs:
Teacup, that's so exciting that your brother and sister in law are expecting so close to your due date! Glad to hear everything is going well for you :)

LL, sounds like you're nesting! I'd love to see photos of your nursery :) Not long now and you'll have your little one :thumbup: Beautiful bump photo, you're looking great!! I hope you're feeling great too. That's good that you've got some time off before baby arrives - enjoy it and do lots of nice things for yourself while you've got time ;)

Sab, yep, its definitely practical having baby in the same room (although since my hubby has been back at work, he's mostly sleeping on a mattress in baby's room, lol). Makes the night time stuff much easier! I think you need a ticker so we can keep track of how far along you are :)

Crys, glad to hear your LP is back to 14 days, that's great! I hope this cycle is it for you!!

Alternate, I'm so sorry to hear about the spotting :hugs: I hope it's nothing to be concerned about - as I'm sure you know, most of us on this thread have had spotting with our rainbow pregnancies. I had a bit bleed around 9 weeks and was sure it was over, but the little guy is now sleeping beside me. Hang in there hun!

Blue, sorry to hear you're still struggling with HG and haven't been able to go home yet! I really hope things turn around for you soon :hugs:

Slg, that's great news that you've got some follicles - I hope one of them turns into a nice, healthy baby :)

Linny, I can't believe how far along you are now! Won't be much longer! How are you feeling? Where's your bump photo? I agree with the others, go with 'active relaxing' if that's what works for you, because you won't be doing much of that in a few weeks ;)

Aleeah, lovely to see an update from you. I love your nursery photos and you are looking great! Not long now! Have you picked names or are you going to wait until after baby arrives?

AFM, all is going well, although we've had a few sleep issues the last few nights.... Rowan waking up every 30 - 45 minutes after I put him in the crib - eventually he goes to sleep for a longer stretch, but needless to say I'm tired and am hoping this phase passes quickly. Aside from that he is doing great - he's a very happy baby and is smiling and talking at everyone now. I am loving being off on mat leave and am now considering taking the whole year, as long as we can manage it financially. I'm coming up on my one year anniversary of the m/c and I have to say having Rowan here makes it feel like he was the baby we were meant to have and at just the right time. For all of you ladies trying, I'm sure your rainbow babies will arrive at the perfect time as well :)

Anyway, little man is waking up - I've attached a couple recent photos, a smile, and the pout lip that he's started doing, lol. It goes along with a chin quiver that just kills me.


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Lindsay - Thanks! I will definitely post pics of the nursery soon. If we can get decals/decorations up it'll actually be all finished and I could show everyone the finished product! I will definitely take your advice and enjoy some pampering before the baby arrives. ;) May be a long while before I get any of that again! I actually recently found out that a massage college here offers three FREE massages for pregnant women, and three more free ones after the baby is born! So I have already booked a couple of those. :) You should see if a college nearby has a similar deal and get someone to watch Rowan for an hour while you relax!

(Sab - I agree you should add a ticker! I am constantly wondering how far along you are!)

Linny's pic is on p 448 if you missed it earlier!

I'm glad things are going well. That sounds really exhausting with Rowan waking up every 30-45 minutes lately! That is the one thing I'm terrified of in becoming a mother - the sleep deprivation! All day I'm SO excited for baby to arrive, and then in the night when I have to wake up to pee 5 times I am gripped with fear over the fact that soon I'll be getting up and STAYING up to feed a baby several times in the night. I know it'll be worth it, but I'm still nervous! :)

Rowan sounds amazing and I'm glad you're enjoying your time off with him so much that you might take the whole year! I completely support that decision and think the year is very worth it to take if you can manage financially of course! I'm glad having Rowan with you is making the one year anniversary of your m/c a bit less painful. I agree that once we all have our rainbow babies in our arms, we will understand why we had to suffer so much pain to get there.

BTW, those pictures of Rowan are ADORABLE! Wow, what a cutie!!! In that second photo he looks SOOO much like you! I recognize the eyes and nose.

AFM - Feeling disappointed that dh isn't planning on making it for our last birthing class together because he has a migraine (next week's is a women's only breastfeeding class, and then the classes are done). :nope: Even though I know he can't help not feeling well, this time and the other time he had to miss for work have made me feel sooo sad and unsupported. I loved being able to take the class together, and having to go alone makes me feel abandoned. Perhaps that is my hormones talking.

Speaking of which - how have everyone's moods been changing through the trimesters? In the first trimester and early part of the second trimester, I was angry/irritable all the time. Then in the 2nd trimester I was pretty neutral with occasional irritable or emotional days like anyone would expect. Now in the 3rd trimester I am a bit emotionally soppy. I'm not crying at the littlest thing or anything, but I get choked up just thinking about holding my baby in my arms! And I very rarely feel cranky at all which is nice (and not at all what I've heard about the 3rd tri - but I'm not very far in yet). I'd be curious to hear about others' experiences.
Think I may have to put ttc on hold, currently im having orthodontics and am due to have jaw realignment surgery at some point which i can delay but my wisdom teeth have cut through and are causing me endless issues and pain, i think i may need to bring my surgery forward and have them out which obviously i cant do if im pregnant. Ill have to have strong words with my orthodontist on the 16th. She keeps putting surgery off which is driving me nuts because obviously we are trying to plan a baby!!! Argh. So annoyed.
Cryss - Sorry the 1 year anniversary is coming around :hugs: Not an easy time - baby making really doesn't seem like the straightforward process sex-ed suggested. I hope you won't need to wait much longer x

Lit - I know! It's fun to try and guess. A lot of my freinds who were active during their pregnancy (one was a dog walker, the other did daily yoga and cycling) all went into labour at 38 weeks. I'm not terribly active, so probably won't be doing that though - I was starting to wonder if i'd go early because I woke up to a few hours of Braxton hicks and period pains/back ache 2 nights ago. However, after some paracetamol and a chat with MW it appears that kind of stuff can rumble along for several weeks without starting true labour. So who knows! :) I feel like the baby is big enough now - I can't figure out where my stomach is any more, and the movements are occassionally painful. Do babies come earlier if they're running out of room??? What's your feeling on when you'll go?

RE: ante natal classes - yep DF missed one of those with me too and I felt similarly :hugs: But I noticed a lot of partners missed at least one. As for my moods, this trimester I was absolutely fine and felt great until maybe the last few weeks where i've felt quite teary and emotional. Sometimes nervous and anxious as well. I've become rather clingy, but also a bit frantic with wanting things to be just right. Bizarrely this has been my favourite trimester. I think getting emotional is absolutely the right response to the coming big changes! X

Sara - Good luck today with your follie! Sounds like your doc is covering all the bases and you're in great hands. X

Sabs - Hurray! So glad it went well...Sorry about the argument - it's a really stressful thing to go through though so totally understandable. I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow with the results, but it is nerve wracking having to wait. A boy!! (Also, I agree about the ticker! :))x

Aleeah - I can't really imagine labour either, i've watched enough 'one born every minute' to know that I will eventually have to :haha: But so much effort goes into getting and staying pregnant that it's easy to forgot about having the baby at the end isn't it? :) Every now and then when she's moving about I have a startled feeling of 'I'm having a baby!' and I get a bit freaked out about how she's going to get out of my lady-bits :haha: Are you feeling calm/relaxed about labour? Excited? Do you have a preference for how you do it? x

Lindsay - Rowan is lovely! I love his little bottom lip photo, what a sweetie! I'm doing fine thanks, just braxton hicks'ing a fair bit and suffering terrible reflux but can't complain...nearing the end and it's all worth it :) RE: sleeping. I'm not sure whether it's just coincidence or not but my colleagues wife has just had a baby who is a great little sleeper and he swears it's down to the baby hammock he sleeps in (It's called the Amby Air). I thought about getting one of them but eventually opted for a co-sleeping crib....He said every time he moves and starts to wake up it rocks him back to sleep...said he barely hears a peep out of him. It's got me thinking anyway......could easily be a coincidence that he's just a good sleeper, but have heard babies sleep well in them. Really good to hear you might take a year off! That'd be great, much easier to go back to work after a good solid period off. I thought 6 months would be fine but the closer i get to due date the more I think that'll just whizz by. X

Carlandjane - Oooft, wisdom teeth coming out are a right pain in the backside. Yes definitely get onto your dentist about it - are they getting infected periodically? (Mine were doing this because they were only partially cutting through and debris was getting easily caught in there) They should really come out as soon as poss, the later in life it's left the more gnarly they become to remove. Mine were a nightmare but I was 35 before I got them out. X

Blue - How are you getting on pickle? X

LJ - I second the request for a baby bump pic! How are you getting on?

Kim - Your date to check the lining should be coming up quickly! When is it exactly? hope you're doing well and feeling positive x

Afm - Well, lots is going on. Unbelievably work promoted me and gave me a pay rise - didn't see that coming but obviously i'm very grateful for it a week before going on mat leave! Tomorrow is my last day in work! And inexplicably me and DF (and for some of it SS) are going to stay in a Yurt and a Tipi in a forest a couple of hours away in 2 weeks. It's all properly kitted out with wood burning stove, cooking stove, electricity, proper beds etc....i'll be about 37 weeks but i've checked it all out and there's a hospital 15 mins drive away and apparently if I take my labour bag and maternity notes with me I can labour wherever I happen to be. :) I'm hoping that my sore body isn't significantly more troublesome by then...i'll take ALL the pillows from the house :haha:...Thing is, i've always wanted to stay in a yurt so I think it's a good opportunity to do it before the LO arrives. Also, at the same place they have a reconstructed iron age dwelling where they hold wedding ceremonies and i'd always wanted a forets wedding, so will scope it out to see if it's a good venue. X
I will add the ticker.. when i figure it out this evening or tomorrow lol.

Yes very stressful especience but Im happyt o know I'm not the only one that has had arguments with hubby over pregnancy... I have this picture perfect idea of what it`s supposed to be like and I need to come down to reality... My DH HATES doctors and hospitals and doesn`t do very well when dealing with it; so we will have to work through it.. I think I might need a doula because he won'T be able to handle it when it comes to delivery time... BUT things can change!!!

About moods: I have my meltdowns here and there and yes, I get VERY irritated, VERY easily. Mostly with my co workers and my DH and my dad. I have also gotten into two fights with my best friend and my SIL, SO I guess yes; I am in full LATINO DRAMA MODE ( I am latina btw) But I feel more calm now....for now who knows what the next 6 months will be like. will post a pic of the ultrasound soon!
Think I may have to put ttc on hold, currently im having orthodontics and am due to have jaw realignment surgery at some point which i can delay but my wisdom teeth have cut through and are causing me endless issues and pain, i think i may need to bring my surgery forward and have them out which obviously i cant do if im pregnant. Ill have to have strong words with my orthodontist on the 16th. She keeps putting surgery off which is driving me nuts because obviously we are trying to plan a baby!!! Argh. So annoyed.

I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled right before christmas; two cut out and two had to be broken before being pulled. I strongly suggest getting the ''relaxing'' drugs. You wont remember a thing. It's GREAT! Also, I became pregnant or was pregnant at that point and didn`t know it. Sadly the pregnancy ended in miscarriage; I dont know if the surgery had anything to do with it; but if I were to do things again, I would definately put TTC on hold until it`s done.

Toothaches are the worst; just get it over and done with! You tell your doctor '' take my money now and do it. PLEASEEEE'' LOL
Think I may have to put ttc on hold, currently im having orthodontics and am due to have jaw realignment surgery at some point which i can delay but my wisdom teeth have cut through and are causing me endless issues and pain, i think i may need to bring my surgery forward and have them out which obviously i cant do if im pregnant. Ill have to have strong words with my orthodontist on the 16th. She keeps putting surgery off which is driving me nuts because obviously we are trying to plan a baby!!! Argh. So annoyed.

I had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled right before christmas; two cut out and two had to be broken before being pulled. I strongly suggest getting the ''relaxing'' drugs. You wont remember a thing. It's GREAT! Also, I became pregnant or was pregnant at that point and didn`t know it. Sadly the pregnancy ended in miscarriage; I dont know if the surgery had anything to do with it; but if I were to do things again, I would definately put TTC on hold until it`s done.

Toothaches are the worst; just get it over and done with! You tell your doctor '' take my money now and do it. PLEASEEEE'' LOL

Ive already got braces on so Ill be under general because they are also breaking and realigning my jaws with plates and pins etc so I dont think they could pull them without breaking my jaw because my mouth is so small lol Also because its part of my orthodontic treatment its free. Thank god because if i went private for everything im having done it would be setting me back approx £14k! Now that i would need sedating for lol x
Sab how far are you? I agree get a ticker for our nosey sakes.

I haven't caught up properly still I'm in my phone and it takes to long. I forget who said what. .. Will try catch up soon. Nothing new with me. .. xxx
Hey Ladies.

Sara good luck today!! praying that all goes well!!!

Carlandjane, I'd say get that surgery out of the way. I had to have my galbladder out in Feb and i'm glad I did it then and got it out of the way so that I don't need to worry if I were to get pg.

Linny/Lit/Becky/Sara and all of you wonderful ladies who still think of me, even though I'm only lurking :) My u/s to measure my uterus wall thickness is 10 June, less than 2 weeks!!! I'm soo excited. I actually met a woman here on bb who is from the same city as me, she had her lower uterus thickness measured at 34 weeks and it was very thin, only 1.5 mm and they're not worried at all! This gives me a lot of hope, and at least the name of another doctor I can go to for a second opinion if needed.

I told my OH last night that I'm not taking bcp anymore.. my body just doesn't like them and we can avoid ov for now. Over the last 16 weeks, I have bled/spotted for about 10 weeks... frustrating to say the least..

I'm very hopeful that I'm going to get the okay.. hopeful I don't end up heart broken again. I've been trying to lose some weight, down 14 lbs right now, would like to drop another 10lbs. I figured the lower my weight, the less stress on my uterus...

Anywho enough about me, there's more babies coming any day at all!!

Carlandjane - I hope you can get in promptly for your wisdom teeth surgery. It definitely would be good to get done before you get pregnant again especially if your teeth are bothering you. It would be a very long 9 months in pain and unable to take any meds for relief! I really hope you can put some fear into your orthodontist so she'll stop postponing! You must be very anxious to get TTC again.

Linny - My thought for myself is that I'll be 3 or 4 days overdue. My HOPE is that I will not go more than a week overdue. That's interesting that you're getting lots of braxton hicks already! It definitely is true that you can get those for AGES before the baby arrives. You actually get braxton hicks throughout the entire pregnancy and many people just don't notice them until near the end because they are painless at first. I've definitely noticed the odd one since about 20 weeks but they were all completely painless. I know my co-worker thought she was in labour for an entire month before her baby finally arrived with all the braxton hicks she got. So, who knows! But I hope your baby comes when she is good and ready, whenever that may be. I'm really not sure if babies come earlier if they're running out of room! I am going to guess that your baby will come 2-3 days early. Is your due date still July 18th?

That is so interesting that this has been your favourite trimester so far! Oddly, I am enjoying it as well so far but not sure if it'll stay that way. So interesting that both of our moods have been better in the third trimester. I think you're right that getting emotional is a very proper response in light of what's happening very soon! I understand feeling clingy and frantic about everything getting done just right! I'm sure that (the latter part) is all part of the nesting and maternal instincts.

How WONDERFUL that you've received a promotion and raise right before maternity leave! I guess your employer is definitely NOT discriminating against you in pregnancy! I knew right away when I told them I was pregnant there'd be no chance of getting a raise this year, which is a shame because I could really use the extra money when I come back and have to pay for child care. Oh well, though. Enough about me. Well done on your promotion! You obviously really deserve it!

Your little getaway at 37 weeks pregnant sounds AMAZING! I have never heard of a 'yurt' before but what you described sounds sooo cool and like I would LOVE it. That is excellent that it's only 15 min away from the hospital. You'll definitely be safe to hang out there and relax while you wait for baby to arrive. I'm very excited that you get to go on this little adventure while you still can!

Sab - I was definitely the same way in my first trimester! You'll have to keep us posted on your mood status later on. ;) Hopefully the dramatic part will end soon. Would love to see an u/s pic.

Blue - Hope you're doing ok.

Kim - I have very high hopes for you! Thanks for letting us know the day so we can be thinking of you. Congrats on your 14 lbs of weight loss! I'm sure every little bit helps. That is great news about the fellow BnBer whose uterine lining is giving you hope! It would be good to get a second opinion if it comes to that...but I'm hoping you get the all clear on the 10th!

The BCP made me ALWAYS spot as well. It was insanely annoying. Going off is very understandable!
Linny, congratulations on your promotion! Your employer must really like you to increase your pay just before you take leave. Your little vacation sounds amazing!! I would love to do something like that.

Kim, good to hear from you! So exciting that your us is coming up and you should be back on the ttc bus soon :) If your doctor doesn't give you the go ahead I would absolutely get a second opinion.

Sab, I'm not surprised you and DH argued. We have done the same. TTC is stressful and I think we all get on edge. I'm glad you worked through it.

When I had Emily I never had BH contractions. I was dilated to about 2.5-3 cm a little over 3 weeks before my due date. I had no contractions or warning of labor other than that I just felt off for a day. That night at 3am my water broke in bed. I went back to sleep! My contractions were less than two minutes apart about three hours later and I went to hospital. I was essentially bed ridden during my third trimester so no exercise or activity at all yet she still arrived over two weeks early. Perfectly healthy and developed.

I had my US today. I still have that one big follicle and it was 20 mm which is definitely mature sized. I think my body is Oing on it's own today. Hubby is on his way home from work (a 3 hour flight away) to take care of business :winkwink: I had a chat with my doctor today. She doesn't think the injections did anything for me since I make a follicle and ovulate every month on my own anyway. She is not so hopeful that fertility treatments are going to work for me but doesn't have the heart to tell me no to another cycle. She said if this month doesn't work she will do one more at the max dose of medicine and then there is nothing more to try. Feeling discouraged today. Can't muster the energy to think about the next cycle. Hopefully this cycle will work, regardless of if the meds contributed or not, and we won't have to worry about next month.

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