Cryss - Sorry the 1 year anniversary is coming around

Not an easy time - baby making really doesn't seem like the straightforward process sex-ed suggested. I hope you won't need to wait much longer x
Lit - I know! It's fun to try and guess. A lot of my freinds who were active during their pregnancy (one was a dog walker, the other did daily yoga and cycling) all went into labour at 38 weeks. I'm not terribly active, so probably won't be doing that though - I was starting to wonder if i'd go early because I woke up to a few hours of Braxton hicks and period pains/back ache 2 nights ago. However, after some paracetamol and a chat with MW it appears that kind of stuff can rumble along for several weeks without starting true labour. So who knows!

I feel like the baby is big enough now - I can't figure out where my stomach is any more, and the movements are occassionally painful. Do babies come earlier if they're running out of room??? What's your feeling on when you'll go?
RE: ante natal classes - yep DF missed one of those with me too and I felt similarly

But I noticed a lot of partners missed at least one. As for my moods, this trimester I was absolutely fine and felt great until maybe the last few weeks where i've felt quite teary and emotional. Sometimes nervous and anxious as well. I've become rather clingy, but also a bit frantic with wanting things to be just right. Bizarrely this has been my favourite trimester. I think getting emotional is absolutely the right response to the coming big changes! X
Sara - Good luck today with your follie! Sounds like your doc is covering all the bases and you're in great hands. X
Sabs - Hurray! So glad it went well...Sorry about the argument - it's a really stressful thing to go through though so totally understandable. I'm sure everything will be fine tomorrow with the results, but it is nerve wracking having to wait. A boy!! (Also, I agree about the ticker!

Aleeah - I can't really imagine labour either, i've watched enough 'one born every minute' to know that I will eventually have to

But so much effort goes into getting and staying pregnant that it's easy to forgot about having the baby at the end isn't it?

Every now and then when she's moving about I have a startled feeling of 'I'm having a baby!' and I get a bit freaked out about how she's going to get out of my lady-bits

Are you feeling calm/relaxed about labour? Excited? Do you have a preference for how you do it? x
Lindsay - Rowan is lovely! I love his little bottom lip photo, what a sweetie! I'm doing fine thanks, just braxton hicks'ing a fair bit and suffering terrible reflux but can't complain...nearing the end and it's all worth it

RE: sleeping. I'm not sure whether it's just coincidence or not but my colleagues wife has just had a baby who is a great little sleeper and he swears it's down to the baby hammock he sleeps in (It's called the Amby Air). I thought about getting one of them but eventually opted for a co-sleeping crib....He said every time he moves and starts to wake up it rocks him back to sleep...said he barely hears a peep out of him. It's got me thinking anyway......could easily be a coincidence that he's just a good sleeper, but have heard babies sleep well in them. Really good to hear you might take a year off! That'd be great, much easier to go back to work after a good solid period off. I thought 6 months would be fine but the closer i get to due date the more I think that'll just whizz by. X
Carlandjane - Oooft, wisdom teeth coming out are a right pain in the backside. Yes definitely get onto your dentist about it - are they getting infected periodically? (Mine were doing this because they were only partially cutting through and debris was getting easily caught in there) They should really come out as soon as poss, the later in life it's left the more gnarly they become to remove. Mine were a nightmare but I was 35 before I got them out. X
Blue - How are you getting on pickle? X
LJ - I second the request for a baby bump pic! How are you getting on?
Kim - Your date to check the lining should be coming up quickly! When is it exactly? hope you're doing well and feeling positive x
Afm - Well, lots is going on. Unbelievably work promoted me and gave me a pay rise - didn't see that coming but obviously i'm very grateful for it a week before going on mat leave! Tomorrow is my last day in work! And inexplicably me and DF (and for some of it SS) are going to stay in a Yurt and a Tipi in a forest a couple of hours away in 2 weeks. It's all properly kitted out with wood burning stove, cooking stove, electricity, proper beds etc....i'll be about 37 weeks but i've checked it all out and there's a hospital 15 mins drive away and apparently if I take my labour bag and maternity notes with me I can labour wherever I happen to be.

I'm hoping that my sore body isn't significantly more troublesome by then...i'll take ALL the pillows from the house

...Thing is, i've always wanted to stay in a yurt so I think it's a good opportunity to do it before the LO arrives. Also, at the same place they have a reconstructed iron age dwelling where they hold wedding ceremonies and i'd always wanted a forets wedding, so will scope it out to see if it's a good venue. X