Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hey ladies,

Sorry I've been rubbish at writing recently, everyone writes so much and it's hard to keep up on my phone/iPad! Is great to hear everyone's news though!

Slg, that's great that you had a mature follicle and think you've oved on your own. If nothing else at least the scans have reassured you that you are ovulating good healthy eggs. I've got fx for you this month.

Kim - wow that 4 months went quick! It's amazing to hear you've met someone who has been able to carry a baby with a thinner lining, I agree with everyone, def worth a second opinion if your dr says yours is still to thin. I'm hoping its thickened lots though! Obviously I've been waiting for you so we can be bump buddies again ;-)

Carla - gosh I feel for you Hun, wisdom teeth and jaw pain must be so painful. I kept having infections in my wisdom teeth and my dentist kept saying I needed them out but I never did. Eventually I got an infection the day before my wedding and was in agony and ended up on antibiotics on my wedding day. He said to me then if you get this when pregnant I can't give you anything for the pain or take the tooth out and so I had it out straight after my wedding before ttc. I agree it's best to get all that done and recover and then ttc afterwards so you know you will be pain free.

Linny - congrats on your promotion! What a wonderful company to work for to be so honest, most wouldn't have done that probably, a week before mat leave! Are you looking forward to finishing? How long do you plan to take off on mat leave?

Ooh yes your yurt get away sounds amazing!! What a lovely thing to do. I hope you enjoy it! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Sabs - sorry your hormones are all over the place, completely normal though, I was the same! Give my hubby hell when I'm in first trimester! Like lit said though once you get settled into second tri you feel much more 'normal'. How are you feeling otherwise?

Lit - those free preggo massages sound wonderful, I'm glad you are taking advantage of those!! Sorry your hubby hasn't been able to make all of the birthing classes. I was lucky, mine did but in our group of 7 lots of the men missed some of the sessions through work and various things. I get how you feel it's something you wanted to do together. But.... Omg you are getting so close now!!! I did find as I got further into third tri my patience wore quite thin and I got grumpy, tired, achey. I never dreamt I would go over due, I was 2 weeks early and my sister had her baby on the due date. Sadly I did go over and every day was like a year! People were constantly ringing and texting to ask if I'd had the baby yet and in the end I stopped going out and turned my phone off and hid as I was a horrible big pregnant monster who wanted to scream at people haha. She was 16 days late!

Afm...... Not a lot going on really. Am now on cycle 6 ttc after my mmc, never dreamt it would take this long and my cycles are still crap so I'm not even close yet. Feeling pretty helpless really.
Hi ladies,

I promise to catch up properly soon.

Still spotting brown. Cannot wait for this damn u/s tomorrow. Every minute feels like an hour.

My u/s is first thing in the morning, so I'll update you as soon as I have word. Please keep your fingers crossed for a healthy, heart-beating strongly, little gummy bear!
sending lots of healthy thoughts to your little gummy bear!!!!!!! :thumbup:
Sorry for not being on here much lately - I've had a lot going on with looking into moving house. I hope everyone is doing well! I'll catch up properly later, but just wanted to wish Alt all the best with your scan tomorrow - I really hope your gummy bear is okay. :hugs: xxx
Hi ladies,

I promise to catch up properly soon.

Still spotting brown. Cannot wait for this damn u/s tomorrow. Every minute feels like an hour.

My u/s is first thing in the morning, so I'll update you as soon as I have word. Please keep your fingers crossed for a healthy, heart-beating strongly, little gummy bear!

Just a quick note to say I'm sending lots of good vibes your way! I'll be thinking of you and your little gummy bear tomorrow, good luck hun :hugs:
good luck this morning alt :)

fingers, toes crossed for a healthy gummy :)
Kay - So glad to hear the US is so close! Glad you know you have other options available whatever happens. And amazing weight loss! Well done! I find it so hard to lose weight and keep it off so congrats! x

Lit - Yep, going over a week overdue seems to drive women crazy. I suppose partly because of all the aches and partly because of not wanting an induction. I really do not want one - based on the ante natal classes where we were told what happens and the reason why you typically end up with a lot more interventions because of it....I think you mentioned this with your induction Lindsay? The contractions come on so suddenly and so strongly that it's almost impossible to cope with. I'm hoping she's bang on time! :haha: A few days over sounds like a good option too so you have enough time before hand to have nested well and everything is in order.

Wondering if I should revise my 'Favourite trimester' comment after the last few nights have been terrible sleep-wise because of acid reflux which is back - and so much worse than it was in the first tri. :( How are you sleeping these days? I use no less than 5 pillows now including one body-length one. DF perches on the edge of the bed at night :haha:

Sara - thanks! Yes I was really surprised, he's a great guy though...has always been very supportive to me. So glad to hear everything's going well with the plan - and hubby's coming back...:hugs: I hope you don't feel discouraged for long - your body is already doing what people seem to think it shouldn't be able to do! You've been pregnant before and not much has changed since the last time - it just takes that one good one. Hopefully, it's this month! X

Mrs W - :hugs: Sorry you're feeling disheartened - But try to keep in mind that people get pregnant even when their cycles are still out of whack...And it seems to always happen when it's least expected as well. Every month is a step closer to your healthy bean Xx

Alt - I think it's a good sign that you're still just spotting - mc's seem to go from spotting to proper bleed really quickly.....not just rumble along. The fact that nothing's going further is a great sign. But aye.....hurry up that US!...I really hope it goes brilliantly for you. I'll be sending my wishes x
ahh Becky I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down... and that you've maybe waited for me... wouldn't that be nice to be bump buddies again, I hope you catch that egg this month!! maybe you need to be talking to them :) I used to do that LOL I looked up that bee supplement thing you mentioned, I can't find a canadian supplier, but found some similar ones so I may try that!

Linny/Lit thanks for support, losing weight has been hard for me, but I've got a goal in mind! I gained over 100 lbs with my first pregnancy, then I lost 120 lbs before I had my second. When I was pregnant the last time I was really careful (for the most part) what i ate and I still gained 65 lbs.. my doc said some women just gain lots of weight.. I lost most about 40 of that 65 lbs but have been sitting comfortably at this weight, if I do get the okay to get preggers again, I will have to be VERY careful what I eat (the whole pregnancy ;)) and try and put on as little as possible.

Sara it's awesome that your body is doing what it's supposed to do, sorry the meds don't seem to be giving you extra folicles, but I"m glad your doc agreed to 1 more month, although lets hope you don't need it!! Maybe planning for next month will make it happen this month :) Glad hubby was able to get home to do his part ;)

Lit yeah the bcp are terrible, after 3 months my body finally settled down, I went to the pharmacy to get my next 3 months, and they changed the generic brand of the pill I am on... and low and behold spotting again started at cd 7 (which is when I ov) ... so frustrating. They told me they were the same "make up" but then after say that they are legally allowed to be slightly different and that it shouldn't affect people... well my body is so crazy sensitive... sigh.. sorry for the rant!! I told OH and he was like ok.. hahaha I totally thought he'd give me a hard time LOL

Hi ladies!

So the ultrasound was a bit of a mixed bag. We saw gummy for the first time (yay!!!) but his little heart wasn't beating yet. I should be 6W5D based on ovulation (7w2d based on LMP) but I'm only measuring 6W. The sonographer couldn't find a cause for the spotting either (which I suppose is good, no obvious bleeds, etc)

I was a bit emotional so my doctor agreed to bring me in next week for an us and redo my blood work today. They should call me later on this afternoon with hcg and progesterone figures.

I'm still so anxious, but do recall Teacup had a similar situation and it all turned out well. I am praying for a similar outcome.

I've scanned this thread and will catch up properly when I get home. Thank you ladies for being so kind during this scare!

On one hand, I'm glad my parents don't know yet, but on the other I want to jump on a plane, fly home and get a hug from my momma.
Hey alt

Thanks for the update :)

Good news that they can't see why the spotting/bleeding.

Looks like you may just have a late implanter.

It will be a long week, you'll have to try and keep yourself busy!!

Here's a big virtual hug :hugs::hugs:

Ive noticed today that I have my egg white mucus stuff but there is the odd streak of blood in amongst it. Is that normal for ovulation or am I being a weirdo? lol
Great news Alt!!!! Let us know how your blood work comes out!
That's great alt!

Carl - Sometimes we spot when ovulating. Some ladies think it's a good sign of a strong egg. Good luck!

Kim - I hope you get the best news at your ultrasound.

Linny - Are you propping yourself all the way up on those pillows? Have you tried eating earlier? Tums?

Lindsay - Rowan is adorable. I'm glad motherhood agrees with you so well.

Mrs. W - I'm sorry you're feeling down. I think we all get that way now and then.

Sara - Fingers crossed you catch that egg!

I hope you are all doing very well!
Sara - Wow, sorry you're feeling so discouraged and that your doctor isn't too hopeful. But doctors can be wrong ALL the time. Your body is amazing and you will be able to get pregnant, whether it's with the meds or not! I am praying so hard that you will conceive this cycle!

Also, that is very interesting about no signs of labour beforehand! My friend 'L' who's due June 9th hasn't had any signs yet so good to know it can still happen spontaneously. ;)

Mrs W - Thanks for sharing your experience of going overdue! I think I would feel the exact same way! How incredibly annoying that people kept pestering you to ask if the baby had come yet! That would have made me very angry! I hope you don't have to go quite so overdue this next time! And I'm really hoping I don't go much past my due date. Also, yes, there was the odd husband in my class who missed as well so it's not like it's unreasonable or uncommon. :)

So sorry TTC is taking so long for you and that you're feeling helpless. I remember how frustrated I was with TTC after the mc. I really hope this is your cycle finally!

Teacup - Sorry you've been so crazy busy! Hope to hear from you soon.

Kim - Oh yes, switching to a generic brand can make ALL the difference! That is terrible that your pharmacy did that to you! My pharmacy did that to my thyroid meds once and I marched right back (actually, I sent my dh) and demanded my usual brand. The pharmacist was very apologetic (he was new) and admitted that just a small deviation in brands could make a big impact on hormone levels. So, I'm sure the BCP is much the same!

It seems like it's quite common to have more trouble losing the weight from the 2nd baby than the first. Do you think you tried less hard to lose the weight because you were so busy, or did you find that the weight just refused to come off this time? Pregnancy weight gain really is a genetic predisposition I believe - obviously with other factors as well - so if you're meant to gain more, you just will. Hopefully it stays in check this time!

Alt - Sorry your results were a bit mixed but good news that baby is still growing, and as you said teacup had a similar situation with not being able to see the heartbeat so early. In a way I am glad that I waited a bit longer for my first u/s (but obviously if I'd been spotting I would have been desperate for one)! I really hope your baby is ok and I do think things are looking promising for you. Let us know when you get your blood work results! :hugs: Hang in there! I know being in limbo is beyond emotionally draining and awful.

Carlandjane - From what I've read, that can be totally normal, although I've never experienced it.

Crys - hope you're doing well.
Hi ladies. I slept all afternoon to make the time pass - numbers are weird.

My hcg only went from 10600 to 15700 in almost 5 days. My progesterone is 13.

My doctor doesn't seem very concerned at all - said at some point hcg stops doubling so quickly and says we have to wait until next Friday.

Hey alt

I just found this on-line:

When the hCG measures between 1,200 and 6,000 mIU/ml in early pregnancy, the hCG usually takes 3-4 days to double.

When the hCG measures more than 6,000 mIU/ml, the hCG frequently takes more than four or even more days to double.

So it looks like your numbers are just fine!!!

Lit it's not that I had more trouble losing the last bit of weight after my second, I just never put my mind to it :) the weight I was at is a weight I've been for years so it seems to be a comfortable weight for me...glad to be down less though :) My sister had more trouble after her 3rd..
Alt - I second what Kim said. Your numbers sound good. Once you hit 10,000, they double much, much more slowly. I would be quite happy with those numbers if I were you! The numbers are also on track with what your baby is measuring...and they were last time too...so I think that's probably a good sign even if you aren't measuring exactly where you expected to.

Kim - That makes sense! If it was a weight you were used to it would definitely be hard to be motivated to lose any more!
Alt - Sorry to hear you have a week of limbo! Sounds like you had a slow implanter as the other ladies mentioned. Was there a yolk sac/fetal pole? With us there was an empty sac at 6 weeks (going by ovulation) and then a yolk sac, fetal pole and heart beat at 7 weeks. It could be you were just a few days from seeing the heartbeat - no babies grow at the same rate at this stage. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! What day is your next scan? Your hcg numbers sound great. :thumbup: xx

Linny - Wow congratulations on the promotion! What a nice company to promote you before maternity! Yurt in a forest sounds amazing, what a lovely idea for a holiday. I hope you're enjoying your maternity leave. :flower: Iron age wedding sounds great! When do you plan on getting married? xx

Sab - Aww so pleased your ultrasound went well. :happydance: Congratulations on the boy prediction! I hope all your results came back good yesterday. Here is a ticker for you! No excuses now!

here is the code, just remove the two *'s and put it in your signature:


Crys - Glad your LP has sorted itself out! Very good sign for this cycle! xx

Emma - Sorry to hear you're suffering constipation! I have that on and off and it's a real pain! I find eating breakfast in the morning and having a cup of tea helps get things moving. Have heard that if you go a few days with no luck, then Syrup of Figs is meant to be a sure thing! You can get it from Boots apparently. :thumbup: Has the sickness calmed down yet? I hope you get well soon and can go back home! :hugs: Must be only a week until your 20 week scan! Exciting! Are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl? xx

Lit - Aww such a lovely bump pic! You look lovely! I must get around to taking a bump pic, I have a little one at the mo! Are you going to upload a nursery pic soon? :happydance: xx

Aleeah - Aww your nursery pics are gorgeous! I love the wall stickers! And wow at your bump! You're looking great! Not long to go now? Let us know as soon as there is a sign! :happydance: xx

Sara - Glad you have one big egg ready and waiting! :happydance: I really hope the insemination goes well today! xx

Lindsay - Awww! Rowan is so adorable! :cloud9: What a cute little pout! I love his little tortoise onesy too! Sorry to hear you're going through some sleepless nights! I hope he settles into a routine soon. xx

Carlandjane - Sorry you're having dental problems that are delaying ttc. I hope you can have the op soon and it goes well. I hate having dental work done! xx

Kim - I hope your ultrasound goes well on the 10th! I have my fingers crossed for you! Only just over a week to go! :happydance: xx

Mrs W - Sorry you're feeling down at the mo, I hope this cycle is it for you! I would always feel down during AF but then excited and positive leading up to ovulation. You'll get your rainbow baby bfp soon! :hugs: xx

AFM - Have been feeling little movements on and off recently! Getting a quite a few right now, cold cranberry juice seems to make baby dance! :haha: My doppler finally arrived in the post today! Took me a few goes to find baby but when I did it was amazing! First I kept finding the 'wowowow' of my pulse going in and out of the uterus, but then I came across the unmistakable clip clop of baby's heartbeat! Sounded like a little horse cantering! I recorded it, and counted the beats - it's 156 bpm. :cloud9: I tried to upload the sound but the file size is too big. :dohh: OH and I have a week off from today, planning to have some fun days out! We pulled out of moving house, we really love the one that we rent and feel we should wait to find somewhere perfect before taking on a mortgage. The one we found would have left us almost bankrupt and it wasn't half the house we live in now. It's a relief we don't have to spend this week packing! xx
Linny - Somehow I forgot to reply to you in my rush yesterday! I don't want an induction either...I've definitely heard bad things. However, I think I will be all for one if I go very much overdue because I'm absolutely terrified of having a stillbirth. I believe here they induce when you are about 10 days overdue...and they generally won't let you go more than 2 weeks past unless your baby is measuring small and they believe your original dates could be wrong. I definitely hope I just go into labour on my own though!

That is rough about your acid reflux keeping you up! Oddly, I've had a temporary (?) reprieve from heart burn lately and I'm not sure why. I still get it occasionally but it's been much less in the past month. Hopefully it doesn't come back with a vengeance. I am actually sleeping fairly well besides the FIVE trips to pee in the night! :wacko: Other than that I've usually been falling back asleep right away so that has been nice. Turning over in bed is really difficult with my huge, heavy bump now and I find it really uncomfortable to sleep on my left side even though that's the ideal side. I try to spend at least half the night on the left, but don't stress about it if I need to change to my right. I've been waking up very unrested feeling and it feels like a murder scene internally just to force myself to get up (but I've always had that because I am SO not a morning person), so I'm guessing that's probably because I'm getting up so often and as a result am not actually sleeping as well. I really hope you can sleep better soon and get that acid reflux under control! That sounds incredibly unpleasant. Is Zantac still helping?

Teacup - Yes, yes, I'll take a photo very soon! I'm so lazy atm. I bet your tiny little bump is adorable! Definitely start taking pics soon because you'll LOVE looking back on them later on! In earlier photos where I thought I was showing at the time , I now feel like I had a six-pack :haha:.

That is wonderfully exciting about feeling movements! They should start getting a lot stronger in a few weeks! My favourite was when I could start feeling and seeing them from the outside (about 20 weeks)...and I've still not gotten over how exciting it is! Yay for a doppler. I'm now wishing I had one for my occasional panics.

That sounds like a good idea to defer buying a new house until you find the perfect one. A mortgage is a big responsibility and there's no reason you can't enjoy a little while longer at a more affordable rented place, especially if you're happy there.

AFM - Found a gift certificate from 3 years back and treated myself to a pedicure today! It was quite lovely and the girl had a 15-month-old son so we swapped a few pregnancy stories. I think I especially liked her because she admitted she lost her first pregnancy, which she had tons of MS for, and then she didn't have any MS at all with her son. I never told her about my mc because I don't just tell that to anyone, but I found it comforting that she probably knew how I felt.

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