Alt, that sounds like good news that there was no cause found for the bleeding and that your HCG is rising

. Sorry you have to be in limbo land for another week, I hope next weeks ultrasound will allow you to relax a little bit. First tri is a scary time
Linny, yes, that was the reason I wanted to avoid induction but having said that the first part of my induction went very well (apart from being awake all night with contractions). Things were progressing very well and I didn't need pitocin, however at one point when they checked on Rowan, his heart rate had become very flat and he want moving so they broke my waters to get things moving.... And wow did that get things moving because I went from 4 - 10 cm in 45 mins, it was quite intense. I do suspect though that the reason his head was not in a good position was from them breaking my waters, I think if I had been left to continue progressing he may have come down in a better position. I do hope you can avoid induction and your little girl comes right on time

. Good luck with your trip, it sounds like lots of fun! Oh, and on the heartburn, mine completely disappeared as soon as I had Rowan so you haven't got to put up with it much longer I'm sure!
Carl, I spotted with ovulation the first cycle after my m/c... That's the only time it ever happened to me. Mi think it can be normal though
Teacup, how exciting that your feeling more movement now! Such an amazing feeling

. Sounds like a good plan to wait on buying a house, you definitely want to find the right place of you're going to take on a mortgage.
Sara, sorry to hear that you have developed a stomach ulcer, that sounds very uncomfortable. I hope your doctor can come up with a treatment plan that is okay if you're pregnant. I've got my fingers crossed that this is your month!
Bright, I hope you had a good holiday!
LL, enjoy your free massages! I'm jealous

. I should see if there's anything similar here! Re. The bathroom when out with baby, I second what the others have said it is possible to use the bathroom with baby in a carrier. I have also strapped him on the change table on occasion, which should work until he starts to roll. It certainly does take more planning and prep work to go out...the most challenging part I find is working around feedings. Rowan is still hungry every 2 hours or so, so I have to plan carefully and always throw my breastfeeding cover in the diaper bag.
Sab, 1:1100 risk sounds low to me. I know here in BC, anything above 1:300 is low risk. Hopefully your test results come back okay and set your mind at ease
AFM, I am very excited as Rowan has been sleeping for 5-6 hours in a row on a good night

. I tried his swaddle blanket again (he was too small for it before) and it has worked wonders! I'm just hoping it continues to work

. My next goal is to get him to go to bed before 11 pm.... Anyone have any good tips? He just wakes right up (or only sleeps for 30 mins) if I put him down before 11. We had his 2 month check up on Tuesday and he's now 10 lbs 5 oz, and 58 cm long.... Growing fast!!