Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Hello ladies,
We're on our way home. Had a great time with the hubby. How is everyone?
Hi ladies.

Good to hear from you teacup.

Diana, I think overall your US was good news. I bet in a day or two your gummy bears heart will start beating. Development can happen so fast at this stage! I really do think that your dates aren't far enough off for concern. I know the next week will feel so long. I wish I could speed up time for you!

Based on whe I think I o'd we Dtd right when I o'd and again 18 hours later. Time will tell....
I've been feeling pretty awful lately. I thinki had some side effects from the injections. On top of that, and unrelated I'm sure, I have developed a stomach ulcer. I was trying to ignore it and just take a lot of Zantac but it has been getting worse. It hurts all the time now and makes it hard to eat anything. Finally went to dr this morning so hopefully will be feeling better soon. Have to go to different dr next week to put together a treatment plan that will be ok if I am pregnant. Apparently I will have to take a few different antibiotics to clear up the ulcer.
Hello, dead little thread. Where did everyone disappear to this week? I hope you're all doing well.

Bright - Yay, I'm glad you had a great vacation! Hopefully it was just the relaxation vacation you need to get your BFP.:)

Sara - Sorry to hear about your ulcer! That sounds painful and awful. I really hope this is your month! I choose to believe that your meds allowed you to have a healthier egg this time, so now it's just a question of whether a nice, healthy sperm caught it!

AFM - Really having a hard time getting through work lately. I'm tired, unmotivated and antsy for mat leave! Thankfully I've take a few vacation days this week so I will have a 5-day weekend starting tomorrow! That is the only thing keeping me going right now!
Bright - Glad to hear your hols went well!x

Sara - Oooft, I hope you can get the stomach problem resolved...I've been a zantac fiend recently but have noticed they eventually stop working so hopefully your doc can prescribe something longer lasting?x

LL - It is a bit dead in here eh? Are you doing anything fun with your 5 day weekend? How long till mat leave now? x

Afm - The bravado of last week when I said 'Yes' to staying in a Tipi and a Yurt in a forest using communal composting toilets is now slowly dawning on me. The trouble is we've paid down the deposit and if we tried to book anywhere else near there at this time it'd cost a fortune....and we've already told SS about it and he's excited. <Sad face>. x
Afm - The bravado of last week when I said 'Yes' to staying in a Tipi and a Yurt in a forest using communal composting toilets is now slowly dawning on me. The trouble is we've paid down the deposit and if we tried to book anywhere else near there at this time it'd cost a fortune....and we've already told SS about it and he's excited. <Sad face>. x

You'll be fine! I used a compost loo once and they are actually okay. :flower: I think you should still go - you'll enjoy it! How long did you plan to be there? xx
Also - where abouts is it? I love the sound of it! xx
Teacup -I've always really wanted to stay in one. It's more the sleeping situation and getting up to pee at night which is bothering me. We're staying 3 nights in Tipi and 2 in Yurt. The yurt I know is more comfortable than the tipi....so i'm not too fussed about that.

It's here: https://www.marthrownofmabie.com/

I'll just have to take all the pillows and duvets I can get my hands on and hope for the best! How are you getting on love? x
Yes stock up on duvets and pillows! Was the deposit quite big? It looks lovely! I'm sure you'll have a great time. Does it come with a bed or do you have to sleep in a sleeping bag on a camping mattress?

I was looking online and saw this website I had a look at the Blackwood Forest one as that's not too far from us, look at the amazing cabins you stay in! But the prices are £750 for 4 nights. :growlmad:

I'm fine thanks! Have been feeling baby move a lot more in the last few days, it's amazing! :happydance: I even saw my tummy move at one point. Have had bad low back pain in bed and also when I'm walking but otherwise am okay. :flower:

Can't believe you only have 4 weeks left until your due date! :happydance: How are you feeling? xx
Linny - 6 1/2 weeks til mat leave still! How are you enjoying yours so far?

Well, yesterday I took off specifically to be with DH since he only has Wednesdays off now so we went for a nice lunch at a restaurant outside of the city, roamed the greenhouse and gardens, and then went for a walk by the river in the afternoon. We've already gone to two late-night movies (Divergent and Moms' Night Out) as well. For the rest of my long weekend DH is at work but this afternoon I'm getting one of my free prenatal massages. I'm mostly just planning on sleeping lots and relaxing during the day because we're busy every evening. We'll be getting some maternity photos taken Saturday night (not professional ones, but my BFF is going to take some for us). So...I guess nothing special but I really needed the time away from work! I should probably clean the house at some point too. :wacko:

I understand your anxiety about your sleeping situation while 37 weeks pregnant but I agree that it'll be fine and you should just go anyway! Is there any way that you can request to get a tipi/yurt very close to the public washrooms? DH and I stayed at a cabin with no washroom one year, and he called and asked if we could have the one nearest to the public washrooms and they thankfully said yes! I did have to get up twice in the night (I wasn't even pregnant then) but it was very close by and not too much of a bother.

Teacup - How wonderful that you're feeling more movements and can even see your tummy move now! I found that made everything a lot more real for me! I still can't get over being able to see my belly move from baby! I'm always very curious what body parts I'm seeing, but I can never tell.

How is everyone else? Aleeah - if you haven't given birth already you must be getting so excited and antsy knowing you're just days away from your due date! :happydance:
Posting again because I have all the time in the world today ...;) But just something I thought of the other day:

How do you go to a public washroom when you are alone with your baby? I know if you have a stroller you could just wheel it into the handicap stall with you, but what if you just have your baby in a carrier or are just carrying her because you're just taking a quick trip somewhere? I have to pee constantly (even while not pregnant), so I'm suddenly having a panic attack about this! Any moms who can offer any insight? Sorry such a silly question! hehe. I think I'm starting to realize that it's going to be quite difficult getting around (at least by myself) once baby arrives!
HI ladies, I was just catching up with all the posts,

THANK YOU Teacup for the ticker. i think I added it properly. let mek now hahaha!

Its been a rollercoaster of a week! I went for the down syndrome testing so I got my results: 1:100,000 for trisomy 18 which is great and 1:1,100 for trisomy 21, which means that I have to go back for a second blood test and depending on that I will get a ''low risk' result or a 'high risk result'' which is really shitty because I have to wait two weeks before I can do it so that the genetic markers can be tested.... NEEDLESS to say Ive had a couple of meltdowns. I was really focused on work, went on a business trip and now that im back it all exploded last night and I cried like a little baby.

SO, now I have to wait till june 17 to get tested and wait 4 days for the results... which puts me at 17 weeks...and IF i have to do the amnio ill be at 18 and if those results are shitty then that puts me at almost 20 weeks. AND we decided thatwe would not keep a pregnancy with a high risk of downs... SO you can imagine that I am freaking the f*ck out. If it has to be done, the I want it done now, I dont want to get more attached and suffer more. But if everything is ok then Im just being crazy and insane and worried for nothing.

Anyways, so that rained on my parade, and we havent told our extended family because of it. My mom says I have to have faith, which I totally agree, but now Im totally detached from this pregnancy ... AGAIN.

ok wow. my rant is over. Also, I have totake antibiotics because I have ''too much bacteria in my pee'' whatever that means... :(
sorry it's a tough time Sabster. Hope your test comes out ok.

LL- hahahaha. Trust me, you will learn to do everything with one hand, including going pee. I often had Emily in a carrier on my front. I just left her in there and sat on the toilet. It was a little awkward but totally doable.
Sab - hope the results are normal.

LL - Exactly what Sara said. You learn how to do everything with one hand after you've had a baby. You learn to take them in the bathroom in their carrier even at home just so you can shower. Lol!
HI ladies, I was just catching up with all the posts,

THANK YOU Teacup for the ticker. i think I added it properly. let mek now hahaha!

Its been a rollercoaster of a week! I went for the down syndrome testing so I got my results: 1:100,000 for trisomy 18 which is great and 1:1,100 for trisomy 21, which means that I have to go back for a second blood test and depending on that I will get a ''low risk' result or a 'high risk result'' which is really shitty because I have to wait two weeks before I can do it so that the genetic markers can be tested.... NEEDLESS to say Ive had a couple of meltdowns. I was really focused on work, went on a business trip and now that im back it all exploded last night and I cried like a little baby.

SO, now I have to wait till june 17 to get tested and wait 4 days for the results... which puts me at 17 weeks...and IF i have to do the amnio ill be at 18 and if those results are shitty then that puts me at almost 20 weeks. AND we decided thatwe would not keep a pregnancy with a high risk of downs... SO you can imagine that I am freaking the f*ck out. If it has to be done, the I want it done now, I dont want to get more attached and suffer more. But if everything is ok then Im just being crazy and insane and worried for nothing.

Anyways, so that rained on my parade, and we havent told our extended family because of it. My mom says I have to have faith, which I totally agree, but now Im totally detached from this pregnancy ... AGAIN.

ok wow. my rant is over. Also, I have totake antibiotics because I have ''too much bacteria in my pee'' whatever that means... :(

No problem! Glad you set up your ticker okay. :thumbup: Don't worry about the test results, 1:1100 sounds great to me! That is a tiny percent chance - so tiny I couldn't work it out. My sister had 1:300 for her downs syndrome test and her boy turned out fine. Why do you have to do another test with such great odds? Maybe it's done differently in Canada? xx
Alt, that sounds like good news that there was no cause found for the bleeding and that your HCG is rising :). Sorry you have to be in limbo land for another week, I hope next weeks ultrasound will allow you to relax a little bit. First tri is a scary time :hugs:

Linny, yes, that was the reason I wanted to avoid induction but having said that the first part of my induction went very well (apart from being awake all night with contractions). Things were progressing very well and I didn't need pitocin, however at one point when they checked on Rowan, his heart rate had become very flat and he want moving so they broke my waters to get things moving.... And wow did that get things moving because I went from 4 - 10 cm in 45 mins, it was quite intense. I do suspect though that the reason his head was not in a good position was from them breaking my waters, I think if I had been left to continue progressing he may have come down in a better position. I do hope you can avoid induction and your little girl comes right on time :). Good luck with your trip, it sounds like lots of fun! Oh, and on the heartburn, mine completely disappeared as soon as I had Rowan so you haven't got to put up with it much longer I'm sure!

Carl, I spotted with ovulation the first cycle after my m/c... That's the only time it ever happened to me. Mi think it can be normal though

Teacup, how exciting that your feeling more movement now! Such an amazing feeling :). Sounds like a good plan to wait on buying a house, you definitely want to find the right place of you're going to take on a mortgage.

Sara, sorry to hear that you have developed a stomach ulcer, that sounds very uncomfortable. I hope your doctor can come up with a treatment plan that is okay if you're pregnant. I've got my fingers crossed that this is your month!

Bright, I hope you had a good holiday!

LL, enjoy your free massages! I'm jealous :). I should see if there's anything similar here! Re. The bathroom when out with baby, I second what the others have said it is possible to use the bathroom with baby in a carrier. I have also strapped him on the change table on occasion, which should work until he starts to roll. It certainly does take more planning and prep work to go out...the most challenging part I find is working around feedings. Rowan is still hungry every 2 hours or so, so I have to plan carefully and always throw my breastfeeding cover in the diaper bag.

Sab, 1:1100 risk sounds low to me. I know here in BC, anything above 1:300 is low risk. Hopefully your test results come back okay and set your mind at ease :)

AFM, I am very excited as Rowan has been sleeping for 5-6 hours in a row on a good night :). I tried his swaddle blanket again (he was too small for it before) and it has worked wonders! I'm just hoping it continues to work :). My next goal is to get him to go to bed before 11 pm.... Anyone have any good tips? He just wakes right up (or only sleeps for 30 mins) if I put him down before 11. We had his 2 month check up on Tuesday and he's now 10 lbs 5 oz, and 58 cm long.... Growing fast!!
hey ladies!!

I'll update later just wanted to wish alt good luck today at your u/s!!

Thanks everyone. I've tried so hard to stay off the internet this week, but I missed you all! Sab, please please don't be too worried. There are so many stories of people getting high risk results and everything working out fine. Easier said than done, but those tests almost seem like more trouble than they are worth sometimes. I've got all my fingers and toes crossed for you!

Sara, I hope you're feeling better. When are you going to start testing? FX for you!

Tea, super jazzed to hear that you're feeling movement!

Lit, I wish I had an answer about the bathroom thing -- now I'm worried about it too!

Lindsay, so happy that Rowan is sleeping soundly for longer -- good for baby, good for momma!

Kim, thanks love!

AFM - so this am, had my us. It's still a mixed bag! My baby was there with a heartbeat (which of course made me sob) but he's only grown 2 days worth in a week. He was 3 mm last week and was 5mm today. His hb was 113, so decent, but the slow growth has me terrified. The tech said measurements can be off, etc, but that much?

I'm also supposed be 7W5D based on O but they are dating me at 6W3D, so I'm just getting further and further behind.

I'll get one more u/s next wednesday, which is when I was due to get my first anyway.

I have a pic of Gummy that I'll post later -- he looks pretty cute! <3
So glad you got to see that your little one is growing! That heartbeat sounds about right for the size the baby is measuring. Seeing the heartbeat is just the beginning of a healthy pregnancy. Did you chart your O? Could it have been off?
Hey Cryss, thanks! :D

I did chart my O - based on LMP, I should be 8W2D, but am 7W5D based on O.

I am taking heart that gummy's hb was pretty good! Maybe he's just short like me?

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