Sab - Like everyone else said, those sound like extremely good odds to me. The chance of a stillbirth for the regular population is higher than I don't really see why they have to do further testing than that. I of course can see why you are freaking out and worried, but I do think that all sounds good and your baby is going to be just fine!
Sara - Good to know...thanks!
That cramping sounds like a good sign! I think one of my only signs this BFP was very early cramping (which went away by the time I normally get cramps). Good luck!
Crys -

Lindsay - Also thanks! Good to know that there are options. You definitely should see if there's anything similar offered (re:massages) there.

That's crazy how often Rowan is eating still! I know it is normal, but it definitely would be difficult to time everything around! Good thing for those breastfeeding covers. I have one already, so I'm prepared!

Do you find it awkward breastfeeding in public?
How wonderful that Rowan has been sleeping 5-6 hours in a row some nights! That must feel amazing finally!! Mmm. That's great about the swaddle blanket. I bought a breathable/mesh one for when mine is first born since it will be summer so hopefully it will be the right size and work wonders as well! I hope you can get him to go to sleep a bit earlier soon! Sounds like he is growing lots and doing awesome! Yay, Rowan! Hope you're absolutely loving motherhood! I can't believe Rowan is over 2 months already! Feels like just yesterday...ehhe.
Kim - Thanks for checking in! Can't wait for the 10th!
Alt - Well I think the consensus is to just keep baby in a sling/carrier while peeing! Sounds awkward but at least we know it's possible.
YAY for finally seeing baby's heartbeat!

That is super duper exciting! Whee! Also, I know that Nina, a girl who used to frequent this thread, had a few scans where her baby was measuring behind but with a hb, and at her 12-week scan baby was measuring right on track again. So there is lots of hope that that can be the same for you...Obviously these very early scans aren't super accurate and probably depends on the tech what the measurements are. I'm hoping for some great news on Wednesday!
Linny - That is really odd about your post needing to be seen by a mod! I hope your post shows up soon!
AFM - I am finding I am just sleeping and sleeping on my days off. Having to wake up to an alarm to get up 11:30 am (I've always been a later sleeper when left to my own devices). I'm beginning to think the first couple weeks of my maternity leave will be spent sleeping half the days away...but that's probably not a bad thing since I won't get to sleep in again for a long, long time!
TMI question - but has anyone else experienced a shooting nerve pain from their cervix downwards? It's very brief - only lasts a second or two - and occurs usually when I am standing up or walking. However, the pain/sensation is bad enough that it stops me in my tracks and I am unable to hide an extremely SURPRISED face!

I think BnBers may refer to it as "lightning crotch" as my googling has discovered. Anyway, it only just started in the 3rd trimester for me (although I may have had it once or twice very far apart earlier on)...but now if I'm standing for an extended period of time I'll start getting it every minute or two and it's very awkward! I told my DH about it and he thought 'lightning crotch' was an unfortunate name so to be subtle in public the other day he asked me if I was experiencing "L.C."