Waiting for AF after M/C, anyone else? OCBM

Lindsay - I worry about the position - so many women i've asked about labour mention that they weren't palpated during labour and their baby was not in the right position to come out....I don't even know if there's anything that can be done to encourage the baby to move round to the right angle? Well...i'm glad all was well in the end with Rowan anywya!

SO happy to hear he's sleeping longer stretches! You must feel like a new woman?! I don't know about the 11pm thing, the BF'ing workshop I was at this week mentioned that 6pm to 12pm was the most intense time for babies wanting food so perhaps this will be the most difficult one to break? x
Alt - That's great news! As other ladies have said the measurements can really be out this early and not only that but babies do catch up (as in the case of Nina who used to post on this thread as Lit said). I personally believe uterus's tilt and this has a big effect on measurements. I hope all goes well on weds! x

Kim - Hey, how are you doing? Yep I must have done *something* wrong...Watch now, after re-writing everything it'll turn up tomorrow! :haha: x

Sara - Ooo, I haven't seen one of those before. Is swaddling a good thing for sleeping? I just have some cellular blankets.

The cramping sounds promising...do you usually cramp around O?

Bright - your photos are maing me jealous! Looks like you both ahd a wonderful time and oh! That sunshine! We've had one or two sporadic days of sun here...and right now it's raining as usual :( Anyway, I hope you're feeling all refreshed and relaxed X

Phew...ok, this post had BETTER turn up.

Afm - I am cleaning like a mad woman....I have enlisted DF this weekend to clean too. I bought SO many cleaning products and they all smell amazing. Oh yes, the chalk thing has had to take a back burner because i'm nowhere near work and all its supply of chalk. So instead it's the smell of freshly washed clothes which is definitely an improvement on sitting around huffing chalk dust each day. The problem with this frenzy is that the spirit is strong but the flesh is definitely weak. It'll be good to get DF on the case today while I oversee :) x
Finally! Jeezo....I mean, it was a long post but i've surely written longer. So glad i wrote it in notepad first this time! x
Linnypops it was a mention of an author, sorry! You'll find out more via the forum rules :)
Sara - Interesting! Yeah, I didn't think there was anything I could do about it but was curious if anyone else had experienced it! It definitely is an odd feeling.

Linny- Haha, I'm definitely counting down the days between naps. :haha: I can't WAIT! Actually, I think this 5-day weekend is going to make it even harder to get through the last 6 weeks (although I think I really needed it). I've gotten a taste of rest and relaxation, and now I don't see how I'll ever survive more work!! My days and nights are quickly getting mixed up, as they always do when I take time off, so going back on Monday is going to be EXTRA difficult. Oh well...hopefully I can survive.

That is too bad there is no option of getting closer to the bathrooms, but I'm glad you've found a solution with the bucket! :haha: That is hilarious but I'm glad you've thrown out all dignity and won't mind your DH helping you. Definitely easier than tromping around in the wilderness in the middle of the night! And he really shouldn't mind - he got you in this mess in the first place. :winkwink:

Mm yes, I'm so glad you managed to get a free massage as well! I have 2 more free massages before I go on mat leave (unfortunately I couldn't stretch them out for once I'm on mat leave because the massage school closes on July 10) and then I may even pay for one more because I still have 80% coverage with my health plan until the day I am finished work.

I hope the LC means baby's head is engaging for you as well! Let us know what your midwife says on Tuesday! How exciting. How often do you see your midwife now? I oddly am still only seeing my dr once a month (with everyone else I know who lives here, the norm seems to be every 2 weeks at this point), but once I hit 36 weeks I'll be seeing her every week.

BTW, there definitely are labour positions you can do to help get the baby to find a better position! We learned about them in my birthing class but unfortunately I have a terrible memory and found the vast amount of birthing positions we learned to be overwhelming. I am just glancing at the couple of handouts we got, and it appears:

*Squatting - uses gravity to help baby descent, widens the pelvic outlet, and may aid the baby's rotation

*Standing or kneeling lunge - (I remember they said to ONLY do this *if* baby isn't in the right position)
- widens the side of the pelvis towards which you are lunging (they recommended doing a few on one side, then a few on the other, then continuing the rest of them on whichever side felt more comfortable/was actually HELPING)
- gives room for the baby to change position if necessary
- may ease backache after trying this for a few contraction

*Sidelying or semiprone - helps lower elevated blood pressure
- may promote the progress of labour when alternated with walking
- SHIFTING between side-lying and semi-prone positions, on both sides, helps change the baby's position

Anyway...hope that helps! You could probably google those positions if you want to see what they look like/how to do them!

Good for you on your cleaning binge! I wish I could get off my butt and actually do something! 3 days off and all I have to show for it is my laundry is put away. Desperately need to vacuum and clean bathrooms, but just can't be bothered. I do hope your DF is very helpful this weekend since you definitely can't help your lack of ability! That is good your newest scent craving is just freshly washed clothes. ;) Much healthier!

LJ - How are you doing these days???
Hi ladies, I woke up this morning to a lot of pink spotting. It's now turned red (still spotting) with small clots. I think the worse is happening.

Thank you for all of your kind words yesterday. I've made peace that whatever happens, good or bad, I'll be okay eventually.
Alt - I am so sorry. That is so scary and awful to be going through. :hugs: Still hoping for the best. You are so strong!
:cry: I'm so sorry Alt, that's heartbreaking. I hope you're okay. :hugs: xxxx
Alt - I'm so sorry, I'm still hoping this isn't what you think it is and that you and gummy will be ok. I'm praying for you :hugs: xx

Linny - I did have to laugh a lot at your posts, I've enjoyed reading them, as vague and random as they seemed!!:haha: I did think if they can moderate you for waffling I'd never be able to post on here!!!:blush: I'm glad you finally got your posts in though, I learnt the notepad trick a while ago, for some reason my laptop would click the back button if my phone went off!! So I kept losing my mammoth posts, so I now type them in notepad first!:thumbup:

I'm loving all the cleaning, my husband had to tell me I was losing it when I told him I was going up early last night at 9.30pm. He said for an early night and I said no to get some more cleaning in so I can sleep better...!:wacko: Maybe we should set up our own cleaning company, we could dictate what our employees need to do and not lift a finger!!:winkwink::haha: xx

- How exciting you and Blue have your 20 week scans coming up real soon! I remember mine so clearly, I've had so many scans this pregnancy but my 20 week scan is the one I remember so clearly, the baby is at such a cute stage and size, enjoy it, I'm jealous!! Will you find out the gender?:thumbup:x

Lit - I hope your maternity leave comes around quickly. I thought I'd have nothing to do but am managing to get all sorts in. I seem to forget something important for dinner everyday, so it's become a daily thing for me to go for a walk to the local shops and pick up the missing item. Hubby thinks I do it on purpose now just so I can go for a walk, guess there's worse things I could be doing!! It's nice having the freedom with not much on the agenda.

I too am very jealous of your free massages, I got hubby to massage my pressure points on my ankles yesterday to try and induce labour and he ended up bruising me, silly man!!

Not long left for you now either, you must be so excited about meeting your little girl!! I can sympathize with the lack of sleep, I've now just got used to getting up at 4-5am pottering around the house for an hour or 2 and then going back to bed, it's a daily routine that now the cat's even waiting by my bed at 4am everyday!!:wacko::haha:

Crysshae - How are you? You know me, love a bit of chart stalking, your chart looks to be looking amazing, could that be implantation dip? I certainly hope so, fingers and toes crossed for you :hugs:xxx

Brighteyez - Your photo's look amazing, I'm so envious!! You look like you had the most amazing time, you totally deserve it :hugs: xxx

Lindsay - I love seeing posts from you because I love seeing your gorgeous little man in your profile pic!! He's just too cute!:flower: I'm impressed he's sleeping through so well already. And we don't have a swaddle blanket yet, it's so warm here at the moment (well I find it warm being pregnant!) but I will definitely look to invest in one after hearing the good stuff from you and Sara xx

Sara - Cramps at 8dpo are such a good sign, I had tonnes of cramps with this one at what would have been around the same time but I put it down to AF coming (as I hadn't had one following the m/c) but apparently not. I want this for you so bad, really hoping this is your month :hugs: xx

Sabster - I'm sorry you didn't get the results you expected but please don't be disheartened I think the chances of your baby having anything are still really slim. I can imagine your fear and anxiety over the situation though and hope they can give you an answer sooner, just hang in there, thinking of you and bean :hugs: xxx

Kim - How are you?:flower: xx

Blue - I hope the sickness has let up and you're enjoying the pregnancy a bit more? Are you excited about the impending 20 week scan? xx

- How's the pregnancy going?:thumbup:xx

AFM - Well I'm very much still pregnant, it now feels like I'm pregnant with an elephant!! I've tried everything to induce labour but I guess little bubba just isn't ready for exit yet. I've got a stretch and sweep booked for tomorrow and am dreading being told I'm nowhere near labour and also dreading the procedure itself. Currently only 2 days overdue but it feels like a lifetime as I was certain baby would come last week. Any tips or advice is most welcome... sure I know rest up and relax it'll happen when it happens but that's much easier said than done!! xxx
So good to hear from you. You must be excited and miserable all at the same time. I can't wait to see a pic of bubba. I've read that intercourse can induce labor. The semen are supposed to help the cervix relax. I had sex the night before my DD came along; not sure if it was coincidence :shrug: I hope that Bubba is ready for his grand entrance very soon!
Lit - Odd that you're still only seeing them every month - I think it had gone down to 3 weeks for me around your time, now it's every fortnight...Think it only goes to weekly here after 39 weeks?? Could you ask for more appts?

Thanks for the labour position info! We were only told one which was to avoid back-to-back babies (lean forwards over a birthing ball). Mine usually always has her side to my front so i'll start leaning forwards in a week or so. Do you know if your babe is head-down yet?

DF was a great help this weekend! He got a wee bit snappy because I was apparently micro-managing his tasks. I was just reminding him about things :haha: Will you be able to rope DH into vacuuming under supervision? :)

Aleeah - Hehe, i'm glad i'm not alone in my cleaning craze. I'm washing a ton of clothes as well - I love the smell of them in the house! RE: getting labour going - I read a review of all the different methods a few days ago and apparently nipple stimulation can start it off. There's a bit of a method to it apparently to mimic a baby suckling (sets off oxytocin production for breast feeding, which also starts labour contractions)...throw a bit of semen into the mix :haha: to soften the cervix and ta da! baby (hopefully?) :)...Good luck love! I can't wait to see your little one! X

Blue - are you still unwell chicken? x

Alt - Thinking of you X

Afm - We're off on our holibags tomorrow - it's meant to rain apparently (thanks scotland for always being predictable). So, I expect we'll spend a lot of time reading in our tipi/yurt and eating beans...and of course, weeing in buckets. Romance is very much alive. X
Hey ladies

I am feeling a lot better getting to go home on Sunday!! :dance: my 20 week scan is Wed! Dons is over for a week to get some stuff done and organised. We bought a new car too! Its all go. Baby moves all the time and it's great!!

I am too lost to catch up fully with all the posts! Aaaarhh I'm on the phone and its A pain! !

Alt- I hope your ok and hope its just a bit of spotting ! :hugs:

Aleeah!!!!- your soooo close im sooo jealous! !! I hope you go soon !! Hope it all goes well when you do too!!

Linny your so close too ! Are you on mat leave yet! Hope you enjoy your hollybags!

Crys- charts looking good! How are you?

Sara -how are you doing did your injections work will you try them again?

Teacup ! Whens your scan hon? Will you find out sex ? We are debating it all the time so think we have gone with if we can then we will.

Sorry for crappy comment I cant catchup well my memory is terrible and ive left it too long too haha! Xxx
Hello ladies,

How is everyone? My DH asked me a question that I would like you ladies to give your opinion on. He asked would I let him do a At-Home Insemination Kit. I haven't giving him an answer yet, I responded with I will let him know. Do any of you ladies know anything about this?
Aleeah!! Honey, good luck! I hope that baby decides to make their arrival soon! So very excited for you.

Ladies, your support means so much to me. Thank you for your kind words and your positive thoughts.

The red clotty spotting stopped Saturday, but the brown spotting is ever present and has been for over 2 weeks. We'll see what happens - my head won't allow my heart to be too hopeful. I feel like I've spent more time saying goodbye to this baby than I have celebrating his life.

Thank you again. You are all so lovely!
Alt, I'm so sorry hun, I really hope it's not what you think and that your gummy bear is still going strong! Sending lots of hugs your way :hugs:

Sara, the "woombie" looks great! I've got a different style (with velcro on the flaps to hold the arms in) - iit was a big challenging to wrap him up the first few tries as he squirms a lot, but seems to work well now (especially as he's been mouthing his hands the last week or so and I can swaddle him with his hands out). I think cramps at 8 dpo are a great sign! Fingers crossed! Anymore symptoms?

LL, I think you should just keep sleeping on your days off :) You'll miss that sleep in a few weeks, lol. I can't imagine how lovely it would feel to sleep through the night again! I had "LC" near the end too ;) The acupuncturist told me it was baby engaging and said it was a good sign. Where did you get the mesh/breathable swaddle blanket? I've been wondering about that in the summer as it's been pretty warm the last few days and I don't want him to overheat. I don't find it too awkward breastfeeding in public. Many public buildings have breastfeeding rooms which are great, sometimes I sit in the car with the breastfeeding cover, hasnt' been too much trouble. Especially now that he's become much more efficient at eating (only takes about 20 mins vs an hour before).

Bright, beautiful photos! Looks like you have a great trip!! I'm jealous too :) I don't know much about at home insemination kits. I would think if you're DTD the swimmers would be getting to the right place anyway...

Crys, your chart is looking good, there's a nice big dip at just the right time ;)

Linny, glad you managed to get your post through! I also type them in notepad and then transfer them over - I've lost big long posts one to many times, lol. I hope you have an amazing time on your trip, even if there's lots of rain :) I`d love to see some photos when you`re back! I wasn`t checked for position until he wasn`t coming down as expected. The doctor tried to reposition him but couldn`t do it safely so it was a c section for me - I guess sometimes they can reposition? That's really interesting about 6 - 12 being the most intense time for babies wanting to feed. Rowan used to cluster feed every evening between those times so it all makes sense :) He doesn't cluster feed anymore, but if he's going to be fussy, it's pretty much always in the evening.

I had a laugh about you "micro managing" your DF's tasks, lol. My hubby continues to say (since baby arrived) that I am micromanaging him.... I'm not... just offering "helpful tips", lol.

Aleeah, lovely to hear from you! I hope baby decides to make his appearance soon!! (yep, I'm officially guessing boy ;) ). I do think accupuncture helped get my body ready for labour. Hopefully the stretch and sweep will work and LO will be here very soon!!

Blue, so glad to hear you're feeling better!! How exciting that your 20 week scan is coming up soon :) I agree with Aleeah, that was my favourite one - baby is big enough that there is lots to see, and small enough that you can actually make out what body part you're looking at.

AFM, the sleep is getting even better! Rowan slept for 6.5 hours last night, I fed him, he went back to bed and is still asleep now (at 10:30 am) - I've had breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, gotten dressed, and now typed a big long post and he's still sleeping, I'm not sure what to do with myself, lol. I am definitely sold on this swaddle blanket thing... not sure what I'll do when he gets too big for it, lol
Aleeah - How lovely to hear from you another time before baby arrives! Do you still think it's a girl? That is funny about your hubby's overzealous massage on your ankles, but at least you know he's as anxious to meet your LO as you are! :winkwink:

Your 4 am wake-up sounds a bit ridiculous, but I'm glad you're able to get back asleep eventually. That definitely doesn't sound like a bad thing to be finding an excuse to go for a walk every day! I always find it extremely frustrating to be missing 1 key ingredient every time I try a recipe, though! I'm glad you're finding plenty to do on your time off. How long will you get after baby is born?

Good luck as you enter your final days before labour! Hopefully you won't go -too- overdue! You might as well try all the old tricks to induce labour, such as the other girls mentioned or eating spicy foods! I've heard you should NOT try castor oil, though!

Linny - I maybe could ask for more appts if I wanted, but I suppose with nothing going wrong there's probably no point. I'll be sure to check my own blood pressure from time to time, etc, just to make sure everything is on track.

My baby has been head down since we had the 20-week scan...and as far as I know she is still head down, or at least that's what my dr figured at my last visit. It seems quite consistent with movement I've been feeling and I have no reason to believe she's turned. So thank goodness baby has been cooperative on that front throughout! I hope your baby moves so she isn't on her side anymore!

Hopefully I can get DH to vacuum soon although he is working lots of OT this week. I actually followed your advice and started leaving him "helpful notes" around the house asking him to do things. He actually said he preferred it to my nagging and so far he's been pretty good about it although he isn't always complying to my timelines. :haha: I'm glad your DF was helpful on the weekend. Of couuurse you weren't micromanaging! :winkwink:

How exciting that your holidays are starting tomorrow! Does this mean we won't hear from you for a couple weeks? How long are you going for again? Also, how did you suddenly become almost 37 weeks? I am so shocked!!! Does this mean your Due Date is now July 2nd? Did they move your due date at some point, because I had a later one recorded! Enjoy your holiday and peeing in a pot and all that. :winkwink: Stay comfy!!!!

Blue - Wonderful about your 20-week scan coming up. Can't wait to hear about it!

Bright - I know this has caused some anxiety amongst people who have used the at-home kits and sometimes it could be unnecessary as the kits aren't as accurate as going to your doctor. I would tread carefully!

Alt - So sorry you're in such a scary limbo land lately. :hugs: I know it's impossible to feel too hopeful at this point. I really hope everything's ok. Keep us posted.

Lindsay - I got my mesh swaddle blanket at a lovely store called West Coast Kids in Edmonton. However, I checked the Babies R Us website and looks like they have some breathable swaddling blankets as well.



They aren't the same as what I got but I'm sure they work just as well. Not sure if there are any that swaddle the arms as well (which mine does). I'm sure they must be somewhere! I've also heard that anything muslin is perfect for summer weather.

I'm so glad Rowan's sleep is improving and that you were able to have a productive morning while he slept today! How lovely! I'm excited to hear the swaddle blanket works so well! Does it not work to swaddle him in a normal blanket because he wriggles out too easily?

Sara - I'm also curious if you've had more symptoms and when you might start testing?

AFM - Nothing new to report. Baby is extra active again the last little while which I love. I still have yet to feel any 'pain' when she kicks me so that's nice! I am back at work from my holidays today but despite what I expected, the world didn't end or anything, and I'm surprisingly not having a bad day. :winkwink:
LL - I would only allow him to place it around and on the cervix no insertion to cervix or uterus. Thanks for your response.

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