Alt - I'm so sorry, I'm still hoping this isn't what you think it is and that you and gummy will be ok. I'm praying for you

Linny - I did have to laugh a lot at your posts, I've enjoyed reading them, as vague and random as they seemed!!

I did think if they can moderate you for waffling I'd never be able to post on here!!!

I'm glad you finally got your posts in though, I learnt the notepad trick a while ago, for some reason my laptop would click the back button if my phone went off!! So I kept losing my mammoth posts, so I now type them in notepad first!
I'm loving all the cleaning, my husband had to tell me I was losing it when I told him I was going up early last night at 9.30pm. He said for an early night and I said no to get some more cleaning in so I can sleep better...!

Maybe we should set up our own cleaning company, we could dictate what our employees need to do and not lift a finger!!

Teacup - How exciting you and Blue have your 20 week scans coming up real soon! I remember mine so clearly, I've had so many scans this pregnancy but my 20 week scan is the one I remember so clearly, the baby is at such a cute stage and size, enjoy it, I'm jealous!! Will you find out the gender?

Lit - I hope your maternity leave comes around quickly. I thought I'd have nothing to do but am managing to get all sorts in. I seem to forget something important for dinner everyday, so it's become a daily thing for me to go for a walk to the local shops and pick up the missing item. Hubby thinks I do it on purpose now just so I can go for a walk, guess there's worse things I could be doing!! It's nice having the freedom with not much on the agenda.
I too am very jealous of your free massages, I got hubby to massage my pressure points on my ankles yesterday to try and induce labour and he ended up bruising me, silly man!!
Not long left for you now either, you must be so excited about meeting your little girl!! I can sympathize with the lack of sleep, I've now just got used to getting up at 4-5am pottering around the house for an hour or 2 and then going back to bed, it's a daily routine that now the cat's even waiting by my bed at 4am everyday!!

Crysshae - How are you? You know me, love a bit of chart stalking, your chart looks to be looking amazing, could that be implantation dip? I certainly hope so, fingers and toes crossed for you

Brighteyez - Your photo's look amazing, I'm so envious!! You look like you had the most amazing time, you totally deserve it

Lindsay - I love seeing posts from you because I love seeing your gorgeous little man in your profile pic!! He's just too cute!

I'm impressed he's sleeping through so well already. And we don't have a swaddle blanket yet, it's so warm here at the moment (well I find it warm being pregnant!) but I will definitely look to invest in one after hearing the good stuff from you and Sara xx
Sara - Cramps at 8dpo are such a good sign, I had tonnes of cramps with this one at what would have been around the same time but I put it down to AF coming (as I hadn't had one following the m/c) but apparently not. I want this for you so bad, really hoping this is your month

Sabster - I'm sorry you didn't get the results you expected but please don't be disheartened I think the chances of your baby having anything are still really slim. I can imagine your fear and anxiety over the situation though and hope they can give you an answer sooner, just hang in there, thinking of you and bean

Kim - How are you?

Blue - I hope the sickness has let up and you're enjoying the pregnancy a bit more? Are you excited about the impending 20 week scan? xx
LJsMummy - How's the pregnancy going?

AFM - Well I'm very much still pregnant, it now feels like I'm pregnant with an elephant!! I've tried everything to induce labour but I guess little bubba just isn't ready for exit yet. I've got a stretch and sweep booked for tomorrow and am dreading being told I'm nowhere near labour and also dreading the procedure itself. Currently only 2 days overdue but it feels like a lifetime as I was certain baby would come last week. Any tips or advice is most welcome... sure I know rest up and relax it'll happen when it happens but that's much easier said than done!! xxx